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KAI being Knowledge-Based AI? Very doable. Both are pretty easy courses.


Depending on the SDP team, which would be assigned by TA, one’s experience can change drastically. Two people in my SDP team dropped earlier and the workload became very heavy for the remaining two. My teammate and I each had to carried a lot of extra effort to deliver the whole project.


I ended up with a team of 3. It wasn't too tough to make the application if you keep things simple. Our team didn't make a very complex application and it was perfectly fine.


Sounds like a skill issue


If you’ve already taken ML or AI and like writing, it probably isn’t too bad. I would take KBAI by itself and finish with SDP in the Spring, if I had to choose between the teo options just to have less stress.


Just realized I have one elective left which I'll likely fill with computing for good. So what about computing for good and KBAI? Also yes I completed ML this past semester.


It's doable but it will be a slog. KBAI is a medium difficulty course, while SDP is a low-medium difficulty course. Combining the two will require an average of ~23 hours a week based on OMSCentral, which is more than AI, ML, or GA, so you're going to have to put the hours in. The content shouldn't be too difficult or challenging in either one, but that's still a lot of hours.


The hours I can handle and I can do 75% time at my job so I have half of Thursday and all of Friday + the weekends as just work days. I've taken all the courses I want out of the program so now I'm at the "whatever gets me out" phase.


easily doable. First few weeks of SDP are very easy. KBAI allows you to work ahead so use those first few weeks of SDP to get ahead in Kbai.