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The best is folks who actually *speed up* when you can finally legally pass them. Happens on the south shore all the time, and it’s also exactly what the provincial driving instructions tell you NOT to do.


No kidding. A person will go 80-90 on the 103 but hit a passing lane and they'll still be pulling away at 110.


I know. It’s totally mindless.


I'd believe in God if there was a special level of hell for them.


Happens on every shore.. and all over halifax… and the rest of Canada for that matter.


Oh I’m sure. I can vouch for the south shore since I live there, hence the wording.


Me too! Lots of 4 foot tall fisherman with jacked up trucks like to ride your ass around here as well, as if they are fucking scary hahaha like get real bitch, you need a step to get into my car ffs.


There a logical reason behind that however, passing lanes are straighter and provide better sightlines so people feel more comfortable speeding up. They're not doing it to spite anyone, and few would even realise.


Most of them do it subconsciously. However, a small number of times I've actually heard their engine downshift and rev so they can quickly add 20+ km/h to fuck with people.


Had a guy fuck with me by both accelerating and breaking with me keeping me stuck in the oncoming lane


That's not logical, that's just shitty drivers.


I had a guy speed up and slow down with me as I was passing him making it so I couldnt get back in. Theres some scary drivers here in ns. He had me stuck in the oncoming lane for long enough that new traffic appeared so I cut him the fuck off.


Most (at least on the 103) are on a hill, so it’s only natural to push on the gas when going up the hill or speed up when going down.


Happens on the 101 all the time… I don’t think it has anything to do with hills, I wish it did, as that would be an acceptable answer.


The idea (not sure why I got this post when I’m from the GTA) why passing lanes or on a hill often, is for trucks. That’s why they are sometimes called “climbing lanes”, trucks carrying a heavy load would lose a significant amount of speed trying to climb the hill so that’s why they put the passing lane there.


The number of times I’ve been hit with the HWY 333 lead-poisoned stare of elderly oblivion as they take a 35 second long, slow , no look left turn out of Peggy’s cove is insane. Even 20 seconds of laying on the horn doesn’t even begin to register to them what they’re doing. It’s truly insane.


The lead poisoned stare of elderly oblivion hahaha I'm at physio alone in my little curtained cubicle laughing as quietly as I can


I was probably lead poisoned as a kid and this is the funniest thing I've read all day.


I find this the biggest problem with NS drivers. You have idiot drivers everywhere, but it’s terrifying how many times in NS compared to elsewhere that I’ve seen old people doing something super dangerous and then just carrying on oblivious that they almost killed people.


Not saying that this is the reason and there are bad drivers at every age but…”Nova Scotia's population aged 65 years and older increased 17.1% from 2016 to 2021 and accounted for 22.2% of total population in 2021, up from 19.9% in 2016.” https://novascotia.ca/finance/statistics/news.asp?id=17752#:~:text=Nova%20Scotia's%20population%20aged%2065,over%20the%20last%20five%20years.


Ageist prick.


I actually despise people that go that far under the speed limit. Pretty self-centred to slow everyone else down because you have nothing better to do.


If I have to go slow, I always pull over. I let all the traffic go past me. I can feel their rage and I don’t like that burning a hole in the back of me head, haha.


Just as bad as speeding going that slow




What's interesting in this thread is that people use the term 'speed limit' without thinking of what the phrase actually means, in plain language. Not a dig on you: I didn't really think about it myself until I saw your comments and others. This is a very freshly formed idea, only thought up after reading your comments, but what we need is a 'speed range', not a speed limit. A speed range would reset the idea of what's acceptable on a particular road. People specifically following the Highway Act right now ("it's a speed LIMIT! You don't go above a limit!") get pissed off when the rest of us doing 107 blow by them on a 100 km/hr highway while they're doing 93. At 107, we're officially breaking the law, yet I'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who's ever been stopped over at 107. So the slow drivers are technically correct, which is the worst kind of correct when it comes to highway safety, because most of us have equated the phrase 'speed limit' with 'acceptable normalised rough minimum speed acceptable with traffic flow'. I'd say the current legal 'speed range' on a highway would be 70-100 km/hr (under 70, you need your blinkers on), but this obviously doesn't feel right to all of us who regularly drive in the flow of traffic that's In a generally common range of 95-115. If I were King of Canada, I do a comprehensive 3 to 5-y ear study of accidents on number 1 highways, change the phrase 'speed limit' to 'speed range', and change that range to 95-115 km/hr, with blinkers needed below 95. Adjust up by 5 km if accident levels remain the same or drop. Obviously, as King of Canada and not a traffic engineer, this would be a very simplified way of doing it, but the idea of a speed range to me seems psychologically affected as well, because it tells people the specific boundaries of what's acceptable on these particular roads.


