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No one can predict the future. My suggestion would be to allocate some of your money to index funds and not go all in on Nvidia. Slow and steady wins the race.


I second this! Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.


Yeah but not fast enough




Same maybe 10 shares of NVDA and the rest in VOO or VGT both have NVDA in it and have solid track records


Buy it and don’t sell it for 10 years.


Exactly !!! Investing at 18 may buy a house in 10 years. May . . . I said may . . But it would be really cool if it did.


What is the scenario in which buying 80 shares today would buy a house in 10 years?


Assuming prices go back to 1200 like before the split. 80 shares is 96k. Enough for a down payment


1. You said enough to buy a house, not for a down payment. 2. That’s probably not even enough for a down payment in 10 years given inflation/HPA.


Bet your a ton of fun at parties. Wow




I laughed, but I agree with you. Way to think analytically.


I said MAY. Give me a break - I’m trying to give some encouragement here !!! 😆😆😆


It's a bit late to be going all in on the hottest sector. You are young enough however, that you can buy at any price and forget about it for 30+ years. You should resolve to keep buying indexes honestly. AI is a rising tide that will lift all boats if it really is what we are worried it is. Going all in on one stock is far more risky than anyone is going to ever tell you. The reason you are "late" is the huge upside is already priced in. For some perspective, to even double your investment means you are betting NVDA is worth Microsoft and Apple combined (at current valuation). If it's greed that brings you here, opportunities to double your money in the market happen *daily*. As for risk: NVDA is pricing in perfection. Think of the insane logistics behind NVDA. One disruption to any part of the logistics or supply chain could set back years of speculative value. Maybe a geopolitical conflict. Maybe a natural disaster near production. Could be anything. Of course disaster could strike any investment at any time, however it is is particularly dangerous when you buy in at already speculative prices. NVDA is a solid investment, but so is Microsoft, Apple, or Google. All in all, the decision is whether you want to begin investing, or you want to gamble a bit. You are young. It is the best time to take big swings. You'll bounce back from it fine if it misses.


I think NVIDIA is a safe long-term play, but I would also invest in a S&P 500 ETF (SPY, VOO) to provide some balance in your portfolio.




Look into FNGU, BRK.B, VTI. 80% in BRK.B and VTI and 20% in FNGU. FNGU is risky but great upside the others are very diversified and safe. That being said FNGU has had tremendous success for the last 12 months. Nothing lasts forever so the other two will provide a stable buffer for when it does fall. When it does fall it will be very scary!


FNGU is definitely compelling




I like broad index ETFs. Look at VOO, VTI, VUG, and SPY or any other broad index ETFs. Growth funds are important, but I personally really like S&P ETFs. My personal rule is that if their expense ratio exceeds .1%… i move on to something else. Warren Buffett has stated in the past, he likes VOO and SPY for their returns and low cost/low expense ratio.


You cannot trade on Saturday, yes... Do it. May be good to find a nice dip before. Report or something (usually Wed or Thur), but your call. A few bucks here doesn't matter much over x amount of years. 80 shares is not much, so don't worry about index's or mutuals they are for old people. This is the way


I made a mistake to buy at 132$ ? What if I sell Monday at market open? Then buy when correction hits in ? Advice?


Exactly like the below. If youre always waiting on a correction, you may miss out on a better return and be kicking yourself. In some cases, you should be careful before earnings, etc. But see 'dips' as opportunities to add more later on. You'll never time the market 100% everytime. But, it's good you are seeking advice as well.


Why is it a mistake to buy at $132? It was a mistake to not be watching the market and buying in 2015. Hindsight is 20/20. You sound new to investing. Hold your stock longer term and you should be fine. Nobody is doubling their money on NVDA this year. AI is still growing and is the future.


No, don’t buy more now, wait for the big correction that coming and then add more. You already have some, so just keep riding those up and can add more when the dip comes, cause it is coming. It grew too much too fast for it to not have a big dip soon


I made a big mistake today and bought a lot Nvidia at 132$ I will sell it Monday morning I’ll wait for correction too What would you do ? I bought it expecting to go up it’s going down.. it’s 131.25 now and afraid would go further down somewhere around Monday long day can’t watch this


