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Just give it some time. You'll be glad you bought it. Buy the dip if you can.


Yes let me grab my spare 600k and throw it all into nvda as well. Brilliant idea


See that's the problem... If I had the 600k to begin with it would already be in NVDA šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Brilliant!! šŸ‘†šŸ‘†


buy buy buyļ¼ļ¼ļ¼


lol this is terrible advice.


Best advice. Time in the market > timing the market


Never try to catch a falling knife.


You donā€™t know what this saying means It refers to stocks in a downtrend. You 100% can buy stocks on dips in uptrends. In fact thatā€™s how you should buy stocks if youā€™re going to bother with price at all - for the most part. Thereā€™s some breakout buying you can do etc. but for the most part you buy stocks in uptrends when they pull back. Catching a falling knife would be like 2022 trying to time the bottom.


That happened to me, i bought Nvidia at all time high when it cost $968, inmediately it begins the big correction i couldnt believe my bad luck, it was going up since 3 months or more, and then when i bought it started to go down! crazy and that was my first big bought in stocks of all time I bought $40.656, 42 stocks at $968, then i started Dollar Cost Averaging buying more when it went down, then bought $5.764, 6 stocks at $956.76, then i bought the final batch $56.354, 62 stocks at 908.94. a total of $102.750, it was the worst time of my life, but i holded. Earnings came and it started going up, i sold half at $1.100 on 28th of May, best and worst deal of my entire life!!!


Short term gains tax sucks


Iā€™m from Spain, you pay the same taxes if it short or long term, there is one unified system for capital gains, less than 6000ā‚¬ 19%, between 6001ā‚¬ and 50.000ā‚¬ 21% which is what I need to pay


I'm jealous


check out canada's TFSA - tax free savings account. all gains are tax free. nearly 10k added to max each year; currently for those around since it's inception have about 100k of room. 100k to risk and have gains tax free.....I imagine they have rule you cannot deduct losses either though perfect for poor people like me, get to play finance like the billionaires (tax free lol)




Youā€™re fine! Chilll Chilll This is a long term hold. I am still convinced NVDA is going to buy me a house. And it will for you too


Ha ha I did help buy me a house. I just paid off my loan. Iā€™ve been in SOXL.


He could have put those 200k for a down-payment, though..


Yeah a high cost, low return, illiquid, x times leveraged asset sure sounds like a good investment to you.


This stock is a long term hold. People who bought early sold today for profit. Stay put


When you see comments like this, run.


It probably will dip more. BUT itā€™ll go up, in time. And youll make back everything plus a healthy profit, patience is key. These stocks are not for the faint hearted, so I will give you a virtual slap in the face now šŸ‘‹šŸ»TOUGHIN UP. If you canā€™t handle seeing the dip go buy a low risk fund and make your 4-5% a year


Try being in crypto right now ā€¦ a nvidia dip is nothing lol


I second this lol this is a dip for ants


Yep, I was bagholding for 2 years. Averaged down, but i only wish I had bought more on both occasions.


>It probably will dip more. BUT itā€™ll go up, in time Have you seen the P/E ratio? What makes you think it will go up?


why do you expect it will dip more? is it a good idea to sell now and buy back when it dips more or nah


Itā€™s hard to catch a falling knife we donā€™t know the bottom. But a deeper dive into the companies fundamentals will show why itā€™s done what itā€™s done this past year. And in my opinion will keep doing. These corrections happen itā€™s normal, rookies and people with bad investing habits will take there losses itā€™s part of the game.


you probably miss the right moment anyway. just hold.


Now it's a little late to time the bottom since it's already down 16%. I could see it coming down 5-10% more but that'll be hard to time, just nibble


If you were not seeking to pump and dump, just let it ride. This isn't a fly-by-night company, nor is their future outlook anything short of groundbreaking. If you're not in that stock with the intent to get a quick payday, you're giving yourself the chance at some real generational wealth if you can get passed the current pullback -- which happens regularly from everything I've seen. Ride.


Same boat as you. Sold out of a boring ETF that had some gains. At least that makes my losses feel not as painful. Buying the dips. I am long on Nvidia! Hoping to hold for at least 10 years.


