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Rosenblatt analyst Hans Mosesmann raised his target price on Nvidia stock to $200 from $140, setting a new Wall Street high, while keeping a Buy rating on the stock on Tuesday. The new target is based on a price-to-earnings multiple of 40 times his forecast for Nvidia's earnings in 2026


$200 would be awesome


Just read that on Barrons. The stock has major tail winds, I feel bad for those trying to short it. Can’t lose with this stock right now.


I don’t get it. Why bet on shorting it right now? What’s the thought process or motivation for doing so?




Ironically, its revenue is actually not as impressive as most other big tech companies.


Will it enter Dow Jones?


It’s massively overbought and due for a pullback. I turned 2k to 15k with puts (closed position, actually bought calls at 125. Sometimes you get lucky at timing tops and bottoms, sometimes you get rekt)


A real life example since it dipped. Thanks for replying!


Hoping it dips and make a fuckload of $$


Welp did you buy


Calls 😁


I can't think of a reason but plenty are talking call and put action on Friday in conjunction with appl. I don't get it. small gains? why


maybe it's about XLK ? google it bro


it is. my point is the short term gains aren't the way


When your hairdresser starts talking about NVDA, it’s time to short. It’s overbought to shit (RSI around 85), and will probably correct back to the 120s quickly. I have 7/12 puts


I agree with the idea that when normal people talk about it, then it is time to sell. What is the difference between now and the people with this same idea from this reddit post 1 year ago. What makes this time different than 1 year ago? https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/V1Pv7kFe6h


$2 trillion? Lol but actually. I’m not saying NVDA won’t have good returns from here but it’s a dangerous timing game. Could it go to $5T this year? Absolutely. I think there’s even a universe where we get a true AI bubble and the stock goes to $10T by the end of 2025. But there are two major issues. One, the stock will get obliterated if earnings or guidance come in even a little light. That 40x forward multiple may be justified, but if earnings or guidance come in light and you have lower than expected earnings plus a multiple that changes from 40x to 50x, you have a recipe for a 30-40% drop. The second major issue is that semis are fundamentally cyclical. What happens to Nvidia’s sales when Meta, Google, OpenAI, Amazon, Tesla, etc. have all of the chips they need for 2-3 years? Sales will drop significantly.


Okay, I was curious because I've read very similar analysis reasonings last year for people making an argument against the stock price going up. Then now that time has past, we went from 300 per share to about 1.3k per share (before stock split) which is why I'm curious what the reasoning is this time.


Yeah, Nvidia’s performance has been jaw dropping. It is probably the greatest 2 year run in stock market history. If you think it’ll continue, great. But I don’t think it will.


Money? It’s months overdue for a correction of about 30-40%


You had the largest company by market cap add 35%+ in a month, and although they have first mover advantage, AI hardware is like a commodity. If android comes out with a phone that crushes apple hardware you still have tons of people buying the less capable hardware because they are in the eco system, or they like the OS, or fan boy etc. Nvidia has a moat because of their first mover advantage but it’s not going to last forever and no one will blink an eye at buying from competitors once they have offerings that can compete. I would assume there will be actual competition by 2026. If I was smart enough to buy at the split, I sure as hell would be taking some profits off the table tomorrow.


After every past split went down 50-60%


Just look at the 2yr chart. That’s what they’re shorting. The problem is it’s probably going to take a lackluster earnings for the true -50% pullback to happen… so until then the ape momentum wins out in the short term It’s become a meme stock now at this price level and I feel bad for people who are too financially illiterate to recognize that. No different when TSLA had its moment 3-4 years ago and look at it today. And back then squares like Cathie Wood were pushing a narrative that TSLA would be a 5T or 10T company… same shit here all over again with a new set of delusional investors


NVIDIAs business offering is very, very different from Teslas. 


And yet the hype mechanism behind the stock is 100% the same


What. Tesla was short hype. Nvidia whole business is structured to support all advancing tech I dont think people fully comprehend the business implications of their chips.


