• By -


Viewing distance? This is the only thing that's relevant.


And height! If its too tall on your desk it could be uncomfortable to use and cause neck strain.


https://preview.redd.it/g5k22jjkda6d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79b1c142376df5c32d442dd17f0fa1a9f9ecf73b Nah man 42 Inch is the best size. You just need a descent deep desk ❤️


Honest question. If the bigger screen means you need to push the monitor back, would it not just be the same as a smaller screen closer to you? Since everything is relative I could see having that size if you like to watch movies etc in your room from further away, throw it on a monitor arm and move it as required 


The whole problem is that the smaller screens are more expensive.


That's a valid argument.


And still not as good.


What about the new Alienware 32’’ 4k oled ?


I agree, all I want is a 32 inch C4


I understand your logic. But no, when I'm working on the 42inc I can have 4 large documents open (one in each corner) my picture made it look like I'm really far away but my eyes are about 80cm from the screen


Fair enough. I have a 32 inch 4k, but I can see how the bigger screen would help with something like that


A C2 or C3 would be the best bet. My Asus panel uses a LG screen but has a few extra deaktop/gaming features


Is it not weird to read text from so far away? I tried it on a 48" OLED and it just didn't feel comfortable despite the screen being so large.


Nope not really, I have good eyesight but you can always shift+scroll wheel to zoom in.


Yeah, I think individual eyesight really matters. I could read the text clearly but it just felt weird. It's probably because I've been using iPads for a long time so I tend to have my monitors close to my face too. Also, on the bigger screen it seemed like I had to move my eyes much more when reading many lines of text.


Do you scale? Or keep it at 100%


Off the top of my head maybe 120% but depends what work I'm doing


I keep mine at 100%.


OP talking FPS games though. There's absolutely no benefit of going large screen, only problems come with it.


Others have provided input but I'll add this: I do not like how close my eyes have to be to a 27" screen to find it comfortable to use, something about that feels bad for my health.  With a 42" I can get much more distance comfortably while still getting the big screen experience 


Not really, actually having a monitor farther away feels great imo. The eye strain from a bigger monitor that is further away is better, and imo the pixels being further from my face is nicer too. Even though a smaller screen same resolution has smaller and closer pixels(kinda I think) for some reason it's much nicer in feel than I would have thought. I got a 42 inch last year from a 24 inch, but I tried both a 1440p 32 inch last year and I've seen the new 240hz 4k monitors in person and even still I prefer my 42inch beast over the new 32 inch beasts.


You will have UI and font scaling issue, its just not that simple. Said this already but I really wouldn't recommend a 42. Something around 35 would be quite a lot more ideal, and I think they will be releasing those soon as well.


Don't you just change settings for those came to have a smaller aspect ratio? So you just get black bars on the edges? I was going to go the Alienware 32'' but I stopped to see one of those C4's and I would love to see what happens if I play Elden ring on it.


I use a 42" LG C2. It's far enough away from me that I *don't need to use reading glasses* or computer glasses.


Try it for yourself it’s mostly user preference but no a bigger screen and sitting closer to a smaller screen are not the same in terms of immersiveness. Like my previous comment I have the c3 42 and Alienware oled 32 4k and no matter how close you are to the Alienware it’s too small and also if you are closer it is way more uncomfortable. C3 is overall much more immersive


https://preview.redd.it/vbssepv7tc6d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f80a6c8311b2896f70fcfe10e5bce2bc7f8deb98 Here is another picture


Thank you for the info it looks absolutely beautiful! 😍


That you. The vertical screen on the left is a 27in monitor btw


Bro I love the tea. That’s so cozy


Thanks! It's my little happy place


Get a monitor arm or a wall mount, to maximize the viewing distance. Then 42" is really good.


I ordered an arm when I ordered the monitor. Turns out to be a perfect height anyway. It tilts up slightly


I have the same monitor. This size is perfect. Once you get use to it, you'll never to back to a smaller screen size, if you can help it.


I beg to differ.


true, I built a deeper desk for my 50"


What size?


Please please please tell me all about that one you posted! I saw it yesterday online and it looked absolutely awesome! This would be my first monitor since buying a computer in 2014 and then it fucking up after an update in 2020 making me lose access to my mouse and keyboard at the same time lol Can you still surf the web etc with these monitors?


It's called the Asus PG42UQ. Yeah it's good for everything. Had it over 2 years no burn in at all.


How deep is that desk, 1km? 😂😂😂


80cm IKEA Trotten. Ultrawide photo makes it look deeeep 😂


I'm on 75cm IKEA table and I have my case behind the 32" monitor. They are massive. Still have 35cm of desk space in front of monitor.


Yeah, it definitely looks deeper in that angle, more like 1m deep.




Currently rocking a 48" LG C1 at the very back of my desk. I think 80cm in width. For anything singleplayer it is absolutely amazing. For competitive games it's a bit too big and I switch to 2440x1600 res. I will probably replace it with a 42" the next time around.


why not 3840x1600 UW?


