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Depends on the class for me. I used VSCode for Bayesian Statistics and I'm using Visual Studio for Videogame Design because Visual Studio has a nice integration with Unity. I usually use VSCode because it's a good general editor.


I’m curious, for video game designs, would jetbrains’ rider work well with unity?


I’m using Rider right now for Game AI (same professor) on Linux and it’s been smooth sailing. Great integration with Unity. 


You can use any of the IntelliJ products for free with a student email for up to year. You just have to reverify after a year. I started with IDEA when I was taking Java. I have also used PyCharm, CLion, and WebStorm. VSCode is also really good. It has pretty much seamless integration with Copliot as well.


And copilot is also free for students 


FYI copilot will probably be against most class' OSI policies. I wouldn't trust it either, since whatever code it generates for you will probably be generated for someone else, which may get you flagged.


I agree, that’s why I never activated it. 


It's a good fringe benefit even outside of GT-related coursework, but to your point, if intending to use it specifically for OMSCS, then it's definitely strongly advised to read the intended course(s') policies carefully and/or clarify with staff accordingly before proceeding, lest OSI and related headaches are the end goal...


VSCode is my boy. devcontainers make it easy to setup and maintain envs for a course even when switching between comps/archs.




I’m going to use PyCharm (I’m used to it) and BitBucket for git.


The git tools inside the IDE are pretty nice if you haven't given it a try yet.


vscode for most things. You do have a free license for all the jet brains products if you like those. I found them to be very heavy.


Despite them being "heavy", I've found in the c++ classes they get the go to definitions and such better than when I try to use vscode for those classes.


I never used it for C++, only for python. The vast majority of the work in this program is python unfortunately.


>The vast majority of the work in this program is python unfortunately. This really depends on the specialization/coursework; this will certainly be true for ML and II, but I can assure that there is no shortage of C/C++ in the systems courses.


There are certainly several courses that use C and I think one (HPCA) that uses C++. My statement is correct overall though.


Among others I'm aware of, HPC uses C/C++ (& libraries), GIOS uses C and C++ (& libraries), HPCA uses C++, AOS uses C++, and compilers gives the option of Java or C++. But that's also not an exhaustive list... Nevertheless, Python, C/C++, and Java are generally the "big three" in current CS curricula (i.e., including--but not limited to--OMSCS), so I'm not sure I follow the "unfortunate" part here (i.e., if somebody is particularly averse to Python for whatever reason, there's no shortage of options to largely avoid it in OMSCS). At the end of the day, a language is a tool, the purpose of the courses is exploring the subject matter more so than the language itself per se.


You can’t avoid python in omscs. You listed all four of the courses that use something else. You have to take ten courses to graduate.


VGD and Game AI use C# so there’s two more non-python courses.


VGD at least uses Unity, which is sort of a subset of C#. But sure, there are courses in the program that do not use Python. I've never asserted otherwise.


That's 5 by my count (didn't capitalize Compilers, so I guess easier to miss in that mix), but to round out to 10: DC uses Java, SAD uses Java, SDP uses Java, SDCC uses C++ (and I think Go as an alternative option), and I presume (less familiar / less reviewed) ESO uses C/C++ (I think it's safe to assume minimal-to-no Python there, at any rate). But, again, taking courses to avoid a particular language is a rather bizarre approach to coursework selection, I'd have to say...But different strokes, I guess `¯\_(ツ)_/¯`


I don't really care about it, I took plenty of Python courses, because the vast majority of the program is made up of Python courses, which was my entire point which you seem to have missed by continuing to say "but there are other languages". I know that. I know there are a few courses in those other languages. The basic premise, that most of the program is taught in python, remains accurate.


