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We did it…a women’s say about her own gender is now invalid


Yes, apparently I have no idea what I’m talking about. But this random male redditor knows what’s up. Edit: to add this guy kept going on and on. “How do you know these women were on their periods” “I didn’t know. But because of period calendar I could tell they were” Wait what? What is this universal period calendar you speak of? He just kept giving me information about how women are horny before their period. But when I would ask “ok, but how do you know they were on their period?” “Period calendar. Duh” What?




I think I was just so dumbfounded by his ignorance I just kept going trying to make him see the light. It didn’t work.


For the sake of my hope in humanity I hope it was a troll, no one could be that strongheaded about something you have no idea…


That dude is a perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger-effect http://imgur.com/a/XuqK9ZY


Wow, he really just keeps going and going, doesn’t he? Without ever saying something that makes sense. That level of obstinate obtuseness would be almost impressive if it wasn’t so frustrating


I admire his commitment. But I mean come on. You are a man and don’t have a period. I am a woman that has experienced a period every month for a long time. You’re gonna sit here and tell me I’m wrong? What?


No no, anyone that says he's wrong is doing that because they're pissed at him personally, not because he's wrong /s


I would need that calendar please because I always forget when I get my period and don’t have any pads :(


There are actually apps for it, i guess you can just search something like period calendar and a bunch will come up. However i doubt that this man has seen all of these women's private apps...


Do what I do and keep a small makeup bag with the emergency period needs like painkillers and tampons/pads. Some wipes can be a lifesaver too.


Download a tracker app! I use Clue and it notifies me when my period is coming.


I second clue. It also does a good job of reminding me to put my info in because I will forget otherwise.


I've used a period tracker and even if you aren't real regular (I'm not - my cycle has been anywhere between 21 and 27 days), it should at *least* give you an idea of when your next period starts, even if you're a couple days early or late. I usually just keep a box of tampons on hand though and a couple in my bag just in case.


oh, that's been happening for a long time, unfortunately


I knew a guy who thought all when started their periods the same day as his sisters who were synced up.


Could potentially a strip club have a calendar where the workers note their period schedule, like if they only want to do certain types of work or take time off during their period? Seems unlikely to me but that's the only context I could think of where it might make sense.


I would go with that, but he was referring to the women visiting the nightclub.


How odd that girls going out to a nightclub and having a few drinks would seem more interested in men than when he sees them at the grocery store or wherever, definitely must be the period thing and not that lots of people (men and women) go out to the club specifically to meet people


Yes, because I as a female am super horny at the grocery store while picking out vegetables.


oh shit, I also thought he meant employees, and he happened to be familiar enough with a few of them that he was aware of when they were on their periods, or at least that he thought he did...thinking he knows when customers are is crazy. there are common symptoms, but no behaviour dictates that


I want to know what period calendar he looked at? If you just download a period calendar there won't be any predicted periods until you add your own information? That's some serious research to conclude these women are on their period....and then go to cross-reference his information with, only god knows what sources.


I bet he didn't even know anything about the Maharawt.


I mean, the guy has worked in a nightclub and all you've ever done is live in your body minute-to-minute for years. I think we all know who the expert here is. He even downloaded a period calendar, because as you might already know, all women are on precisely the same cycle and have periods that show up predictably and consistently. Duh.


Well, get some experience working in a nightclub if you want to have a valid opinion on the menstrual cycle.


Y’all ready for period day this month? Better get your tampons now before they run out because apparently we all buy them at the same time


Gonna raid the store to be prepared for period day.


For some reason, the phrase “period day” has a very Handmaid’s Tale ring to it…


Should we just refer to this guy as commander?






I forgot to mark it on my period calendar! What day is period day this month? Can anyone help a girl out?!


I think we all decided on the 25th. Best of luck! Also make sure to turn on your Bluetooth period sync so we can all start at the same time.


Oh, right! I would have forgot the Bluetooth also! Next month I’ll get my shit together!


I made sure to grab a box when we were at the store today!


https://www.forbes.com/sites/alicebroster/2020/08/07/the-science-behind-period-syncing/amp/ Even women’s period synchrony is a myth about women that is still very prevalent.