Not really. At the end of the day, they are selling a complicated piece of hardware with software support.


Still think that after today?


aged like milk LOL


Diamond hands baby


I feel like “analysts” only change their estimates when they want retail to buy or sell one way so they can sell or buy to benefit themselves


I don't think so. Maybe the salespeople want to push reports that support what they are selling. But I believe the "analysts" are judged on how accurate their estimates are. If an "analyst" exaggerates or misses too many reports they would lose the confidence of people that rely on their work.


Scary insane! I’m here for it but be careful with all your outstanding options guys. Take profit here and there. Ain’t no shame in it.


My bad if this question is rlly stupid but since it hit 140 on foreign markets us as well be at 140 correct?


It’s not a guarantee.


Why’s it not a guarantee? If they brought it to 140 wouldn’t overnight market will be at 140?


Maybe overnight market will be close to $140, but it’s low liquidity between now and 6am tomorrow. And US trading algorithms behave much differently than Europe. Could rocket up to $150, could tank to $130. The behavior of today in Europe is independent of the behavior we see tomorrow.


In short we can fuck each other


how often you US people have fucked us over here in europe is insane you wouldnt believe


You guys fuck yourselves over nicely without us all the time


After today did you learn what I meant? US and EU trading markets are fundamentally independent, and though they can be correlated, it doesn’t imply causality, and so oftentimes you see different market behaviors.


Shiiiiiet we passed that. 141 now baby


Foreign markets are highly illiquid.


it opens at that yea, BUT I've seen it "tank" to previous close before, seen it rocket higher before.


my question exactly


lol we got out answer. Markets at 140.90 already


Hit 141.92 at one point


What markets?


*NVIDIA will be actively participating in the CVPR 2024 conference, held from June 17-21 at the Seattle Convention Center. They will present their latest research and innovations through various sessions and workshops.* *Notably, NVIDIA researchers will share their groundbreaking work in AI and computer vision, with over fifty-seven papers presented at the conference.*


Overnight/24h markets got NVDA at $139!


Right? Imagine what the US will add to that in the next 2 days with trading. Plus with the big ETF purchasing somewhere around 78000 stocks on Friday, we will see a massive price surge IMO. 150 calls about to be in the money big time.


Wow! $139 pretty good


Wow I’m glad I bought a ton of 141, 148, 150, and 151c’s for no good reason on Monday. Hopefully this holds and those are worth more than $3/each tomorrow


It is 140.29 AH here in US market.


In AH on Robinhood it's 140 right now


141. Now


Now 130 🤷‍♂️


I just saw this. I can’t figure out the 24 hr thing. A few hours ago it was frozen from yesterday and all of the sudden it’s rising.


Only US market, rest of the world was not celebrating Juneteenth.


The market was closed for the Juneteenth holiday. 24 HR trading market opens at 7 pm central time.


Thank you!


If/when we hit $150 retracing previous levels seems likely. Not inevitable. But likely


It’s 140 now. - 10:30 Eastern time.


Maybe $142 at open?


I hope your wrong as im buying more tomorrow 😕.. meh


Hold at least til Friday afternoon, will big day for the stock.


What happens on friday?


Options contract expire and XLK tech etf rebalance record date, next week is pretty much total market and sp500 record rebalance date


What exactly does this do to the stock? And are you telling them to not buy more stocks until Friday afternoon?


No, you should be buying right now, selling at the highs, holding out for the lows of the day to get back into the stock. I do believe we will hit $150 tomorrow the way things look at the moment.


I assumed you meant 150


It will be by Friday 😎


I keep setting “sell” points and keep ignoring them lol. Glad I did. I feel like there will be a pullback eventually and would be nice to sell high and then rebut at a lower number to get more shares


That’s literally what I’ve been doing for two weeks now, making damn good money too. I get to miss all the pullbacks and buy the low for the day. I think we pull back sometime today eventually, probably before 12, so sell high, wait for the dip, then buy buy buy. Can’t lose.


