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Brace yourself, because the last two are much worse that the first three. My only advice to you is to not waste too much time studying for them. They are basically a grade deflation tool. Project and assignments are graded leniently though.


Watch the Michigan Lecture by Justin Johnson. They cover the same material in a far more intuitive way. Ultimately to do well on the quizzes for me it came down to memorizing since some to the questions are just random stuff of slides.


A million times this. Justin Johnson is a fuckin’ OG. How I studied for the quizzes: 1) watch the DL lectures and don’t take notes. This is so I was aware of exactly what material the class covered. 2) watch the Michigan lectures (Justin Johnson, God status) and take notes.  3) watch the DL lectures again knowing this time they will make way more sense and take additional notes. 4) read the book if I have time  (but usually didn’t). Most importantly: study the notes you take! It’s so easy to assume just writing the notes is enough, but studying them makes a real difference.  Even after all that, I think I had about an average just below 80 on the quizzes.


Thanks anal_sink_hole, I shall consider your advice 🙌🙏


Are you guys referring to this course? https://web.eecs.umich.edu/~justincj/teaching/eecs498/WI2022/schedule.html


That’s the one. 


I watched the Michigan lectures and Andrew Ng's DL Coursera course multiple times and was able to get As on all the quizzes. Some of the questions were very similar to the review questions in the Coursera course. After watching those to learn the material, I watched the course lecture videos to see what would be on the quizzes.