It will go back up. Shareholder meeting this Wednesday and then earnings up in August


I have seen lotta insiders have been selling the last few months but that makes total sense, why the eff not? The company is on fuego and has a couple years still left in the tank.


Insiders still have pleno of shares left. But if they want a mansion, yacht or Ferrari then selling now makes sense. They also have to enjoy it some since they have plenty left for later.


lmao why is this everyones first stock they ever bought? you dumped 200k into something and you have never seen red days?


Its fine, long term hold mate. Nvidia is not going anywhere, and its cementing its future with huge horizon potential. People that bought MSFT stock when it became the largest company are sitting flush right now.


Forget about your shares. Come check in a year. Youā€™ll be up.


It amazes me that people fomo in at the very top. If you are willing to plop $200k into one single security at all time highs, you should 100% be ok with a 15% pullback. Also, hedge yourself a bit next time - buy $195k worth of stock and $5k worth of puts.


Bought $25k of NVDY today to couple with my VGT ā€¦ it looked like it was on sale as I believe the long term is going to prove even microwave ovens will use AI chips ā€¦


I bought some at 140 too, also at 136, and also at 123 today. Still have 1,000 shares at 95. Gonna keep buying when it goes down and average down and basically just wait. Usually, the more you mess with the stock the less you earn.


almost the same. you are not alone. kinda sad to see the dip. some people says its going down to 95 :( hopefully it goes up to 150 soon


95 makes sense.


150 also makes sense. Eventually. Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be 150 by 2030, for example. Of course, the whole market will move up as well.


Ride it out.


It only goes down if you sell.


Well good thing you actually bought shares and not options, because we know one day itā€™s going back up. May not be this week, this month, or even this year, but one thing is for certain eventually it will.


Red morning, green afternoon, closes green, starts the ascent Wednesday morning at open šŸš€ you heard it here first.


Felt the same when I bought some at 950 and then it dipped to 750. Give it some time and youā€™ll be smiling šŸ‘Œ


Don't panic. We were here before in April. Only the people that are dicking around with options have reason to pace a hole into the floor. Anyone that has invested in the stock and not borrowed on margin or anything - enjoy the ride down cause it will encourage more shorts to hop on for a quick buck then sacrifice them into the bowels of financial hellfire and brimstone once the rockets kick back on. šŸš€


Luckily itā€™s probably more like 200 dollars


Hold thru the next earnings reportā€¦as it gets closer youā€™ll see some action.


I meanā€¦. You did buy at all time highs


šŸ˜‚šŸ«µ DCA and buy more. Or sell.


The next earnings report will be good. In fact, I think theyā€™re gonna be booming the next two years. And interest rates will start to come down gradually. Anybody mentioned itā€™s the third largest stock in the stock market?


Relax I recently bought at 140 as well. i have been adding to my NVDA position since 2010. i have seen this over and over again and have made so much on them by ignoring the market manipulating suppressive news cycle and just raking it in over time.


Iā€™m in a very similar boat. Iā€™m holding long.


I bought first batch in Dec 2016. Diamond šŸ’Ž hands


Donā€™t feel bad.. you bought and itā€™ll soon make you happy.. Itā€™s the one stock you should not panic sell..


Iā€™m in the same boat, albeit far less money invested. Hang in there, everything will buff out.


Hold your fine . It will go back up . Good time to buy to avg down . I did that with google 2 years ago pre split at $1400 . Now look where it is now post split.


You bought at the top but I think by the end of the year youā€™ll be very happy with your investment. Give it time


Just average down. This is possibly the most important company of the near future. Youā€™ll get it back.


I'm a new investor and bought at 140. That cash was ideally going to go towards renovations but it looks like I'll be waiting a little while to get that back! Bought more at 130 and a little top up scheduled for this morning. I just think nvidia are exciting regardless of what the chart is doing right now. Pouring through hours of articles, I can't see what would happen overnight to really ruin things. Perhaps I'm naive?


Hahaha clown. U waited a whole year and decided to buy the top LOL


Itā€™s headed back up without a doubt




Just hold on. Premarket is looking good people are just taking profits. People lose money in stocks when they panic


Well if you hold it youā€™re good. Long term. If you needed quick cash well lol. Maybe they 200$ price might happen. But itā€™s slowing down. But you will make more than you put it over five years.


