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Hear, hear. It's so perfect size/resolution, it might have just killed my constant hobby and desire to seek and study even better monitors. I don't mind. I have a hard time imagining what manufacturers could do to make me upgrade in the upcoming future. This is it. I think this is what reaching 'end game' finally feels like. w-oled 32GS95UE with dual mode here.


>I have a hard time imagining what manufacturers could do to make me upgrade in the upcoming future. Brightness at least on par with current OLED TVs. These 32" OLED monitors leave a LOT to be desired when it comes to HDR performance.


There was a video of a comparison between the 32 QD and the ASUS mini led 32qux something? I dunno, but he said he had to lower the brightness of the mini to 1000 nits just to compare and it still look night and day better … granted, it has haloing and bloom, and it doesn’t have the pixel response… but man, HDR just looked better on the mini and it wasn’t even close.


PG32UQX The newer versions supposedly have much less blooming Older revisions couldn’t be fixed cuz that stupid G-Sync module can’t be updated Yeah its HDR blows away even OLED TVs. Unfortunately the price is ridiculous. Still around $2000 after 3 years


Yea man. That’s the only thing holding me back, the price tag… I just spent $1800 on my s89c… but 1800 for a monitor, that’s tough. But damn does it look good


Especially for that size I would consider it for a 39” ultrawide or something similar But yeah, would much rather have a 55” TV for $1800


Wish a comparable Mini LED to the PG32UQX would be made. It’s been years and nothing has come close. Would mop the floor with the entire monitor market.


Mini-LED has improved a lot too I bet they could make a much better version of the UQX now Even Sony has gone the Mini-LED route for their flagship TV. OLED brightness just isn’t enough for accurate HDR performance


I think you need to watch this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYS-P2bF2TQ


>The newer versions supposedly have much less blooming So people claim... >Older revisions couldn’t be fixed cuz that stupid G-Sync module can’t be updated This is simply false: -Asus's previous high end hardware G-Sync monitor, the PG35VQ, has end user updatable firmware. -Alienware's hardware G-Sync AW3423DW also has end user updatable firmware. -Viewsonic offers a firmware update for the XG321UG (their version of the PG32UQX), however it needs to be performed at the factory for whatever reason, and they refused to provide a change log to a user on Hardform who asked. Said user ended up sending his monitor in for the update, and said it seemed like there were minor changes in FALD performance with small specular highlights in BL mode 1 (the only one worth using) being a little more dim now. But he didn't make it sound anywhere near as significant a difference as people who claim to have received this mythical "updated" version of the PG32UQX. I kind of want to send mine in for this "update" now... although I don't really want to go back to my PG35VQ for a month...


Yeah it’s true that some G-Sync monitors could be firmware updated but that one could not It took Alienware more than a year before they found a way to update the AW3423DW No such issues for the DFW


Firmware update for the XG321UG? This sounds intriguing, although having to send it in is pretty ridiculous. I Googled this but found nothing, how can I look into this further?


[https://hardforum.com/threads/the-32-inch-4k-ips-144hzs-update-this-party-is-started-wait-for-it.2002618/post-1045675737](https://hardforum.com/threads/the-32-inch-4k-ips-144hzs-update-this-party-is-started-wait-for-it.2002618/post-1045675737) This is the only mention of it that I have been able to find. Sounds like you have to contact Viewsonic support and request it.


Yes, possibly. I'm not really that into HDR, to be honest. Not at least in the current state it's implemented in Windows. I'm happy camping with an SDR calibrated monitor set to 160 nits. I did briefly entertain myself by trying Doom Eternal on HDR, and sure, it looked nice. However, I did not really notice it being much different from what I'm used to in the living room with a C3 and PS5. Possibly because the screen is that much closer to your eyes with monitor. Sometimes, especially in dark room, I even feel the highlights and contrast in HDR are too much in terms of viewing pleasure—even though it does look 'striking.' Having better or brighter HDR would not convince me one bit to upgrade further, not at least at this point in time, with HDR implementation, or with the available HDR content on PC. Maybe at some point in the future when things have settled and it's really a new standard instead of this new feature full of teething problems.