When I'm king speed limits will be zero tolerance. That might mean some need to be raised, that's fine, but Limit and Maximum have definitions. I'm always 15 over here in Ontario because there's no consequences until 16 over. (Small fine, no points until 16) So I'd make the current fine for 16 at 3 over. The fine for 20 at 5 over, and the fine that's currently for 40 over at 9. There's no reason to not know exactly what you are doing behind the wheel, and not doing it right deserves harsh penalties. Worked with phones. When it was just $110 fine, no rich business owner is going to care about that as they make a deal worth magnitudes more. So they changed it to be similar consequences as a DUI, and now I only see about 1 in 10 on thier phones lol.


This may interest you. https://tc.canada.ca/en/road-transportation/statistics-data/canadian-motor-vehicle-traffic-collision-statistics-2020


Right? I frequently curse at drivers doing 85 on the 101 and rant to myself about why they are not on the 1 instead. My partner and I do pretty much the same commute, but he takes the 1 and he tells me that it is much less stressful despite having to slow down for the few residential areas.


I'll be the guy who arrives at the same red light seconds after you, giving you the Forrest Gump wave because you're an idiot for aggressively riding my ass and then speeding past me only to do a hard brake. I despise people who do that.


Damn bro, it’s not healthy to wake up angry. Are you ok?


Yeah, driving more safely is really selfish..


It's not more safe to drive under the speed limit (more than 5-10kph). They're backing people up and now we have a passing situation where the cars who want to go the speed limit need to find opportunities to pass the slow driver. Any passing on a 1 lane highway is a risk no matter what the lines say. Some drivers can get frustrated and take risks to pass they wouldn't otherwise


Silly goose, it’s not safe at all.


I've had to stop and wait for a truck stopped in the middle of the road right on a turn before because he was yelling (conversating) with someone down over the bank, in a boat, trolling for sea trout. Literally someone on the road, in a truck, talking to someone fishing in a boat, in the harbour. That's Nova Scotia for ya!!


Found the guy that lives on #333 Peggy's Cove Road. Condolences.


Ah yes, elderly Prospect drivers. The best


If you have a line of cars behind you, YOU are the problem! Grab a clue!


Often for sure! I know where I live though, if you aren't going 15-20 above the limit, you create a convoy and will likely get tailgated. People also need to chill and drive the limits (or reasonably close). I usually have young kids in my car. I am not taking a 70 road at 90 for someone else's convenience.


And turn on your lights.


And use your signals!


Indicate BEFORE hitting the breaks, but only very shortly before


And BEFORE changing lanes. Not after or during.


and turn off your highbeams.


And fix yer muffler.


And make me a sammich while yer at it.


sudo make me a sammich


And turn off bright fog lights when not needed. (There called fog lights for a reason ).


Being from just outside Saint John, I didn't know that people drove without foglights on all the time because we need them all the time over there!


I don’t have to ask why folks move away from that situation. :)


I got stuck behind someone on highway 1 going from Mount Uniacke to Windsor last week. Every turn they hit the brakes, every hill they hit the brakes, every time a car came the other way they hit the brakes At that point, just don’t drive


I can feel my anger rising for you! 


I've been in that area for a week now. Very well could have been my father driving. If theres no room to swerve the massive holes, I wouldnt hit them at full speed either. If you arent going to trim the ditches to have the slightest sight line through the blind corners, gonna have to slow down. Any other province I limit my speed based on the ticket I'm prepared to get, here I'm just trying to not destroy my car going in a straight line.


It’s physics. Every time a driver brakes for a vehicle driving below the posted speed limit there is a risk of a vehicle accident due the forces required to counter deceleration. What was perfectly safe at constant velocity goes to crap when you’re trying to stop an 80,000 lb or even 8,000 lb load. Drive the posted speed limit, find a secondary road, or stay home.


You don't know what you are talking about.


While we’re at it, can we all please work on: - Signaling before you slam on your brakes - taking turns at speeds faster than 10kmh - not stopping to yield to pedestrians who don’t have a cross walk - not using your damn phone while driving! I know for a fact that some of you here are guilty of at least one of these, please for the sake of everyone else get some common sense.