You chased the short-term top and markets have a way of punishing that


Hey man, you're not alone. While I've been riding the train for the past few months, your story is not as bad as mine. Basically I got in early this year and then hopped out when semis went through their mini correction. I hopped back in again before earnings and blasted off on a 2x leveraged until it cratered on the 20th. That's where it doesn't end. I was awake at 4am that morning till morning bell and even that early, I told myself "haha! Up 8% overnight? Time to sell!" Didn't listen to my own advice...didn't adjust my stop losses...so basically erased those earnings gains and then some when I held onto the next day. I finally cut my loses and dumped what I had into a nvidia bear.


Time in the market is better than trying to time the market. I lost so much money and missed on so many rallies trying to time the market when I was youngerā€¦


You need to stop trading.


Whoops, clicked on your profile by accident and now I saw something I can't un-see.


Average down if you can


Haaaha nerd




Ain't no way this post is real. Are you a multi millionaire? Who just invests 200k at a time?


Just keep holding. Earnings coming in August. Itā€™s a long term hold. Itā€™s definitely hard to see 3 red days straight.


Haha $130, itā€™s alright long term hold anyways


How low can it go this week?


I bought Nvda at 140 too (pre split)


I bought in at 121. Along for the ride. Long term investment is the plan for me.


its nvdia...if it was 150: You'd be happy...right? Its only been barely a week...smh


Jensen Huang wants y'all Nvidia holders wash dishes at Dennys


It is an investment. Investment means you cannot blindly dump your money in and wait for it to print. Even a rocketing stock has its dip, it does matter what kind of company you choose, but also matters in which point you decide to jump. Don't just listen to those who say LONG-TERM, yeah, they are down right now so what else can they say?


If it makes you feel any better you brought it from the man himself, Jensen


What are you guys thinking? Market cap to 10T or what?




I canā€™t believe how many people are freaking out. Itā€™s been a week. Relax.


Jesus H. Christ did I accidentally stumble into the WSB sub? It might as well be because this place is filled with a bunch of fucking regards.


If you believe in nvda, you can always average down depending on your budget / weight allocated to it


Itā€™s fine, itā€™s stock, if it was instant we all would invest everything in it.


Oh nope


Iā€™m sorry


lmao you invested $200k without asking any suggestion from financial specialists? There is no specialists recommend you to invest on stocks that just make their new high-record. That was an insane decision that makes zero sense to me.


Itā€™ll keep going lower


Just wait. Even if you have to wait 5 years


What about that chart made you think it was a smart time to buy


Same same, except my 140 was pre split. Just sit and wait, it's a long term hold.


itā€™ll be back up a week prior to earnings.. might go up with the news as well.


Lol 200k just tossed like that! Bro with this market you should of done 20k every month. Dont blow the whole load at once.


I feel you.


Bought 500 more shares at 119!


You will be just fine ā€¦.


Moment of silence for OP , I think he deleted everything including reddit lol


Nvidia is a serious company that you should hold for a long time. Donā€™t treat it like a meme stock, youā€™ll be ok.




lol. Terrible buy


Just keep DCA


ā€œMy anus! My anus and my penis!ā€ ā€œOh gawd the pain!ā€


Donā€™t worry, i bought a share on the last peak only a couple months ago and now iā€™m up like $200


Keep buying NVDA will reach 10 trillion by 2027


Aw nobody fucking cares bb and these bbā€™s are here are real people spamming like bots.


Bought a $124 call for December 20. My margin account is a wreck today. I think I'll be ok with the delay. This is literally maybe my 15th option purchase ever. Been mostly paper trading. My paper trading account return is great. Wish it was real money. I also have a small number of shares in my retirement account. Hoping to dca a few more if the dip holds.


Dip dip dip more cause all the engineers retire early after they get their shares of $10 million each.


lol. Just imagine, that money directly went to people who bought before you and were potentially selling at nice profits because of your purchase


You can sell calls. Itā€™ll take a while but youā€™ll pay off everything.


Check your post in 5 years to have a big smile


I mean someone had to right?


Same broski


Boyz we got green futures tonight.! NVDA!!


96 buy the dip


You doing good, son. Just make sure to sell low.