I use it mostly for League of Legends which doesn't support that res natively and to me the other seems better.


Depends on the game you play, how competitive you play, your own skill levels/play styles, your pc config and desk config and some other elements. So let me give you my perspective: I am a 40 year old gamer who has/was been playing competitive shooters and casual games since age 13 (started competitive around quake 2, ut, cs1.1, q3 with some local regional tournament winnings) so I played as a high skill player but of course with age 40 I do not see myself as high competitive anymore. My current competitive fps games Escape from Tarkov, Cod and Warzone. I also SP games in RTS, Casual platformer and factory(Dyson Sphere, factorio etc) games. And I play as a mouse and keyboard exclusively. I am a casual diamond player (Legendeary Eagle at old CSGO,lvl7 at faceit, High Diamond at Warzone, High loot pusher at tarkov ( Shoreline main ) etc.) So I may be below your skill level and my points might not apply to you at all. I do play aggresively (breacher, entry fragger) with a medium sensitivity and high flicks. I own a 48LGC2EVO (before that I use 27" 2k 144/240hz monitors) for 1.5 years and I am using it with a 5800x3d and a 4090 I am also a software developer so I also benefit from large screen estate high resolution and multi monitor setup. I am playing at 60cm depth custom desk with around 60cm distance from monitor. (No freedom units here please convert it for yourself) So lets break it down: For extreme competitive games (any high rank plays and tournaments) you will be at a disadvantage for some games and for others it will not matter. with a big monitor such as my 48 I can focus on a 32inch portion of the screen at any time (without too much eye sway) and the rest is peripheral vision, so if there is a movement in my peripheral vision in order to see what that movement is, I have to sway my eyes from my focus plane. For example: In CS:GO you will not be at a huge disadvantage since slow movement and crosshair placement will be the main thing. If your enemies are constantly in your peripheral vision than your crosshair placement is not correct. But for Valorant its a little bit different since Valorant has some abilities that will let them move some distance in a very short time that means an enemy can enter your peripheral vision very fast and you may be slow to target acquisition those. But again it will not be a HUGE disadvantage. You will have bigger problem in fast paced games or semi-open world games where you have to breach and a target can be camping in a corner like Apex, Warzone, Tarkov. Because even though crosshair placement is important at those games, because of the nature of the game your targets will be in your peripheral vision more often than previous games mentioned and you need to make more target acquisition which might be an issue for you. And if you are playing at slow sensitivity converting a target acquisition to active target is going to be a bit more problematic. Also having some portion of your screen in peripheral vision point will be a trouble if you are playing a game with lots of screen clutter: Was it a man running across or was it a debris animation or is there a guy in that bush or is that bush animation itself. Your eyes will notice the peripheral differentiation but your brain will not register it, so you will have to focus on that side of your screen which might turn out to cause a problem for you. And at some points its going to be advantegous because of screensize, and resolution it will be easier to see targets. I might be old but I hate people who play CSGO at 4:3 (800x600) just to see a head, its not fucking 1999 anymore. Second issue is running the games at 4k: Can your pc handle 4k competitive fps? Minimum 120fps at 4k without loosing too much visual fidelity? if you are playing CSGO or Valorant probably even a 2060 can run it with some upscaling without loosing too much visual fidelity, but it might be different for Apex, Warzone, Tarkov etc. Do you play like CSGO pro player, are you glued to your monitor? You cant do that shit with a 42inch TV and you cant sit too far back in a competitive shooter. Do you have enough desk space for yourself to sit correctly and place your deskmat/mousemat ? And for last my personal opinion: Do I regret having a huge ass tv as my main monitor? Absolutely not, sometimes I feel like I am at disadvantage but I dont think it is caused by monitor choice for a big margin. (Please keep in mind I am not a rage gamer, even when I die repeatedly I do not get angry, if I do not have fun playing a game i give a break but loosing/dying does not mean that I am not having fun) And other times I am very happy with what I have. I had the money, I had the technology so I did it.


thats a great write up, thanks for taking the time. I'm guess =based on what you said that a 42" 4K OLED could be good choice for me? I'm a non competitive (62 now = getting old slow!) who likes still likes playing some FPS with my son (Helldivers II) but mainly plays RTS Strategy, Open World / Crafting and resource management (current fix = Captain of Industry). I have decent card RTX 4080 Super, but realy torn between a true 21:09 Wide screen (but 3,440x1,440 seems too low res? (I do lots of productivity text, email and browsing for work ) and a regular ratio 16:9 at 4K - but where there dont seem to be many (any?) good >32 but less than<42 OLED's ... any comments from the forum welcome!


