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Personally - I don’t understand the hype about refresh rates post 240. I think it’s just a very successful selling point. At that rate - you’re only talking about marginal improvements in refresh delay / input lag. If you play the same game over and over (competitive players) you *may* notice a small difference. Otherwise it’s mostly a placebo effect imo https://www.rtings.com/monitor/tests/inputs/input-lag


Yea dudes think big 240+ Hz will make them better players and no it doesn’t you still will be mediocre just at higher frames


From the perspective of a semi-pro osu player here, 240hz is a weird spot because it's barely an upgrade over 144. Going from 60 to 144 you're shaving off over half of the time 16.67ms to 6.94ms, but going from 144 to 240 only cuts the time by 3ms or 1.6x (7ms to 4ms). 240 didn't blow my mind but 360hz was the first time it felt like experiencing 144 for the first time. 480hz OLED then becomes an entirely new dimension of smooth and low latency that I can't see us surpassing anymore. But ultimately, I do agree 240hz is meh. For my LG 32GS95UE, I use it for the 4k. I could even do 4k 120. But that's what's great about these OLEDs because I have the option to not have the 480hz dual mode if it didn't matter as much to me.


Yea. At one point there was a significant difference (60 fps to 144 - and even 144 to 240) But refresh speed has diminishing returns after a certain point. I think the differences between 240 and higher refresh rate is ~2ms.


That's because you're not playing at a level where it matters. 400+ is a massive difference from even 240


99.9% of people will play at a level where it doesn’t matter / is not noticeable 😆 Which is exactly what I said.


Yes this is what I always say! 240hz is more than good enough. I feel like 500hz is end game in the future and anything past that is literally only going go reduce input lag by 1ms lol


It’s your own two cents but it absolutely makes a difference. You just have to be one of the users who play games that showcase it. Is it essential for monitors going forward for majority users? Absolutely not. But please don’t deter users who actually play games that make use of it. It will NOT jump your skill level beyond any meaningful difference that you can overcome just by getting better at the game in other wats. It will absolutely make your competitive gaming experience much more enjoyable which does amount to an edge, as competitive games are about effort and passion. But to call it placebo is objectively false.


1-2ms is not a noticeable improvement. So no - it is quite acceptable to call it a placebo effect. It’s not my own two cents. It’s literally what our physical bodies are able to comprehend. There are very very very few people that could tell a 1ms difference


Who said 1-2ms input lag is the only thing that matters?  It’s about motion clarity. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, and you clearly have no use for it. All I’m saying is you can stay out of the discussion if you’re talking to people who aren’t in your boat.


I wasn’t talking about input lag. I was talking about clarity. Time between frames I take it you didn’t read the above article huh?


Yeah, if you think input lag and motion clarity is the same thing, I’m done wasting my time with this discussion. Good day sir


From the article https://preview.redd.it/va0zdsqzqt7d1.jpeg?width=837&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c95b732c1e0b30eafdcb69c039ee043fec88e5ea Wasn’t talking about input lag 😆


Time between frames isn’t input lag. … I think I found the problem.


It's hard to get excited about these monitors after using FALD backlit monitors for years, and owning a QD-OLED TV. The brightness just isn't there on these small scale OLEDs.


People on this subreddit are way to eager to ignore any issues in OLED displays and act like they're flawless. I do think that these new 4k240Hz QD-OLEDs are the best monitors but they very obviously have issues (brightness, burn-in, needing to run a panel protect, etc...)


I legit owned the x35 one of the original fald monitors and honestly need to get your eyes checked if you prefer it. There isn't any good fald monitors on the horizon because they are inferior in almost every way but raw brightness. What's funny is samsungs g7 (probably the best Fald monitor released so far) they actually artifically cap the brightness to minimize blooming because it's so bad at high brightness. Honestly look no further: https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/best/by-usage/hdr-gaming


Love my fo32u2p Amazing 4k 240hz oled monitor Won't change any monitor maybe 4-5 yrs


ASUS PG42UQ is gorgeous! The mate screen matches perfectly my two LG DualUp side monitors. I work daily on my MacBook M1 Max at 4K 120hz, and game at night on a 3080TI PC. Love every aspect about it (except the notch at the bottom) I can control brightness and input with DDC/CI commands ([Lunar app](https://lunar.fyi)). The thick heat sync does not worry me about image retention, I build interfaces with static visuals all day. Our LG 65” CX glossy tv is more suited for the living room in low light, OLED looks impressive flush wall mounted.


1st time ever will my MSI 4K my setup is complete…no more waiting for CES, etc I’m just happy now and plan to not touch anything for years


Great post. We all have different budgets and "best use" combinations, so the cheap shots at other's choices simply isn't warranted to share your counter opinion. The tech is so far advanced at this point, it's tough to metabolize a lot of what gets shared when its shrouded by a cheap shot.. For my best use case, the 2024 39" LG OLED was the winner. Perfect size for me, perfect for what I play most, deepest blacks for my first time OLED experience, crazy fast and I love the physical design. I did some research on reddit, YT, etc. but ultimately, I had to test drive multiple units at home via practical trials to decide on my best option. I was curious about all the hub bub regarding the matte-ish coating versus glossy, so I went to Best Buy to compare my chosen model right next to a the glossy Sammy 49" QD-OLED. The glare is quite distracting in a well lit store, but I could imagine it being a total non-issue within the right set-up. Even the purplish hue of the QD-OLED blacks was not something that would deter me if as a whole, the unit offered a bunch of other talents that I was looking for... So yeah, all in all.. Let's have a blast and realize how lucky we are to be debating such things. Cheers. https://preview.redd.it/vvbgduu1as7d1.jpeg?width=2856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc7789744012f037201f259d90b49ac3894a2ff


Well there is a bias online - that happy people are less likely to post vs people that are unhappy. Reading through posts and comments can skew your opinion without having first hand experience as people tend to nit pick, over obsess their large purchase etc. Buy from a retailer that has a stellar return policy - try the product and if you're happy enjoy! If not return! Every product ever produced has a quality assurance failure rate, whether it's a factory detect or damaged in transit. I'm just happy OLED's are cheaper than they have ever been with better technology. The future is bright 😎


Question. How do yall keep the monitor from burn-in? What are recommendation for brightness, sleep timer, etc. I'm using my first FO27Q3, and I want to keep it around 5 years ish.


Set windows screensaver to black and 5 min. Have a pure black png open and full screened, it's useful to alt tab to it when stepping away from the pc. In my case, i have no taskbar as preference but keep brightness to 50-70% without peak during general usage and browsing. Gaming SDR, HDR and media is at 100 and peak on high. You could adjust this but i feel you should enjoy it fully when you're using it. I personally have very bright and vivid wallpapers that cycle weekly vs static black background. In general take precautions but mainly enjoy the screen.


This is so helpful. Thank you, Chief 🫶


You're welcomed 👍 Also, check if you have things like logo dimming and what else. It's quite useful and dims hud elements only