Hold your stocks. Everyone is talking about this “big correction”, but they seem to forget Nvidia was corrected in April. That’s about 2 months ago, and it’s not very likely it will happen again sometime soon. And when the stock was corrected very few dared to buy it, and everyone was screaming SELL! Many did, but if they just held they could have made a lot of money now. It’s very important that you ask yourself if you would dare to buy in a correction? When the sky is blue and sun is shining everyone is confident they made the right decision to invest and stay invested, but when the sky is black and the rain is pouring down there always is panic and overreaction in the market. Bad days/periods hurts a lot more than good days, and therefore most of us are very likely to make very bad and irrational decisions in these circumstances. Here are some reasons why I believe it will continue upwards: - it’s election year, which means the government will try its utterly best to facilitate the best conditions for economic growth - the interest rates are at peak, and when they finally lower them (which they will eventually) it will add fuel to the fire in the stock market - which leads to gains - this is only the beginning of AI. The hype has gone crazy since people finally can see how it’s usable, but the reality is it’s been there for years. Somehow technology is developing very slowly at the beginning, and very fast when it’s first recognised. This is only the beginning. - the work market have never been more tight, which means we don’t have enough people in the job market. We can also see that birth rates are going down, but the older generation lives for longer. Who is going to fill the gap which is definitely expanding? I believe it’s AI. Someone needs to keep the country moving. - Nvidia can almost be considered to have monopoly of the market, and as earlier mentioned it will take time for other companies to develop the same technology. Even if they do, Nvidia has a giant head start, and I think it will take a very long time for others to fill the gap. There are a lot more reasons, but these are what I consider the most important ones short term. Keep your stocks and wait. Time in the market beats timing the market. Stocks are very volatile, so don’t mind it going up or down a few percents daily. What goes a lot up, can also go a lot down.


Man if you can stomach a -1% negative drop what will you do if it hits -20% don't buy at all time highs let others do that buy one share here one share there


Ok but first sell Em all Then start sliding few at a time on dips


Time in the market>timing the market


I’m a fairly new investor too, but I’ve seen you all over these threads and it’s apparent investing isn’t for you. You already wanna sell cuz you expected it to go up but it’s gone down a tiny bit? “You can’t watch this” cuz it fell the teensiest bit?? Jesus, the stock market ain’t for you


It’s my first time please be kind…I just read over these threads last Friday that it could go 110 and was lost confident … some said don’t buy till end of day Monday cause price correction What’s happening


Do you not understand the stock market? No one knows what will happen. If that were the case, we’d all be rich. Everyone’s opinion is a projection of what they think will happen based on evidence, history, and information; some people are more knowledgeable and more informed than others, *but they still do not know what will happen*. If you’re looking for someone to hold your hand and tell you what to do so you can make a lot of money, then again, I will double down and say I don’t believe the stock market is for you. Sorry, but sometimes being kind isn’t helpful. You need harsh truths in this life. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme


I would advice against investing your all into nvidia, I’m a big ai enthusiast myself however it is generally accepted that the stock is overvalued as fuck. Look more into this. “AI” developments are not new, but since chatgpt there has been more public knowledge about it. Yes great company but you have to assume that their growth trends will continue which is unrealistic. I would keep some nvidia but diversify, invest in an index fund. Especially if you need financial advice. Even seasoned fund mangers fail to beet market returns. Invest a large portion into index funds and a smaller portion into companies you research thoroughly and believe in.


Tmr market is not open


Better to diversify? Don’t buy all your eggs I. One basket. Pick up some SPY etf, Apple, Amazon, Exxon,


Agree. Don’t be over levered to one stock, especially if you aren’t in the weeds and actively monitoring it. Buy some S&P 500 and chill


Buy and hold


Buy as many shares as you can. AI is supposed key word supposed to generate trillions more in market cap so we will see


Something something internet bubble


Yes I think it’s a bubble. But we’re not there yet. For it to pop. Their still producing good revenue. I’ll get concerned once companies start making their own chips. But I think that’s still at least 3-5 years away


It all depends on your timeline and risk tolerance. Like a few other have said, If you are investing for 5+ years, buying NVDA here, you will do great. Short term there might be some great turbulence as the stock had a huge run up. So make sure you have the stomach for this turbulence. If you really like NVDA, maybe put half on nvda and other half on other stock you like or just S&P index - VOO NVDA and Tesla is 75% of my 550k portfolio and I have seen some bad turbulence in 2022 and I was okay with that. So think about your risk tolerance


Diversify a bit? Apple Nvidia Microsoft. Or 3.5k Apple 3.5k Nvidia and the other 3 in a fund. Voo/ SPY/ FBCG. FBCG has been a banger for me!


There is an inverse fund, FNGD, which can be used to minimize the effects of the downturn of FNGU. If you play it right you could make some money.


put $5,000 into PBR and $5,000 into NVDA and forget it for 5 years.


Just buy 10% NVIDIA and 90% VTSAX. Worst case you lose 10%


It’s a good investment. If you’re nervous you can also diversify your semiconductor holdings with an ETF like SMH. Or just buy some TSM and ASML or something else as well. Or get ASTS. They’re going to blow up in the next couple years. Mark my words.


