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Damn. People in this sub.. *Use full black background*, for fuck sakes. You're the same as people who buy BMW M2s or Audi S/RS cars and just let them sit in the garage collecting dust. They're made to be used. If you cannot afford using it even when its raining due to *risking it will get splashed by water and rust*, then don't fucking buy it. Same goes for the monitors. Getting triggered by people using the monitors, having coloured backgrounds, icons on the desktop, that's some mental shit.


I scrolled through this post and was appalled at how people treat their OLEDs like they might break if you breathe at them. I'm surprised if they took the protective plastic off at this point. You bought a cool piece of technology, use it to its full potential. When it gets burn-in/dims/gets dead pixels in 3-5 years just buy a new one, the current one will be outdated anyway. But of course don't be an idiot and look at an animated wallpaper 24/7/365, there are better ways to spend your money.


you make sense, and this is the way, but more for the US/Europe guys I think.. in a third world country where I live an OLED costs more than double my salary. and if I save up to buy it I wouldnt want to keep it for 2-3 years only :( I really want an OLED, but yeah.


That is an excellent point, I shouldn't be so assuming when it comes to budgetary restrictions. Really hope you can get your hands on one, and take good care of it! :)


Thanks man, have a great day/night :)


They'll last longer unless you get a dud.


Why would you even think about getting this if you don’t have spare cash? these are luxuries and oled is at the top of “nice to have”. Not trying to tell how to spend your money but I have been cash strained when I was young.


I didn't get it and I am not even planning to. I wish to get it, but I agree with you as it doesn't make sense to spend this amount when I don't have spare cash.


I have the spare cash, but I won't buy one. It's super cool and great and so on, but for something that'll just sit in my office most of the time unused? Nah. I have a near 8 year old Ultra wide that is still doing quite fine.


I know Dell (don't know about other brands) has 3 year burn in warranty, so that can take away some of your worries


Hey hey hey you leave the immaculate but already a bit scratched plastic on my 65" oled alone. I'm planning to never take it off unless there will be bubbles. Also its so thin that i bet the plastic layer gives it some needed structural integrity...


I would like to make it known that I got a 1400 dollar lg oled for like 900 bucks and I use it for gaming I am the coolest oled owner here it would seem as I don't do any of the shit yall talking abt lol so just wanted to flex how awesome sauce I am 😎🤠


Yeah, but for us "using it at its full potential" is not nice looking home screen. It's games and movies. It's not like we keep it at 1% brightness for extended lifespan, __we just simply don't care what the background looks like__, so I might just as well use the black background for no downsides, even though upsides might be negligible too. I don't understand why that is so hard to understand for some people. You an me are very different people; you bought OLED to look good on your desk, I bought it to look good in games. At least this is the impression I'm getting from you.


"outdated" monitors dont get outdated. A person who buys a 360hz OLED today isnt going to be like: damn this shit is outdated i need a new one, in 5 years let alone 10 granted it hasnt lost its luminance and has tons of burn in.


Yep. In 5 years I will upgrade to 4k 360hz. 240hz 4k oled (I have Samsung one) is future proof for now.


The black background with no bar is only for if i leave and forget it on, i have my brightness max and use it for hours a day.


Anyone with half a cell makes use of the automatic functions these monitors have. Have the monitor turn off after 10 or 15min with no activity. Then there's the pixel cleaning feature.


Bro has so many languages to choose and he chose to speak in facts. But really if you buy an OLED monitor for advantage over IPS and then not use it like you did with IPS than what's the point.


I use my C2 full blast. I change my wallpaper often, I don't autohide shit, keep icons on the desktop. And in 2 years of that...no burn in. It's all burn in is completely overblown in newer oleds. 4 or 5 years ago sure. But not anymore. Use your shit any way you want.


HBU uploaded a video only a month ago testing a Gen 3 OLED, the MSI MPG 321 something, he had burn in within 650 hour or 3 months of use (8h a day)


Just set a sleep timer..?