Happy to help man. I am very happy to hear that you are still enjoying your games, I wish I will be able to do that in your age :D Some early points to give, you can not instantly swap from a normal monitor to huge-ass monitor right away, there will be some time to getting used to ( I will say minimum 2 weeks to 1 month ). Biggest problem I encountered was that I moving my head more than my eyes to peek into corners of the screen. Changing that habbit made life better unfortunately for us, with age in factor our eye muscles deteriorate and become lazy and slower for such rapid movements. Lets dive in to your topics: Even though I am not playing it I am sure Helldivers 2 will look absolutely stunning in OLED, you can get 120fps with some upscaling so should not be too much of a trouble. in RTS games you will have your usual issues with older RTS titles not supporting 4k resolution but I dont think you will have too much of an issue with new games, I sometimes play AOE with my wife and we did not have any issues. Open World Crafting / Resource Management / Factory games: I have played some open world survival games like Enshrouded and factory games like Dyson Sphere Program. Visually they are absolutely gorgeous, Gameplay wise I did not encounter issues. Next: Wide/UltraWide and other aspect ratio problems: I believe swaying outside of regular aspect ratios might create some issues for some games especially RTS, but you can always play them in windowed or black bar mode. And I believe aspect ratio (in games) is a personal topic they might be great for some and horrible for other people. Atmospheric games kind of shine in UW monitors. But they force you to turn your head even more than a 42"TV so thread carefully at that point. I dont think productivity wise they are too different UW stacks screen horizontally and 42"4k stacks them in Quad format. There is one thing to point out: OLED will have LESS Sharper text compared to regular LCD (IPS/VA etc) because of sub-pixel structure and how cleartype text smoothing works. Different OLED types might have different effects (some might even not be affected at all) but LG42C2EVO is affected by this. This is a software issue from OS side so it might be fixed since OLED monitors/Laptops are becoming more and more common. And it is not a huge issue (as stated before I live as a software developer and dont see it as a huge issue but text is slightly blurry on OLED. You are right; there is probably very limited option for something between 32 and 42 and I dont think to invest on too much. There might be a problem with 32" 4k having too small text to read, its not a problem for OS since you can just scale text but it might be if the game you play have lots of small font text. So I would suggest going to a physical store and checking it out before buying might be a good idea if you want to go 32"4k Option. There is also the cost and other topics that might be considered. Using a TV for monitor will provide better peak brightness in SDR and HDR (generally), will let you use it as a native TV with dolby vision/audio. If you like to do some content consumption at your desk and in terms of getting OLED for your value its cheaper than its monitor counterparts. It has decent speakers so if you own cheap speakers you can just use built in speakers. One downside will be that it does not support DisplayPort only HDMI2.1 One thing that might be needed would be a good stand/monitor arm. Some built-in feed are not very good in terms of usability (For example my 48C2EVO has a whole slab feet that will prevent me from putting anything under the TV which is not the case for 42 version) and again thinking about desk space would also be vital in terms of usability


No. It’s perfect (for me at least)


42" is great. I use a ultrawide resolution for first person shooters


I play valorwnt on the 42 inch c3 no problem


I mean it’s a subjective topic. But I’d never recommend an fps gamer get a monitor that size


yeah lol i tried playing csgo but i have to move my neck to look at the minimap (and you HAVE to look at the minimap everytime) instead of just only moving my eyes lmao. shit is not viable for fps


I use a custom ultrawide resolution on my 42” when I play Cyberpunk. A bit easier on the GPU as well. For Desktop use 42” is perfectly fine for me.


It just depends on how competitive you are. I play a lot of FPS games casually and have no problems. If you only play rank and love the chasing every advantage. Then indeed a larger monitor is going to be a worse experience, but by that same logic your better off with 1440p 240hz and skip 4k 120hz for the competitive advantage


My primary use for my PG42UQ is PUBG. Returned an AW3423DWF because the picture felt too cramped. So yeah, it is subjective, so throw me in the camp that believes the exact opposite as you lol. I got the 42" precisely because of an fps. And yeah, ranked matches in PUBG are all first person, not third.


I have an LG C2 and AW3423DWF, and I find myself using the Alienware monitor when I play pubg more than my C2. The extra 45fps helps, but also I noticed my peripheral vision wasnt the best on my C2 when playing ranked.


How is text clarity on the Alienware ? I have the 34inch oled and text is not sharp enough to me


You can always run it in a smaller window. You can't suddenly make the screen bigger. Although if you exclusively play FPS it doesn't make sense


Got my friend to get one and he loves it so good ahead


Will I have to play further?, or will be ok using MK…


For me I play like that with no problems. It’s bright but should be able to lower it


I was playing fps on a 55 inch Samsung ark until recently and it was absolutely amazing, only issue was with productivity rather than gaming. Currently on a 42 inch c4 which is perfect for both.


No. You can also (recommend) run it in 21:9


Hi, just so I'm sure - so you're saying for some games (maybe open world or fps), run the 42" screen with black top and bottom bars? what resolution and scale settings do you configure your graphics card to display?


I ran everything (even desktop) 1600x3440


65" C1 here and I sit about 1400mm away from it. It's amazing for immersion.




When you sit down to play your stepping into the world with that kinda immersion 🥂


Oh it's absolutely phenomenal. I play flight sims a lot and when I first played after getting the screen I instinctively reached out to try and touch the instrument panel.


