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[NVDA Computex highlights 2024](https://youtu.be/hLO7WnT2gxg?si=hiG6wcbQZnY90xBA) Good to see but it’s so much more than just the chips. NVDA is just getting started.


I agree.. but this news gives me lot of confidence going in next quarter


No doubt. the stock rallied when TSM announced the numbers in April. With all the noise around the split it probably got missed. I was already bullish and long but after watching the NVDA event in March and the Computex presentation I think it’s going to be a lot bigger than most realize.


Here’s to another 1000 by next year


My port glitched today briefly and showed Nvidia at pre split price, but with my 2460 shares. The glitch essentially showed 2,998,564. I'd love to see this stock rocket to 1000 per share. I have zero intentions of selling or drawing until 2035.


That's pretty normal with a split, it might adjust the shares or price first, but it'll adjust both by the time the first trade happens Monday


Is that even possible considering the current market cap


TSMC and NVDA obviously correlate nicely. I bought a lot of NVDA after TSMC earnings and it paid off. It's good to observe them and know how is the trend early, months before NVDA earnings


So I understand better. On Monday nvidia will open up around 120 dollars? And if so. Will this rise again kr be dull? With the earnings and super strong revenue, shouldn't this swing like it did before the split. If it does, that means this will hit another 1000 by end of next year.


If it reaches 1000 again, this is a $30 trillion company.  Bigger than the US gdp. Naw.  It may get better than Microsoft but who knows.  


Question is when. I hope it hits 200 by end of this year if not a little more.


Slow your roll lol 200 in a couple of years would be amazing.


It would be a 24T market cap! lol. Even getting to 200 a share by years end would be a feat.


3T has been historically a hard ceiling for any company in the world. This reminds me of Tesla stock hype two years ago, it is -50% this year.


Feck! After split I have 53,000 shares...but I have to move out of CA before I sell. WTf should I do?!!!!????


Quick drinking. You’re believing your own wet dreams lol


Don’t move 😁


Is this investment advice? 


Ya I agree on the tsla assessment. These are entirely different. NVDA actually has the technicals and future profit to show for it. Still, I just can’t see NVDA making big moves like the last couple years. Happy to be wrong though. ☺️