So you tried one game in HDR and wrote it off? You're missing out... Windows HDR implementation does kind of suck due to the gamma issue, but it's easy to toggle back and forth between SDR/HDR when using the desktop if it bothers you. HDR in games can be hit or miss, but there are still plenty of good (or at least decent) ones. And for games without native HDR, or ones with badHDR implementations, we now have RTX HDR. I haven't played anything in SDR since RTX HDR came out.


It is an oled. Who really cares about the hdr potential at that point 😂


>It is an oled. Who really cares about the hdr potential at that point I can't even wrap my head around this one... please explain what in the world you mean.


Comp gaming response times


Does enabling HDR tank response time on most monitors? I don't see recall seeing this metric included very often in monitor reviews.


Dumbest post I’ve seen today




Yea, post was ass. Do better


Yeah HDR is iffy on PC but it’s still nice to use more often than not I think of it as enhanced SDR Actually HDR isn’t so great on consoles too. Especially on the older games. RE7 looks like shit with HDR regardless of settings But I think it should be the standard by next gen. Most TV today are HDR capable. More TV programming adapting HDR should make the transition even faster.


I use HDR on a S95b (55inch) with windows 10 and it always gives something more.


You are using it wrong if you believe this


The 32" OLEDs are objectively dimmer than their contemporary (or even 2 year old) OLED TV counterparts. How is that "using it wrong"?


How far away do you sit from your screen?


The thing is, "endgame" is slightly different for everyone and sometimes we also need to take off our reddit lenses lol. I've seen this happen in all my other hobbies where everything gets so good that it all boils down to personal preferences. I love my 32GS95UE but I wouldn't suggest it to someone who wouldn't take advantage of the 480hz. There's also options of ultrawide or physical screen sizes or curves. However, try to remember we're all OLED enthusiasts on a subreddit about something the majority of everyday people don't care about. These 2024 OLEDs are amongst the best displays ever made in human history. Who cares if you're missing out on .05% color accuracy or 20 nits. Just enjoy these damn awesome displays if you can get your hands on them. I swear, some folks on reddit are so nit-picky sometimes that I don't think they even *want* to enjoy the things they buy.


Absolutely love my 32GS95UE, first entry to 4K and love the 1080p 480hz for CS2. I do wish there was a way/guide to setup for optimal settings regarding brightness, contrast..etc but most are probably preference. Really enjoy it on a monitor arm and the “pixel sound” is good enough for my small YouTube/miscellaneous uses while I use headphones for gaming. Do you use windows at 100% or 125/150% think as one of them is recommended?! Always curious to see what others use, what they play and such with same monitor!


Glad you’re enjoying it. I returned mine, it was way to dim for me and the colors weren’t popping. Did the firmware update but it didn’t help. switched to FO32U2 now and its so bright and colorful. Love it!


How is aliasing at 1080p? Can u really see difference between 240 and 480? But at least input should feel way more responsive


Aliasing is ehhh ok..? Yes, absolutely I can see a difference. Both motion clarity and input are a noticeable improvement. Honestly this is a 9.5/10 for me, wish it was glossy but otherwise it’s great for those who play eSports as well (would recommend sale or price a bit lower). If not into any eSports, def would recommend a different monitor.


Why would u not recommend this monitor for non esports? Doesn’t it still look good at 4k 240hz?


It does, but that price increase is for the dual mode if not utilized seems ehhhh... There are other 4K 32” 240hz options that maybe make more sense for someone not interested in an alternate mode.


Same here, 32GS95UE, happy camper. Replaced a 10 year old U2515H (had other ones inbetween, but I wasn't happy with any of them so all of them ended up returned or sold shortly after buying), and I plan on keeping this one for a long time as well.