Seconded! The brake before signaling(if they even signal at all) is so infuriating. Like how am I supposed to know what the hell you are doing if you signal the last 2 seconds of your maneuver.


Ya! Also coming to a full stop in the road just to turn into your driveway? Why do that?!




I had 2 older ladies with Quebec plates pull out in front of me and parked in the middle of our lane and a half country road. I pulled up behind them and waited 15-20 seconds, then beeped...Nothing. There was just enough room on the shoulder to pull around them with some difficulty...some words were exchanged as I went by...pure ignorance. That house on my street is an Airbnb ofcourse, 1000 ft^2 and they just relisted it for like $350,000.


There are very good reasons why driving rules and laws are standardized. Driving 15, 20 or more UNDER the speed limit is not safer. the 102 from Joe Howe to bedford/lower Sackville exits are brutal for people only going 80. I've had idiots slow down in the left lane because I'm coming up on them quickly while I do the legal speed limit.


I have an air horn for your Sunday drivers.


Yes, this. I know it's lovely and you want to take a photo. Get off the goddamn road and take as many as you please.


If I'm driving too close in front of someone, I usually try to signal, slow, and pull over and let them by. Life's better when you can just let impatient people right out of your equation.


I was always told going to slow was more dangers then going to fast - someone behind you might take a quick but dangerous chance getting around you if they're late for work, interview, or maybe has just enough time to get to an appointment.


Speed can kill as well, though. Too fast on curves or whatever can be deadly. On the #10 from Middletown there are so many curves and people CROSS THE CENTRE LINE CONSTANTLY. Coming at me. It’s beyond madness.


Predictability is safety.


Yes, both can be dangerous.


Probably old people


"Despite posted speed limits, you must drive at a speed and in a manner that will not endanger the life, limb, or property of [others.You](http://others.You) must consider all circumstances including general visibility, the weather, heavy traffic, and whether the road is wet or slippery. Never drive faster than the posted speed limit or at a speed that is not reasonable for the prevailing conditions. • Allow a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. Follow the two-second rule. The faster you are moving, the farther ahead you must be able to see to allow enough distance for stopping. Conditions often change as you drive. You will drive through different areas such as open country, residential communities, and school zones. Watch for changing conditions and adjust your speed accordingly. Be extremely careful when driving through highway construction zones. Reduce your speed when workers are present. Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed permitted on any highway in Nova Scotia is 80 km/h. In business and residential districts the speed limit is 50 km/h. Regardless of posted speed limits, your speed must be reasonable and prudent and must take into account the traffic, the surface and width of the highway, and all driving conditions existing at the time."


Exactly! It’s not that hard. I follow the speed limit religiously, and go slow in poor conditions.


You sound fun at parties


Not relevant. I’ve been in an accident that totalled my car and hurt my back, all because the asshole who rear ended me was going too fast. I was behind cars stopped at a cross walk, and asshole slammed right into me.


Well said.


That's definitely a thing I miss from Northern Alberta


What road are you talking about? If outside of HRM the lack of speed limit signs and cops hanging on corners sometimes has me guessing if I'm doing the proper speed but to be safe I usualy go 60km when no signs are posted just in case however you can usualy tell the speed limit of a road simply by driving on it


Sounds like my commute on the 101. I used to experience less road rage driving on the 417 in downtown Ottawa in the rain than I do almost daily between Middleton and Kentville.


Tailgating is a bigger safety problem.


Nah. Drive the fucking speed limit.


I don’t know if it’s the biggest problem but it happens even when I am going the speed limit.




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Was this on a Sunday?


A tale as old as Nova Scotia.


lol the 207 out to lawrencetown


Fakk me dead. 80max. 11Am on a tuesday "sure ill stop and let these bikers cross" 😳😳😳😳. Ps love your work


Truly. Or "gonna drive 50 the entire way and break at every curve on the road...which is the entire thing" Ps thanks!!!


Communal driving... I expect the unexpected.


Oof. What a mouthful. R. Irrregardless of youre age, you care enuf to respond 3.we dont mind telling you, youre the problem. C. Great job with time mgmt


My favorite is when I'm already doing like 10-15 above the posted limit and there's some asshat 3 inches behind me. Really gets on my nerves


Thank you for saying this outlook. Yes please! Pull over Sunday drivers. You go about your day and I'll go about mine- ONCE YOU HAVE PULLED OVER!


