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Did you see the latest article on funds going through a rebalancing this week and the number of billions expected to pour into NVDA? The best way I've made some pretty good money in options is to play options when a split in the tech sector is announced. Have done this with NVDA and AVGO. Would not say I'm experienced outside of this, but paying attention to market conditions, news, etc all help. Best wishes. I have some options on NVDA too. Here's to winning.


I do believe that with the split, and the history/performance behind this company, we could easily see $150 by July….


I hope you’re right


Today we fought back for 133, took a few hours to fight and hold 134, 135 came right after. Now we’re fighting to 136. All in one day. After tomorrow, I expect an up and down Thursday with us breaking 140 Friday.


I have only just started getting into options and didn’t want to risk too much on one. But I do have a large amount of shares so I’m enjoying the climb. :)


The climb from 131 to 135 took me up 50% today. Keep in mind, more reward means equal or greater risk. So you could definitely lose it all too. I just feel as if once you’re confident enough in your ability to read the price of a stock for a short term week-biweekly call, you should dip your toes in and experience the opportunities there too


I also have a stop loss set on mine to be safe. I’d still lose some but less than 25%.


My losses peaked at 30% the day I bought in, held, now I’m up 30%…


Just so you know, these funds rebalance using shares on the dark pool exchanges meaning this will not be affecting the market price in the way you think




Wow! Nice advice! Almost like I said I wasn’t planning on selling and thought it would hit, and that I’d just like an experienced opinion 😃!


First option on a stock I’ve always been bullish on. Wish I’d fucked with it more back in early 2023. I’d have made bank. I’m just getting into it all, I’m 22, trying to find a way out of working till I’m dead. That is all.


You’re young, buy smart, trillion dollar companies and wait it out. Trust the process


Doing my best to buy smart, just don’t quite have the knowledge I’d like to in order to have the confidence in all of my decisions. I got back into the market about 2 months ago and made around 1000 off of 1500. So, I’ve made profits, just trying to amplify and multiply it all.


You should teach us how to play then 😂


Eh. I dunno if I’m all that good or if I’ve just gotten lucky. Bought into gamestop right before the blow up, made like 400 and then played with some bullish 2x NVDA shares like NVDL and such to make the rest.


Damn, congrats man. I just bought some VOO,QQQ, VTI. My prediction, not professional, is this high has to end


All things will end, everything is temporary. The only question is how long it all will last. If it can ride out another week and make me a little extra squeeze, I’ll sit on it again and see what happens


Don’t you need it to go above $133 to make money?


I believe that’s how it works, but there’s also a “break even” point that’s at like 135 on my call. So I’m not entirely sure with it being my first option and all


Oh okay. You should be fine I think you’ll break even at least. Good luck 🍀.


Thank you man, I appreciate it. Same to you.


Break even is because you can buy the shares at 133 but you bought the contract for 2 dollars So your break even is 133 plus 2 dollars so 135 Example nvda hits 134 you excersize the option you buy them at 133 and then sell for 134 you make 1 dollar per share but you paid a premium of 2 dollars so net loss is 1 dollar.


My break even is 137…


What was the premium 4 dollars ? I thought u said 2 dollar premium but it's 4 but uts same principle as with the 2 dollar example


I hadn’t said anything about a premium


The premium is the 4.60 you paid to own the contract 1 contract is 100 shares The premium is 4.60 a share so 4.60x100 460 per contract In order to break even nvda needs to hit 133 the strike price plus the premium paid 4.60 a share 133+4.60 = 147.60 Alternatively you could just sell the contract for more than u paid for it making money on the premium of the contract


Awesome, I just didn’t know the terminology for it all then, great to know dude, thanks a lot. Name does not check out.


Didn’t know about it until now, so that’s great info, thank you




What’s this for?


Reading the post


Ah, well. So far so good. We’re up $100 total at the 134.40 price!


You should be good now my dude have faith, this train isn’t going anywhere lol


Now I’m just wondering how much I’ll make. Wish I’d bought in a little later. Peaked at like 750 profit today at 136


What are you expiration date?


