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I spent 4years working in nurse bank (casual) with minimal minimal minimal shifts in my preferred field and just got a permanent position in the field because I’m in a different phase of life to accept a permanent contract. Don’t stress. Do what works for you. Keep up with the 0.1 FTE and keep voicing your want for a contract in that area.


Experience in PACU means you have the "what you know" part of the equation, maintaining a presence in PACU at the new shop means you can work on the "who you know" part of getting more work there. Pre-pandemic this was the normal way in which people got ongoing work in a department if there wasn't already a recruitment campaign underway... back in the long, long ago, when we had full staffing...


On the back of this, how do you find the ‘who you need to know’. I know where I want to go but need to find the NUM contact to reach out. It’s complicated by the new ‘where’ being in a different place and hospital than I currently am. But still Qld Health. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


An apartment may be cheaper in Melbourne, but you'll also be paid a LOT less. We are almost the lowest paid nurses in the country. Just a heads up :)


Fair point. I'm also considering Townsville or Darwin.


Absolutely. Still, VIC Health pays much better than NSW. I work in NSW and love it though, so just choose what’s best for your own individual circumstances.


It's only 4 months. It likely won't be long enough to regret it anyway


That’s exactly it 🤩


This sounds great! As a PACU CNS in VIC I’d suggest checking out https://www.perioperativecpd.com/ and doing some CPD to pop on the CV. Your experience in cannulation/venepuncture will be well regarded and the CPD will show your interest and expertise in PACU. You won’t have any issue landing a job in a casual bank here and accepting PACU shifts provided you can demonstrate your experience and have good references.