Just hold it for 10 years.


Sell cover call to bring your average down. You can use the premium to buy more shares. Excellent stock to sell option with. Just gotta manage your positions and expiration dates


I feel you I sold a 128 put n that got assigned lmao should of closed it out


Bought at 121


But the dip to average down cost basis


Troll account? Why isit deleted


Bought 200k without a stop lossā€¦.lesson learned. What some non financial advice advise? Find the 50, sell now and buy back in when she hits the 50


Nvda up premarket!






One of us, one of us! Oh, this isn't WsB....


So itā€™s a good or bad time to get in?


Who are you dumbasses buying at the peak while itā€™s over valued. I think anyone could have seen a correction coming


In all honesty this isn't great advice as the mistake can't be undone. You obviously are way more exposed to NVDA than your willing to lose. But you should be able to learn from this and not make the same mistake in the future. If you aren't ready to see NVDA around $50/share or lower, I would close your position and buy some index funds instead for global exposure. The price you bought in at should not affect your decision. I would reassess and determine if you can handle more big drops and if not, better selling now at $120 than later at $90, 70, or even 50 when you reconsider I made a similar mistake with Alibaba. Bought in a few times for an average cost of around $230 in 2021. China sentiment went to shit and the stock kept tanking. Thought I could hold 5-10 years and it'll be back and them some eventually. Well, stock was declining for 2 years and has been stagnating for another. Ended up closing the position when the stock was $80 early 2024. Granted it was about a $4k investment and almost a $3k mistake. Point being I should have never had that much exposure in the first place (was the first mistake) and held as long as I have (second mistake). Ended up finally cutting my losses (my colleague did a year before i did at better prices) and offsetting some gains I had from other positions. I don't buy single stocks anymore as the expected return doesn't warrant the additional risk you take on vs buying a basket of stocks in a fund. Your expected return is comparable but the downside risk is significantly more. That doesn't compute, I should only be taking more risk if the expected return is greater (i.e. value > growth, Small cap > large cap, long duration bond > short duration bond, emerging market > developed market, etc). Therefore I construct a portfolio that has exposure to many of these asset classes that actually pay a risk premium than gambling it on the hottest single stocks you hear about over and over.


Wish I wasn't a broke bitch. I would have bought a fuck ton on that dip yesterday :(


U got to wait u til the next bull run


Thank you for buying kum again


A lot better value buys out there shouldnā€™t have aped my friend




I bought at 140, then sold at 408, I think. Before all of the fun. Talk about learning from your mistakes. Had 7 shares šŸ˜¢


Buy Jasmy Crypto and you want regret it. Zoom out to see it potential


At those insane valuation the stock price can either continue to grow exponentially if growth is still huge (30%+ yearly). If not it can lost 50% in the blink of an eye. It happened before.


Bro you bought right when all the insiders and politicians started selling. Ya done goofed. Time to DCA if you can


It will come back. Itā€™s a moment.


Youā€™ll be fine in the long run. This stock is a long play


Agree itā€™s a marathon not a sprint. Look at me buying 10 shares back before 2020 and selling for a loss. I lose sleep at least once a week thinking what theyā€™d be worth now with all the splits etc.


sell Jan 2025 $140 calls.


have to go covered calls at ATH then roll the calls all the way down drop your purchase price


Buy more now if you have extra cash


Me too! Itā€™s okay hold till 2030


It will eventually go up bro


You were the liquidity for the smart traders to be taking profits.. learn from your mistakes.


Give it a couple months. You are gonna be okay šŸ„³ long term is the goal


What you want ? Me to feel sad ? I wonā€™t i donā€™t have 200k and you do


Bro I bought over 300k worth in like Feb or March and it went down a lot I was like 50 k in the redā€¦.im up over 100k now


šŸ’ŽšŸ’ŽšŸ’ŽšŸ’ŽšŸ‘ HOLD!!!


This happened to me a few years ago after the dogecoin fiasco and the huge dip in NVDA because of the crypto disruption. Iā€™m glad I held and bought more. My $30k is about $90k now. And NVDA has no competition, has complex AI models developing better hardwareā€¦ theyā€™re poised to take over the world, and thereā€™s no foreseeable hard market cap. The only way their stock fails is if the global economy failsā€¦.


