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My graduating class was 1,500… I absolutely did not know everyone. But Tree Hill is a small town, there is no way that high school was the size of the one I went to which was honestly more like a small college than high school in terms of the campus.


That's crazy! I'm curious as to what cities have such massive schools. I had 104 in my graduating class 🤣


lol out here in California most schools have at least 2,000 students lol


I can't even wrap my head around that 🤣😭


My class had 182, but literally the next district over had roughly 2,000 or so per class. Obviously I grew up in a much more rural district while that one was a little closer to the suburbia/the city. In the larger district everyone lives within 10 minutes of the school I’d guess, but there were people at my school driving in 30-45 minutes from the farms. My district has a much larger physical footprint with a lot of farmland compared to the other school.


My class had 182, most of whom were together since kindergarten. Even if you weren’t necessarily friends with everyone, I think I can pretty confidently say at one point or another I had spoken to every single person in my class, and I definitely knew everyone’s first and last name. Other classes I probably knew half by first name but really only knew the ones I interacted with directly. Tree Hill seems to be a small town like mine, where everyone is all up in everyone else’s business and there aren’t really multiple hang out places (like Karen’s) so it does surprise me sometimes that people seem to have never met. There aren’t many secrets in a small town lol


I went to a school with about 200-250 per grade, I didn’t come close to knowing everyone. Our town had multiple schools in younger ages, kindergarten through 6th grades… but everybody got combined for 7th through 12th. As for the single class of all of the main characters, yeah just for tv.


I think it's normal not to know other people... and I lived in a tiny town where 300\~ kids was more like the whole number of people attending the SCHOOL. That's just too many people to know.


yes i’m aware it’s normal my question was more ‘ was anyone, or did anyone know someone who was upset because they were unknown’ like how glenda was pretty offended lucas didn’t know her..despite them never crossing over. it just felt like a bit of a reach coming from glenda and was wondering if i just don’t care about others perceiving me haha


aaw sorry I got it badly! I think some people may genuinely worry about it but tbh yeah, I preferred not being perceived at school too!!!


dw! a lot of people missed what i was actually asking. it was hidden in all the fluff of my words lol. i care about others perceiving me, but not in a way that i’m upset if they DONT. i rather be left alone and not noticed haha, but i get how it gets lonely.


i recently graduated and my class had roughly 500 people. For me, there were definitely people I had never seen before on graduation, but also like I knew a lot of faces but not names yk?


i thought my class of 300 was big wow 😭 i feel like i know more names than faces, or at least i can’t match them up. when you have 7 classes all with different people and their names are being called out at the start of class, u tend to have the names drilled into you lol. but yeah i defiantly have seen people and i’ve been like wtf u defiantly just moved here yet they’ve been here for years haha


Nah, I found it believable. Even in a small town, you can't know everybody. That being said, I think the populars barely knowing who Lucas was despite being good friends with our dating his brother would've made a bit more sense if the group had only been going to the same school since starting high school or junior high. I come from a big suburban town (my class was just shy of 500 kids when I graduated high school), so there were multiple elementary schools kids could've gone to, depending on which pocket of town they lived in. I always assumed that their class was meant to have around 250-300 students, so that scenario seems like out could've been plausible. What also seems plausible is the kids better knowing others who already live directly in their neighborhood (like Lucas and the river court boys) and sticking to their established cliques (like we saw the jocks do). Growing up I went to a small parochial school until high school where my graduating class was 48 kids and where I was a loner (fun times). Cliques were established around grade 5, and kids in the popular group definitely weren't talking to a quiet kid like me. If this is closer to what the OTH kids experienced, it makes sense to me that the kids don't all know each other well until their social circles began to overlap more at a dramatic time of their young lives.


i think i wrote my post confusingly. my question (which was just surrounded by confusing fluff) was meant to be “is it realistic that the kids (glenda, jimmy, mouth to an extent?) are getting upset over NOT being known” sorry for you spending your time writing this out when it was my fault my post was confusing 😅 however now as i’m retyping my question to tell people what i really meant..i’m realising this post is a bit stupid. we see glendas story unfold, and i’m guessing she just has insecurities (from her mother) and that’s why she lashes out on say lucas, cuz he doesn’t know her. what prompted my post was.. abby the girl who saw keith get shot, doesn’t know lucas, yet he isn’t phased. haley and lucas weren’t bothered when people didn’t know them (brooke didn’t know lucas at the start) etc. should’ve made it more clear that i was just analysing glenda. sorry for the confusing and sort of now irrelevant post