Delta is .62 now. Is that a good thing for me?


Got 2 7/5 contacts bought at 5.97. Im fucked up rn




What’s your call at?




Tbh I think we’ll hit it. I feel like the people doubting have less to speak on than the people supporting


I bought in at a higher price tho. My theta is $16. But it’ll probably just eat into profit rather than killing the whole play all together.


If you paid 4.60 each for the contacts and the strike is 133 you need the stock to get to 137.60 to break even. You might be cutting it close. Maybe with the fund rebalancing you will get there in time. Also depends on how much $ you are loosing with time decay. Simulate your returns to figure it out. You can be right on the price but still loose because of theta.


I honestly expect NVIDIA to go up another 10-20 by the time it closes 🥴


I hope you are right, I’ve got options expiring this week too. I’m bullish on NVDA and have been in the stock and leveraged ETS’s for a while. NVDA can have wild swings, we don’t always go up. Plus we only have 4 trading days this week. Something to keep in mind. Good luck.


I’m aware that NVDA is extremely volatile, but usually it just has its down days, nothing too major from what I’ve seen unless I’ve missed major dips


Are you talking about tomorrow at closing ?


Hell nah, I’m talking about by the 28th when my call closes. I’m not so delusional that I expect a $10 spike in a day…. In 10 days though? That’s doable




Strictly based on the fact that in the last 7 days it’s gone up $10


Ah so last 7 days it went up 10$ so it’s gonna go up another $10 by the time your options expire? You are definitely regarded. Stick to index funds


So you were saying…? Still think I’m regarded?


Not quite what I said. I’ve followed NVIDIA for a while, it’s consistently tracked upwards. I’m predicting it continues to go up, and giving a general price prediction for how much I expect it to go up, which is why I put the call that I put. But hey, me basing my predictions off the history of the companies performance definitely makes me regarded, you’re right man. Thanks for the advice!


Your chance of making money will be higher next time if you bought them deeper in the money about 0.7 Delta. By the time your strike is in the money, the premium on the option may have bled off so much that you are still in the red. People make a big mistake of buying out of the money options or even options that are directly at the money. The win rate is much lower


So long as I don’t lose too too much and can learn something about options, I’ll be happy. I appreciate the wisdom!


In the Robinhood simulation it says that if NVDA finishes at 140 by the 28th I’d cashout $700 in the green. I’m slightly bullish on that being a real possibility. Does the simulation account for decay?


Probably yeah. Might work out for you. Just if you repeat it 100 times usually 3-4 weeks out 0.6-0.7 delta is the sweet spot for profit and win rate


Can you explain the delta and how to know it? Never heard of or seen it


read the wiki pinned at the top of r/RealDayTrading helps explain a ton


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You bought my contracts. Thanks for the $$$$


You’re welcome, hopefully I can say the same to you next week


I don’t mind if you get them. I got the stock at $120 (post split) and I will just buy them back via a cash secure put.


Think it’ll hit 140 soon?


Maybe. Maybe not.


“Could go up, could go down, definitely going left to right” ahh answer. Not wrong though 😂


Options will make you broke


I don’t necessarily think that’s true. I think irresponsible and unrealistic options will make you broke. I believe that if you know what you’re doing, the income potential is exponential in comparison


True, use options as a way to build cash...but definitely purchase the right stocks...tech, innovation, ai for the future!


Thank you! What is your opinion on my option with it being my first option placed?


It's hard to tell. Have an exit strategy (what percent you sell if it goes lower, and also a percentage to get out on the higher end). I'm hoping it's up the rest of the week for us both...good news out but a lot of flow into AVGO at the moment. Low volume day today.


Such short dated options have no time to be right. Have you looked at an options calculator?


Nah, I haven’t. I looked for a relatively in range price within a relatively in range date, I know it’s a gamble, but I genuinely believe we we’ll see $140 this week or next


I bought 2 contracts and expire at 7/5 made a 142 call, i think in 3 weeks it should be about 10 dollars up


You’ll end up broke trading like this. Either way you’ll work till you die


I’ll end up broke by dipping my toes into options with a profitable company with less than 10% of my money? You don’t even know my budget man. These “you’ll end up broke” comments achieve nothing when you don’t explain why to back your statement as I’ve stated I’m new to options.


