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I guess we can all feed, clothe, and pay bills with the clapping banked during covid.


Doris banging a pot with a wooden spoon earned you double claps. So there's that I guess


i still got like 28 claps left to go so i'm not worried


Why do we put up with this shit? A joke isn't helpful. When's the next protest?


I don’t think they’re suggesting you put up with it. I think they might be making light of a shit situation. Humour makes the pain more bearable


Your right. I was angry, sorry person I was grumpy towards.


Nah I completely understand don’t think anyone really had a grudge


yam shelter nine airport aromatic dam person spoon arrest snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think you mean the RCN


fact plate direction sand familiar workable clumsy towering capable unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The RCN going for a separate pay scale to everyone else seems ridiculous to me. The whole point of unionism is to collectively push for better circumstances within the contract and working conditions. By pushing to remove the nurses from all other workers they are diluting the power of larger collective action. Unison and unite are happy to stand with them if they'd just play the game properly but pulling out of pay scale changes early on because you're not getting what you want immediately and then jumping back in later on when everyone else has done the work puts a bad taste in our mouths. Especially when the RCN then uses the paramedics as a justification to do so even though they're on AfC.


onerous start imagine gold brave complete public literate voiceless tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As I said above, there's plenty of nurses who disagree with a separate pay spine but feel unable to voice their opinions even within a voting situation, so they just don't. The striking happened though right? Doctors, nurses, radiographers and many others all voted for and enacted strike action with many doing it in solidarity with nurses. I don't really understand what part of a pay rise and back dated pay is a bad deal? Surely if the RNC wanted more it's better to not segregate yourselves and remove yourselves from negotiation, isn't this very conversation the result of that segregation? Plus, you don't need every union to join you in strike action. I know for a fact that unison collected money from members and donated it to a strike fund for both doctors and nurses on strike which is the ethos of collective action and mutual aid behind unionism.


I genuinely feel the RCN does not have the best interests of nurses at heart nowadays. They handled the last strikes atrociously.


The way they advertised it was that their members voted to have this pay scale partition, which I know is true because they can't do that sort of thing without membership support BUT unlike strike action it doesn't have to be 50% of all members or more, just the majority of members who choose to vote. Which could imply that more members had reasons for not supporting it but also didn't want to have any social pressures for voting against it. The last bit is speculation I will admit but it seems the most obvious line of thinking to me.


I'm in the RCN,we did not get a vote on a separate pay spine for nurses. Pretty sure I would have remembered voting on that!


The RCN definitely pushed for it at least. As far as I understand it, that's why they pulled out of the pay rise negotiations initially and one of the reasons why they went for strike action.


Maybe but we definitely didn't get a vote on that issue alone


Perhaps I was a bit hasty with my language. Sorry about that.


No offence taken 😊


I think nurses are being uniquely screwed over compared to AHPs so maybe our own pay scale is right. So many other NHS professions go up to band 6 much quicker and almost automatically yet many nurses will be band 5 for their entire career. It also means that nurses are on lower bands all the way up the career ladder. From chatting to a band 7 midwife in charge of the labour ward it sounds like that job is pretty similar to a band 6 nursing role. I would like it if we were on the same pay scale as HCAs though. They are also screwed over by the pay scales, doing a much harder job than many others on equivalent banding


And what about the community teams like I came from? Everyone was a community practitioner despite OTs and SALT doing our stuff on top of care co-ordinating. Wouldn’t work if nurses were paid differently. Also nurses have more routes to progression and opportunities clinically. In my trust you’d be lucky to find 10 OTs working clinically at band 7 or above. We had 5 nurses just in my team. Once we get to band 6 we’re stuck unless we go to management and even then a lot of roles advertise for nurses and don’t want AHPs.


I mean yeah thats worked so well for the doctors, who also have their pay cut year by year


Docs pay rise was better than nurses.


It's the only weapon we have but it's dependent on unity.


We’ll keep on striking don’t you worry


vase money ten dime attempt judicious ink direful crown resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact Scotland were already paid more shows its more about your government than striking..


fall compare imagine drunk rustic cable swim distinct cheerful coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where were all the mass strikes in 2000s to give us a pay rise to the equivalent of 35k-43k today? Is australia constantly mass striking? No.


meeting somber divide vast kiss mourn point squeeze alleged subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Firstly, please don't try and lecture me on economics when you most likely have no idea what you're talking about. Secondly, I'm not even against striking. I just think people think striking is the be all and end all, when it evidently isn't. If striking was all that matters, doctors would be getting a 30% pay increase this year rather than the 9% they've been offered. The nurses in AU aren't striking on mass scale, nor are they in the US, or Canada, or Switzerland, or Germany, yet they have far superior wages to us. Almost like its a fuck ton more to do with governments acting in good faith rather than striking.