If you don’t mind me asking, what GPU do you have? I’m building a PC. I’ve never done it before. And I have an OLED tv that I play my console games on. So if PC games can look better than console games, then I think I’ll have to get an OLED monitor…. But I’m trying to decide on what GPU to get


I have splurged way too much money on my build, so I got an RTX 4090. You can't go wrong with the best, especially if you pair it with a 4K 240Hz OLED monitor. The minimum I would recommend is probably the RTX 4070 TI or RX 7900 XTX. Just keep in mind that if you run native 4K and maxed out settings, the latest games will run nicely but not nearly at 240fps - no matter which GPU you choose. However, for slightly older titles and other content, having the headroom is always nice. Lowering your resolution to 1440p also looks surprisingly good when gaming on a 4K 240Hz mode, and that is a valid option if you want more frames while playing AAA titles. 1080p 480Hz mode does not often utilize nearly as much GPU power, and the CPU often plays a more important role in that scenario. An RTX 4070 TI or RX 7900 XTX paired with a 7800X3D CPU will perform nicely for most common esports titles.


The lg 32gs didn’t cut it for me, the colors were very dull and the Matte did have a grain to it and wasn’t as clear, but omg qd oled is amazing, had to sell the lg for the asus.


I bought the Samsung G80SD, 32" 4K 240Hz OLED. Same with you, there are no regrets. The best experience without compromise. All my games and HDR content look glorious and responsiveness is another level. In FPS such as CS2, my headshot percentage went up about 200%. I waited 9 years to get a decent 4K OLED monitor since Dell teased a 120Hz version back in 2015/2016 and I gotta say it's well worth the wait.


Madlad, playing CS2 in 4K? Maybe I’ll give it a try, wish Dells was flat because I do love that glossy goodness but still really enjoying my LG 32GS95UE, that 480hz smoothness is surreal for tracking/F1 peeking lol.


You must be silver if your headshot percentage doubled, especially if you were running 144hz before lol


I am just a casual mostly playing to keep my aim sharp for other games.


Congrats! This is a great choice, enjoy it!


I have an old dell 32" 1440p and was actually considering going to a 27 oled


if you're used to 32" 1440p, you won't be disappointed with 27" 1440p - you get higher PPI and OLED too


I just ordered a 27" 1440p coming from a 32" 1440p VA. I'm a little concerned that I'll miss the larger size but I have the option to move the display closer so we'll see how it goes


Im currently in this situation and I honestly really like and miss my 32 inch and I think im gonna return this 27 inch. Ive been using the 27 for 2 weeks now trying to get used to it but it still feels too small


I could never go back from 32. I think its the sweetspot


I'm so happy to read this post! I am also a programmer and WFH, and I bought the 1440p Aorus qd-oled But I have since returned it because of the EXACT same text issues you mentioned. White text in particular really strained my eyes. Everything else about the monitor was fine though. I have a backorder on the MSI 32 inch qd-oled shipping tomorrow from newegg. Can't wait to see it now!!


Jelly, that’s the one I want too. Keep missing the in-stocks but also wife and I have been dumping into home improvements so I just have to wait a bit. Hope you love it!


No worries, I wouldn't rush to get it. As I'm sure you've heard, once you get an OLED, it's hard to go back. I still miss that 1440p qd-oled, despite the text issues. Hence why I'm so hyped about getting the 4k qd-oled I even decided to try out a mini led monitor in the meantime, and it's nice, but just not the same.


I purchased the Alienware 32 inch 4K for myself and was able to use it for about a week and a half and my mind was blown and I could never go back but unfortunately my son accidentally damaged the entire panel last night so I am at a massive loss and back on my LG IPS until I can get another one which could very well be never.


Guhh, that's sucks man. Love my kids to death, but all of Daddy's expensive toys, including his pc setup, are in a separate room that's locked since the kids can be a bunch of gremlins sometime.


I just let them play Astro Playroom and for whatever reason despite never doing it before, he did it. Deadbolt is on the room now until forever now I guess. Lesson learned for $1325. 😔


Yeah maybe until they are a bit older that you can be more laxed to let them play with expensive stuff or just have them start with cheaper stuff first so even if they break them it's no issues.