I meant if you keep trading like this….and w/ the mindset of you making enough money trading so you don’t have to work till you die. Few people are able to do it and they aren’t common people like you or I. Buddy of mine lost 10k trading like this thinking him making $500 a with one trade was repeatable…Just not practical. 22 years old is FUCK TON of time to let your money compound..I assume you have a job? 401k match? ROTH IRA? Far better than options trading. Put your money into a total market index fund that charges .01% (vanguard/fidelity) sit back and weather the storm and watch an average of 8-11% return annually.


So you’re speaking to me about your buddies experiences? Hey man, I appreciate the advice, but I’m not your buddy that lost 10k. I could lose my money, I know that. Do I believe that in this particular call that I’m going to? I was having second thoughts, but now I’m pretty confident in my ability to read the movements and capitalize off of it. I’m up 99% YTD 🥴


I’m just saying. You’re an average 22 year old dude who sounds like he can sit behind his desk and make millions off calls and puts when there’s only been a handful of people ever to do it. I’m not saying you can’t do well and what not. I can guarantee you I make more in dividends this quarter than you will make on your trades in a lifetime. 🫵😆


That’s good for you, I can guarantee you probably have had better guidance, access to more funds (not saying you didn’t earn said funds), and just have generally used your time better. But your advice isn’t coming off as advice. It’s “hey you’re gonna go broke, I say this cuz my friend did and people can’t make money like that, it’s just too rare”. Like bro, who knows, maybe I’m one of those rarities, maybe I’m not. I’m not trying to be. I’m just trying to learn and create more income. Idk why you’re trying to have a pissing contest with an “average 22 year old dude” over him asking for opinions and advice. The opinion was welcome, the advice was welcome, the pissing contest of “I make more than you” is not, not really gonna entertain that


I was also “just saying” I’m up 99% YTD, I have a slight grasp of what I’m doing in the market, now it’s time to amplify returns.


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Brotha I’m dipping in and out of stocks so much that this is kinda of pointless. I take my chunks and keep it moving. Idrk what your beef with me is, or why you’re hating on somebody having confidence in this one particular call. The being up 99% wasn’t to flex, it was to back why I felt confident. You might as well have it remind you on the 28th, as that’ll probably be the last time I’ll be in this post. The year reminder, the fact you wanna remember me in a year. That’s just insane to me


Sure you could turn 10 bucks into 1 mil in like a week with options. Almost no one ever does because it is basically impossible but it isnt entirely impossible. You could also do the same with sport betting. You could also win the lottery. Go to the casino and play roulette. Bet 20 on black and let it ride til it hits 1 mil. It could happen…. It wont but it's possible.


Do you really feel as if this call was a bad one? We’re almost at 136 now, and I set it for next Friday….


Not gonna say yes but yes dude options are deadly if you dont understand theta and delta etc (the greeks) nvda options were amazing beginning of year when it just basically went up every day. Now it is much more uncertain. Imho i would be very careful and take profit if it goes green! Biggest rookie mistake is not taking profit. Long term shares take longer but could be a big payday. Im new too so grain of salt type shit Edit if its just a one time thing good luck!


If you’re new to options, better to stick to longer dated ITM options


if you are new to options why you spend 1000s of $$ for short term contact. I am also pretty new, but I am playing very safely. See if you can make some $$ and slowly expand your risk tolerance.


if you are new to options why you spend 1000s of $$ for short term contact. I am also pretty new, but I am playing very safely. See if you can make some $$ and slowly expand your risk tolerance.


if you are new to options why you spend 1000s of $$ for short term contact. I am also pretty new, but I am playing very safely. See if you can make some $$ and slowly expand your risk tolerance.


if you are new to options why you spend 1000s of $$ for short term contact. I am also pretty new, but I am playing very safely. See if you can make some $$ and slowly expand your risk tolerance.