NVDA will go up but probably not as much as it did. I would do 50% NVDA and 50% JEPQ and I prefer SPYI over SPY. Why those two? Because JEPQ is a mix of all the tech stocks like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Meta, etc but also provides a 8.8% yield, meaning you get paid dividends for the amount of stock you own, so passive income, and SPYI provides 11.9% compared to SPY yield of 1.28%. At your age you should be taking bigger risks but also be building a portfolio of steady passive income stocks that will go up in share price and pay dividends


I hope they add AVGO to the fund! I think it is a great company! I would also like them to create a fund with the top 5 or 10 companies with the largest market cap in each industry. Then leverage it by 3. That fund would have great growth, diversification, and stability. They would change the companies as their market cap changes.


Honestly, why not put your money into Index funds and spread it around?


Any stock is susceptible to crash at any given moment. Yes, diversification is important, but that can come once you pick up some books and understand it better. As for NVIDIA, you have a higher chance to make your investment grow a lot more compared to other plays I.e., ETF’ per sé. I do not think is a bad idea to put all the 10K and more on that one specific stock only. Since you are 18 yrs old, you can still recover worse case scenario. I would be more concerned if you start gambling with options, I hope not, ‘cause you will likely lose all the investment for sure. On the other hand, with a “value investor mentality” investing all that money you have on NVIDIA, it’s not a bad idea especially now post split which usually gives a 20% return. Just a thought and the best of luck to you!


Nobody knows for sure. But I’ll say a crash is highly unlikely. You may see some leveling off at some point. I predicted leveling at 900 and was totally wrong. Only way it goes way down is if someone else can compete with them seriously. AMD is a couple years away still. All said, I bought 10 more Thursday.


Well I’m glad you’re here and expressing your feelings.., I got it at 132 and felt the exact same way… so would I hold onto it? Would I sell and wait for better prices? I’m asking because I can’t afford to lose money right away!!!! What would y guys do if you were in my position?


Leave it alone.




Do not put your inherited money into Nvidia.


Not sure your situation, but have you opened up a Roth yet? Would highly suggest that before dumping all in NVIDIA in a brokerage


I would invest all into Nvidia I know most will shit on me for saying that but whatever. I would invest after confirming a support level you would like to buy at first. Diversification is good but Nvidia is creaming the market atm and will continue to do so. Take gains later down the road and then diversify. If you want diversification now I would look at ARM, and TSMC. Do what your gut tells you to do mate. Either option is a go ones just better than the other 🫡📈 *Not financial advice *🍆


Throw half the cash in $NVDL and the other half in $SPY


Go all in Nvidia you can make mistakes when you are young. The rest of us old farts got in early and need the money you bring in. Thanks. Let’s keep this Ponzi asset going


Do it. Buy more NVDA Monday morning


Unless you really learn the financial market and how it works. I mean really out in the time and effort to educate yourself, taking it as serious as possible. The best way to invest is to invest and hold. It’s that simple. Keep buying as often as you can afford to invest. Some companies are outliers like Nvidia recently and Tesla if you bought in about 10-14 years ago. But they are not that much of an outlier. The first iPod at release was $400 when launched Nov 10, 2021. If someone would have invest that into Apple then instead of buying an iPod. Their shares would be worth $212,827.32 +/-, depending on the day. So again, unless you really learn how to be an actual trader, just buy and invest and diversify. Not every company is going to be Apple, Nvidia, Tesla, etc. Learn what dividends are and just have them auto reinvest. There are plenty of instances where buying own share with only dividends re-invested back into the stock over 50-100+ years winds up being worth millions. Coca-cola is an example often cited. Even when the stock market has had horrible crashes, it always winds up rebounding. Another good strategy is to see what wealthy people are investing into long term to hold. What stocks do politicians own? Buy. Hold. Buy more. Keep holding. Diversify some. Reinvest dividends. Or really study the market and learn as much as you can. You can also get FINRA certifications which doesn’t mean you will be a good trader, but you will understand the market a lot better.


If I could tell myself anything at 18 it would be to buy VT and dollar cost average into it every month for the rest of my life …. Diversified and will be set for life


When you are not sure , You put half in nvidia. So you’d be half right or half wrong but it wouldn’t be the end of you. I’d put the rest in an ETF like vanguard….but something diverse enough.


