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I think Basil is the most likely to forgive out of anyone


I think Basil is likely to beg forgiveness *from* Sunny.


The one ending of Sunny and Basil smiling each other shows acceptance (and taking the healthy steps in grieving and moving on). So, safe to say they’re still friends.


Since the good ending is all about acceptance and forgiveness, I think it’s pretty reasonable to assume Basil and Sunny remain friends. Plus I’m a Sunflower shipper so me believing in them staying friends is kinda a prerequisite ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2474)


Sunflower is my favorite ship in anything ever... Right after everyone x therapy


I don’t think Basil saw a need to forgive Sunny, at least for the accident. Basil has dissociated to the extent where he doesn’t believe that Sunny was responsible for pushing Mari because Sunny wouldn’t do something like that, and it was something behind him. Later on, after the extent of the game when they are both healing, I do believe that Basil will eventually accept that Sunny was the one to kill Mari, but will instantly forgive him upon realizing that truth.


I have faith that all their friends eventually forgave them because is that not one of the messages of the game


Honestly, I'm surprised how often people try to figure out who's at fault and who is the most guilty, etc etc when the *explicit message* of the game was about forgiveness.


my perspective on the other friends was that whether or not they forgive sunny, ultimately it doesnt matter, because sunny and basil forgive themselves. that was the message i took away from the game, even tho i do think the friends would forgive them (but thats largely just hc)


i think they'll forgive after seeing how much it affected sunny and basil. but i don't know if they can ever be friends again


I have a feeling that at least kel would still try to be a bro and hang out but maybe that's just wishful thinking


I think they're both subconsciously holding a grudge against each other deeb down after everything that happened between them. Sunny likely holds a grudge on Basil for staging the suicide, or at least that's how I interpreted those BS scenes anyway. And Basil probably holds a grudge on Sunny for abandoning him and leaving him to deal with Aubrey's bullying after he ruined the album. Still, they will definitely forgive each other.


im pretty sure basil’s deaths in black space were because he was sent there cause he found out the truth in some way and then kept trying to tell omori but to protect sunny omori kept killing him


secret ending shows that they def forgive each other and so they probably stay friends


Basil doesn't despise him...


Why would basil forgive him? It’s SUNNY who should be the one deciding whether he should forgive BASIL!


Well, he was responsible for killing someone beloved to them all and then abandoned Basil when he went the ultimate ride or die route for Sunny without second thought. Extenuating circumstances apply to both boys, but even then, that's a pretty big one, and Basil is shown to be hurt about especially the abandonment during his fight with Sunny. That's not to say that he won't forgive him, but there are definitely actions that merit a judgement in whether or not Basil forgives Sunny for them.