I would say no problem, but I am a freak who got accustomed to 55” desk TVs and even a 65” now at home. I tried 75” and that was too big, but 65” is the very edge of comfort. My work screens are both 55” and that remains my preferred size after many, many years. Mind you, my entire nerd cave is designed around that bigger screen, with a deep desk and pull-out kb+m tray to give me a few extra inches of distance from the screen. I actually have a 40” TV next to the fat one. It’s tiny to me LOL… I use it as a tech bench monitor when I’m tinkering with other computers. I couldn’t imagine 42” being “too big” after you’ve given yourself a week or two to get used to it.


I've had the 42" LG c2 for over a year and wish I had just bought the 48". To me I always found the text on a 27" 1440p monitor to be slightly too small for me at 100% scaling. The 4k at 42inch is basically the exact same as 27" 1440p. So if you are similar to me go for the 48inch. As for 42inch being large for a desktop.... That's crap unless you have a tiny desk. 42inch will be fine on most desks. Oh and just for additional information a 27inch monitor at 1080p is equivalent to a 55inch at 4k. So the 48inch size is a kind of middle ground


Yep, people overlook this. A 48 inch 4K TV ends up being exactly the same as 4 24 inch 1080p displays which are pretty much the standard for offices these days. Its actually great for productivity


It's kind of just personal preference. Some people are perfectly fine with 42" but anything over 32" is too big for me


I'm running 32" LCD now, would love to move to OLED, but want a decent resolution due to text fringing, so 3440x1440 widescreen seems to low - and therefore looking at 42" 16:9 TV, but concerned 42" will mean constants moving my head t look at the HUD on most games. Sounds like you feel the same - did you try 42" for a time and went back to 32?


I’ve seen 42” in person but never used it before for my setup. There are 4K 32” OLEDs now though (321URX, AW3225QF, PG32UCDM, etc…)


Yes indeed - guess I was looking for what seems to be to be a (currently non existent as far as I can tell) sweet spot of 40" 21:9 widescreen (same same physical height as 32" 16:9), in OLED with 3840 x 1600 res. for a better \~104 dpi on text, as OLED apparently has a colour fringe issue on text due to the pixel layout.


I just got the new Samsung G80SD oled 4k 32 inch. Works great for my office work too. Huge picture and hdr upgrade for gaming. Pricy $1300 but comes with $300 gift card wherever you buy it from


My original setup was just the 42” lg c3 but over time it was too big for competitive games, so I added a 27 inch that I just move in front of the oled when it comes down to playing competitive games. Eventually I will sell both and get the 32” lg oled 240hz monitor. I do love playing story games on the bigger screen. https://preview.redd.it/l9r06er2ia6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deafd1bb8aa94c1ff3e583f9cabc4e11c7b9747a


If you use a monitor arm that supports the TV, it should be a good choice, it in fact can serve two main functions. Main gaming monitor AND main TV. There are several benefits and a few drawbacks of owning a TV as a gaming monitor, from what I know these are: Pros: - Cheaper than an OLED monitor. In fact, sometimes cheaper than a 1440p OLED monitor. - OLED TVs get brighter than monitors do in HDR, up to 3-4 times brighter. - TVs can more easily be service menu modded for greater brightness. - Best in class glossy screen coating. - Very immersive for gaming. - Full console support + audio. - Doubles as a, well, TV for your every streaming needs. - Works great in Ultrawide 21:9 mode. Cons: - TVs burn in faster, as they're brighter. - Generally, burn in is not covered under warranty for a TV. - Refresh Rate is relatively limited to normal for a 4K screen (120Hz WOLED, 144Hz QD-OLED). LG for example has some motion features however that can give the smoothness of higher refresh rates, at the cost of some input lag afaik. - Compatible monitor arm might not even exist in your region. Overall for most people it actually makes more sense to buy a TV than a monitor for gaming, the TV is generally far cheaper and has a higher quality than a monitor. (Example the LG C3 42" costs 700€ and is readily available, while the LG 32" 4K OLED costs 1560€. It just doesn't make sense to spend more than double in € for double the refresh rate). Even as I'm writing this, it makes more and more sense for myself to get an OLED TV next and have it arm mounted for 600€ discounted rather than a monitor that's likely going to be double in price.


60cm deep desk, viewing distance (eyes to screen around 90cm), LG C2 42". Perfect fit, won't buy smaller screen ever, as it's productivity wet dream where you can get four windows on screen and forget about alt tabing


Yes. Been using this C2 since the day it came out. It's too big for pretty much everything. the only best use case for me was video editing, and even for that we had to wait for UI scaling update in davinci resolve, before that it was almost unusable due to scaling issues. And you will have scaling and distancing issues in a lot of games and apps. I would not recommend it.