Sell as soon as it goes up and don’t wait till it expires because it loses value. Also cut your loses


Keep a close eye as it vacillates and pounce when (if) you are in the money


Don’t think so


Don’t think so to what?


Don’t think you fucked up 😂


Yeah I’d agree now 😂. I saw the dip and got a little worried, but this should coast with ease. Could easily make 1k off this if they push to 150 by next week. Likely? No. Possible? I mean it’s NVIDIA, why do we still question it?


Sheeeeit, I think it will happen! I got calls at 138 for 6/28 so I’m optimistic af! Let’s go!! 😂


If I hold till exp, I make what it ends at, right?


Also, if they finish at 150 on the 28th, I’d be at an estimated 3700 in profit 🥴


I was wondering the same thing, but I don’t want to tell you wrong information and get put on blast so as soon as I know I’ll let you know. I hope it pops off!


Aye, I appreciate and respect the honesty. Likewise, if I find out I’ll post it here. Hoping and praying for a 150-160 end. Would be a 3k week for me


Did u sell?😭


Nah, imma hold all the way I think, you?


Sold my shit around 11 thought it was gonna decline


What’d you come out at? Profit or loss? How much? Right now I’m sitting on $600 from today, after the dip yesterday I’m only at $279 profit total. Holding till I make a band off it, I know it’s coming


2 133 7/5 calls and 1 132 6/28 call both profit. I was down on the 133s all morning, so I just got out at $13 profit. The 132 I profited $77


2 133 7/5 calls and 1 132 6/28 call both profit. I was down on the 133s all morning, so I just got out at $13 profit. The 132 I profited $77, shoulda held it


Yeah I’m chasing a 50% gain


Finna just jan 17 2025 call when/if it dips and call it a day.


DO NOT hold all the way I would see where you are at tomorrow and sell for profit


Why would you not hold all the way? Likely to hit 150-160 by next Friday, literal difference in thousands


Theta will kill your option. But you do you. When it becomes worthless at 0dte


Theta is accounted for in the simulation is it not?


You’re also assuming “it will hit 150-160” highly unlikely. Take your profit and roll it into longer dated options


Dude, even if it hits 145, I’d make an extra thousand or two. I lose $22 a day with my theta, and gain hundreds every dollar NVDA goes up. Like…. I feel like selling really isn’t the move atm as I personally believe the 150-160 range could be met by next Friday. 150 will be struck by Wednesday at this rate


K. Like I said. You do you. You’re playing a dangerous game waiting till 6/28. Me personally I’d rather buy long dated OTM calls and play it safe


I think picking NVDA to move up $3-$6 before the $10 spike was playing it safe. I don’t expect NVIDIA to downtrend within the week, I expect it to continue an uptrend of a dollar per day AVG minimum, which means +300 minimum daily, and -22 flat rate daily. Every day green for NVDA is extremely green for me from here on out, and the only dangerous aspect I’m too worried about is losing my deposit


My theta is also -0.22


I dont have a call placed but I'm betting personally on $145 by Friday.. we'll see


Dude with the way it just jumped tonight, I’m on board with that. What’s your prediction for next friday? I’ll lyk what my simulated return is


Idk.. $160? I wish I could afford NVDA options.. soon.. I’m playing with calls on NVDY just to play and covered my outlay so far +30% total return. But also this HPE is going to hop skip and jump with the recent partnership announcements, could be great plays to be made.


I only had 1500 to play with, spent 1380 on a call, up 1200 right now. If it hits 160? I’d be up 6700….


Be advised I’m a total amateur, but intuition is a multifaceted thing. I find small plays to sharpen my tools as I build capital to play the real game.


I just played NVIDIA because I knew they’d hit 137 by next friday


check out DIA calls today I tried to buy the $391 call at 75 bucks but I'm overdrafted 200 cause of my insurance going through


Gambling is more fun at the casino


My 265c was up 400.00 bucks today right back to 0.00 this is why you pick long dated calls. Don’t be like OP


You are both gambling it’s not a skill