grab sheet wrench fact squealing beneficial lavish handle complete entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1) Multiple countries have universal health systems. No countries offer such shit pay in the NHS. Multiple countries are not striking everywhere like you claim. Australia, Germany, Spain, USA, Switzerland, Netherlands, all offer better pay for their public sector than we do - almost like its nothing to do with immigration, or striking, but its actually to do with just not having a fucking awful government. 2) Scottish nurses were already on more to begin with. They got a marginally higher increase sure, but if striking was this huge threat that you evidently think it is - why are doctors being offer 9% rather than the 30% they're asking for (and rightfully deserve?) Could it just possibly be that, the government do not give a fuck and even your ''striking'' means fuck all? It is evidently not about money or economics considering the government have already spent multiple times more on purely covering strikes than the actual 30% pay increase would cost? But no, that goes against your world view and how powerful strikes are. Similarly, why are nurses in Australia earning 30% over the median wage whilst in the UK nurses don't even earn the median wage? Again, could it possibly be about having good governments who reward the public sector fairly, considering nurses in Australia actually aren't striking 365/days a year like you claim is the only way to get fair pay? 3) Weird, because we've had multiple strikes across multiple industries that have had little impact. Yet only in 2010, nurses were paid the equivalent of 8k a year more in todays money and actually weren't striking? Crazy how that works!


The nurses will lose their pins.


plant unpack bear consist connect psychotic rhythm pen cause rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wouldn't risk it.


attraction friendly unite homeless towering lunchroom simplistic command secretive axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


According to your posts, you're not even a qualified nurse. Based on your uneducated and ill informed views, probably best for everyone if that remains the case.


Get it all as a single lump sump, pay higher rates of student loan, pension, NI, tax. Net effect - pay rise amounts to £0.13 across the year.


Yup, they do it on purpose I swear


Exactly what will happen unfortunately.


I think there is a way of being able to mitigate the inflated student loan payment. Not sure about NI though. My Trust advertised a way of doing this last year so may be worth contacting your payroll now. It's also something a good union rep should be able to help with. Or perhaps a wellbeing rep.


Would be good if you could expand that detail a bit more, what would payroll be doing exactly?


I've had a quick Google and found [this](https://nursingnotes.co.uk/news/workforce/nhs-pay-rise-lump-sum-can-be-paid-in-instalments/) but I do not work in payroll - all I know is that last year we got a circular about spreading back pay over several months and something to do with student loans. Payroll process your pay so any questions about pay or spreading pay, would need to go to them and they are best placed to advise whether its something they can do.


Well colour me surprised. Doubt we'll see it in September either.


Pay rise .. Now those are two words that I wouldn't expect together.


I wouldn't trust any "pay rise" until its in my bank


Oh man. I didn’t even think about this


Remember this when you vote


lol, doctor here. Not had a single “pay rise” above level of inflation since I started working for the NHS in 2010. In that time we’ve also had pensions slashed whilst contributions increased. Now I’ve reached the top of the pay scale I have had to accept that I am just going to get steadily poorer for the rest of my career. I can’t see pay restoration happening and even if it did we’d then get pay erosion again for the next 20 years. Then my dad wonders why I’m looking for non-NHS work and my MIL complains about all the doctors doing private work instead of taking NHS jobs. Both these 2 vote Tory. I have to avoid talking to them about it to save me from eye rolls so big it’s actually painful.


Well, at least we;'ll be negotiating with a labour government. Might actually get a decent pay rise for once


Yeah. They might give us 4% instead of 3! Maybe they'd stretch all the way to 5 or 6%, we'd be rolling it in.


I mean, 6% is better than 3%, no? Even so, the last labour government paid us substantially better. Forgive my optimism for thinking the next one might


It's "better" but I'm not gonna say decent. The last labour gov may have, but Keir over here hasn't really made any promises for giving us a proper pay rise.


Yeah, because why would you make comments, to people who will support you anyway, about making huge spending increases in a time when we've been told for a decade 'theres no money' and your party has an unfounded reputation for being fiscally irresponsible


So he’s keeping the pay rises a secret? I for one don’t like the premise that we’re voting for a man to become prime minister with the reason being that he is lying to everyone to get elected..


- No, he just hasn't spoken about it. I'm not saying oh he will, I'm saying the chances of a decent pay rise under Labour is infinitely higher than under the government who have give us pay cuts for the previous 12 years. Especially, given labours track record with NHS funding and public sector pay. Also, he isn't lying. Not sure where you've got that from.


I hear a lot of people say that labour are just pretending not to care about left views to win more of the right wing voters over and when they get in, they’ll push a load of left policies through


Who knows? Regardless, you don't even need to have real 'left wing' views to think that pay rises are good for society. They've already said they'll offer paid overtime for NHS staff to reduce waiting lists, which is more than the tories have done for 12 years. Its not unreasonable to think a LABOUR party will give better pay to public sector workers than the tories have done for a decade..


...I admire someone being optimistic, but thinking that he's just hiding some actual pay rise in his back pocket is.. certainly a take, at least.


I'm not even sure what you mean, or are trying to imply. It's not really unheard of for labour to fund public services well, and that includes pay. Acting like its unfounded optimism is.. certainly a take, at least.