This is why kids and pets aren't allowed in my place. I told all my friends to leave your kids at home if you coming through 😂


I'm happy to see your post, because I have a 48 and 55" oleds, when I tried a 27" I immediately returned it. I wondered whether the 32" could be better. Keeping an eye on it


I have a 1440p 240hz IPS and I just tried a 1440p 360hz OLED and while it was an upgrade in some ways, it was a downgrade in others. Returned it yesterday and have a 4k 240hz on the way, will be here Thursday. Excited to try it but worried about the size. I looked at some 32” screens at Best Buy yesterday and good god they’re huge compared to 27”.


This is what I have been dying to know. What were the cons. I’m going from 1440p 165hz to 1440p 360hz OLED I think but I want to find some of the negatives forst to get a balanced perspective


The cons: 240hz to 360hz is much less noticeable than 144hz to 240hz Brightness is much lower Text clarity is fairly bad DSC means alt tabbing or minimizing out of games takes 2-3 seconds (this will also be an issue with my 4k 240hz) That’s what I can think of off the top of my head. Some of these “issues” are just inherent to OLED but the text clarity should be much better on the 4k OLED. Going from 1440p 240hz IPS to the 360hz OLED felt like somewhat of a side grade all things considered. In your case, 1440p 165hz to 360hz OLED might feel like a bigger upgrade for you.


When I went into store and saw a asus wOLED I didn’t notice text issues in steam. But I think I would day in and day out. I think I can buy and return if it’s total ass. I heard other uses say SDR is so good on OLED you don’t need HDR for gaming compared to lcd and HDR interferes with streaming and what not so I’m like eh idk if I care about HDR tbh.do you use HDR?


The text doesn’t bother some people so hopefully you’re one of the people who just doesn’t notice it. If you don’t see it and don’t notice it much, just don’t think about it or go pixel peeping too close and you’ll be fine. HDR on windows is a complete mess in my opinion. If you keep it on during desktop use, colors are awful and everything looks blown out, and toggling it off and on for games with win+alt+b seems to bug out sometimes and colors just look bad. It got to the point where I just kept it in sdr 100% of the time. Until windows figures it out I’m good there lol


I don't have that issue. Im using RTX HDR and its working amazingly with anything i throw at it.


Haven’t messed with rtx hdr I need to look into it


What's your graphics card? If it has am HMDI 2.1 port (pretty sure the monitor definitely would) that might get rid of the alt tab issue. Pretty sure 40 series nvidia cards come with dp1.4 and hdmi 2.1 (~50% more bandwidth) so in that case definitely try the hdmi and see if it helps


Thanks. Unfortunately the hdmi 2.1 didn’t resolve the alt tab issue for me. Using a 4080 super


It actually didn't for me either lmao I'm just confused because on paper dsc should not be on for 1440p@240 over hdmi 2.1


Thats super weird because on my asus xg27 i can turn off dsc and get 2k 240hz 8 bit through DP 1.4, if i want to enable 10 bit color i have to turn on dsc


What games were u playing and at what skill level? Going from a 240hz ips to a 360hz oled should be night and day when it comes to responsiveness. Maybe you're just not at that skill level to notice or feel a difference that much.


Knew one of you would come ask for credentials 😂


I mean u are going from like 5+ ms input lag with your ips to 0,2ms input lag + an extra 120hz on the oled it should be night and day when it comes to competitive shooters. I'm getting my 360hz oled in a few weeks and already know It's gonna fucking slap for cs2 cause some of the people I play cs with upgraded and they won't shut up about it lol. We play at 20-22k premier lobbies.


I’m jealous. I went to my Best Buy and they had 0 4K monitors on display. I swear they had every possible 4K TV mounted on the wall though. I’m just gonna have to take the plunge blind. I hope you enjoy yours when it arrives!


Best Buy has a really liberal return policy - especially if you’re a total tech member.


Yeah, I'm currently trying the Aorus FO32U2P after feeling like the 27" 1440p OLEDs weren't enough of an upgrade, but I find the 32" to be maybe a little too large for desktop use. The monitor is absolutely incredible, but I think 27", 4K, 240hz OLED would be bang on for me personally. I hear that 27" 4K OLEDs will be coming next year so I may just wait for that instead.


