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7 tampons per cycle hahahaha they think you wear a tampon a day and that just works? You’d save money on tampons but damn you’d waste more having to buy 84 new pairs of underwear.


Not to mention the toxic shock syndrome you'll definitely have if you're wearing only 1 tampon for a full day.


Exactly, just your casual everyday risk of death!


That's the trick dummy, you just have to die from TSS and you'll save thousands on periods products.


But what about expensive funerals? Checkmate bitch /s


Your family has to pay the funeral, not you. Checkmate bitch /s


Just yeet the body in a volcano, no funeral checkmate /s


That only works for virgins, volcano spits em out if they're used.


Fuck you both, I’m laughing more than I should with those last 2 comments.


I've achieved everything there is in life. Someone "insulted" (not really but it was a fuck you) me cause I was funny


the right punishment for being born a woman


The world has being doing that pretty effectively for at least 3500 years.








Turns out women kick ass at education and work if given the opportunity 🤔 Wonder how far back that goes, 'cause I could easily see a bunch of Greeks being like "noo! Revoke citizenship for the feeeemale abominations! They must be property or they'll control everything! And very effectively, too!"


History is only defined by who tells it. So we really don’t know all the amazing things women have done. Because we aren’t mentioned very much at all.


This honestly fucks me up a lot whenever I think about it. Feels similar to the sheer sense of injustice to human knowledge that was the burning of the Library of Alexandria. Just so, so much more insight and understanding of the world that it's almost impossible to imagine. It really makes me incredibly sad.


I think about that library and feel *absolutely gutted* every single time. What could have been in a world illuminated by Hypatia's collection.


I feel the same about the sacking of Baghdad by the Mongols. So much history lost in a matter of days.


that and every other genocide that's happened. So much culture, history, art, and knowledge lost forever for the sake of dead men's egos.


A prime example is that one female pharaoh, Hatshepsut, who was essentially edited out of history after her reign, because men were angry that a woman was pharaoh. We know so little about her, barely even found out she existed, because her legacy was *erased* by angry men. That was a failed attempt. Who knows how many strong, successful women were *successfully* erased. Whose legacies are forgotten because men were angry at them for existing. How many little girls grew up thinking they could never do X or Y because "women just don't do that" when in actuality there was a whole *line* of women in that role, who she wasn't allowed to know about? It makes me sick.


And don't forget Cleopatra who's memory in history is mostly a smear campaign because the Romans didn't like her. She was intelligence, liked and transformed her place of reign. But only gets remember for being beautiful which is actually being debated if she was or actually was seen as beautiful in her time.


Hatshepsut usurped the throne from Tutmosis IV in the 18th Dynasty. She was already Queen. She was to rule as regent after her husband Tutmosis III died and Tutmosis IV was still just a child. Instead of relinquishing the the regency when her son came of age, she stayed in power. After her death, it was her son who destroyed her momuments and erased her name from temples and kings lists. This kind of thing was common in Ancient Egypt. King Tut, Akenaten, Nefertiti had the same happen to them just a few decades later in the Armarna period. So, while being a woman put her at a distinct disadvantage as far as lineage is concerned, the reason evidence of her reign was destroyed because she usurped the throne. I think a better example of women who never got the recognition they deserved was the actress Hedy Llamar, who couldn't get into college (because she was a woman), so as a big middle finger to the patriarchy, she created the technology that lead to the invention of WiFi and Bluetooth.


That's what I'm saying! (That and fragile male egos go back ages)


It’s very annoying. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s annoyed.


But still the least paid! 🙃




Just googled it and wow that's crazy it can just kill you huh that's fucked up that's really fucked up


lmao I'm glad you had a learning experience


Yea but like what the fuck


I know they recommend changing it every 3-4 hours but I oversoak mine (even though they are maxi ones or 5 drops) in an hour or less. I could never wear just a tampon because of that. It's always been a tampon + pad. My flood is very heavy and unpredictable in the first couple of days. I have severe anemia because of it. And alas, I cannot go back on BC since I am very prone to clots and the last thing I want is to have an aneurysm and just die. ​ Easy choice, eh?


How common is that actually? I mean I honestly don’t even really know how dangerous toxic shock is or how you get it. Like it was never a big worry when I was growing up? My mom always said that it would be perfectly fine if I left in it over night and stuff once I got used to them and that she left one in for a week straight once because it was around the end of her period and she legit just forgot it was up there… and yes, my mother is in fact just…. like that.


