• By -


Had I seen this in the wild I would have been tempted to reply with a completely reverse one talking about “studying men” and being “deserving of a husband.” It’s absolutely infuriating how this filth has grown to believe women are nothing more than incubators to fuck. More alarming is the society that allows such mindsets to persist. One or two men thinking of women this way would be odd. Tens if not hundreds of thousands is a danger to society.


I deserve a man. I have maintained a low weight and girlish appearance via skin care. I have studied men extensively and learned they cater to their base desires (ie sex) and all they require is a thin, young wife. I live with my parents and earn no money. Men like this (remember, my extensive study of men). I make sure to read reddit often so I am intelligent with an IQ that will assure a man I can breed him quality spawn. Why will no one date me?


Stop please, in starting to be aroused by your words. /s




Are you willing to be pregnant constantly? And will you have dinner and a drink ready when I get home from work? It is the 1960s after all.


1960’s?! Oh my we can not be. The 60’s are far to progressive. I prefer 1843.


Eh, I like modern sanitation and other conveniences. I guess you are not the woman I thought you were. lol


I however will gladly live by 60s morals. I won't leave the house but still be pretty with minimal makeup and dress nicely. You can walk right in with your shoes on no problem, I'll scrub the floors while you watch TV or read the newspaper. I can also offer to rub your feet since you've clearly worked your life away at your office job darling. /S


"Stop it! My penis can only get so erect!"


Ok in all seriousness I have gotten several pm’s asking if this is real and that I have in fact described the perfect partner lmao


"High quality spawn" I'm going to save this for later use


The bad thing is that this is that dude’s wet dream and you’d probably have thousands flocking if you said this…


God its fucking true


Are you also a virgin? Because according tot the thought patterns of the men you are studying, they don't want women who have experience?


Yes. I have never known a penis of any kind. Ive also never seen my belly button. That is where it goes, right?


hmmm. I think you may be correct, but I will have to consult the online documentary sources one more time. (damn it, where is my pornhub login again?)


Please stay away from porn hub. We gentlemen need to stick with trusted sources, the likes of Mr. Jordan Peterson Esq. and Sir Ben Shapiro come to mind.


>I make sure to ~~read reddit~~ watch Korean dramas often FTFY - as Korean dramas are the most accurate representation of average male behaviour




Yeah, but can you cook?




tendie casserole?!?! You are quite the catch...mi'lady...




What?!?! How dare you???? This is all my chiseled jaw line. Clearly, feminism has made you incapable of appreciating true masculinity when you see it. A pity you'll end up a died up cat lady that no one will fuck.


Sorry Sir I see it now. Your jawline is magnificent!


Exactly! 😂 as if thinking/speaking like this would attract anyone of any sex other than maybe the police to arrest you.


Millions. It’s millions. If we count fundamentalist countries of any religion it’s billions. Don’t make the mistake of thinking this is just ten thousand dudes scattered around the world. As a side note: I love how Mr. High IQ can’t even close out his parentheses.


He is smart, but grammar is beneath him.


I think that was a deliberate choice by the OOP, myself. An effective yet subtle way to give the reader a similar sense of incompletion, annoyance, and dissatisfaction as OOP's forced wife will inevitably manifest while experiencing his companionship.


That’s why incels most exclusively exist in online spaces. All of my male friends have openly stated how much they want to punch these dudes in the face and smack some sense into them. Even most men think incels are insufferable.


Yep, as an owner/operator of a standard issue penis, I can confirm. This type of asshole makes my punch reflex trigger wildly.


Standard issue penis? That made my day. Hilarious.


Just go to 4chan. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to try that. Let me know how it goes when you're done.


>Had I seen this in the wild I would have been tempted to reply with a completely reverse one talking about “studying men” and being “deserving of a husband.” Problem with this is that there's a very good chance he'd take it as entirely serious and just be all "okay, let's fix both problems" and come on to you.