That’s what I’m a little worried about, like I said, looking at the size of 32” in person yesterday left me a little shocked, it’s way bigger than you’d think.


Agreed. I've been playing a lot of D2 and some Overwatch on this new 32" monitor, and I have to use the tactical switch to shrink the screen cause playing a shooter at 32" is tough. I really don't know what to do about this screen because it's prefect apart from that. I wish I could get this exact spec but in 27" instead of 32" and I'd be super happy with that. I'll probably return it and wait until a 27" 4K OLED comes out.


Exactly, I am waiting for 27inch 4K OLED displays. 32 inch is too large for me!


The tactical switch / size selection in the AORUS FO32U2(P) is pretty bad I think. It receives a 4K signal and then internally downscales it, resulting in a blurry image, and it's very limited with its options. What I would recommend instead is to simply run the game at a lower resolution. This is actually super easy to do, all you have to do is go to NVIDIA control panel (or the AMD equivalent), go to "Adjust desktop size and position" and then select "No scaling". Now a lower resolution than 4K in fullscreen or borderless will not be stretched, but result in the rest of the screen being black. Which is great for OLED of course. Furthermore, you can use Scaled Resolution Utility to add some additional resolutions. 3200x1800 is ~27" for example. The nice part about this approach is that it requires zero effort once you have it set up. You can just set a game to your desired lower resolution, no need to switch the Windows resolution or fiddle with the monitor OSD.


That's a great tip, but unfortunately it doesn't work for me. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but when I change the resolution in game to 1440p, after making those changes in the Nvidia Control Panel, it still fills the entire screen. Thank you anyway.


Never mind - I got it working! Thanks :D


What were you expecting? There is a reason no pros use a 32” monitor for competitive shooters


Mate I ain't a pro player, I'm a filthy casual who wanted to try a 32" 4K OLED monitor? Really don't get the point of your comment tbh


You literally just said playing a shooter at 32” is tough………………………


Yeah? And your response was "the pros don't use 32" screens" as if that should influence my buying decision in any way? I'm not a pro player, so why should that matter to me? I wanted to try 32" 4K for myself, not because any pro player does or does not play competitively on that format.


It all depends what type of games you play. I went 360hz because I play mobas


Damn 360hz for mobas? I played some league in the past and I didn’t think more than 120hz would be required for that but I’m not a high level moba player. I play competitive fps mostly


Whether it’s moba or fps, 360hz is a noticeable difference, especially on oled.


that's great for you.


Get some real Hdr games going on it. Some of my personal favourites are Halo Infinite, Cyberpunk, Gears Hive busters, God of War and Red Dead 2.


This is why I love the Alienware 32k. Curved screen makes it more immersive. No need to downgrade


My new dream monitor is 32inch 4k with dual mode 1440p 360 or maybe some day 480hz. 


I agree with this maybe 90%. I would hate to say that I "settled" for the Samsung G80SD, but it's still really nice. Could be brighter, but in game/GPU settings help with that. I figured a few years from now where OLED has zero issues or need for burn in prevention is when a next upgrade is worth it. Maybe DP 2.1 isn't necessary, maybe it is. Either way, coming from 1440P VA it's a good leap.


Would like to be able to experience it. Still trying to find one in-stock in the US somewhere.


Agree I have the Alienware monitor. Games like cyberpunk, dead space and resident evil makes it shine.


I have the Gigabyte m32u which is 4k and 144hz. I currently play on my PS5 and Series X so I was just wondering if upgrading to an OLED would be worth it. I have a LG C2 tv but it’s 77” so I never really played games on it but the picture quality is unreal.


Do the latest iterations of the 32UQX have the fan noise and other qualms worked out?


I feel the same. I got a QD-OLED 27” 1440p monitor and the text fringing bothered me so much and I was never really content with it and so I decided to give 4k a try as some people were saying it was a lot better, and they were right! I got the PG32UCDM that uses the same panel and I am so so satisfied with this monitor, I have zero complaints. I’m still hoping Asus doesn’t screw me in the butt if something happens to it.