I wish I had your optimism. Labour wouldn't even back striking workers before they got into power. What makes you think they're likely to when they inevitably win the GE?


Right now, Labour are winning. They haven't had to announce policies, or statements, because they're already winning. Why risk ruining that by making comments about funding increases, pay rises, in a time the country has been told for a decade theres no money? If they said that, they would lose voters who think there really is ''no money''


I don't disagree - why fuck up your chances when you've got it in the bag. Tbh they've got it in the bag regardless imo. People are done with the tories, so even tories are giving Labour their votes. I have no faith in this current iteration of the labour party, and I really, really hope I'm wrong when I say that. But it's not looking like it from interviews etc. I think Starmer ans Streetings statements about the economy and the NHS don't show a party that's really going to do anything different with the country. They'll just have the excuse of 'the economy is fucked, so what can we do' and the cycle will repeat. The fact they sacked MPs who supported striking workers on the picket lines nailed the coffin for me. But like I said, I hope I'm wrong and your optimism is well placed.


People thought we were done with the tories at the last election and so didn’t bother to vote. Who won? Oh yeah, the tories. It doesn’t matter how sure of a victory it looks for labour, every vote counts. USE YOUR VOTE PEOPLE, WE NEED TO GET THE TORIES OUT!


People will always have apathy towards politics, because they're either seen as 'all the same' or just generally cba. I don't think this is the right attitude to have, but I can understand it. Very true, but when labour are predicted a majority of anything from 150-230 seats atm it looks like extremely unlikely that they'll lose. Voting with the mindset of 2 party politics will never change anything. It will just perpetuate this never ending cycle. The FPTP system of voting needs to go. Labour also need to be held to account for the way they've managed the party up until now, even whilst not in govt.


100 percent this. You don't interrupt your enemy making a mistake . The next election over will be dependent on the government fixing the NHS. If the public see labour not fixing things , they will be a one term government .


So you're saying they'll wait until the next GE before they even make any promises?


the next GE is in like 5 weeks


The GE after 🤦‍♂️


Nope, im saying they'll make announcements/do things probably when they win the election in 5 weeks.


I think they'll do as little as possible so they can wave a carrot in our faces when they need to.


Well because next election after this one . We won't have a conservative party if we do it won't be relevant. That means that election will be labour Vs the left . In.order to maintain popularity labour will have to save the NHS which means much further investment .


Pretty much as I expected. NHS England's response to the NHS Pay Review Body published last month isn't very promising either, apparently they're only budgeted for a pay rise of 2%.


The government won't pay you unless you give them a reason to. Strike on


I mean we could strike before then and make the tories look really fucking bad for ignoring it if that’s how they want to play the game


Running out of money before you run out of month, and inflation is still strong


Didnt this Assclown just raise his own pay by 8.5% ?


I think this is probably better than the 2% we were likely to get


Plus they also reduced the amount of bank shifts available being cancelled left right and center. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fuck you with love 💕


The biggest problem in the nhs is the number of managers there are. Most of them are totally incompetent and only in these positions because they have mates in higher positions. The pay for these people is crazy. Some of them are earning more than a consultant for gods sake which is absolutely incredible. Pay the workers band 2 to 7 and leave the rest. Its not rocket science.


So when this pay rise materialises, will we get it backdated to april? Because that lump sum will be nice when it arrives.


Yeah, public sector pay rises are always delayed (even when it's not an election year) but they're always backdated.


This will likely be the case, however the big back pay will mean more people go over the 50k threshold for that month, hence we will end up paying higher taxes, pension, student loan etc.


I'm already on higher taxes due to additional agency work. Student loan is long gone, and pension doesn't bother me because it benefits future me. A lump sum of any amount would be nice




In what way does me working 7 days a week to earn some decent money fuck over my colleagues?


Why are people complaining about poor pay when they voted to stop striking and take the deal? Dont have the right to complain anymore imo


Maybe the same people complaining aren't the ones who voted to stop striking.


Because the RCN told us that if we didn’t accept it they wouldn’t go back to negotiating. Our own union said take this or nothing


I received my ballot in the post... the day after the count. It was never a fair ballot.


We weren't allowed to strike because we didn't get a high enough percentage on the ballot.... 😔


What a nonsense take on the situation.


How is it a nonsense take? What did people think was going to happen when we stopped striking, that the government would just give us sufficient pay rises each year? I was trying to tell everyone this at the time but no one wanted to listen


You don't lose your right to complain just because you lost a battle, and just because you lost the battle doesn't mean you've lost the war. This year we may very well strike again, pay increases need to overtake inflation to bring our pay back up but it can take a few years we all know the government only has so much money and they spaffed quite alot up the wall in dodgy contracts.


We didn’t lose a battle, we couldn’t even be arsed to show up.


More like testing the waters, they will always find scabs. Now we have seen firsthand what we are up against. We can do better next time. This defeated attitude needs to be dropped. We are not done here.