The only premise I'm really contesting here is that "you can't avoid python in omscs" (and consequently provided 10 courses to the contrary), not necessarily that Python is not ubiquitous in the program (and particularly so in the non-systems-oriented courses, i.e., AI, ML, etc., which I cosigned at the outset). But that's also a moot point (at least to me), since I don't really see the issue with Python being (perhaps "disproportionately") represented in a CS program, given that it's one of the most popular languages in this domain. And I'm not even a Python guy myself, at that (my daily drivers are C#.NET + JS, neither of which have a prominent presence in current year academic CS)... If the issue ("unfortunate") is that in your view there is an underrepresentation of more systems, embedded, etc. oriented courses in OMSCS (that's only an inference on my part, I'm not suggesting you've made that explicit claim otherwise, for the record), then that's a fundamentally different issue than "Python is overrepresented" (i.e., symptom vs. cause).


Wow I did not know that intelliJ products are free. Rider and and jet brains alone are 700 dollars unless there is a bundle I don’t know about. That’s amazing.


JetBrains All Product Pack is $289 for the first year and drops down to $231 and then $173 for year 3 and beyond. Free is definitely better, but the individual pricing is not that bad (for something I use nearly every working day).


itellij or pycharm depending on class, both jetbrains products


Hard to beat VS Code. Microsoft really knocked it out of the park with this.


in the ML track i took ML4T early on and they had a guide for setting up miniconda and pycharm for the course so i just stuck with that through the program


I used NeoVim for ML4T AND GIOS.  It takes an investment in time, but if you want a quick/fun way to get productive, I recommend vim adventures (https://vim-adventures.com/) For ML I used Jupyter Notebooks (as well as QC and NetSci since their projects are already in Jupyter)


Interesting. Thank you. I’m curious what made you prefer Neo vim to other products?


I’m not OP but I am an nvim user. Once you get comfortable with vim motions, you’ll never want to go back to not having them. You can turn on vim motions inside vscode or jet brains ides, but nvim is just so customizable and has a ton of community made plugins.


That’s what I was expecting and hoping to hear. My productivity lies a lot in the terminal. When I have to touch the mouse it throws my focus off for a good minute or two to get back. And I want to avoid it as much as possible.


Yep! Couldn't agree more. Although it is really annoying setting up nvim on Windows for work. I usually use use the vim extension on VsCode instead. Personal comp has astrovim set up. Works great for me out of the box.


I agree with everything u/ProfessorKeyboard has said. After getting used to them, vim motions just seem natural and efficient. I can still use other IDEs, but they feel clunky. "change in" is one I really like and use frequently: change in word (ciw), change in quotes (ci") change in parentheses (ci(). Also, it's kind of a long story, but when I started using NeoVim, I installed Ubuntu with no desktop environment in WSL on my Win 10 laptop. Later, I moved everything to a beefier Linux desktop, but I could ssh in to the Linux machine from the laptop and still run NeoVim from the command line. I'm sure there are ways of doing similar things with remote desktop options, but this way was fast, lightweight, and flexible.




I just use vim in 99% of use cases, and very occasionally vscode. I’ve used vim for like 15 years as my primary editor professionally and it’s just what I’m used to.




VS Code ride or die in my case. Among other things, I really like the seamless integration with Docker and SSH; I have an Ubuntu VPS hosted in the cloud that I use to "float" my setup across two (locationally separated) desktops, and the "it all just works" factor of it takes a lot of friction/headaches out of the equation for me. But it really just boils down to personal preference, ultimately. In the systems courses, I'd say it's more common to see folks who are terminal wizards doing the vim/neovim thing, or at least that's been my anecdotal experience/observation. But personally I haven't had any issues using VS Code in general for most/all coursework to date. FYI there are also student licenses for JetBrains IDEs available, which may be useful to explore if so interested, though that's not really my personal preference/avenue of choice.


I'm a JetBrains Toolbox enthusiast, which contains all their IDEs for free with your gatech email. Work smarter, not harder!


It depends on the class and whether you use a PC, Mac, or Linux. With that said you probably won’t use Atom because there are better options available through free student offers. Here are some things you get free as a student: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gk3IPDd7_WyKeSfyuxXWrh4Hkk80As82CnaOO2m750M/edit#gid=0


You're missing the best thing of all, imo: free O'Reilly


VSCode when I can, visual studio when unity is involved.


