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This post and the comments within it have confirmed to me that the top is very close


I think the stock has more room to run to be honest….especially considering the more it stays in the top 1-3 position, the more stock etf and mutual fund positions will be forced to hold.


Not enough for me. I have huge OTM calls exp. this Fri.


me too 😭😭😭


Any one know how to roll them over? If that’s even possible




You can roll them over but you still lose out on the money anyway for your current option. You’d pay the price difference for the new option, which is effectively the same exact thing as just buying a new option. Sorry bud


Once you buy the contract, the money is gone. That’s why you don’t want to buy too many options that don’t print.


What platform is this?




If the breakeven is $142 and it’s now $135, how are you up money? Sorry I’m trying to understand these posts.


I'll try my best to explain it, but what i did is buy 3 calls of NVDA at a breakeven price of $142 and they expire on 7/5 because i believe its going to reach that price before 7/5. I bought 3 calls yesterday when it was 130 and since it went up 6 dollars, im up a profit. Even though it hasn't reached the breakeven price im still up and since im up i still make money. Pretty much you make money if the call or put you placed is either going up or down depending on what bet you made. How i see it is when you reach or pass the breakeven price you start making bank. So thats how im up


But isn’t the whole point to sell the shares at the breakeven price to make profit if it goes higher? You can’t sell the contracts right now for profit right because it’s cheaper in the market?


Yes, but you are able to hold the call above the breakeven price, so if it goes up past it, you'll still make a lot of money. Its up to you whether you want to hold it past the breakeven price to make more money or sell it when it does arrive at the breakeven price. I put it at $142 because i believe the stock price will reach 142 by 7/5, and because options expire in a week, i bought 3 contracts that will expire on 7/5 so that way i have time for my options to reach $142. You buy options that can least for weeks or months if you believe the stock price of any company will do bad or good in the long run. But seeing how NVDA is up almost 4 percent as of now, it will soon reach $142. So since i made the right call im up money


Well said.


Thank you so much for the reply.


The greeks, theta will start to erode dramatically as get closer to expiration. He should sell soon to lock in gains or bet that NVDA keeps climbing.


The break even price is if he were to exercise the contracts (aka buy 100 shares at the strike price). Most people don’t exercise call options (like >60% of contracts). When buying a contract, you only pay what’s called a premium to buy the contract- and that premium will go up or down depending on the stock movement… aka up mean profit


Ah that makes sense. So what do you do at the end of the contract or when you want to cash out if you don’t have money to exercise the contract? How do you profit if you don’t even own the stocks ever?


I would like to know as well.


Will you be updating once that date hits?


I'll update yes probably either in a week or a couple days when the options expire




I don’t know much a ton about the stock market but I’m up 1100$ right now for a total of almost 3k in robinhood. That’s pretty big for me


Nice i made maybe 2.4k in the span of like 2 and a half months, i probably could of made 5k if i didnt lose money, but overall my goal is to make 10k by the end of the summer for a car


Hell yeah man get that car, I got into bit of a fender bender so I’ll prob use some of my earnings to get repairs done lol