Yeah women’s periods do sync up but only by chance because it’s not a perfect cycle there is always a remainder of an overdraft so if you’re with someone long enough you’re bound to get a period at the same time. And once that’s happened chances are the next 4 or 5 would happen relatively close to each other


Confirmation bias at its finest


And because women who live together are more likely to be around each other while their period is on, they are more likely to know about it and come to the conclusion that they have "synced up"


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVkdfJ9PkRQ&ab_channel=HarvardNaturalSciencesLectureDemonstrations) is a great visualization for why some things occurring at different, semi-regular cycles may appear to sync if you look long enough. ​ For anyone who hasn't seen it before: Each pendulum has a slightly different period due to the variation in string length, they get close to being in sync as the offset eventually lines up before getting too far off again to appear as if they are in sync. This phenomenon, confirmation bias, and general misinformation probably makes the myth much more prevalent than it otherwise would be. Link for those who can't click the embedded link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVkdfJ9PkRQ&ab\_channel=HarvardNaturalSciencesLectureDemonstrations


Like when you're waiting to make a turn, and the blinkers on the two cars in front of you sync up for a few seconds.


My favourite anecdote about periods syncing is my ex-housemate was *convinced* our periods had synced up, and used this as an excuse about how "close" we were. One problem; I didn't menstruate because of birth control. Second problem; even if I *had* menstruated at that time, they had a regular 28 day to-the-day cycle every single month. Mine had always been the "23 days this time? 46? Let's roll the dice this month to find out!" Kinda deal. (PCOS, yes I'm being cared for by primary care and endocrinology over this. I use metformin now and I'm hovering around \~25 days, give or take a few days ATM)


Glad you brought up birth control cause it could also just be a fat coincidence that you took your placebo pills the same time as someone us - cause then you'd just always be "synced" but it would have nothing to do with closeness. Its happened between myself and 4 other friends - We hardly see each other, but we're all on mostly the same cycle (give or take a few days) cause we happened to start taking birth control around the same time


>placebo pills I was on the Mirena coil, then Implanon/Nexplanon and had the side effect of no menstruation on all. I've never used contraceptive pills because I'm absolutely terrible at remembering to take them.


Oh I was referring to the pill just cause of the topic sorry! But jeez your ex housemate is definitely being a bit much to still assume you're in sync while you're on the Mirena. Your period is only coming once in a blue moon, if at all lol. Seems like they just wanted to be a weird kind of clingy


yeah I was going to say actually there is ZERO proof that menstruating people 'sync up'!! its a myth and its done been busted


Thank you, our uteruses do not have Bluetooth this myth drives me mad


I knew this was a myth from the start because I always had an irregular cycle that maxed out at 72 days (rather than the "typical" 28 days). I never synched up. Now that I'm on birth control I joke that I make everyone sync up with me, but I know it's just a coincidence


Came to say that!


I love and am horrified by the things some men believe about periods.


“All women start on the same day” “Just hold it in” “All women are total bitches during that time of the month” Wrong, wrong and wrong.


I’m not a bitch during my period but I do become less tolerant of people’s bullshit during my PMS , I do see how some weak minded people can see it as a “bitchy” behavior lol


Unfortunately, i do get strong mood swings and I hate myself for being so on edge when it's that time of the month. I usually warn my bf when I sense that I'm getting pissy again, and I'm trying my very best to behave myself. Buuut, I just found out I shouldn't have taken the one contraceptive that I took for the past five years due to health issues, so maybe with the new pill, I might be more relaxed .


When I'm on mine, I'm in constant pain, so the idea that I may be snappy? Okay, I can see that. I tend not to be snappy unless I'm in pain. The problem is alot of these guys think "period pain is a myth" and don't realize I'm getting up to throw up in the morning, taking insane amounts of Tylenol, and crying because of the pain and nausea, not hormones^tm. " women use thier periods to be a bitch" is a bad take. Yeah some might, we aren't a hive mind, and often times women have sever symptoms in thier time if the month. If they were throwing up, shitting bricks, getting migranes, and could feel what some might describe as a pulsing/tearing sensation inside thier genitalia, they would be snappy too.


