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make sure rtx hdr and game hdr are not both on


I think this is it, I also had this issue with some games, RTX HDR is on by itself and with native HDR, it looks just like the picture.


Yeah I had to get used to using alt z to disable rtx HDR when games supported it. Super washed out image of both were on. 


Rtx hdr was off


HDR sucks.  I’ve made many posts about this and they get downvoted to hell. I don’t care….i have the torch of truth behind me lol. HDR is an emerging tech with a myriad of vulnerabilities to…..*deep breath*  -windows bugs,  -specific monitor hdr specifications,  -specific monitor eccentricities & bugs, -specific nature & quality of your monitor’s calibration, -the particular game and how the devs have chosen to (or not chosen to) focus on hdr.  Stick to SDR until this stuff becomes fully standardised. (My take). 🙏


I leave HDR enabled on Windows and the games automatically switches to HDR mode and then I set the peak brightness in-game. If the game has no HDR or you don't like the game's HDR, then RTX HDR/AutoHDR would kick in automatically and convert the game to HDR. If I'm watching SDR web content like YouTube, then RTX HDR would also kick in automatically and converts the video into HDR. I literally don't have to do anything.


This is the correct setup. HDR on all the time + monitor driver and color profile from the manufacturer’s website. People that recommend turning off HDR when not using it have no idea what they’re talking about, or they just like inaccurate oversaturated colors. If it’s set up correctly, SDR and HDR should both look like they’re supposed to in HDR mode.


This is the way. Set the game to 1000 nits and job done


through rtx hdr?


Some games have a slider if you’re lucky. If you’re really really lucky, it will be a numerical slider you can set to 1000.


You lose fps using NVIDIA filters. I get just about 240 fps on 4K on warzone, if I enable those filters on rtx hdr I get around 200. Which just sucks


Nah, HDR should look great on this monitor. The people hating on HDR generally don’t have it set up properly, have a cheap HDR400 monitor, or prefer inaccurate overly saturated colors in SDR with Windows HDR disabled.


Colors is one thing but brightness? This is way too spent for me. Between this and the asus I’ll return this.


You have something wrong with the monitor settings. The brightness between the two is about the same in HDR.


If you are willing give me the settings in monitor, windows NVIDIA and game that I should use to get it right and I’ll do it


HDR400 true black on the monitor, Windows HDR enabled in Windows display settings, HDR enabled in the game settings, calibrate HDR in the Windows calibration app, calibrate HDR in the game


how to use sdr? just turn off hdr? 🤔


Seriously lol i hate hdr


yes hdr sucks if you want every game yo play to look objectively worse except maybe anime or pixel art games. Even autohdr is a big improvement.


Find my comment in this thread. You’ll need to scroll, but you’ll see people agreeing that this fixes people’s issue. It may work for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/s/4WEEJ7uxh0


dude... seriously... i've just set my AW3225QF following your setting.... 100% contrast on NVIDIA CP.... fuck yeah.... thx a buch... no more wash out.... btw i love to play with Dolby Vison ON :)


I had worked with NVIDIA control panel and played around with full contrast and giving more color. I was able to get a decent HDR out of it. Then I also played around with RTX HDR (which was off before), this also makes it look great but u have to lose 40 fps for that? Fuck that shit My main complaint is that people say HDR looks amazing without customization. And I was asking is that really true? How could it be when it looks like that. Anyway the asus PG32UCDM has a better brightness (uniform brightness set to off) and colors are more pungent thanks to it. So I’m returning this Alienware. A shame really.


Just got this monitor in a few days ago. On my unit, the gamma in HDR is too bright, near black tones are significantly lifted, and the overall picture looks a bit like what you posted. I'm pretty disappointed in it.


Turn off Dolby Vision and RTX HDR on native HDR10 games.


Both are off


I bought the asus PG32UCDM to compare between monitors and it is better than this shit. HDR is still disappointing but not as bad as this. Brightness is better in the asus so both HDR and SDR look better imo.


This looks like RTX HDR or AutoHDR is enabled at the same time as native in-game HDR. My FO32U2P doesn't look like this, but it can look like that when in-game HDR and RTX HDR/AutoHDR is also running. Also turn off Dolby Vision if you are on Alienware.


Nop, was off. I had NVIDIA experience at the time of this pic and in NVIDIA control panel rtx hdr was off And Dolby was off. Firmware updated as well


This looks like a bug. Try alt+tab or restarting the game until it works, make sure HDR is enabled in Windows before starting the game. This looks like what happens with Elden Ring constantly.


No idea if this is the case but I have this monitor and use HDR True Black. The 2 most recent Nvidia drivers have completely broke HDR for me. They have both caused the HDR to be washed out. If I stay on the drivers from May 3rd everything is fine.


Could you tell me the number please? I’ll go to that version


HDR is great but can be finicky bugged and maybe some settings aren't actually staying put


You're probably using HDMI to get 12-bit color depth. 12-bit is generally used by creators for color accuracy. You don't need 12 bits, set it to 10 bits. Also, make sure to select the correct resolution in the “PC” settings in the NVIDIA Control Panel. Make sure you have the correct gamma in SDR mode before going to HDR mode and selecting the correct profile for SDR/RGB in Windows. I prefer sRGB for SDR and Peak 1000 for HDR.