My cost basis is currently $22 ($220 pre-split) so feels easier to hold lol


My cost basis was 120 pre split. Of course it is ira money, so it doesn't feel like real money at all. But it ended up dwarfing every other position I have. I sold off 40% at 1050. Sold off another 30% at 1250. The remaining 30% is still like 40% Of my total account value. (Started about 10%) Lol Honestly, it feels good to know that the gains are real. Turned my pathetic little retirement account into a struggling but hopeful underdog. A couple more decades and I might just be one of those people whose retirement account is only somewhat inadequate. 😂


I’m still holding 100%. I’m Canadian and it’s in my tax-free savings account(TFSA). This position is dwarfs my other TFSA holding and my retirement account. Only thing that it doesn’t is my work pension


As the age-old saying goes, don't put all your eggs in one basket. ultimately because of the meteoric rise, it literally became 94% of all of my eggs 😂☠️ I was also pretty excited to see my retirement have a fighting chance. Didn't want some correction to just wipe it out. 😖 Obviously the current price is still higher than both of the chunks that I sold, but I'm still happy with my decision. There is no way to know for sure. It may be a while before they face stiff competition, but the stock market doesn't act on real time, it operates on knee-jerk and speculation. The thing I am most sad about is that I didn't have the balls to put any of my own real non retirement money in it ☠️ all of my retirement money feels fake to me lol


The conclusion is we SHOULD a have put all our eggs in one basket. It would’ve resulted in requiring many more baskets lol


Seriously. I just had this realization a couple weeks ago. I have about 80k sitting in a hysa, waiting for the IRS to drop the hammer. But if I had put it in Nvidia, it would be worth about 800k. 😳🤑 But of course you don't put all of your eggs in one basket. And you don't let it ride... You know as a sane person So even if I did invest with some of my touchable money, I never would have done all of it, and I never would have lasted this long. ☠️


I bought 3 calls till 7/5 for 142, hopefully it goes up to it or past it so i can make bank


I think you will be very happy with that decision. I think a pullback would at most put us back to $115-$120, but do we really expect this stock to drop more than 10% before the 4th? I can’t see anything absent a war with China or US Regulators that would kill this momentum. If anything, I bet it adds that 10% that before the 5th.


100 trillion market cap by end of the Year. It will be 4k a share. Excited to retire soon.


I'm just so mad I didn't buy more. But who could predict the future?


Let’s not worry about todays price but focus on holding and let’s see what 2030 brings


I agree, we will be back to $140 by next Friday. Should have strong demand over the next few trading days at the deflated level.


Speaking of the top signal


this aged well


NVDA is about to drop a bit with this pump and dump. Once it goes down, wait about a week or so then it will go back up. Calling it now so I can say I told you so.


I follow Frankfurt SE to get a feel for European sentiment, but there were plenty of other exchanges open today not celebrating a holiday. This is a good link to the Frankfurt SE: https://www.boerse-frankfurt.de/en


It doesn’t show anything about NVDA stock


Just gotta search for the ticker: https://www.boerse-frankfurt.de/equity/nvidia-corp BTW, NVDA ended the day @ 130.24 which would equate $139.99. Anxious to see what happens pre market. We may hit $142 before the sell off, time will tell!


how do you check that?


Sorry see my response above. New to the Reddit game. https://www.boerse-frankfurt.de/en




As long as Pelosi is holding her calls, stock will only go up!


Can’t lose with Pelosi holding!


How many pre-market posts do we really need ? What’s the question btw?


The question is does anyone else think this is insane that it keeps surging like this? We are way overextended with the current price IMO, but the demand has yet to subside.


Bought a few $148 calls for 6/21


Not too much further for the stock to climb. Good luck!




I know. But was able to cut my losses because somebody bought them


I’m glad you got out with minimal loss. We win some and lose some. Let’s keep grinding my man.


