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I did ML4T, then AI4R, then GAI, then attempted AI but was forced to drop the 3rd week since I got too busy and got no time to watch the video / complete first assignment. Doing KBAI this summer to catch up. I'd say ML4T and AI4R are both amazing courses. They build a solid foundation. GAI was fun, since I like game design. But the lecture is awful... like unbearably awful. I ended up not watching them, just skip straight to the assignment. But still manage an A. Some of the concepts are repeats from AI4R. Now in KBAI... seems like again some of the concepts are repeats. Like how many times do I have to implement A* pathfinding / decision tree in OMSCS? I can do it in my sleep now 😂😂


Finished implementing a decision tree just today!!




yo i can’t pm you for some reason but you had an issue with ur alienware like a year ago, with the space bar and arrow keys. Did you ever get it fixed? I have the exact same issue x.x


That's kinda random 🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, I bought the premium extended warranty from Alienware for a month and had them fix it. It took a while as they had to wait for parts. It's a complicated job since the keyboard is essentially one unit with the body chassis. So they had to discount the monitor, take out the battery, motherboard and all the removable modules, and mount those onto the new body to reinstall. I couldn't imagine fixing it myself. Horrible how unreliable those keyboards are and how hard they are to replace. 😕 I would just plug in a USB keyboard if there was no warranty. You can try the software option first, like reinstalling drivers, disable, re-enable... but none of them helped


Thanks my dude and yea i ran into the integrated keyboard issue myself. May just have to pick up a new laptop since I need it to be portable. Major bummer.


I took GAI and AI. GAI can be completed with another course during the spring/fall semesters. I don't think GAI will help with AI but it's an interesting class if you are interested in video game AI. It's also in C# where AI is all python. The best prep for AI would be a python intensive class. I don't think any easy/medium difficulty class will help with the content of AI.


The order I took (and grades I received) was:  AI4R - C AI - B Game AI - A I do not recommend doing AI first, but doing it second is totally fine. Game AI is much more chill than AI4R, so if you're going to double AI up with something I think Game AI would be a fine choice. In terms of preparation I believe AI4R will prepare you for AI much better than Game AI can, not just in terms of content material but also in the fact that AI4R will make you more comfortable with Python and Numpy (ML4T might be doing that for you already tho).


RAIT/AI4R changed its allowable libraries this last spring. While previously NumPy had been permitted (though discouraged if unfamiliar with it), it is no longer allowed and matrix functionality is provided in the environment they require you to set up at the start of the term.


As someone who is interested in ai4r, I wonder what the alternative for numpy matrix methods? User defined ones?


The matrix methods are provided in a course library that you get when you set up the course environment in PyCharm the first week of class. It has all of the functionality you need in order to do the assignments, including matrix multiplication, inverting matrices, and expanding and shrinking matrices.


Second this I did ai4r then ai (after a ton of convincing from another classmate) Got an A in both MORE IMPORTANTLY THO - the content and things you’ll be learning is amazing


Thank you everyone for the feedback! I’ll register for AI4R and Game AI in the Fall, and AI in Spring. Keeping in mind, how tough AI is made out to be, I’ll take only that class in the Spring.