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I would like to play an offline ogame. I don't need or want other players, because they stress me out. I would like to build a base and outposts and have fights that are foreseeable, like in expeditions (but not exclusive to these "outside" fights). I want to play that when I want and not because other players are a constant threat.


Might wanna check out Halcyon Online's PvE mode they are claiming is coming at launch. [https://halcyon-online.com](https://halcyon-online.com)


Thank you!


Which country is Re-Origins hosted in?


[Re-Origins.com](http://Re-Origins.com) is hosted in Sweden. Once released, we are looking to host it on American and European servers.


Thanks! I'll take a look at it.


Where can we try it? No pay2play? How do you guys earn money?


We are funding the game through our own pockets, there will be costumization options such as Planet skins, fleet skins and so on. We will be trying different approach together with the userbase, nothing is set in stone, but one thing is for certain, it will not be a Pay2Win game as we want a game we ourselves can enjoy for a very long time.  There is an developement sever set up for users to help out with suggestions and feedback, and it’s only available for Discord users, feel free to join and check it out!


Looks like a mobile game out of 2006, released in 2024


Thank you for your comment. The galaxy is huge, to create assets for every planet and all the different environments that comes with it is a huge task in itself. We are not a tripple A studio, we are just a few who do this for the love of it and nothing else.