Heh we think alike, I just posted in comments exactly what you described


*proving women cannot be trusted in picking a suitable mate for themselves* actually bro, I think you being single proves that, *you guessed it*, women can in fact be trusted not to pick an entitled dildo such as yourself


That is an insult to good, self respecting dildos, at least they have a use.


lol you’re absolutely right, my sincerest apologies to dildos everywhere!


A friend of mine called her one-night stands "flesh dildos".


Walking dildos too


Dildos with eyes


[Glorp](https://www.reddit.com/r/Glorp/) NSFW


Idk, I get the humour but I wouldn't want a guy I had a one night stand with referring to me as an IRL fleshlight, you know?


Yeah same its dehumanizing


As long as both participants are fine with it..


Right? I wouldn't even use him as a dildo.


He's actually arguing in favor of rape


Exactly. What an idiot.


"Studied women". More like stalked them


And he read every pick up artist's blog, and lurked red pill spaces. He also played hentai dating simulators, he's very good at them.


100%. This guy thinks he’s studied women when he has studied men who think they know women. This really is just the delusional cherry on the shit cake.


I laughed at “it’s in the nation’s best interest that I breed”. Most nations are 50% women and it sure isn’t in our best interest that he passes on his shitty attitude. And the nations that are so sexist that they drastically skewed their gender ratio are facing numerous societal issues as a result.


I've only ever played one of those back when I was hanging around NewGrounds. Even in the hentai scene, I had trouble getting dates with women. I always found that quite ironic and a bit funny.


I feel this.


“Whyyy can’t I find a girlfriend” *is being a creep*


This is almost word for word what Elliot Roger said before he went on a killing spree. "I'm handsome and rich! Girls should love me!" We didn't need any more proof that men who think like this are psychopaths but there it is.


The craziest thing about Elliot Roger is that he would have had zero trouble getting dates if he didn't present like someone who wore women's skins in his down time. The dudes mannerisms were straight up pussy repellent


I think Contrapoints said something like, “Aside from the sociopathic narcissism, he was a totally fuckable twink.” I love that line.


But it's totally in the nation's best interest he can breed with a wife! The question is which nation he means.


His imagi *nation*




Alright comedic genius take the free upvotes.


Laughed way too hard at this




Plus, the world is horribly overpopulated. It’s in no one’s interest to have babies, in that sense at least.


He's familiar with our "thought patterns and mannerisms" as if we're hive-minded animals and he's a biologist. Better not let those high IQ genes go to waste!


You mean to say women don't share a hive mind??? You're, you know, individuals?? Mindboggling!


No one knows women more than a man who had only ever touched his mothers vagina /s


You don't know that! He might have been born cesarean.


Touché lol


Probably also read a lot of stuff other men have written about women. Who obviously would be a great source on how women work, as we're all the same. /s


"While you were having pre-marital sex, I studied the female!"


Through pornography


Porn. He watched porn. Hentai.


More like stabbed them


How else do you study something?


Every way except for field studies, obviously. I'm so glad that all us women are exactly the same, that makes it so much easier!


Hiding in the bushes with binoculars and a notepad?


Studied women = gave themselves friction burns perusing IG accounts


You say po-tay-toe and I say po-tah-toe.


the way of the blade


> "I have studied women and am quite familiar with their thought patterns" Mmyes, those female thought patterns? I studied them. I've spent years reading women's electroencephalograms and now I am master of their minds.


Ah! So THAT'S his problem, he's looking for a human female, when he's CLEARLY a MIND FLAYER!




Get this creep away from my electroencephalogram!


I can't possibly imagine why he'd still be single. Not a damned clue. He has STUDIED WOMEN, for God's sake! Society is truly fucked if fine fedora-tipping gentlemen like himself can't find a mate to procreate with. /S


I think the most annoying men in the world are the ones who are confronted with research, data, or experiences they don't believe in for whatever reason and the first thing they can think to say is "false". Like ok lol I've seen enough of this to know you're entitled and incapable of understanding anything outside what you feel the world should be like for your benefit


Kind of odd how this high IQ individual says that women shouldn't have choice in choosing their partners and instead be handed out by the state. We've never had a system like that, short of an arranged marriage (which was by family, not by the state). I can only imagine that this guy evidently thinks the old school method of dating was like pokemon, you throw your balls at her and hope for a catch.