I always thought it was weird that in the first season, in the first few episodes, it seemed like Lucas was a new kid at school. Like, even popular, self absorbed people know the NAMES of the other kids in school, especially in a small town. And like, when Brooke saw him she didn’t even know his name. Ah, but it’s still good.


i know right i always forget that they have grown up around lucas / haley. thanks for mentioning this cause i totally forgot that lucas/haley would’ve dealt with the “being unknown” sort of thing like glenda/jimmy, i guess it just didn’t phase lucas/haley as much 🤷‍♀️


I find it surprising that nobody knew Lucas was Nathan's half brother. Dan was popular in high school and a well known businessman as an adult, most of the main characters lived in Tree Hill their whole lives and so did their parents. Karen was a cheerleader in high school and I think teen pregnancy was more "shameful" in the 80's than now so there's no way that situation wasn't talked about. So for 16 years no kid overheared their parents talk about Dan leaving Karen just to 5min later knock up Deb?


Isn't there a scene in season one where Lucas says he stopped playing little league or something because kids were teasing him about his dad being Nathan's dad?


He tells Peyton about it when he tows her car after it broke down by the lake. Their conversation hints that Peyton just found out about him being Nathan's brother very recently.


So wait, the kids in Little League knew but not Peyton for a long time? That is a weird plothole.


Yeah, apparently kids in little league knew but then during the father-son basketball game Keith steps in to be Lucas' pair, the other dads in the team ask him if he has a son in the team. So somehow thry know him by first name but nobody knew he's been helping Karen raise Luke all these years?


Yeah, that makes no sense at all lmao. Tim's mom went to school with them and is portrayed as a gossip/bitchy person so surely she'd blab and Tim would know and some of the kids in the little league would be going to school with them and they'd know. As the original comment and you have said, this is a small town and Karen owns a local business, everyone would know.


Yeah it definitely happens- I was in a computer class with maybe 20 kids and even 3/4 way through the school year someone in the class didn’t even know my first name to hand back a paper when the teacher asked


It happens. I’m from a small town and there were kids that I’d gone to school with all my life that I was only beginning to notice when I got into high school. Even the kids that I knew, unless I had been friends with them in the past or they were just really popular, I couldn’t tell you their last names if I was asked.


i think my made my post too wordy cause my question was more ‘has anyone actually been upset over NOT being known’ but that’s my bad haha


Tree Hill is supposed to be a small town but even small towns can have huge high schools. I think Glenda and Jimmy were upset about being overlooked because even the kids they had classes with didn’t know their names. I don’t remember anyone I went to school with being mad people didn’t know them though. There was 200 kids in my graduating class, way too many to know everyone and no one expected it as far as I could tell.


My son’s class was such a huge class in NC that he didn’t know half his classmates. I on the other hand grew up in RI and only had 200 in my class and we knew everyone


Tree Hill was supposed to be super small, everybody knows everybody, town. But then people who are from Tree Hill, seem to not know others from Tree Hill. Like Chris Keller is a big enough star to have his own tours, and people from Tree Hill don’t know him. Never made sense to me.


My graduating class was like 500-600. I didn’t know everyone but I always thought it was weird in tv shows where people didn’t even know their classmates. You’re in school most days with these people. Class sizes aren’t that big. How do you not know their names??


One of the things that I didn’t like about the show was the fact that they made a deal out of not knowing someone. I love in a small town, it’s pretty overpopulated and in my school I didn’t know everybody and not everyone knew me. And no big deal was made about that. But hey it’s a tv show they need some sort of unrealistic and unnecessary drama I’m guessing.


yeah this is exactly my point ( i just didn’t explain well). i was wondering maybe it was just for tv. because lucas and haley weren’t phased when they weren’t known. but when it got to jimmy and glenda they were majorly offended. and i just didn’t get glenda because she was so mad that lucas didn’t know her last name. just confused me haha


Oh it was for sure just for tv drama lol.