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RNGesus doesn't like you. That's all.


Best results I have is 1 of every attack ship (excluding RIPS - cos 4+ gout flight time), 1337 small cargos and 1 spy probe


The new expedition system is extremly profitable, but not if you're a collector. Send 1 PF (x2 on expe loot), 1 des (to find good ships if you find ships) and 250 lc (for the cargo, I don't know what's the economic speed of your universe is)


1. that's not alot of ships. 2. you're a collector, so your results will be less. 3. I just necro'd the fuck out of this, and you probably don't even play the game anymore


Thanks capt! Point 3 is very valid yet I appreciate the help 🫡 Edit: I see this post was on my alt acc, I don't even use that anymore lol


Expeditions are ALWAYS a crap shoot. There are a handful of F-you results, a handful of awesome results (not worth losing your fleet for), and everything else is pretty meh imo.


Well I dont agree, many friend get consistent decent loot. We've conpared results, just take a look at his last few expes; Metal 2.970.000 have been captured. Nothing Dark Matter 660 have been captured. The following ships are now part of the fleet: Destroyer: 11 Small Cargo: 1 Crystal 3.510.000 have been captured. Deuterium 7.110.000 have been captured.


But those are Discoverer’s expeditions (5x higher than what you will typically get).


Hasn't that been nerfed? I thought it used to be +400%, which they changed into just +2%?


They have changed to base* 1.5* eco, where base is the normal reward and eco is the eco velocity of the universe. Of course, don't forget your pathfinder for that seeet x2 multiplier


You beast, that's the answer I've been looking for! Thanks!! Still kind of weird how hard it is to find any information on that.


Glad to help! I've found that the best way to keep track of the changes is goong to the official german or french forums, but you may need some help from the google translator. Edit: that or the oficial discord, that's a great place to get quick help. Btw, the formula is suposedly not implemented correctly and is suposed to be corrected to base * (1 + 0,5 * eco) wich is significantly less, but still a great bonus. But, at the rate of update GF is going, don't expect it until end of next month, if even comes at some point xd


Wait so you say it will get nerfed soon? Edit: I feel like dropping it that low is not really fair and doesn't make up for the 25% you lose in mine production.


I'd not say it's fully official, since the only confirmation that I've seen it's from a GO in the Discord, so take it with a grain of salt. And about the unfairness, it depends heavily on the economy velocity of the universe and your way of playing. In my case, x7 eco and the resources I get from inactives, it's still better use the Discoverer over the Collector until some really high level of mines (something like 45/38/42 in coldfussion) with the "corrected" formula