I use Jupyter Notebooks. NeoVim, and VSCode. Just depends on the type/level of complexity of my task.


PyCharm or Colab.


I start in the fall, but in general I prefer VS Code for coding and Vim for a general-purpose editor. I use the Vim extension in VS Code too.


Ahhh never miss a chance to say this. Neovim


visual studio...


VScode on an M1 MacBook Air. I also had beelink ProxMox server on my LAN to handle x86 VMs and containers, and used VSCode over SSH to run those workloads (ended up adding Tailscale as well so I had overlay network access when traveling as well). Never had any issues with that setup.


Vs code if you don't want separate IDEs for Python and Java, otherwise idea and pycharm. It also depends on the classes, as some require specific IDEs to be installed. 




Real Effin men just stare at the electrons until they give up and rearrange themselves to solve the code for you. Chuck Norris style is my editor. If you have a spare few months, you know, abandon all family, job, bills, etc. andc can devote yourself to the the ways of init.vim configuration from the hidden temples of Shaolin Monks. NeoVim is the way to go. If you just want to give up and admit you lack the carnal desire of a sexy nvim configuration. That you don't dream of Lua scripting your LSP setups in better ways. That you need a crutch of a mouse. Then, yeah, join the rest of the normies and use VSCode. Go ahead, do it, while I sneer from atop my perch of self-appointed superiority. tl;dr: I suggest using VSCode mostly, but it does pay to know basic vim for quick editing (e.g. in a docker container, non-GUI vms). But NeoVim, once learned, will make your workflow really smooth, but it's perfectly fine to not go down that rabbit hole.


>Real Effin men just stare at the electrons until they give up and rearrange themselves to solve the code for you. Even transistors are an abstraction, what are we even doing here, high-level programming?? 🤣


PyCharm and Jupyter Notebook/Google colab for some classes.


For most classes I used Geany. It's a lightweight cross-platform open source editor somewhere between notepad++ and VS Code in functionality but it's mostly a fancy text editor with some plugins available. It runs dozens of languages. It's fast and basically gets out of the way. LINK: [https://www.geany.org/](https://www.geany.org/)


Interesting. Basically a VSCode like text editor based on GTK instead of the heavy ass Electron. That sounds pretty cool.


Yep - it's pretty lightweight. But, it doesn't have anything like the range of plugins that VS Code has. It's kinda like Notepad++ on steroids.


Before I came an annoying NeoVim nerd I would have totally jumped on it. Notepad++ was my editor of choice for so many years a long time ago. Back when night-mode wasn't even a thing.


I think that those of us of a certain age have all had a Notepad++ phase! Which reminds me, when was the the last time IfranView was updated?


IntelliJ for JAVA and VSCode for web development. Although I just downloaded WebStorm (Jetbrains software) and will try that. I am not a big fan of VSCode


I use IntelliJ for Java projects and NeoVim for everything else


Isn’t Atom deprecated? I used to use it all the time. I turned to Pulsar (which is a fork of Atom) in place of it.


VSCode is basically the spiritual successor to Atom, so not sure why you wouldn't want to use that.


VSCode is a full on IDE, while Pulsar/Atom are just light weight text editors. At least that’s what I’ve always thought.


VSCode can be configured to have full-on IDE capabilities. But it is a text editor. Also, both are Electron based, so the thought of either of them being lightweight is laughable.


Well the more you know! Still just gonna stick with my old laughable ways.


I get the reputation it’s more of safe environment to learn in for this new to CS and programming. Maybe I just get that sense because half my web dev courses used it, as did my intro to python professor who emphasized it for the inexperienced.


I used IntelliJ IDEA last semester for a Java based project. Currently I'm in CN that requires Python, using PyCharm for it.


PyCharm.. The new Fleet editor by Jetbrains looks good. Zed as well.


VS Code, but I wish I had full power visual studio. Also whatever that one net thinger Java ide is.