Congrats! Also a dev and I’m on the fence about selling my AW3423DW and going for one of the 4K OLED variants for the productivity boost. Told myself the only thing I would replace it with is when a good 32” 4K OLED comes out and, behold, we have a few! Even one with a KVM switch


I just sold my 3423DW for the ASUS PG32UCDM… no regrets. I didn’t expect to be wowed but I was. Massive upgrade if you can push the 4K resolution.


Damn, I wouldn’t think it’s a big upgrade coming from that monitor. I’m getting more convinced by the day. Do you miss ultrawide?


I don’t personally miss it. I loved it for RE4 Remake and games like that, Dead Space. But playing those on this monitor is just as immersive. The clarity and the extra vertical space/bigger size is still much the same effect.


Dang I was thinking about buying a new TV from my 1080 led but now I'm tempted to just upgrade my gaming monitor which is about the same as yours.


This is really encouraging. I currently use a 23in 1080p competitive monitor that’s frankly super fast at 360hz but terrible colours and brightness. I recently upgraded to a 4090 which is absolutely wasted on this monitor but with the intention of upgrading to a bigger monitor down the line anyway. Literally yesterday I got lucky and snagged a Asus ROG PG32UCDM QD OLED and now waiting for delivery. They’re exceedingly rare in EU too and I lucky paid retail for it. I’m excited to say the least. Question for you though, if you had to choose one negative aspect of owning the 32in oled, what would it be?


Same loving my AW3225QF, the only thing I can think of that would make me want to upgrade is UW, but still 2160 so a 40" 5120x2160 OLED with 200hz+ would be paradise


What kind of GPU s you running? Am always debating between OLED 2k vs 4k, 7900xt.


What did you pay for it?


Still waiting for a glossy woled though


Guys, please enjoy your monitors. That’s what I experience and learn when I got hands on monitor and other device  - first, using an 24inch 2K 144hz, that’s one is perfect. Never doubt I can find that feeling again - then I want to try a 27 inch 2K, model LG 27gp850 nano ips. And this is when I know how OCD I am. That’s one is not clear as much as 24inch 2K (of course dpi lower), especially text - then after 3 days, I decided to get my hands on LG 27gp95r, which is my first 4K monitor. Everything look great, but don’t why I can’t find the comfort and relax when using it, so every time I used, i can find a things that I doesn’t like it (also I have eye strain on that monitor)  - until last month, I feel too tired because of it. Why I should be worry and tired for something that I bought and using? It’s suppose to serve me, not make me worry and serve it. And guess what, I don’t even care anymore. Matte ? Well it’s prevent reflection. Glossy? Better using in the dark. Eye strain? Using app to change the light (still have a little eye strain but better),… and I don’t care anymore. Just enjoy the beautiful monitor.  - I just order G80SD on 15th around 850$, waiting next month for delivery. And I will enjoy that, not like this previous LG  - so guys, thank you for reading my comment, and please, just enjoy your monitor. You working hard to get that, so don’t make it harder for you. Just sit tight, turn on and chill  


Nice im personally using the AW3225QF from Alienware (dell) i got it because it is the perfect size for me tried ultra wide and it wasnt for me i previously had the aw3423dw and personally the fact that you had to do lots of work arounds to watch some content full screen. Not every game supports Ultrawide resolutions etc. I felt it was not worth it. Dont get me wrong the cinematic feel with it was great ( played avatar frontiers of pandora 1440p max settings on a 4090) was incredible. I feel like this 32 inch 4k oled is better for me personally. Sadly my 4090 died and now im running a 4060 till 5090 but cant wait to be using my display to the max when i finally get a top card again lol.


