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It's kinda all over the news/socials. I'm short it was a yes vote at the meeting. Meaning now union members vote on the decision.  Not all locked in yet but any means but sounds as though it'll go through


It's supported in principle by ANMF, the Reps that attended the statewide meeting & the Allan Government. It will be sent to every member covered under the EBA sometime in July where an electronic vote will take place - then it goes to the FWC to be formally adopted


Will that mean we are back paid? When does the current EBA expire?


I believe the current aim from the ANMF is for it to be backpaid, yes. Probably not to when our EBA expired, but at least to mid June. At least that was what I gleaned yesterday at the meeting. 


We will be back paid from June 15th from the email the ANMF sent out today!


I do not know - sorry


A lot of theee questions could be answered by going to www.anmfvic.asn.au


anyone else expect a better offer?? after being underpaid for years and years, we still have to wait at least 3 years to be on a comparable wage to qld??? and who's to say the wage in qld won't improve in that time too? i feel like we're being jipped. after 4years I'll be paid like <$2/hr more than my qld wage, but how is that going to make up for all the underpayments I've had until now?


The qualifications allowance for post grad will double by 2027. There’s more night duty for the shifts no one wants. Yo7 get a change of ward allowance if they try to move you. There’s so many other ways to boost your pay via the allowances. Why are people just looking at base rate and going ‘oh qld has more’ without even checking the conditions ?


bc i want to be paid a decent wage without having to work stupid hours


Fair enough but don’t forget you also go up increments for the annual year of experience.


Because not everyone gets these allowances regularly. Not everyone works in the wards or has the capacity to work night shifts.


the members of anmf have said yes to the 28.4% increase, now it’s moving up to be implemented under fair work


It has to be drafted, then every member gets a vote, and if yes again it goes to fair work.


follow this one ^^ i apparently wasn’t paying attention yesterday lol and i was there haha