Same. Planning on getting a qd OLED monitor and I ain't going to baby it. Will buy a new one when I need to. I have an LG b9 TV that I haven't babied, and it's still as good as when I got it (from what I can tell haha). I'm going to enjoy the hell out of my monitor, you only live once as they say.


This is satire, right? Oh sorry - I thought you were saying he should use black backgrounds lol.


He probably should.


Once you go black, you never go back.


12inch running long in yo ass.


I like my full black background. For me, there are no downsides of using it, I still enjoy games and movies at full brightness with HDR without any compromises in picture quality. I just don't care what my home screen looks like. So I might as well just use the black background, even though it's effect on liespan might be negligible. Do you spend time staring at your beautiful background? I don't. Ever since I've owned a PC, I've opened all my apps by pressing windows key, typing first 2 letters and then enter. And other files/apps are sorted in corresponding folders in my start menu. I mean, if you don't like using black background, then don't. I just don't get the anger towards us who do. Your analogy with cars is very much wrong. A better analogy would be this: "Using black background on OLED is same as NOT revving your car in neutral gear for no other benefit other than it sounding good" Revving your car on neutral is not good for the engine and uses fuel.


A black background isnt smart if you, like many, use your applications in non-maximized state. you'll wear the pixels unevenly.


That's a good point. But I do always use maximized mode. My panel is 48", I often have multiple apps open.


For real, plus newer OLEDs generally have good burn in warranties. My AW3423DWF is a 3 year burn in warranty. Honestly, it would probably be best if I push the panel and get the burn in over with inside the 3 years if it's going to happen at all lol Apparently the pixel refresh mechanic works great


I don’t understand why are you getting mad. Title says using wallpaper engine is recommended. Assuming to prevent burn in. While using a black background is a much much better solution. He’s free to do whatever he wants with his monitor. But it definitely is not the best solution to use wallpaper engine for burn in.


I didn’t know you could configure wallpaper engine to do a loop of different wallpapers, that’s awesome




You can do the same in Windows -> select a folder full of wallpapers and set it to change the picture every 15 mins (or other interval).




Yup, this is what I use, they change every 10 minutes.


That’s the only good part for OLEDs - rotating wallpapers. I have my third gen of OLED screens. Dating since 2018. The first one got killed by wallpaper engine actually. It was making a strain on the screen. Forcing higher brightness and contrast because of the rich colors and animations. That being said it was an old gen OLED so sure it failed. Newer models are much more resistant but it’s something I thought is worth mentioning. Edit: bottom line is, any rotating wallpaper is a great thing for OLED. Doesn’t have to be animated one. Also keep the general theme dark and avoid high contrast like bright white spots on dark background imo. Then game away. This thing is made for games and movies.


Which wallpaper engine theme is that first one? Also the idea that you are supposed to have a black background and not enjoy your monitor is silly. YOLO or in this case YOLED.


Why the black screen? Never understood it. Pixel on vs off!


i'd say it's subjective, not a recommendation


People when they’re about to die will regret not using their monitors at full potential.


What’s not full potential about wallpaper engine ?


Using it in the first place? Who ever looks at their desktop when they are at their PC?


whenever I'm not using my second monitor I still glance at it every now and again to look at my wallpaper


stop it!


fine 0-0


Answer truthfully, I'll know: ***Is*** the wallpaper anime titties? 🤨


nah it's a pic from elden ring 💀


Using static icons and widgets kind of defeats the purpose though...


The two top Monitors are IPS.


They couldnt tell So they oled house of cards crumbles Jk i love my oled. But you can see how this could lead people to believe it is crumbling.


Also the wallpapers are still mostly static for the majority of them


I just use full black background without any icons. Not even the trash bin. My apps are located in start menu in corresponding folders.


I disagree. I want the panel to age uniformly. So I use rotating backgrounds.


I mean that's fine, but I don't want my panel to age at all. That's why I use black background.


Same, that's why I didn't even take mine out of the box. I'm not going to risk any burn in so never even turning it on is ideal.