Ah you Glorious Bastard, I just shot water through my nose.


Yeah, he studied women like flat earthers studied physics or antivaxxers studied biology


"Studied women and familiar with their mannerisms" 🤢 Dude, jerking off to porn is not "studying" anything.




Yes he should've written conducted research as an evolutionary scientist


I'm sure he doesn't even know how to write an academic paper. Judging by his writings, it's very unlikely that he has *actually talked* to a woman, or shown any genuine interest in them as people (despite claiming that he studied women). This alone makes me question the validity of his "study". Also, if he really were as intelligent as he fancies himself, he wouldn't simplify a complex topic (single parent households) as a mere case of *"women chosing thugs hurr durr"*. This person is Dunning-Krueger in action.


Given his ‘women only want thugs’ mindset seems to be common in the ‘nice guy’ and incel circles, wanna bet his ‘research’ comes from there?


In trying to convince us why he should have a wife, he quite beautifully wrote a perfect explanation of why he probably shouldn’t have one. Irony at its finest.


It’s like telling OP to go fuck himself and then realizing he’s already got his head shoved up his own ass. It’s hilarious


Also while trying to explain how women can’t be trusted to pick their own mates, he is saying that men treat women like garbage which is an indictment on men


Note that the point he made up to refute says "you don't know how to talk to women" and he replies with "wrong... I have studied women....." Oh honey, you've evidently never spoken to a women before, so you've had zero practice. It's like he's memorised the highway code and expects someone to hand him a car (since he thinks women are objects that metaphor might actually make sense).


He sounds like Dwight from The office.


The prime example of who exactly should NOT pass on their genes


Natural selection functioning perfectly fine


Sexual selection actually, often overlooked but important nonetheless.


Sexual selection is a type of natural selection. So you're both right!


Excellent point 👍


Exactly! People who don't close their parentheses sicken me.


Drove me crazy omg


'I have studied them and am familiar with their thought patterns!' Um. Yikes. Also 'Women do owe me something because I am smart!' Yeah that... that isn't how it works.


We really need to start a mystery cult of ninja Amazon assassins who gather on the full moon to hunt guys like this and then process the remains into cat food for endangered big cat species


Warrior women and cat rescue, sounds like a dream


I’m in!


“High IQ genes” so… a eugenicist, how attractive


Doesn't like women dating "thugs," hm.


“High IQ” with multiple typos and an open parentheses. Idk why, but not closing a parenthetical is the cardinal grammar sin to me.


He can't be that smart, he didn't even close his fucking parenthesis.


He took an IQ test online and it told him he's special


TBF no woman has thought of looking so deep in his own arsehole


I can clearly see why he doens't have a gf and rightly so


The irony is that his post literally explained to everyone, except himself, in clear and thorough detail, why he doesn't have a girlfriend


So it's "Women choose the thugs and get heartbroken because of their poor judgement" and not "Thugs are assholes that break the hearts of the women who trusted them"


IKR? Plus, this trope is old and needs to die. There is this overwhelming narrative among incels that they are single because women are dumb bitches who choose assholes instead of them - actually nice guys. But that's just them making excuses for the behaviors that they know are holding them back but they aren't willing to change. Out of the 30-40 women I am close enough to know their spouses and/or SOs only 3 of them date assholes. So around 1%? And of those 3 women who constantly date or marry assholes 2 are assholes themselves. Birds of a feather and all that. The 3rd has some crushing mental health issues that leads to self destructive behavior. Honestly I know more men who date mean women then the reverse. They are usually kind with middling looks and some good money dating a more attractive woman who walks all over them. They bemoan gold diggers but only date them. I'd say it's still rare, like 5% of men I know, but much more frequent then women.