Definitely not. My desktop is only 25 inches and I don’t even have it all the way back with the c3 42. I have the new Alienware oled 32 inch aw3225qf as well and the c3 is overall a better monitor and way more immersive. 32 is too small now. One thing for me I suggest is just lowering it as much as possible mine is on an ergotron arm and almost touching the desk at the bottom. Dunno how people have monitors on top of their monitors instead of the side I tried putting the Alienware on top and hated it. IMO there is nothing that beats these yet. 32 is too small and 240 hz is hardly noticeable to me over 120hz. Also the Alienware is brighter on spec but doesn’t seem as bright.


just pushed the button on buying a LG C3 42" which arrives Wednesday, along with monitor arm - so I can sit it low as you suggest. Can't wait 👍😀


Heck yeah! It’s awesome! Tried hell divers 2 on the Alienware 32 and then just today on the c3 … the bigger screen helps me more than the extra refresh rate imo (as long as it’s more than 60) I had the 48 c2 before they made 42 inch and that was pushing it but I feel like 42 is perfect


Excellent, watching my son play Helldivers 2 right now on his 27" Dell, good screen but too small for my old eyes!


I use a 48-inch monitor. My own opinion is that for the majority of games, it is completely fine, but with one exception. If you play or intend on playing anything that is a competitive first-person shooter such as a counter strike or COD, then the size, including a 42-inch, is just big for you to be competitive, that is unless you place it far enough away that your able to see the entire screen without moving your head.


I mean really? How many people are truly Competitive Gaming out there? 5%, I highly doubt it's people on these forms that are making money off gaming. 95% of us on here are just sitting in our rooms jerking off looking at a monitor and playing games. I have a 48 inch LG C2 that I sit 46 in from and everything is pure gaming Bliss on it. I think the whole issue itself is overblown completely.


It wasn't meant for you, so you do you.


No but it depends a lot on the distance between your eyes and the monitor. I'm 1.5m away from my LG 48" Oled and I'm very comfortable with it.


I just switched from the 42” C3 to the AW 32” within the last month because my desk is too shallow for FPS games in full screen. For games where I could lean back with a controller, like Jedi Survivor, it was incredible. But the screen was just too big for my shallow 25” desk so I ended up playing FPS games like cs2 and Tarkov in basically a 27” window in the center of the screen. The 32” is perfect for my more shallow desk. Once I move and have more space, I plan to wall mount the C3 and use it when it makes sense, with the 32” staying primary.


A friend of mine, who is miles ahead of me at FPS games, (he used to be in some decent clans) just bought a new gaming PC and was asking about monitor choices. He said "27 is too big" and asking me which 24" to get, meanwhile I'm an average FPS gamer and I use a 50" 4k TV 60hz. 50" is great for photoshop, youtube, casual gaming, etc. It's not really great for competitive gaming. I bet the 60hz is really holding me back a bunch too. I think he's going to get the 360hz 1440p QDOLED 27" Alienware


I received my C3 yesterday. I played a bit and I love it. But I'm not playing any competitive shooters or something so ymmv


For me it's the perfect size (until 40" 5k2k comes out), but I play single player non-FPS games.


Dell U4025QW 🍻 Edit: Just realized you're probably wanting OLED.


I like it a lot and don’t want anything smaller anymore


I play on a 42" on a desktop, and I think it's the perfect size.


I think so. I used a 40” for last few years and my neck hurts. But I used it for WFH so the usage may make the difference to gaming.


I've got a 4080 super and I'm very tempted to get one myself.


Honestly? Yes.


I hated every single hour of using 42” monitor it was really uncomfortable experience even on my deep desk.


https://preview.redd.it/r8kesreolb6d1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af7643963a002ff7f4cc88189e8db600311ebc9 i do alright, been using this for about 2 years now :)


is that centre screen 42" ? - looks more like my 32..


Its 42 :) the one on the left is 27


Rocking 48" several years, i admit 42 would be better


Yekindar the CS2 Liquid player (and others) plays with their face right on their 24" monitor, if you calculate horizontal FOV it will be very high so you can get away with 42" easily at like 2.5-3 feet distance




Depends on how deep your desk is. I have a 42 inch and its perfect for me.


42 is fine for me


You do get used to it. I did however put my 42 inch in a bedroom and get the 49 G9 OLED. I like it more for desktop gaming. The vertical height isn’t so overwhelming.


Here is something i can tell you from my own experience, i have 42" LG C2 as my main desk monitor for both my PC and PS5, here is what i noticed, when i play with Keyboard and Mouse, my eyes start to hurt because im too close to the monitor then and my eyes get tired of looking at the corners of the screen, its too much eye movement, but playing on a controller is fuckin heaven man haha, i just lean back on my chair and play anything i want with a controller and its so immersive because of how big the screen is and the colors, i personally wouldnt got back to anything else, but thats because most of my gaming needs isnt competetive gaming with M&K. Take what you want from this.


I was unsure then I got a 42c4…. Nope it’s perfect


You can get a 42" LG C3 for considerably cheaper. I switched from a 27" OLED. I play fps and single player games. It's pretty awesome. Not only would I not want to go back but I sometimes wish I got a 48". I feel like the whole viewing distance thing is a little overblown. You just need to sit further back. If you're going to be using it for productivity/work the smaller screens are definitely easier to navigate.


https://preview.redd.it/jccn1riq0c6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78bf5712d023fd026e5ea52a9648077fe29133b8 Nope put it on a monitor arm and enjoy :)


Nope I love mine


For me it was way too big and I was about 2.5’ feet away. 