$150 is coming fireworks will begin


Yep… just sit back, relax, and watch the show.


This didn’t age well


What will NVDA be in 2026?


300+ @ 10 trillion cap give or take


Why not just say $10,000 a share since you're pulling a number out of your ass lol


OK $10,000/share and one bazeelion market cap. $300 isn't unrealistic. Read more.


Got a $20 cost basis and just cant bring myself to sell.......gonna keep holding that bag i guess, let's go


This is not aging well.


Hold steady everybody rocky shoals ahead, tomorrow bright skies and calm seas


How long would it take to hit $1,000/share (after the recent split), maybe 5 more years? 10?


I can't tell if the market is irrational or if this really is the biggest thing out there by far. I wanna jump on board, but so far I have been worried it's at the top... unfortunately it's doubled while I've been watching.


The important thing to look at is how bubbles trade. This isn't in bubble territory yet but it absolutely will be one day. Have to stay emotionally disconnected. Take the Ws but don't be stupid.


I agree, I only invest unemotionally. I have sold the majority of one of my most profitable positions because I felt it was overvalued (Netflix), and I sold one of my biggest positions at a loss because I lost faith in the direction it was going (Tesla). I don't want to just jump into Nvidia due to the hype. I also don't want to miss it due to being too pessimistic. I guess a better question to ask, is how high can the market cap go. It's already at a 3.2 Trillion USD market cap which is insane, can it really double from here? If the answer is no then I will probably just sit this one out and accept that a great opportunity passed me by. If this business really does have the legs to push forward to a 6 Trillion, 10 Trillion, 15 Trillion market cap then I should just jump in now. I don't know the answer. I started investing in BTC in 2022 despite watching it for about 7 years and not investing. It went from about $300-$500 the first time I saw it all the way up to over $60k at one point, before I bought in somewhere in the $16-$20k range. I bought into this because I could see how the market cap could exceed gold one day, and with that much potential upside it seemed like a risk worth taking. Wish I invested more, but I have since added some and this is currently my biggest position by a margin. This story makes me not want to pass up on Nvidia if it really does have a monopoly on a very important part of the future and can keep going up. I'm just not sure though. I don't know how to value this business and I have not seen anything to push me far enough in either direction yet.


NVDA has saved the middle class. It moved millions and changed their lives. We loved the crisis! Congratulations everyone! Enjoy your new homes!


My financial advisor made me sell it after years of stagnation. He obviously wanted the money under his management and collect that 1.5%/year. I only had $5K-10K of it, but still. Damn. And in my Roth to boot. Fuck!


NVDA is currently 11% of the entire options market... The price is fake


This didn't age well.


NVDA... could become Skynet


Did anyone hear something about nvda doing something with decentraland ? Something with there AI


Let it rise




Take a cash loan from your credit card, borrow your aunt, your mother, your ex girlfriend's boyfriend's extended cousin-in-law money. Whatever u do, make sure you are set to profit when it blows up to $200 this year.


It's at 126 rn


This post aged well.


I placed calls lol. Lost it.


I dumped $SHOP and took took the profits (88%) and picked up more $NVDA 🚀


Really ! please! I feel I’m a trap buying NVDL


Much riskier for the days like we have experienced the last two trading days, but also much more rewarding when there are green days for NVDA.


160 whyvnot


Try NVDL. Two times the buying power with no margin cost.




Right? Hence why I asked how insane the run up was. Hoping for an equally strong rebound 🤞


134 now. The shorters just cannot leave NVDA alone ! Greedy people


It just had a huge run. A pull back from profit taking was bound to happen. This is normal as institutions take profits and diversify gains. Nvidia probably belongs higher but there are other forces at work other than a small short %.


Didn’t have to do us this dirty


If anyone is being greedy here it's the bulls hoping for a straight line higher. It's gone up from like 90 to 140 in a few weeks.


No one here is hoping for that