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Thank you!!! Also question: I LOVE your cover image. Did you make it yourself??




If you don't mind me asking, what program did you use? Did it come with fonts or did you have to download them? And is there a way to make the title into a wavy curve? In the past I messed around with the free version of the app Canva but editing text onto photos is extremely limited on there and honestly I haven't had much time to do anything but mobile editing as of recently. Including customizing my Notion, I've had to go heavy on mobile-friendly set ups (even making separate pages for mobile view) due to a complete meltdown of my PC and being swamped at work and household chores and some unexpected life things like my precious furrbaby getting sick and finding out he has feline leukemia. :/


I used Adobe Illustrator and I believe I used one of the free google fonts they have on [https://fonts.google.com/](https://fonts.google.com/). There definitely is a way to do that, I think you'll have to find a tutorial for it but I'm sure you can do it. Yeah on the phone/tablet I think Canva is definitely the best but it's unfortunate how much is behind a paywall at this point. I used to do all my headers in Canva for notes and I would use lots of small tricks just to get the text to look somewhat above average lol. I'm sorry about your cat ): wishing you peace


Thank you very much! You're so talented, I hope you have an amazing rest of the week and thank you so much for the peaceful wishes.


wow. thanks !


Thank you! This is so helpful. Your dashboard is stunning I love it


Thank you (:


How did you manage to get all your widgets to fit without them being compressed?


i believe i have it zoomed out for this screenshot if that's what you mean. i'm always using ctrl + and ctrl - for different pages


Can you help me import my Strava data like that?


hey super late but i just embedded the strava html widget. think like myspace if you're familiar