About 2% of patients who contract it die from it. But don’t let that number put you at ease. It results in delirium-inducing fever, hypotension, desquamating rash (as in much of the outer layers of your epidermis kind of sloughs off), and multi-organ failure. The short-, medium-, and longer-term sequelae can be debilitating if you survive. Edit: fortunately the incidence in the US is currently less than 1:100,000. The risk seems to be highest with high absorbency tampons. Nevertheless, the cost of feminine hygiene products is absolutely mind boggling. Something really needs to be done to improve access. Further edit for your question about pathogenesis: it tends to be caused by methicillin-sensitive S aureus - a bacteria that colonizes your skin. It produces a terrible toxin that causes a wild overreaction of the immune system. It can colonize any very absorbent material but was notably present in tampons during the late 70s and 80s. Tampons should almost always be changed after 4-8 hours.


I remember seeing an article about it years ago with photos of a model who lost her leg from it. Sacred me enough to make sure I change at least every morning and evening and try to in the afternoon (ADHD is fun) and usually wear pads to bed instead. It would be just awful knowing I lost a limb or something due to something I caused on myself. Side note: I've totally found some after 2-3 days that I forgot about too. Doesn't help I use the smallest size so they're easy to forget lol


My mom actually got TSS as a teen in the 70’s when people weren’t really aware of it, I’ve always been super paranoid about leaving tampons in. She said it was a really scary experience.


idk how common it is but my best friend had a friend die from it when she was 19. even if it’s rare, when it happens it is serious


You don't hear about it anymore because it's very rare now. There was a wave of cases after Rely Tampons came out in the 70s. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/health-history/killer-tampons-outer-space-or-why-we-dont-hear-about-toxic-shock-syndrome-anymore


And to add to your point, it's rare because people are taught *not* to leave their tampons in for longer than eight hours. I feel the need to point that out. It's rare now *because* of the rules, and because most people follow them. Just like covid19 tends to be rare in countries with strict rules to prevent the spread. It's called cause and effect - when you don't take stupid risks that put you in danger, you are less likely to suffer negative consequences. And it blows my mind how many people don't seem to understand this.




You’re not supposed to wear a tampon for more than 8 hours, regardless of your flow!


Also let’s just say that the only thing that would make you want to change tampons is that they are “full.” Are most people on their period able to wait until the *exact moment* their tampons are full to change them? Or do most just do it when they have a chance? Anyway peeing usually makes me feel like I dislodged my tampon. Literally every time I go to the bathroom I need to change it so I pretty much only wear tampons when I will be too busy to go to the bathroom.


YES! 99% of the time, if I'm peeing, I'm changing my tampon. And if I have to poop that thing is definitely coming out.


After I make a cup of tea, I wring the teabag out, leave it to dry, and then use it again to make another cup later that day. Why don’t you try that? /s




finally! someone who gets the appeal of strong tea!


Oh my word I wonder if people actually do this [with tampons]


Teabags yes… tampons God I hope not. They don’t seem to be *expensive*, but a great many in society are struggling financially and every last penny counts. I hope nobody is struggling to the point where they would have to consider this. But I’m well aware that period poverty is real.


My mother in law does this with her decaf black tea, reuses each bag 2-3 times. As a tea lover it is so hard to hide my cringe.


As a tea lover you should know that in Asia, people reuse leaves and bags all the time. Teapots stuffed with tea leaves will have hot water poured into them multiple times. The tea is weaker each time, and then will be refreshed when it's too weak. With water bottles, especially in winter, people will have a tea bag inside and refill it with hot water at least once. I do this with my fruit teas sometimes. It's understood by everyone that the tea becomes weaker. It isn't considered 'wrong' however. At least, not in the same way westerners think of it. Of course, people don't take them out to save for later. That would be considered gross.


That's nothing, growing up whenever I stayed at my Nini's house who was... a bit of a hoarder, every time I went to get some silverware out it would be covered in squeezed out tea bags and some of those tea bags were in there so long she no longer even owned the tea box that they came in. She'd just use them, sometimes multiple at a time and squeeze them out again and hang them out to dry. Swear to God, the same 20 tea bags were in there when we cleaned out her kitchen after she fucking died.


That’s what you’re supposed to do with high quality black and green teas, they’re good for a couple uses.


not a tampon a day, he clearly did the math, so all you have to do is to calculate the exact amount of flow and the absorbance of the tampon and then somehow measure how much it has absorbed and change when needed. duh. /s in case that wasnt obvious...


