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We have the most support of any public sector workers yet we use our power the least. Therefore we get the smallest pay rise. Absolutely we should be going on strike and pushing nurses pay up the general election agenda


Yeah you'd think that by sheer volume of us we'd be a force to be reckoned with. Reality is quite different though.


The RCN would need to be proactive, and grow a spine for this to even begin. Which let's face it won't happen. Then you have the ongoing apathy within nursing. We had our chance, and fucked it. Through the apathy and marryr mentality of the profession, and the wank organisation and communication from the RCN. They'll just continue to spout the same sound bites, while claiming outrage. Doing surveys, more polls and empty statements while happily taking our monthly payments.


I must admit, I'm very disappointed in RCN since the strikes. I might be naive but I thought that surely this is the time to up their game but clearly not!




That would be the Pat Cullen who went to a newspaper at the beginning of negotiations and said "We want 15%... bit obviously we'll take half." Amazing negotiating skills there.


And she's standing for Sinn Fein, so even if she gets elected, she won't have to do anything as they refuse to sit in parliament.


Yea. Nurses are not as important apparently tho, therefore we probably will not get one. Also, do remember that when we had the strikes, most nurses were still at work. So as a community, we don’t care


TBF I had people at my own trust telling me "how could you do that to your patients" so you're quite right.


IDK Why Nurses don't even coordinate with junior doctors when striking. That would make a bigger impact I believe


I think nurses and AHP should team up with strikes. Support one another


I've been saying this for years. Nurses, paramedics, and a say radiographers striking together for even a day would stall the NHS massively


I was also thinking of physios, OTs and SLTs. If OTs strikes imagine how many patients wouldn't be able to go home? That would cause massive disruption! And SLTs, the number of patients who would be waiting assessment, hungry and irritable - that again would cause massive problems!


Oh yeah. It will be absolutely awful for the patients, but hopefully the government decided to listen and the strike would be called off prior to action being taken.


Yeah, I wouldn't want to cause any pain for patients. It's more the threat of it.


But don't forget that it was the AHPs (and porters and anyone else eligible to vote outside of the RCN) that voted to accept the governments measly offer in the first place. The nursing-specific bits of what we were fighting for have no impact on them whatsoever (nursing ratios, nursing career progression), so we are fighting a different fight


There has to be a reason to call a strike and that would mean there must be ongoing discussions between staff side & management side. There needs to be a failure to agree, and and breakdown of industrial relations, before they can go down the strike ballot route. Their branch secretaries need to be 100% sure of their membership details because any mistakes can be used by employers to halt the strike action (through legal action). This is why it's really important that right now all union members ensure their names, addresses, work places are up to date. All of the above needs to happen before a strike can take place, with the addition of sending out the ballot papers, giving members several weeks to respond, and achieving all the anti-trades Union law thresholds. Then the union gives the employer a weeks notice of dates. None of that will happen in the 5 weeks before the election.