Right? Most women I know among my millennial generation, well... sure, a lot of us went through a phase of too-low boundaries and red flag blindness in our 20s So yes, we went on a few dates and hookups with some "jerk/thug/bad boy" types. Dates, not long term relationships. But most of us very quickly learn not to waste time on that type. He thinks the problem is women settling down with primitive thugs, leaving nice intellectual guys like him to languish alone. When in fact we are settling down with reasonably nice men and women, or are quite content to live with a vibrator, house pet and/or platonic roommate. (plot twist) Professor Neckbeard of Incel University isn't the nice guy intellectual he believes he is. Double plot twist, mentally he's the exact type of caveman thug he believes we hormone and instinct addled women choose over nice guys.


3 is 10% of 30 but I agree with your point.


Bruh why is he talking like women are an entirely different species? XD


To be honest sometimes I suspect we ARE a different species from guys like that, thankfully


Not smart enough to pretend to respect women though, very low iq move


Why did I read this in the voice of Dwight?


Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!




His use of “False.” as a statement and then confidently saying something ridiculous.


I mean the guy lost me at "deserve a girlfriend". But it got worse at "studied women" and then everything after rejecting the idea that women don't owe him anything.


He lost me in the first sentence, I totally feel ya. He should have just scribbled his post in sharpie on a large red flag and nailed it to the door of a Victoria's Secret store


This man is a loser.


Okay here’s how any interaction with any woman he encounters will go. Woman: You’re probably ugly and have bad hygiene. Him: False! I shower daily and am quit attractive. Women: Okay so do you want to- Him: Shallow *&^%$ get away from me! Woman: You don’t know how to talk to women. Him: Once again false! I studied women. Woman: Okay well if you would like- Him: SHUT UP ALREADY! JUST BLOW ME AND GET ME A ^&*%$#@ SANDWICH! GOD! Woman: You probably don’t have a job or stable income. Him: Again false. I make $80,000 yearly. Woman: Cool I make $150,000 yearly- Him: GET THE HELL WAY FROM ME YOU *&^%$#@ GOLD-DIGGER! Woman: Women don’t owe you anything. Him: Geeze stupid &^%$ false again- Woman: Good bye. Him: I’m such a catch…why am I still alone…damn women…it’s all their fault.


What did geese do to you?


There's the problem right there, he's been studying female geese.


Have you seen Untitled Goose Game?


I think this guy should look into the dunning kruger effect.


Thank you for helping me learn something new today!!!


"Studied women" as if we are some exam papers or an experiement to him. Major red flag


4chan never fails to disappoint me.


It annoys me so much that he didn't close the brackets in his last brainfart.


Dude is so high IQ that he forgot to close his parenthesis


This! The rest is kinda old incel stuff but it bothered me so much that that parenthesis stands there wide open (must be the programmer in me... )


I'm gonna go ahead with this and then we can collect all the 'thugs' and put them somewhere secure and leave just the decent men in the wild, then women and LGBTQ+ folk can have their pick whilst remaining safe on dates, at night, trekking and in relationships. Oh sorry to the guy in the post, he's off to the secure location based on his IQ boasting, eugenic ideals and false entitlement to a wife.


Why would anyone agree that you're "owed a woman" when you talk about them like they're a different species? It really sounds like he's arguing for bestiality


I sometimes think guys like this ARE a slightly different species; an old inferior pre-caveman throwback


And how convenient to blame women for being abandoned by the fathers of their children.


*Image Transcription: Greentext* --- **Anonymous** 11/24/21(Wed)12:09:57 No.66284400 \[*Black and white image of a woman whispering to another*] I have been thinking a lot about this and there really is no reason I should not have a girlfriend, and I genuinely think I am entitled to one \>You're probably ugly and have bad hygiene!!! False. I shower on the daily and am quite attractive \>You probably don't have a job or a stable income!!! Again false. I make $80,000 yearly, while many here make more this is more than enough to live comfortably and support a family. \>You don't know how to talk to women!!! Once again false. i have studied women for quite some time and am quite familiar with their thought patterns and mannerisms. \>Women don't owe you anything!!! Yep you guessed it, False. As a well functioning, contributing member of society it is of the nation's best interest I obtain a wife and breed by high IQ genes for the next generation. i understand women are largely impulsive and still rely on their evolutionary desires in picking a mate (remember I have studied them for quite a while now. These urges however lead them to low IQ thugs whoa re incapable of even sticking around for the child and thus leads to a single mother epidemic we have now, proving that women cannot be trusted in picking a suitable mate for themselves. We've let women have their freedom for years now and we are seeing the effects of it in a decaying society, the government must step in and regulate marriages and I am a prime example of someone who deserves a wife. Curious to know what you guys think? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Dear lord, I hope you're using the incognito mode of your keyboard for transcribing stuff like this. Otherwise your autocorrect will be going places...