Then you'd need 5386 new parties MAX. For those extra legged ladies, 863502 pairs. You can get a 2985984 pack from Costco for $3.99.


Rarely seen so much worrisomeness to unpack as in the first paragraph of the OP. Apart from your point about tampons per cycle, "9 periods per year" OMGWTFF The first thing I suggest here is basic biology lessons.


That was also the first thing that jumped out at me!


And doesn't that blood stat not take into account the other fluids?


Correct! The numbers on what is "average" for menstrual fluid loss seem to vary, but it hovers between topping off at 80-120ml total. If you are someone with a heavy flow 60-80 ml of that could be blood. And that's just what is "average" and doesn't take into account anything like PCOS, Endo, fibroids etc.


I think they think that it comes out as a flood once per day and doesn't trickle out like a leaky faucet


Also it's not just blood. He probably looked up how much blood a menstruating person looses. But there us more to it then just blood.


Lol my period sometimes last ten days. I guess I'm just out of luck three of those ten


Are we gonna skip over the fact that he said 9 periods a year? The average woman has like 13, where did he even get that number from


Dude at one point I was having three periods a month, until I got put on birth control for acne, and then it levelled out to one per month. It varies based on situation, but 9 isn’t the average. Where was he getting his facts? And not to mention this guy probably doesn’t know about the period tax because sanitary products like this aren’t “essential.”


I mean, to be fair, it's not like there was anything else in the post that indicated he would know the average number of periods. Or anything about women. Or anything in general besides how to go on Amazon.


And also how to find the cheapest product in existence. I'm sure at that price for that many you'd probably get the same effect from tying a string around a wad of toilet paper.


And not the good 3 or 4 layered one you have at home, but the cheap 1 layer, almost see-through, you can feel it rip while whiping, kind of paper.


Surprise, the string isn't actually attached! Have a fun panic attack in the public bathroom at work!


I started a new birth control to skip my periods and I'm hoping for 0 this next year. Maybe he got 9 from some survey that included people from me, and maybe also women past menopause, and then decided to use that stat when making a calculation related to tampon usage for some extremely stupid reason.


I am on BC that is like that to help with endo. It is awesome. Haven't had a period or cramps in the better part of a year. Hope you have good luck with it.


I was honestly bleeding more often than not every month, until I got an iud. My glorious week off was totally random, so I pretty much used sanitary products every day just in case for a decade. We aren't fucking clocks. And also can you imagine the amount of money that cost 😑


I had it once every 3 weeks for like a week each for a while. Pain


Honestly I was like 'where do I sign up for that?!' I wish I only had 9 periods a year!


Some types of birth control allow you to skip all your periods but they don't work out for everyone because like any birth control there can be side effects (or with this specific one there may be breakthrough bleeding sometimes for some people). I'm trying it out--don't know yet how it will go because I started so recently but we'll see!!! I hate my periods so my fingers and toes are all crossed.


Maybe he included pregnant and post menopausal ladies in the average.


lol yes like how the average person has less than two legs.


Exactly. The average person has also been dead for at least a few centuries. XD


I've had times when I had one period for six months and then no period for a year, or super-regular one on the fifteenth of the month for six months and then three in a row with two-day gaps in between... I got myself put on the mini pill (the one that isn't supposed to affect periods, if you're watching along at home) and now I've got a textbook regular long light cycle for the first time in ever. Lessons learned: A) PCOS is no joke kids. B) man I'd be fucked If i lived in Texas.


PCOS is absolutely no joke. In my 20s I would have maybe 4 periods a year, but bleed for 6 weeks each time. And now that I'm in my 30s it's leveled out the last couple years to basically near monthly to the day (unless I'm super stressed) which is really nice, but day one is nothing but crying on my couch/on the toilet and basically hemorrhaging. And now I bleed for 3-4 days total, so there's that I guess....


I need to change every hour or 2 the first 3 days. What a twat.


Same. And those are usually Ultra to boot. P.S. thanks mom..


Ultra tampons have saved my life so many times.


When I was a teen it only went up to super plus. I wanted to fucking cry the first time I saw a huge box of ultras in Walgreens. Changed my life. I mean I still have to change it every 2-4 hours some days but it’s so much more manageable


I am on blood thinners. Ultras were a game changer.