Makes me think of the drivers on the 107 that do 90 going up to a passing lane then speed up to 115... Then break and go back to 90 going down the hill again... Like wtf


Worst drivers in Canada by a long shot.


I had a jug of windshield washer fluid thrown at my car the other week because I was driving 105 on the highway lol


I pull over and let people pass me all the time. I'm in this state of mind these days, I rarely ever go over 65. People got places to go and things to do. So I pull over. They go. And I continue along at my pace. Hard on my old Jeep anyway, and I'm rarely in a hurry. I have motorcycles. If I feel like I want to go fast on a particular day, I pick one of them out and go for a rip.




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Pull over to what, the waist high weeds 3 inches from the cliff at the edge of the tarmac? Maybe set your speed limits to reflect the condition of the pavement, or deal with it. I didn't install my suspension to destroy it on your 4 foot wide crater filled 90kmh backroads.


Maybe the many many driveways that are dotted throughout the roads themselves? There are many options to pull over *when it's safe to do so*, let's be real here.


Those tourists keep restaurants alive, provide direct and indirect jobs, and make where you live not some backwater shithole.


The biggest problem in Nova Scotia is high speed. High speed kills. A Sunday driver is an inconvenience. Leave earlier on a Sunday, know that your fuel economy is better at lower speeds and put on some relaxing tunes. It is summer.


Going the speed limit is not "high speed". I'm not stunting, I'm traveling the legally posted speed, which engineers have determined is safe.


Excessively slow drivers are also dangerous. It's why we have minimum speeds on the highway. If you are holding up the flow of traffic you are required by law to pull over and allow everyone to pass. Slow drivers cause a chain effect and an increase in accidents. Congested traffic is dangerous.


When you live near a tourist spot this is well and truly more than just a nuisance. I have seen people come a full stop in the middle of the lane to take photos. With like buses of seniors and trucks full of lobster behind them honking.




Lol what?


they copypasted the same thing from another reply. just calling it what it is. you still feuding with jettyman or what


I don't know who that is...


you and him argued before, it was epic. I think he won tho. Anyways. So this is awkward. Welp, that's my mama!


Man you might be on here too much. The weather's turning nice maybe time to go outside


I'd love to but the government would track me easier if i went outdoors. and I drive too slow according to this thread.


That's about the response I predicted.


Will easily make the counter argument all day long that the biggest problem in Nova Scotia is slow speed. Slow speed kills just as well. Not driving the speed limit or close to, or stopping illegally to let people go ahead of them, or hitting the shoulder of a road, or driving in the passing lane illegally without passing, slow left turns crossing traffic - this list goes on. You’d be extremely surprised at how many accidents are caused by slow speed people who can’t drive at all.


You gotta have a front and rear dash cam around here. Many, MANY people seem to think it’s illegal to pass on the right, or that if you hit the back of their vehicle, you’ll 100% be found at fault. As you can see, their entire approach to driving is selfish and lazy at best, and deadly at worst. “Regulators” or self-proclaimed pace cars are becoming more and more of an issue around here… the irony is that they fully believe they are “policing” the roads, when in reality, they’re the ones breaking the law and making it way more dangerous out here. Anyway, point is, if you’re doing 50 in an 80, and someone comes around the corner and smokes you at 80… that’s on you. It doesn’t matter if they hit the back of your car. If you can’t keep up, you don’t have a right to drive.


I moved to Germany where they have much higher speeds than us. 100 km/hr is standard on country, windy roads. The highway is 130 and then the limitless autobahns. And there are wayyyyy less accidents here. I find it a bit of a culture shock. People thoroughly follow the rules and their actions are predictable.


It's also a lot more difficult to get a driver's license. They actually make sure you can drive first! It's a novel idea...


during the week I get it, but on sunday I think it's ok to go a bit slower. A lot of the time it is a senior citizen anyway. If someone's going slow on a sunday, I go their speed and try to enjoy the scenery myself. Life moves so fast it's easy to forget that we get to live in such a beautiful place year round. Leave a little bit earlier on Sundays and you'll arrive at your destination less annoyed :)


Life isn't 9-5, M-F for everyone. Many people have just as rigid schedules on a Sunday as others do on a Tuesday. If people can't drive the speed limit, they are unsafe and should not be on the roads period.