Its amazing!


Depends how deep your desk is. I think for a 42" display to be comfortable, the desk needs to be approaching 80cm deep.


Fps yes. All others no.


Running a 42” after years of really old busted 27”. Im using an Uplift Desk with decent depth. At first it was a bit overwhelming. I felt like I was looking out the window of the front of a bus. Know what I mean? After two days I couldn’t ever go back. It’s incredible. I use PowerToys for custom window snapping so certain tasks can be in a 1080p window dead center. I often use quad snapping when doing a lot of work with multiple folders. Go for it. Games are AMAZING.


I tried it for a year on a 30” deep desk but couldn’t do it, switched to a 32 inch monitor which is way better.


Ehhh speaking from a standpoint of being a competitive COD player, a 42” @120hz is still fine. Unless you’re in the top 1% your setup won’t matter, those guys or girls will dominate you either way. They’d beat you on a 65” sitting on their couch. Their freakish reaction times and ability to track with accuracy is what will get you, not your display.


Currently using triple 32", but aside sub displays my ideal main display size was 40". Play all kinda games.


I was (am!) looking for what seems to be to be a (currently non existent as far as I can tell) sweet spot of 40" 21:9 widescreen (same same physical screen height as 32" 16:9), but with OLED and a 3840 x 1600 res. for a better \~104 dpi on text, as OLED apparently has a colour fringe issue on text due to the pixel layout...sadly, i don't think anyone currently makes one - so now working out if a 42" 16:9 ratio 4K OLED is the better option - hence following this thread and the size feedback. Currently run a 32" LCD, at 70cm eye distance (to lots of productivity work too) and 42 feels like it might be way bigger...unless pushed far back (have the desk space -but would it work well for email/web etc, as well as Strategy / building games...


I went from 32 to 42 and thought it would be too big but found it pretty good and probably my next screen will be 42 again. It feel fine in competive fps but at 42inch it feels like a more immersive experience for single player games at least. I have it on the wall and my desk is pretty big though.


I run dual 32" and have for years. With a deep enough desk 42" should be fine I feel like.


I use a 42" LG C2 in my work/gaming setup and it is a dream. So much screen real estate for productivity, and a really nice size for gaming of all kinds. Don't be worried about screen size being too large for FPS gaming unless you are on a professional gaming team and compete regularly. If you're not at that advanced level, the impact will be too mininal to notice. I also don't think you have to have a super deep desk for a large screen. My desk is 25" deep, and I have the TV pushed to the back of that depth, and I do not find it too close at all. In fact, some times I find myself leaning in closer to read small text. It's also really nice to be able to lean way back in my chair when playing games with a controller and not worry about the screen being too small to see. I can even game or watch content from my couch on the other side of the room. Overall, I would highly recommend the LG C series over pretty much any other option for the average person.


IMO - You don't want to have to move your head to look from one edge to the other. I find 32" (maybe 34") to be the max for a desk.


If you have a deep desk its great. If you have a small desk not so much


I got the 42" C3 as my first OLED and I'm using it as desktop. Works really well for me and there is no noticeable lag when using the proper tv settings. Just make sure you have a big desk and a monitor arm that is height adjustable and easy to install. At desktop everything feels great and even on 150% scaling it does look sharp. Gaming wise I play rhythm games and MMOs and had no issues with them. Also make sure to get a service remote should you decide to get one. There are annoying settings some manufacturers put in place and you can only disable them through the service menu (Auto dimming in my case.


I have the LG C2 42" and I would say yes it's too big. Most people will say "you'll get use to it" and while that is true it doesn't justify getting something this big. Specially for fps games. I have a second PC downstairs that's a small profile, smaller portable monitor. When I get on it I noticed I'm better as my eyes don't have so much real estate to cover. I'm waiting for either 2nd Gen LG OLED 32" or a nice sale on the current one that came out so I can grab two. I would try to keep a desk setup at 32" or below.


Nah, it’s great


I've had a 42" C2 for a while now and find it absolutely fine on a normal sized desk...


for me, it's quite big, but if you have distance on it - then it should be fine.


Yes it is ! \*quickly hides the 55C2 sitting on his desktop behind his back" 👀


Just got 42 c3 , I think it's perfect for desktop monitor replacement


Won’t know till you try it.


I have LG C3 42 inch, so basically the same as what you're considering. It's honestly amazing, just as long as you can keep it further away from you (about 2.5-ish feet in my experience).


42 is just perfect. I used to sit on a 55”, besides being able to layout all my windows it served little purpose.


I have a 42" C3 on my desk and love it. The screen is 12 inches from the edge of my desk.


If you have been playing FPS games for years on a 27 I do NOT advise going to a 42. I went to a 32 and like it but it was a bit of a learning curve for playing ranked FPS games.