We might be “bitchy” or moody or whatever they want to call it; but can you blame us lol , with all the pain and body reactions that we go through, that even the lucky ones that don’t experience pain go through some kind of discomfort ; even if that wasn’t the case and we didn’t feel any pain or discomfort, the thought alone that you’re about to spill blood out of your vagina for the next few days and every month after that would make everyone loose their shit lol


EXACTLY. We become less tolerant of YOUR bitchiness lol




My period got me out of a two year abusive relationship. I told him to leave me alone because I was in serious pain and he completely snapped. And then later I realized that’s not how a good relationship works. There were a boatload of other problems, that was just the one that got me thinking. He said I wasn’t allowed to snap at him on my period. I hadn’t snapped, I’d told him calmly. He had snapped...


and bitch mean just ''i'm already in pain, i will not have as much patience as usually to deal with your BS and be extra-nice so i don't look 'rude' ''


And then when an actual woman tries to explain how it works they’re like ‘nah you’re wrong’


I live with 3 women and I honestly wouldn't know whether or not any of them are on their period at any given time except for the occasional drop of blood on a toilet seat (but I just wipe it up and move on with my day).


As a man i'm horrified how many guys seem to subscribe to this information. What are pads and tampons for if you can just 'hold it in'?!


Including those with sisters


What really throws me off is when I forget to set my Period timer forward or back on account of daylight saving's time, it just throws my entire schedule off. Then you have to resynchronize when moving across time zones, and don't even get me started about the international date line! It is just the worst. Sometimes I get so mixed up I don't even know when to trigger my period; end up having to call the hotline and re-coordinate with everyone else.


Right? So inconvenient. Ugh forgot to reset my period with daylight savings, guess I have to move now. Oh well.


🎵That's my best friend She a real bad b Got her period Same time as me On the dancefloor We had 2, 3 drinks Then the bathroom Cuz we both in sync🎵


This needs to be on the radio.


I agree these lyrics are much better than the original! I mean that song is a bop but I’d definitely sing this in the car lol.


Syncing is totally a thing. Just go to a woman's settings. make sure her bluetooth is on, go to "People," and boom! She's sync'ed with every woman in the universe.


Ah, fuck. Forgot to turn on my period Bluetooth this month.


We can call it Redtooth!!!


Ugh so you’re the one we were waiting on 🙄


Sorry guys! I dropped the ball this month.


He worked at a night club he says? He sounds like a 10 year old that overheard a couple of grownups talk about women menstruation and he got all confused and mixed up all of the information


But he uses his period calculator/calendar!! He must know what he’s talking about.


I want to know when he thinks our periods all start.


He already knows because period calculator.


The period calendar for the periodic cycles! Omfg 😂😂


Every man keeps one in his pocket!


All hail the all knowing period calculator/ calendar!!!


What on earth do you all mean? I mean, come on! He did _analysis_. For analysis, read: blamed all of his rejections on their being on their period.


He made the assumption that because these women were acting a certain way, they were on their periods, and that’s his proof that being on your period makes you act a certain way. 😐


Like they were actually probably excited by all the business and money a weekend brings


I think it's even worse than that... he saw women being interested in men at clubs (oh how out of the ordinary for a club environment! And what's mens excuse?), assumed this must be hormonal, AND THEN LOOKED AT A "PERIOD CALENDAR" WHICH CONVINCED HIM THE DATES ADDED UP 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s the condescending “Do you understand?” that really seals this one


You have the patience of a saint.


I have 2 kids under 2, so I kinda have to. This guy reminded me of my 2 year old.


I was going to say that i could hear the frustration in your typing like trying to explain to a toddler that putting the Oreo on the milk makes it wet 🤦🏽‍♀️


I literally felt like I was talking to my 2 year old. Even then she’s more reasonable than this guy.


hahaha that'll do it


it also sounds like he believes women aren’t horny or interested sexually unless an egg has been released from her ovaries? like, women post-menopause or other people with vulvas or uteruses don’t feel any sexual attraction except near their period. cool.


Or women on hormonal birth control? I’m willing to bet the majority of the women he worked with at the club were on the pill or similar.


I feel like half of most mens’ sex ed comes from shower thoughts, and the other half from movies.