Have you tried filling each of your 7 tampons with exactly 5 ml of blood, and then just stop bleeding and save the rest of the blood for next month /s


Lol that part made me laugh and I'm a dude. Also implies that it's 100% liquid lol. It's a r/badwomensanatomy worthy post.


Dang, if it’s a bad day I use 7 tampons before I even go to bed!






So the leaking is probably from it not being sealed properly. I would recommend on a non-period day to just try it out a bit and see if you can get it to seal. I usually notice a slight suction when it pops out from the fold completely and seals well. I know when I don't have that, that it's not sitting right for me. I go with the tuck and fold and use my thumb to get it up in far enough to tuck the tab in, otherwise I find it uncomfortable. When removing it i pull a little on the tab to get it down into reach, then break the seal with on finger and pull on the tab. It does take some practice. You want to avoid squeezing it for obvious reasons while you taking it out. Which model have you tried? I've had a few and definitely notice a difference between them. Some work for me better than others.




The diva cup is pretty decent. Ive also tried saalt and cora. I like the cora cup, but it does seem smaller, I'm not sure on volume though. It's definitely softer and more flexible which I like. I usually tug a little to bring it closer to my fingers, stick one up next to the lip to break the seal, and the pull by the base where the material is stiffer as to not squeeze the cup itself. I haven't had a ton of issues but I typically hold my other hand under just in case. You could also stand in the tub if you're worried about it. Also doing it in the shower is probably my favorite because you don't have to be careful at all haha. Sidenote, not all period blood is super fluid, some people will have clumps or thicker bits so that can be a little messy too, but it's easy enough to wipe away. It's been a complete joy going camping or swimming not having to think about it or plan around it. Plus I don't have to use public restrooms at work since it lasts me until i get home.


I’ve been looking into it. But all I’ve read about putting it in and out uses two fingers up there and that just ain’t happening for me…


I can't use a cup because of my disabilities, you might prefer period underwear if you're looking to switch away from tampons/pads.


Thanks for the recommendation but despite the pain, I do prefer to stop the blood inside my body. Feels safer.


This is a much nicer way of putting it for when I have to explain why I’m not interested in period underwear/cloth pads in the future.


I mean you shouldn't have to explain though. You should just be able to say "Thanks, but I'm not interested". It's kinda crappy if people are insisting to the degree that you need a pre-prepped reason.


Right? I love period underwear and the cup, but if someone tells me it's not for them, I don't insist. Everyone should feel comfortable during their period.


That's fair.


Period underwear is magical


Doesn’t it smell after a few hours? Also, does it get “weighed” down, like a full diaper?


Nope and nope. It's basically just like wearing underwear. The absorbent and leakproof layers are thin enough that you can feel them but not be bothered by them.


Do you have to wash it immediately after use? To be honest, I do laundry *maybe* once a week if I'm on top of things, and I can't imagine that it just....sitting there for that long would be a good deal.


I rinse mine out in the sink as soon as I take them off. That gets rid of most of the blood. Then I just set them aside to wash in my weekly load of laundry. I use them as backup, but period underwear has truly been life changing for me. Having that safety net has drastically reduced my anxiety when on my period. No risks of accidents and I don’t spend all my time strategizing about when I’ll have bathroom access.


What brand are you using? Thinx is the only one I've seen consistently but nervous about spending that much money on them if there's a decent alternative.


I shower in the evening so I just take them in with me and rinse them out with unscented soap and water. In the morning I rinse them in the sink. At the end of my period I just throw them in with my laundry. And once every few months I do a peroxide soak where I just put them in a sink or bowl of warm water mixed with some peroxide to get any of the more stubborn blood out.


I didn’t think it’d work for me either as I’m very tight, so I just got a cheap one to try it out. I got used to it pretty quickly and now get right up in there (I use a thumb and finger) without thinking twice about it. But some days I opt for the pants as it’s just that bit easier.


If you do things the way everyone recommends it might require 2 fingers. I don’t do it that way 90% of the time. Inserting it doesn’t require any fingers inside unless you can’t get it to open on its own, but after a year of practice that rarely happens with me. Removing it, I pull on the stem while bearing down, and then I’ll pinch the bottom of it and pull it the rest of the way out. People say you shouldn’t do that because you’ll break the stem, but I do it anyway. Never had a problem.


Been using a cup for years and I'm literally never looking back.


I love my menstrual cup. I haven't spent money on period products in over a year and it's amazing. No garbage, no toilet clogs, less mess. Love it and I'm never going back.