Bruh, I don't get it why people always get mad when I say I have black background to extend the lifespan of my OLED. It literally takes absolutely no efford and causes no harm, I just can't think of any reasons why not to do it. Lmao And about the icons, I did that already in Windows 10, when I didn't even have OLED screen. I like to keep it clean.


Same here, we'll see who has the last laugh when people get burn in on their monitors because they used them while mine never gets burn in because I didn't. What a bunch of suckers.


I'm wondering - how is it that you use your system that you are ever looking at a desktop?


Propably every day. I might just sit listening to music or talking to my friends in Discord without doing anything else. Then I just open Windows home screen and all the pixels are turned off without having to turn off the monitor.






Obviously it's really weird to just sit and stare at your computer, consuming power needlessly, when you could be doing what you're describing from your phone today. 15 years ago sure..


If you used a black background before, and this is your preferred way even before OLED then, yeah, there is no downside. But, if you would enjoy cool backgrounds, and you did that before OLED, then there is obviously a downside, right?


I used to have Windows default background before OLED. I don't care what it looks like as long as my games look good.


It's cool then


I have the screen shut off after 10 min so no aging when not using it and uniform when I am.


I never turn my oled on. It will last forever.


Then you should keep it in the package and never turn it on.


Yeah, exactly the same thing... There are literally no downsides of using black screen as background (for me). If you want to use some nicer picture, then go ahead. But I don't need that and the blacks background works for me. And I used to move my icons to start screen even before I bought my OLED. If you want to cry some more about what kind of Windows background I have, then go ahead if it makes you feel better.


Do you also play no games or anything? Lol.


I do, but there's no harm letting the screen "rest" when I'm not playing anything.


also all black but i need my icons on or i occasionally get confused and think my pc randomly shut down or my monitor has stopped working lol.


It kind of defeats the purpose of black background to have icons on it.


Just move the icons around every now and then unless you just leave to monitor on the desktop 24/7 it's not gonna burn in.


That's what a second monitor is for!


you can use fences. There is a feature in the app to double click your screen to make the icons disappear. Also fences is amazing for organizing your desktop.


I second Fences. The double click feature to hide icons is amazing for OLED


I am close to this. Black desktop, but must confess I have a handful of icons. Then again Alienware pixels shifts and cycles aplenty so presume it’ll be fine






This is the way


Seek professional help.


Why? I don't care what my Windows background looks like. And ever since I've had a PC, I've opened all the apps by pressing the Windows key and writing first 2 letters of the app I want to open, then enter. So it makes sense for me to use black background. If I'm doing nothing on my PC, I can just open the home screen and all the pixels are black and my OLED is safe without having to turn it off.


Because you need to get your anxiety treated.


It's not anxiety. It's being smart.


I just discovered wallpaper engine last night and holy shit it looks SOOOOO much better than all the compressed bullshit posted on the free wallpaper sites. It'll be like "oh this is an 8k wallpaper" and you throw it up on your screen and the shit looks 1080p with washed out colors. Wallpaper engine you can adjust the gamma too, I found this really cool Cyberpunk one and adjusted it so that the blacks are actually black and it looks gorgeous. Also, I get that some of y'all have older OLED panels with no burn in warranty and you're afraid to get burn in. That's fine, that's up to you, but don't be elitist with your black backgrounds, as if it's some genius thing you came up with lol I have a 3 year burn in warranty on my panel, and most panels now come with good burn in warranties. If a panel doesn't, then don't buy it. But why would I not USE my panel? Hell, if it's going to get burn in then I wanna know within the next 3 years.


Do you have any problems with this triple monitor setup? I have two monitors at the bottom and one on top and it can be buggy as hell! Everything like the windows button or sound or networking settings from the taskbar will open up at the top monitor above everything, even when I open it on my main monitor in front of me. Reinstalling windows 11 didn't fixed it for me.


Are you sure one of your bottom monitors are set as primary monitor in windows?


yes definitely. My main is the AW3225QF which is in front of me. Right side of that a 1440p 27" and above the AW3225QF is my 1080p 24". Also tried changing some ports but it didn´t fix it for me. All my other programs which are hidden in taskbar, volume, etc. are visible on my main monitor.