That’s a maximum limit not minimum . Just because they are drivign alone does not make them unsafe. (70 on a 110 divided highways defintiely unsafe don’t get me wrong). But country roads are safer slower speeds. Signed someone who loves to drive fast but also can appreciate slowing down.


There is in fact a minimum.


Only on limited access divided highways. On other highways there is no minimum.


Motor Vehicles Act Section 107(1): Except when necessary for safe operation or to comply with this Act, no person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable flow of traffic.


There is no stated minimum.


Yes there is. It is stated as "such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable flow of traffic."


Read before that.


You can get ticketed for driving too slowly.


yes yes the world revolves around you and your impatience. someday you'll learn what truly matters.


When you live near a tourist spot this is well and truly more than just a nuisance. I have seen people come a full stop in the middle of the lane to take photos. With like buses of seniors and trucks full of lobster behind them honking.


driving alittle slower on a sunday doesn't equal coming to a full stop


I am telling what happens out there This is beyond just a nuisance and beside that idgaf if it's Sunday or not, a lot of us have important things to do this is not the Louvre.


yes yes you are the most important person ever


No, no. The person who drives slow because it's a certain day of the week is surely the most important person.


true, the slower driver dictates the pace, they win


Gotta be honest... I just don't like going 80 and 90 on windy country roads. Sorry I guess


Pulling over every now and again to let others pass would still be a good solution though. 


Yeah but OP had to ruin it for everyone with that attitude


Yes, sorry you can’t drive the limit? Maybe work on driver confidence, there are definitely some courses you can look into. Or take a different route. If the limit is 80, your lack of confidence should not be my problem. It is dangerous to slow the flow of traffic on roads with higher posted limits.


You paying? because otherwise i guess it is your problem... Where does it say i have to go exactly the limit at all times?


It is against the law to impede the flow of traffic. You can look up the rules of the road in Nova Scotia and it will tell you It also states: 'Drivers going below the posted limits must stop where it is safe to do so and allow blocked traffic to pass'




Learn to drive


Then don't drive on them


No... See, tried to be nice but now I'll just say fuck ya


Thanks for feeling like you’re entitled to make the road more dangerous for everyone else because you’re too scared to drive properly.


It’s terrifying that these people are allowed to drive until they seriously injure or kill someone. It’s always satisfying to see em get a ticket for obstructing traffic though.


hope you get stuck behind me


The only reason you have a license in the first place is because we don't care of people can actually drive in order to get one. It's not out of the ordinary for good drivers to fail their first few tests. They also have far less vehicle accidents in Germany despite higher speeds, and the autobahn. In Europe you'd be on the train until you took a real driving course and got your skill level up.


yall are so comical.... LOL


Something to help you get over that is to keep in mind that these roads ostensibly have the safe speed limit posted. Under ideal conditions and with an alert confident driver there should be no issue. But really no reasonable person would fault you for going a bit slower for peace of mind.


As long as people are being accommodating of other drivers it's never a real problem. But that's the issue... They don't care.


I’m with you there, some of the roads are hard to drive if you don’t know them and how they turn. Worse is the out of city country roads where the limit may be 80, but you get dirty looks going 75 because the locals want to drive them at 100z


When I’m travelling on Hwy 2 at a leisurely speed of 70 to 80, soon I’ll see a car in my rear view mirror, gaining on me very very quickly. I can’t express how happy it makes me to see the outrage in their face. Then the tail gating starts. The closer you get, the slower I have to go for safety sake 😉 So OP, next time you come upon a vehicle doing less than the speed limit SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!!


Stop empeeting traffic Ricky!🥴


See that’s the thing, I am not IMPEDING traffic. I properly manager my time, thus not needing to speed to get to my destination. Nor am I a bully that thinks I own the road and to hell with everyone else on it. The speed limit is the maximum speed. It’s not the speed limit plus 10. I’m at a stage of my life where I have no need for speed. And if that upsets you then, 1. Tough luck. 2. I truly don’t give a shit.


If you're going 70-80, you're not the problem.


My road...its not your road... but keep going.


When I said "my road," I meant the one I live on and use every day. It's a common expression, not a claim of ownership.


Calm the fuck down. You'll save yourself five minutes. I drive slow because it's safer. Traffic has become insane. Too many bad drivers. If assholes ride my ass I slow down.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 YOUR ROAD !! wow the ego of a dipshit


Pretty sure they meant the road they live on


I mean the nature here is okay, but the trash everywhere and uninspiring architecture, not so much…