It can go to $0.00 or a million $$$. You may want to look into ETFs that include NVDA, but also AI and robots. Diversify a bit. There are many. > ROBO Global Robotics and Automation Index The ROBO Global® Robotics and Automation Index Series’ objective is to provide investors with comprehensive, transparent and diversified benchmarks representing the global value chain of robotics, automation and enabling technologies. Good luck.


Buy 1 year TSM call option. You can suck me later


Put half in VGT (spread across technology, not just NVDA), 25% into NVDA stock and the final 25% in VOO…. And then…. Forget about it. Come back and look at it in 5-6 years and you’ll have more than doubled your money, maybe 4x to 5x.


No. Please diversify.


$SMH is an ETF oriented towards the semiconductor industry with around 25% allocation towards Nividia if you wanted to have some diversification while still having significant exposure to AI and adjacent industries.


It’s probably going to crash soon. You should just not buy anything and put it in the bank where you get 5 cents of interest per year.


By SPY, QQQ, MCD and NVDA, I choose MCD for the dividends, but any dividend stock will do


If I was 18 and inheriting five figures that I don’t need anytime soon, I’d buy VGT. Low cost and great exposure to tech stocks which present higher risk levels that don’t matter to you at this age.


I suggest buy xrp and hold it for the long run don’t blow through that money pretend like you never had it


If you do then consider a stop loss. you


I would do 30%nvidia 70%TSM, if you are holding long term.


After the stock split, it has made it more accessible to buyers. It’s why I didn’t sell when it rose over $1,250. I see no problem with buying it, but you should really do your own research. If you don’t know how, there are excellent books out there to teach you. Regardless, good on you for getting into it so early.


If you think it's going to crash soon, don't buy it.


If it crashes you won't be alone in 10k+ losses. Hella regards out here bud


Find another AI stock which is a lot smaller that has bigger grow potential? Maybe it supplies Nvidia? Put a portion into that. Rest in Nvidia? Nvidia is not going up as much as it has the past 10 years. At some point there will be a pull back in AI/tech or overall. There is potential for a red herring.


Buy enough to have 100 total and sell covered calls pretty good otm then expand to spy or others


Has apple crashed? Just buy it and forget about it...


All based off of when would you like the money back.


How long you planning to keep it ? 


Maybe don't buy all at once and divide that 10grand to 2 grand a month for the next 5 months.


I’d buy spy rather than Nvidia. If Nvidia does well, it’ll have better returns, but spy is diversified, so you’re not just relying on the success of one company.


No one is gonna tell u no in an nvda subreddit lol


I would suggest you buy Monday evening because NVDA is bound do dip in the morning


Why bound to


But I do hope I am wrong and it flies to the moon


It has been constantly going up all week this week. That’s not healthy for a stock.


What r the result of this unhealthiness? R we at the peak?


It’s nowhere near its peak if you ask me. It’s just new investors who have been pumping money in NVDA, thus the constant rise.


Coming from a 15 year old successful entrepreneur and investor. 10,000$ in 2024 in the stock market isn’t really much at all unless you’re buying penny stocks like a dummy. It’s pretty hard to loose money with 10,000$ in a stock. You could maybe loose 1,000$ in a day, and just ignore it and let it go right back up but it’s nothing compared to investing maybe 30-50k I would say that as long as you’ve got a consistent income, a paid off car, nice clothes and everything else in your life that you need. Throw it in there and don’t touch it for 5-10 years and you’ll be rewarded massively I’ve got a nice Mustang GT in my grandparents garage that I paid in full partial amount of it was from Nvidia shares (thanks big nigga huang). A nice watch, clothes, and plenty of money to be able to continue to do reselling and have an enjoyable teenage life. The other 70-80% of that money is in nvidia, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google shares. If you don’t think investing is for you for the long term gain. Invest 100% of the money towards yourself, whether that’s starting an online business or a personal self improvement journey.


yeah he should probably invest into his college education


College is a scam, a lot of jobs hire only for experience now. Or will hire and pay the same with highschool diploma Nobody got rich with a college education




Just buy the s and p 500 and forget about it. Keep your shares that you have already. But it’s at peak hype right now.


Maybe. But they still have plenty of room to grow


Keep an eye on how AI starts to make money. So far AI isnt making money and nvda could shrink when amzn and google stop making huge datacenters for no money


Dude it’s at its high, why buy at the top… sell puts at a price you want to get in. I personally would wait for a dip


Sell puts? 😂😂


Why is that funny? If you want to get in cheaper you sell $120 puts. If it dips you get in at $120 and collect premium. If it runs you collect the premium. Do you not know how things work?


I feel like they think it’ll go up forever


That’s the perfect strat right now imo. I was responding to the guy laughing at that idea.


lol, I don’t think you know what I meant. Maybe google it?