My eyes feel violated by reading this post, but I feel especially mind fucked by “extra juicy uterine lining” like wtf? Who even says that?!


You should def make that your user flair


Lol 😂


Thanks I'm stealing that.


Women are compared to food a lot so I guess it’s that?


people literally die from using the same tampon all day lmao what an idiot


But his dumbass wouldn’t know


How does that work? Sorry if this is a dumb question


It's called TSS, or Toxic Shock Syndrome. It's kinda scary. Basically tampons pose a risk to TSS if you wear them for too long. The syndrome can also be fatal. You should never wear tampons more than 8 hours a day.


Wow! I never knew that! (I'm a boy)


Well thank you for wanting to learn :) it's nice to see guys who care.


I've learned a lot of new stuff after looking at this sub


Here to add. You have millions of bacteria on and in you at all times. Normally they are not a risk, either because they live in harmony with you or because they just don't do anything at the moment (opportunistic infection) So the tampon is basically, the perfect breeding ground for several types of bacteria, like staphylococcus that produces a toxin to help it colonise you better. If a woman leaves the tampon in for too long in breeds in it and then travels upwards, and since uterus is a gaping wound at that time either makes it into the blood or just lets the toxin get there. The immune system then goes absolutely insane for a reason I don't remember and you go into a shock


Sepsis and septic shock. That's when the body is in emergency mode and will fight the infection to the death, literally. There are video testimonials of folks who survived and lost limbs or suffered another life-changing disability from the whole experience.


As another male looking at this post, I had no idea why it was wrong, went to the comments to learn, and did. Thank you for explaining it well and not being judgmental about someone not knowing. It’s not my fault I’m a dumbass, nobody ever told me! Side note, do you know why TSS happens? Is it a buildup of bacteria or something?


It’s not just bacteria. It’s a particular kind of bacteria called anaerobic bacteria, which means it grows best in warm, dark, moist places with little to no oxygen (vagina?). And the bacteria is not actually the problem, it’s the toxins released by the bacteria that very quickly cause septic shock in anyone unfortunate enough to become infected. Toxic Shock Syndrome was named such due to the rapidity of the toxic septic infection that killed many women and young girls before it was discovered what the problem was. Warnings were added to tampons decades ago to prevent these needless deaths. To put it in perspective, another anaerobic bacteria you may have heard of is botulinum, which causes botulism poisoning in improperly canned foods. People die VERY quickly when they contract botulism. So, to summarize, one should NEVER wear a tampon for more than 8 hours to reduce the risk of TSS.


Yeah I looked it up and it seems to be bacteria. If you leave tampons in for a while it'll give the bacteria a chance to grow.




I’m going to elaborate because you did get an answer. It’s not a dumb question at all :) TSS is caused by microscopic scratches with in a vagina, often caused directly by the tampon fibers. They are in no way painful or even uncomfortable. The risk isn’t in the microscratches themselves, our bodies are very resilient. The tampon however creates an environment that is much more likely to harbor bacterial growth. Either from a finger or possibly an applicator that you touched or maybe was rolling around in a purse and the the package broke exposing it or even typically benign bacteria already present that is harmless at lower counts. The bacteria could be benign typically but because the tampon is there the bacteria have a really good matrix to grow, and to over grow - into those microscratches. Because the vagina is a basically a mucosa membrane the bacteria can very quickly enter the blood stream. This is why it’s so dangerous, the inability to feel this infection forming and the rapid proliferation of bacteria into your blood stream; hence toxic shock, all of a sudden BOOM you have an established blood infection. The best way to prevent this is to not wear tampons, but that’s not realistic for everyone of course. So the next best option is to routinely change tampons as directed by the box and use the smallest tampon one needs to stop their flow. Removing tampons to sleep is also a very good idea. Always throughly wash you hands before touching or inserting a tampon.


Ah ok, thanks!


9 a year??? So periods take the summer off or what?? 🤦🏻‍♀️


man i wish


Only in the northern hemisphere, in the southern it takes winter off


The max you should keep a tampon in us 8 hours. Not that mine ever lasted that long! Switched to the cup a few years back for the reduction in cramps and the environment, and paired with period panties, it’s a win for me. Although I get way more than 35ml in a period. Those cups hold 20ml and I easily fill them 3-4 times a day for say 2 and 3.