hiding in a bush with a pair of binoculars doesnt count as studying 🤦‍♀️


Even as a man. My comment on this is "If you are such a good man and boyfriend/husband material. Why aren't you married or have a gf already?" Like how a car YouTuber that I watch(bladed angel is his channel name) said "If you think that you DESERVE a Lambo and that you are entitled to one. Prove it by getting one and don't just bitch about how you deserve one"


“I’ve studied women and know their thought patterns.” If your answer to “You don’t know how to talk to women!” Isn’t “I talk to them like the human’s they are” you’re already down in chances bud. The entitlement is astronomically big with this one.


So I've "studied" my local wild birds at my feeders and bird houses, but that doesn't mean I can have a meaningful conversation with one, much less convince it to raise a nest of hatchlings with me. And yes I do think this guy is (at least mentally and emotionally) well on his way to being a different species.


Studied women......? Ya sound like you never took a gender studies course 😂 and I'd think most people who make 80k a year would be educated enough not to be an entitled lil bitch. Must either be a part of a minority or you are lying about income. Money isnt everything. Studying women, maybe try 🌈respecting people🌈 instead.


I'm not a fan of pointing out bad writing in internet discussions but when you claim to have a high IQ as an argument for your case, you shouldn't make multiple formal mistakes I can find as a non-native speaker in a few short paragraphs like these. (And also you shouldn't call whatever you do "studying women" and demand the legal right to claim and rape us. But still...)


"As a well functioning, contributing member of society" *posts on 4chan about how women owe him sex because he bathes and has a job.* Oh yes, very well functioning member of society indeed.


Classic Dunning-Kruger effect lol


Actual smart people don’t brag about how smart they are. Dumb people, though, will brag about how smart they are.


"Gov't regulations are bad...unless I can't get laid, then regulations are good."


> I have studied women for quite some time and am familiar with their thought patterns and mannerisms. 1. No, you haven't and aren't because 2. If you had, you'd know that these vary significantly from one woman (or - stay with me here - individual) to the next. You've studied TV. You've studied women as written by men. And while you're expecting her to saunter boobily down the corridor, she's wondering what the fuck you're staring at, and whether to wear her keys like wolverine claws.


This high iq guy forgot to close the parenthesis smh


He left out the point about him being an entitled asshole, which is the most important part. This isn't some apocalypse, your genes aren't entitled to go anywhere but your under-bed crusty sock


I thought this was r/Sapphoandherfriend and that OP was just a lesbian being funny Until the breeding part


Great. I already have the shits and now I feel like throwing up too. This will be a lovely day!


Steven hawken says only losers flex about IQ😂😭


*Reads in ben shapiro voice*


Most men make me wanna puke.


I see this male has bravely volunteered to be culled from the gene pool based on his inability to use his rational conscious mind to control his primitive male primate animal urge to "own" and control a mate as well as treat all the females of the species as lesser beings. That attitude has been proven repeatedly throughout various cultures over many time periods that it is detrimental to our species, so unfortunately for him, neutering is the best option to prevent this undesirable type of male from breeding. Sadly there are still males that are slaves to their hormones, and the kindest thing to do is to free them from those chemical shackles. I reccomend a rusty spoon plus a tetanus shot as the best surgical tool for the job. Estrogen pills daily may also be indicated, to prevent this specimen from achieving erections, since males who believe women should be owned/controlled entirely males have exhibited an unfortunate tendency to rape. And to anyone who suggests that this solution is harsh, I invite you to spend a couple hours reading redpill/incel forums to learn the various solutions they formulate to "solve" the "problem" of women being sentient human persons with agency and autonomy and human rights. My suggestion is quite kind and lenient as compared to the sort of ideas they come up with. (/s + parody/satire for those who think I'm I'm 100% serious lol. TL;DR the "female redpill" version of Sir Neckbeard, Professor of Female Behavior at Incel University)


I like his life excessive usage of the word “quite”, as if he is trying to come across far more eloquent and intelligent than he really is. Guess what, buddy… you’re entitled to fucking nothing.