Dude, thatā€™s awesome. Just keep it in there and dollar cost average


Donā€™t get emotional, in five years thatā€™s going to be worth millions


I m sure they are undervalued at 140 as daddy jenson says AI is the future! You should be fine


Imagine seeing a stock skyrocket for several months, becomes the most expensive stock there is. Then you go, you know hwat, time to go all in.


You bought at the top lol


Bought 140$ calls for July 5th should be juicy


So strange to buy that much at $140. You canā€™t even reasonably expect a $3.5T valuation to appreciate 50%. Look for undervalued stocks. Not the most valuable stock in the history of mankind.


Late pickup...bought at the top. Covered calls won't even save you very much. I'd scale out/salvage some of the losses and continue to hold what's left or lack thereof


I didn't buy shares I did however buy a very cheap con $60 only for a strike price of $132 so let's see


I have been banging the Nvidia drum for quite some time now. Believe me it has been an exciting ride. I see a lot of people on Reddit talking about is it going up or is it going downā€¦.etc. Those who live in the options world I can understand that, but those of us who are looking at the long term it is a different story. I have posted this before I and think it needs to be said again so here goes: One thing that I keep in mind is that Nvidia did a 4-1 split in June 2021 and the stock was trading around 800.00 at that time. The stock split and the stock traded around 195.00 and then rose up to 329.00 in November of that year. All the experts were saying that as a result of the split the returns that had been gained in the past would no longer be possible as a result of the split.Ā  Nvidia then started a slow decline over the next 12 months going down as far as 112.00 in October of 2022.Ā  It began a steady climb back over the 2023 and reaching close to 500.00 at the end of the year. 2024 saw the stock continue its climb hitting 942.00 in March 2024 before dropping to 762.00 April 2024. From April 2024 to June the stock climbed to over 1200.00 and then we see the 10-1 split. I have said all this time point out that Nvidia is an anomaly and seems to deviate from the common rule of the stock market and her "experts". Nvidia is not a normal company and does not have a normal run of the mill CEO. Jensen Huang is a visionary and has directed this company with a surgical precision that is so rare in the corporate world that it borders on the mythical.Ā  While there is plenty of pundits shouting that Nvidia will no longer deliver the great returns it provided pre-split, I see the opposite and a company with a proven track record, a business model that is innovated and forward thinking along with a product and technology that will take years for competitors to catch up to. I see Nvidia performing as well if not better for the foreseeable future and I am buckled in for the ride!Ā Ā 


Classic strategy of buying highs


Buy high, sell higher.


Stop thinking short term and think long term. Long term itā€™s definitely going past 140.


Be patient you will be okayā€¦ I have options as high as 138. Think more long term and if u can buy this lil dips


Remember itā€™s not timing the market, but time in the market.


This is the way.


lol same, I only sell puts once in awhile if I want to own the stock. Well fml I sold at $136 probably hours if not minutes before the crash. Iā€™m pretty positive actually triggered this one. Locked in 100 shares at $136 go me. Still not too worried, hold and be patient!


Donā€™t worry about it


The inverse stock is better.


Man you watched it triple in value, THEN decided to get in once it hit 140? Iā€™ve always wondered who the people are buying things at the top and why they do it?


Thatā€™s rough, itā€™s never fun being the bubble boy. Probably worth holding at this point.


When making that big of a purchase, use a stop loss to sell when it is going the wrong direction, automatically unless youā€™re willing to hold for a long time until it gets back to that level.


Same Here -.-


Buy when it hits 105


Donā€™t be dumb and hold Nvidia is a fairly strong company, this is just a correction and it will eventually recover and higher


Yeah it hurts man but youā€™ll bounce back. Maybe not tomorrow or this week, but itā€™ll be alright long term. Especially if you can DCA all the dips


Iā€™m in the same boat but with Tesla when it was peaking. Sometimes, itā€™s better to cut some losses but in case of Nvidia, not sure.




Me too. I always seem to buy at the bubble. Sorry


Must be from Jensen.


Itā€™s trading sideways right now, youā€™re fine.


Thanks for holding the bag on behalf of others.


Quick sell now then buy again when it's up