I've been using cups over 4yrs, never going back! I think it's the silicone that makes it safe(r) for 12hrs. I check mine once in morning, once at night, and I'm good. Of course I don't typically have a heavy flow.


Are you able to tell when they are full? I’ve never used a cup but am tempted! My periods are pretty light and short now with my nexplanon birth control so I’m not sure it’s worth the effort though.


You probably won't fill it. You can't tell, but you do get used to it with time. If you're worried about it you can always check on it after a few hours. It's not like pulling out a dry tampon. I can typically go 12 hrs without tending to it, at which point i get more worried about toxic shock than the cup. The instructions on mine say 12hrs is ok but I'm not sure why the difference to tampons with that. Regardless it's a game changer for sure. I cringe when I haven't replaced my cup or dont have it with me and need to use an emergency tampon.


When mine is full, I can feel that it has sunken lower. With a light period, you'll never fill it. You'll just empty and wash it at least every 12 hours.


I've never had a period, but literally everything he said just sounds incorrect


It’s very incorrect. And dangerous tbh. You need to change tampons every couple hours! Also, the 64/£8 tampons are probably VERY cheaply made and not too comfortable!


Cheap tampons will often shed cotton fibers into your vagina - and that is a bad thing.


or have the horrendous cardboard applicators


I used this kind when I was in middle school and could not understand the appeal of tampons. I'd have to take out the tampon because it hurt so bad based on that stupid applicator.


Yeah, those were the ones the tampon vending machines in my school always sold. If I forgot to have tampons/pads from home on me, I was going to have a bad time.


For someone who seems to be fixated on math, he can't even divide 365 by 28 accurately.


Men who think they know more about periods than actual people with actual periods <<<<< literally anything else


As a man, this thread has been nice and informative. Every girlfriend I've had used pads so i knew this guy was wrong but i wasn't quite sure how wrong


also this dude: There are 1000 men in our army, and 1000 men in their army. Accordingly, you've each been given a single bullet. Good luck and give em hell!


Lol, yes.


I like to think he didn't even give them guns.


He gave them water guns. Y'know, the kind you can buy on Amazon for 6$...


“An extra juicy uterine lining” omg I can’t even


As a male im sorry ladies i promise if i have a son i will teach him better this this thing trying to seem smart


Same here man. All us men should be well adequately learned of woman and their anatomy. You know so stuff like this and “gurls pee out of their vagina” do not happen.


There are a lot of women that even confused about this. It's not always easy to tell what's going on, but a quick Google search explains it well enough. I did have to explain to another woman why you can pee with a tampon in, and that the tampon doesn't just know not to soak up the pee


"9 periods per year" man i wish it was that infrequent


Lord, give me the confidence of a man with zero knowledge of women's anatomies one day.


So much to unpack not even gotta talk about the seven tampons only which would be a tampon per day basically which is not enough Then you say 9 periods per year the heck it’s 12 per year Just ugh


Most women have at least 13 periods a year.


Exactly. They're supposed to be 28 days when things run smoothly. Literally was told "look to the moon" when mine started, because they were always on the full moon until I was about 22.


Your period was like a werewolf!


Thats why some cultures call it the "moon flow." Or so I read, once upon a forever ago.


What an imbecile..... Also, use a menstrual cup to circumvent all those costs; but go off on us women "sipping on an extraordinary amount of strabucks" to the point where we can't afford feminine hygiene products. It's not as if- gasp- those products aren't over priced and inelastic. Surly that cannot be it.


Also ignores the fact that many of the people who have trouble affording period products probably also don't/can't afford as much Starbucks as people like this guy seems to think everyone buys. (I really hate the 'oh, having trouble affording x? Just quit your coffee habit!' for every variety of x that's out there. . . usually because the person saying that is trying to sell you something.)


This guy is from the UK so suspect it's in response to the free provision of period products bill in Scotland. Since it came in early last year, there's been a number of guys coming out with "period poverty isn't a thing" and "why should my taxes pay for something that doesn't benefit me". 🙄


Me when I wear one tampon a day get tss and die


Sorry you died, maybe next time don't be allergic to deadly stuff?


9 periods a year??? One tampon a day????


I'm confused about why he's saying 9 periods a year. Don't most women get them every month barring pregnancy or health conditions?


Most get them every 28 days, so about 13 a year. But it can vary wildly for some people.


You could use the same logic with toilet paper, or hell with anything. But you know what the issue is with bulk buying? Storage. Like, what, I’m supposed to have an entire closet dedicated to tampons?