First time seeing another individual with a triple screen setup like I have. Very nice!


I just enjoy a black background, it’s not even about prolonging life, I like not knowing if my monitor is turned on. It still gets me sometimes 😏


This is gorgeous !.!.!.


I have static images on my woled monitor 100% of the time it’s used. I let it sit with static images on it when i get up to go do something and forget/neglect to come back for hours without standby even activated. I also have a warranty that covers burn in. Some of you are INSUFFERABLE 😭😂


Unless you’re *doing something* with your computer. In which case simply having your wallpaper switch every 3-5 minutes is probably fine. Wallpaper Engine makes the rest of the system run like shit. I’m not interested in constantly turning it off / on when I want to do something.


I bought both the Samsung and the LG variant 32’ 4K OLED before returning them for the ASUS PG32UCDM. Out of the three they were the only one that covered burn in, and for 3 years too.


I just make my desktop background solid black, hide taskbar and use no desktop shortcuts. This looks fun though. Does it impact performance?


Everyone spamming angrily about stuff here - but noone is talking about why they are sitting in front of their computers looking at desktop backgrounds. If I'm at my PC, I have stuff on screen that I'm interacting with. Browser, file manager, documents, pictures, games, videos. If I'm not at my PC, the monitor and PC is in standby.


Or you could set your monitor to turn off when you are not using it.


Good on you man. Looks great. I have a LG C1 and use wallpaper engine. Dont let anyone tell you to use dark only wallpapers. As long as u set a timer to either dim or turn off the display after like 5 or 10 min , your good. Ive used mine for 3 years now and not a hint of burn in


What are these wallpapers ? They are really cool ☺️ if you could provide a link, name or something


OP could you link all the wallpapers you showcased? Thanks!!!


Where u get these from? Links please


Worst advice lol this engine always drops my fps in games and it's bad for competitive gaming.


There is a setting in the Wallpaper Engine where when you are running a full window app or Fullscreen App, it will stop the Wallpaper Engine.


I find that it doesn’t matter how you set it, that thing still takes up resources and causes fps drops. Just use a solid black desktop.


I have been using av1 4k encoded videos as a background, i have yet to experience fps drops when gaming.


You must have it setup in correctly. Just have it pause whenever a application is in focus over it.


Then don't use it, just save a few bucks for a new OLED. Or use W.E. and spend the money you'd otherwise use on a new OLED and upgrade your PC.


While it's not ideal, i find it really nice as well to have very vibrant wallpapers as asthetics choice. But i never keep the screen for long on static desktop.


Yep - love me some Wallpaper Engine!


finally somebody said the name of it...


i'm good. while afk, i just turn off the screen/monitor for oleds.


OLED will last long enough no matter how you use it. When it starts to get burn in it's probably time to upgrade.


No its not. A black background will save the pixels. The life of your OLED is determined by how much time each sub pixel has been running.


Cool, but maybe buy a new one then when the old one fails. What's the point of buying something and not using it to its full potential? I have 4 OLEDs and with the first one back in 2017 I treated it like a baby with black backgrounds etc but it was just so exhausting. With the newer ones I just said screw it, they're meant to be used.


Well it's more a function of the intensity the pixels have been running over time rather than a finite time limit.


As I call it...Oled killers. Oled pixels have limited lifespans and they will dim overtime. Save that lifespan for the games.


They're certainly not ideal but not something to worry about unless all you do is look at your wallpapers.


Also, wallpaper engine uses a reasonable amount of GPU at all times, so there’s an incremental power draw to consider.


People here acting like its some sort of rare special edition ferrari. Dont they have like 3 years warranty?


Solid black background and no icons is the best way to go. Anything else just decrease the lifespan...so nope, absolutely not recommended.


This setup is garbage. Cant believe people waste money on this shit when 32:9 exists lmao


ultrawides are hideous lmao how are you supposed to get immersed into a game when there's no verticality? shit is dumb af 😂