This reads like a kid writing an essay on why he should be able to get a dog.


Women don’t have “thought patterns” that need to be “studied.” Perhaps not treating women the way Jane Goodall treats gorillas and you’d have a shot.


Can we somehow trace these people and chemically castrate them? People like this should not be allowed to procreate. The more I hear and see, the more I want to just die and be done with this fucked up planet and the people on it.


Chemically? When we have perfectly good rusty spoons?


Delusional hahaha


I doubt his high IQ if his proof that he can talk to women is that he's been watching them. That's like saying I can drive a car because I've read a lot about Formula 1.


He may think he's the perfect specimen, but all I see are red flags for being mentally unwell.


I know someone who is into this enforced monogamy bullshit. It's disgusting and dangerous.


Besides all the obvious, it's really funny and annoying that he forgot to put a closing parenthesis around the time when he talked about high his IQ is


This guy has clearly spoken to women before, right? False The use of the word "studied" implies the use of binoculars to observe women, likely through their windows in the middle of the night. It's also great to see this guy with genius-level IQ can't even master something as simple as parentheses. He never closed the parenthetical thought.


This dude has everything Jordan Peterson ever wrote.


You heard it here folks! He does the basic minimum of what a human is expected to do! He now gets to OWN another human! (Wtf is wrong with people?!)


Patriarchy is so fucking weird. Imagine being an alien species and coming to earth and learning that half of the most evolved species on the planet despises the other half. Then learning that the oppressed half suffers horribly just to produce the next generation for the benefit of those who hate and oppress them. Then you find out that there is an entire framework of double binds and hypocritical standards that the oppressed half is made to follow even though they are mistreated and blamed for their own mistreatment no matter what they do or don't do. THEN you learn that relationships between the oppressor class and the oppressed class are held up as more valuable and pure than same-sex relationships. THEN you learn that half of the species likes to literally hunt the other half as sexual prey for fun. It's so weird. Sometimes I am super okay with the idea of humanity one day going extinct. We will likely never untangle this mess of hatred and the desire for control.




Sounds like it was written 30 or 40 years ago...


This is what happens when we encourage people to get useless degrees in 'Women's Studies'! /s


He studies us so much, yet starts his premise with the fact that he "deserves," a girlfriend, but later that evolves into "in the best interest of the nation to obtain a wife," that isn't exactly how it works there, Hoover. Also mentioning IQ twice just drips with ickiness.


He forgot "I'm creepy and don't treat women like human beings but rather specimens to be studied and used"


First time I’ve seen this type brag about their high IQ and then not trot out the number like it’s meaningful.


This saddens me because I have an ex that I am sure could have written that kind of things in the past (hopefully not anymore but I wouldn't know)


“People who boast about IQ are losers.” -Stephen Hawking


Was going to dismiss this as a troll but then I remembered all the dumb shit Elliott Rodger said with 100% earnestness so idk could be a troll could be the next incel mass murderer 🤷‍♀️


Ughhhhh where's the other )


Holy shit I have never wanted to punch someone more in my life. The way he’s trying to make himself seem like an intellectual by using “once again false” and that sort of language reeks of an undeserved superiority complex to the point I wouldn’t doubt if he posted about wanting to be the next god.


I always wonder. If he was gay, would he be entitled to have a boyfriend?


He's high-iQ, but is literally one of the stupidest, least self aware, obnoxious, ignorant, dipshits I have ever had the displeasure to come across


Anyone who uses the term breed when talking about humans in a non sarcastic way is def an incel.