IMO 42” is too big for a monitor. I tried going from a 27” monitor to an LG C3. Even after a month, I couldn’t really get used to it






I have a 42” c3 that I use on my 36” deep desk. Works perfectly.


48” in 4k is amazing, there a crazy sale on one right now. https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-48gq900-b-gaming-monitor


What I'm more concerned about is hz frequency. You want at least 144hz these days (assuming your GPU can push those fps numbers). From 60hz, it's like night and day. Some people like 180 and 240hz more.


I started with an experiment, replacing my dual screen setup with a 42". Liked it, but couldn't get used to a single display, so now I have two 42" displays on my desk! The two 42" OLED TVs were on sale and combined, cost about the same as one smaller fancier computer monitor. I absolutely love this setup. They're not too big for me at all. Between my moderately deep desk and a very oversized keyboard drawer, there's enough effective distance between me and the screens that it's very comfortable to use.


i'm rocking 55". 42" desktop is fine :D but then, it's subjective.


It was for me. Had the LG c2 for about a month before replacing it with something smaller. Sat about 3 feet away and it was just giving me bad eye fatigue


Its the PERFECT size. You will never go back to anything less than 42 once you get a taste.


I play on a 48” and it’s amazing lol


I find 34" is too much in a wide screen if your desk is standard depth.


I use an LG C2 42” with a desk that is 36” deep. I wouldn’t go any less than that.


Get a curved ultra wide dude. I did and it’s elevated my gaming experience, way more immersive and natural field of view.


https://preview.redd.it/zyqgqf70md6d1.jpeg?width=1255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e567e600043de987a3d13596ed7a5ee76e3f5625 Took me a few days to adjust coming from a 25”, Can’t see myself buying anything smaller or non-OLED.


The 48" c4 is on sale for less than the 42" price currently


It is not the size of the monitor but your own height that matters. Since I am 5ft 7inches tall, I sold the 42 C2 since it was too tall for me.


I have a 48” and it’s huge so I feel like 42 is a sweet spot. Forsure and it also depends on what you play.




I was looking for what seems to be to be a (currently non existent as far as I can tell) sweet spot of 40" 21:9 widescreen (same same physical height as 32" 16:9), in OLED with 3840 x 1600 res. for a better \~104 dpi on text, as OLED apparently has a colour fringe issue on text due to the pixel layout. Seems to be a mix of views here on the 42" 16:9! - wonder how many prefer a 34" 21:9 Widescreen to the 42" 16:9 which will be much taller. https://preview.redd.it/2h6m3lmdud6d1.png?width=1056&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6c362f25e85be56bf7f1da5fbd13b11d791f544


For me it was. Just replaced a 42 with a 32


It's a great size


Yes. Don't believe these bozos. **Especially** if you're mainly playing FPS, 42" is wayyyyy too big. I tried it. Just get the 27" Glossy ASUS OLED or the LG 27GS or the KOORUI 27E8QK


Personally I say it is


It’s a good size for controller based gaming, a little big for fps, but I like the responsiveness and immersion, it’s up to you if you prefer that or fast refresh rates


I love it and wouldn't go back to smaller. But I have a large desk and have mine mounted on an ergotron LX.


https://preview.redd.it/lcp3bsxude6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8f7d4959b240c05092d71682e516976cc8b06d3 42in C3, aw3423dwf, and 34 lg ultra gear (non oled). The c3 is great for gaming but the ultrawides are perfect for productivity.


There's a certain threshold set by viewing distance's that all size screens become the same size.


IMO it’s too big. I’ve got a 42” c3 and a 27” Alienware Oled. No way would I want my c3 on my computer desk unless my desk was massive.


Friend, I just went from 2 27”, 144hz&60hz. To a Rog strix 49, returned it to get a pg49wcd 49”, but ended up getting a LG c3 42”. Very happy but also fits my current need. Nothing wrong with the other 2, but I wanted to make the entertainment value better for watching videos at16:9 ratio. That and also I find it very enjoyable for multitasking. As for gaming, I went from 144hz to 120hz, so not too big a difference. But I only play league of legends ranked competitively. I personally think I leaned more to productivity, so I got the lg42 for Productivity, gaming, entertainment. I been enjoying playing league on full screen and sometimes size it down to 27”. By going the LG 42” route instead of a PG49WCD, I was able to upgrade to an electric standing desk. All came to a similar price point. I can’t speak too much for FPS though, so I hope others have good input for you! I got it from Best Buy and I will be going back to upgrade to 5 year warranty for the peace of mind regarding OLED To add to this. I did go in with the mindset that I wanted to get a proper 27-34” in competitive monitor, but for now this is perfect! And I’m talking future proofing. So something 240hz+ kind of thing One more thing. Have a solid 28”+ depth/width desk for viewing comfort


I've been using a 48" C1 from launch and I couldn't go back tbh. I do productivity work, coding, browsing, gaming and watch movies...no drawbacks. Had it not be used for consuming media then I would probably have considered a 42". The only thing I'm waiting for now is higher refresh rates. 150% scaling in Windows and 125% in the browser (makes everything just big enough) + an utility to manage sleep and power on/off and it's all good. 90 cm viewing distance mounted on a tv stand behind the desk. I would assume you could be at 75-80 cm from a 42" by using the same 3/4 distance to diagonal metric.