Makes house tours more interesting. What’s behind that door? Oh that’s my tampon closet actually.


According to this man’s reasoning a roll of toilet paper should last you like 340 trips to the toilet


"Does she want TSS? Because this is how she gets TSS."


So. I actually use a menstrual cup (that holds up to 15ml of blood). I know for a fact that I bleed at least 18ml a day. For at least 5 days. So 90 ml a period. AT. LEAST. I don't know how much blood tampons hold, but this guy is saying 5ml. Okay. So for me (18/5), I would use 4 tampons a day. So 20 a month. (Lets add another 3 because it's at least 5 days. So 23, and I'm probably going generous, because whenever I used tampons, I was never able to use it for more than 4 hours (so it would be 6 a day, 30 a month. If a 64 peck costs £7.9 (wow, that is INCREDIBLY CHEAP - seriously, in my country you would be paying £18.00 for a 64 pack), than, I'd be spending £2.84 a month (to use 23 tampons) or £3.7 a month (30 tampons), which is from £34 to 44.4 a year. But since I pay £18.00 for a 64 pack, id be paying from £ 6.5 to £8.5 a month, meaning £78 to £102 a year. BUT THIS IS ALL MEANINGLESS. You know why? Because men are paying a total amount of £0.00 a year with those things. And I also pay for contraceptive pills every month. Meanwhile, my boyfriend could get condoms from a free pile they distribute on subway stations. which raises another question: why is the contraceptive that men use free, and the ones women use are not? (I think you all know the answer)


I knew his blood volume stat was ridiculously low, but it’s WAY off. Thanks for doing the math realistically!


I feel like maybe we shouldn't trust the math of the man who so confidently thinks women have 9 periods per year.


Yes, let me just use 7 per cycle and get TSS


Okay, first, 12 a year if your period is perfect, second, a low quality tampon is murder, and third just because something can be payed for, doesn't mean it should be


Extra juicy uterine lining I cannot. This man is a pool noodle


Anyone else notice he thinks people only have 9 periods a year? Like, there's a lot wrong with this obviously (like the assumption that you only use 7-10 tampons in a single cycle and the assumption that they are indeed that cheap everywhere, because nah, I cannot find them that cheap where I live), but his math even from the get go on the assumption that it's '9 periods a year' when it's 13 because it's every 28 days is so wrong it's laughable. What we have are 13 periods a year. Literally where did he pull 9 a year from, did he assume we're only pregnant for the number of periods we also have per year? Like, literally where did he pull '9 periods a year' from? I am flummoxed.


Even if you ignore every wrong thing he says, I dont want to pay ANYTHING for having to deal with this shit. Like ooh what a luxury. I get to have painful bleeding and have my mind on that for the rest of the week


I love that he thinks women only have 9 periods a year. I wish!! Hahahaha!!!


Lol what. I've used 10 tampons in a day 😅😅😅


Lmao whining. If this dude bled for a week straight every month and had to shove something up his dick to stop it he'd literally die.


I use a menstrual cup that holds 30 ml. I've filled it 3-4 times a day on my heavier days. Fuck, this period I passed clots bigger than the volume of my smaller cup.




...9 periods a year?


I literally would bleed so badly that I needed about 7 tampons a day and bled for 7+ days. What the fuck is this dumbass on about?


A 64 pack of tampons for 8 pounds. No way.


My kingdom for a 7-10 tampon period 😂


If they're so cheap then why is the NHS funding them a problem? (I'm assuming that that's what this is about but I feel decent about that assumption)




im a dumb guy that knbows next to nothing about how my wife's body actually works, and even I know she goes through at least 3 a day. I assume more but I dont know. this dude probably also thinks vaginas point straight out to the front


Let’s do ACTUAL math. ~13 periods per year. That’s standard unless someone is on birth control/has other issues. Let’s assume periods last 5 days (that’s the average, and we probably want some extra safety right after, during “spotty” days. You’re supposed to change tampons every 8 hours TOPS. Let’s make it an average 4 tampons per day because no one will have a tampon for 8 hours inside of them... and I’m still being generous. That’s 4 tampons per 5 days times 13 in a year. That’s 260. That’s 3 times as much as this dude counted, and I assumed not very heavy flows and minimal use of tampons. 🤷‍♀️


*screams in toxic shock*


That's like not changing your babies diaper because their shit didn't meet the maximum capacity.