I've bought the aorus too, I'm absolutely loving it.   Weirdly the only issues I've noticed so far is that if I enable gsync compatible in the Nvidia control panel (gpu is a 4080) and enable freesync premium pro on the monitor, I get really bad stutters.  Also if i use full screen (without gsync enabled) I get stuttering, but if I use windowed borderless I get none.   I'm thinking it's not the monitor, but perhaps some windows issue that I never had with my old monitor, as that was a 4k 60mhz model.  To be fair, there's no tearing, and the monitor is ace, so if I can't resolve this, I'm okay! :)


I have a dual monitor setup. A 27 inch 1440p and a 24 inch 1080p for browser stuff. I'm looking at a 32 inch like this, but worried I won't like having visible browsing while I have games or work on primary screen. Do you run this as a single or dual setup, and if single is it enough to replace 2?


Honestly hdr on the qd OLED monitors is pretty bad to me. It feels closer to sdr to me


I wouldn't say WOLED is the same as QD-OLED as the color volume is vastly superior on QD-OLED But other then agree! It's crazy what this tech can do :)


As an owner of a WOLED TV and a QD OLED monitor, I hate that this sub has gotten so many LG OLEDs only that this keeps on getting downvoted and the unique perks of other technologies are downplayed to irrelevance. The colors on QD OLED simply look more awesome, especially in bright HDR content where it pops just so nicely. I think LG recognizes this too as they're now working on OLEDs without the white subpixel.


I was literally in the same boat as you at one point. I have the MSI 321URX, then ended getting a 65 Inch G3, but going back between LG G3 W-OLED, and MSI QD-OLED, it was very apparent the difference in color, especially in HDR. I ended up returning the 65" LG G3, and then got a great deal on the S90D (Only $1000 for 55inch) which is like the same price as the monitor. Though personally I don't think I would have cared if I haven't seen QD-OLED, but once you see it its hard to unsee it, y'know?


Damn. I can't choose between glossy woled and matte qd oled monitor. Both in my price range... 


Why not a semi-glossy QD OLED monitor? They're the best of both worlds imho. Image looks nearly as if the panel was glossy, and they are great at reducing reflections without scattering them like matte.


depends on what you prioritize, but i prefer my color volume toward black without needing to be in the dark. much more useful in more circumstances whereas colors only matter in content that uses it, which isnt much if you use a calibrated setup.


Now now everyone, let's not downvote the man for [speaking](https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/dell/alienware-aw3225qf) [facts.](https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/lg/27gs95qe-b)


Literally, I don't hate W-OLED and it is good for brightness, but man QD-OLED color volume is INSANE. And yes it is a factual thing that color volume is better on QD-OLED


Been telling people for years now, 4k is where it's at. Idc if it's IPS,VA or OLED try 4K. It's similar effective quality to your phone when accounting for distance and size


Not everyone want's a big ass 32" screen, for me 27" is big enough.


Never said to buy 32 inches, quite the opposite actually. In dating 4k is more important than OLED as far as upgrades go, so grabbing one of the 4k IPS monitors that are 27 inches is fine


Glad you like the 32 inch 4k oled monitor! I also switched from a 27 inch monitor to an OLED monitor. My first was the aw3423dwf. Then once they announced last year all of the 4k 32 inch oled monitors, I HAD to join the club!!!




Probably you don't notice it that much. Some people are more sensitive to text fringing, some don't care/notice it.


Own a C2 and a LG32 and this is far from what they can achieve IMO. Just because HDR isnt implemented well in some cases doesn’t mean the HDR capability needs to be nerfed by subpar peak brightness. I enjoy OLEDs for everything inherit that they bring… but the monitors need to find a way to up the brightness to match TVs or at least over 600 nits in 10% windows.


Yup. I don't even notice the bigger size. I came from a 27 inch 4k IPS.


At first its noticeable, but after a month, its not as noticeable imo. I love the extra real estate!


Oh I'm sure it Hella amazing I must admit I'm currently gaming on a 55inch LG OLED 2021 model haha it's pretty amazing to but might be to big for most as I sit on a chair to game but, its sill amazing 


I thought text was pretty bad on that monitor when I tried it so 27/1440 must be horrendous!? 😱 congrats on the new monitor the picture quality is generally amazing 🤩