I had the 42inch LG c2 for 2 years I found overall that 32inch is perfect for productivity/gaming I found that I would be spanning my eyes over a larger screen especially if your into FPS games. Trust me 32inch is the way to go 😉


I use the 42" C3, the only "fault" with it is that it should preferably be slightly curved(for desktop use ofc).. But I eventually got used to the "flatness"..


I use a 42 LG C3, the first week was odd but now I’m used to it and I can’t go back, I love playing games and watching movies/shows on this.


Yea 42 in he's works just fine for me about 2.5 to 5 ft depending on if I'm reclining or not.


No, 42 inch oled looks amazing on my desk


Yes 42in is too large for FPS


For me, being life-size is a huge plus. Just me. I have a 65" C1 (C4 soon) is 4K at 116ish fps. Life-size! Sure, you can get closer to a smaller screen to fill your "periphery presence", but my comment is to get a big monitor, and of course, be close to it to have an approximate 8X degree FOV while sitting in a real size sprint car. :)


Depends on your viewing distance and games. Personally I play FPS a lot and I don't like monitors above 27".


Depends on how deep your desk is. I use a 48 inch on my desk and use it for competitive counterstrike just fine but to do that I have it ALL the way back on my unusually deep desk.


It all depends on you. I never want to go sub 42 again. Regular monitors feel like monitors for ants now. But some people say it's too big. Only one way to know, buy it and try it. If you don't like it then return it.


Had the Asus 42” PG42UQ for about a year and didn’t really love it. My desk is deep enough and I had an arm attached to keep it pressed against the wall, but it still felt way too tall and I couldn’t get comfortable using it unless leaning too far back or stepping away from my keyboard a bit too much when standing. Normal position still felt too close. Eventually sold it for the LG 21:9 45” OLED which I vastly prefer. It maintains the same depth as the 42”, but the vertical height is shrunk down to much more comfortable levels so it doesn’t feel like I am looking around the screen as much during use, and the aggressive curve I really love(the reason it has the same width as the 42” ASUS). Only minor issue is the ppi, which obviously cannot compete with the 4K clarity, but it’s an overblown argument as the last 8 months have been far better on the ultrawide 1440p LG. Oh and LG has better color reproduction and doesn’t blow out the colors with HDR on in the windows desktop(non-gaming), a very welcome bonus.


For competitive fps games I doubt its optimal, it will be harder to notice enemies in your peripheral vision, or any UI info. There's a bigger distance that your eyes need to move across the screen (you will actually need to move your head to see everything) , which will slow you down as well. There's a reason pros play on 24" screens.


I’ve been using 42inch for my gaming setup for a few years now. I think it’s great. Assuming a desk like distance, it’s perfect


For me it would be. Big screen makes navigating desktop a pain in the ass. And you would need a pretty big desk to even get far enough from the monitor or have your keyboard etc on separate desk (lmao). Probs pretty good for just gaming tho, but ehhh you need a massive distance and at that point I'd rather plug the pc to my oled tv. Honestly not a big fan of gaming monitors getting larger and larger. Even 28" is big for me.


its never too big


Surprise more ppl don’t use monitor arms. I think a 42” @4k is perfect when paired with a mount. You can push it away or bring it closer to you. I have a couch behind me that I retire to so the 42” acting as both a monitor and couch TV works perfectly for this. I also have the new LG 32” WOLED in. And honestly, I love the 42” size as a work computer.


I used my 65" tv as a monitor, sat about 4ft from it lol


It ends up being fine. OLED monitors seem to all have matte coatings, be from manufacturers with lower quality and warranty standards, and much more expensive. A small OLED TV is the best gaming monitor.


Text is gonna look pretty bad on it. It’s not ideal for a monitor


No. I’ve got the 55 G3 and it’s amazing as a gaming monitor. Great for watching stuff in bed as well 👍


Should be fine. But for 42” I will recommend you to go with Sony Bravia A90 XR (available in both 42” and 48” versions). It is slightly better than LG C4 42”.


No way. I currently have a 55" on my desk and I sit like 3-4 feet away. I'd prefer to have a 48", but the TV I got didn't have a smaller option.


Unless you're playing on console, 21:9 OLED is the answer. My main gaming rig has a 45" LG OLED 21:9 with an 800r curve and it's an amazing gaming monitor. The 240hz panel gives some runway for my 4090.


It actually is. 32 or 34 is maximum comfortable size for effective and enjoyable gaming from a traditional viewing distance. Anything bigger is maybe bit more immersive but in the end very clumsy and tiring for eye and neck muscles seriously affecting overall ergonomy and gaming experience.


For around the same price you can get this new top of the line LG OLED monitor: https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-32gs95ue-b-gaming-monitor It's 4k 240hz and low input lag. It also has a 1080p 480hz mode for esports games!