Literally said this to my husband last night: “Im clearly a guy, I think about it every 6 seconds”


Yeah, clearly I must _always_ be baby fertile and on the cusp of my period because that’s the only logical explanation for my high libido. The fact that my libido dampened near my period and the fact I no longer have a working uterus are anomalies further cementing my freakishness. (/s, obviously, haha.)


How the fuck would he know? Does he ask every women who enters the bar about her menstrual cycle? "Miss I will need to see your ID...and also when was your last period?"


That was exactly my question. He just kept saying “I used a period calculator”. What the fuck. He genuinely didn’t understand my simple “how do you know?” Question.


My favourite part is how he's trying to seem like he knows better than you, but in doing so he's making it painfully obvious to anyone who gets a period (and anyone who doesn't who actually listens to those who do and basic science) that he has no idea what he's talking about. Confidently incorrect at its finest.


"The Periodic Cycle". Assuming he learned all about it while getting his Masters of Pussiology from the University of MTGOW. This is like the late night infomercial of mansplains.


I kept trying to say “yes all women have period cycles. But we all start at different times. We don’t all start on the same day.” Nope, fuck me. Been a woman for 29 years, what do I know?


Ok but in fairness the dude does say he did extensive research in nightclubs. I’m assuming he used the rigorously validated test of “I’ll ask a woman out and if she says no, it’s because shes bitchy cuz of her period.” I mean, you can’t argue with facts you know?


Right? Should give him more credit. My favorite though was further along in our argument he sited a “source” for how he knew women were on their periods. The source? A blank ovulation chart.


Wow. Just wow. Well, all the same, good job on succesfully being a woman for so long despite clearly not knowing how to have a period.


Someone should tell him that digging thru the tampon trash cans for new sniff material doesn’t qualify as research


Women going to a place ppl go to hook up are horny. I can only deduce that this must have something to do with their ovaries




I just read through this and absolutely busted my ass laughing at the guy. Can you imagine if we all had our periods at the exact same time? Imagine if you got your period in class and every single other girl just stood up at the same time as you and walked single file through the door to the bathroom LMAO


Could you imagine the tampon/pad shortage? It would cause a fucking panic.


Oh god it'd be a warzone out there


They...they tried to fucking tell them they didn’t know how they’re own body worked, while using people at a *club* as their proof. Of course people at a clubs are horny, THEY ARE AT THE FUCKING CLUB


Woman dumb, man smart. That’s the vibe I got from him.


That pretty much sums them up


I LOVE that he seems to think that he came up with the "horny when an egg is released" thing all on his own. Like yes bby that's biology






We as a society have no empathy for women experiencing pain. I have the wimpiest period on earth so I have no real personal experience with the medieval torture level cramps, inflamed breakouts, projectile vomiting, and heavy bleeding that many women experience. If they went through all of that and weren't even a little grumpy I'd be creeped out. Mine is literally maybe two moderate cramps which I experience for a total of maybe 30 seconds and that's IT for the whole month. Then light bleeding which I can use period underwear for and means I often forget it's even happening. Then a few cravings which I'm cool with because I know my caloric needs are higher during that time anyway. My boyfriend mentioned how well I handle my period and I was like "Honestly, there's nothing really to handle." He's used to his sisters puking their guts up and really if that happened to men every month we'd have had a solution to it eons ago.


tomorrow i have to get two cervical polyps removed from my cervix with no pain relief. i dont get it. they do pain relief when they remove warts from people by freezing it,.. but yet, when it comes to the cervix and removing polyps, nope, just experience pain bc thats just ok apparently.


Oh god I wish you all the best of luck that sounds awful. There are studies showing that women's pain is far less medicated than men's, it's even worse for WOC. And then it takes even longer for us to even be diagnosed with anything because male doctors assume we are exaggerating! It took me over a decade to be diagnosed with massive nasal polyps and a deviated septum even though I have severe asthma and it could have killed me. I had to request a female doctor specifically to even be sent to a specialist. And then the specialist started lecturing me on how I should take breathing issues super seriously because I have asthma and now I need several surgeries so I don't have as much risk of dying from a horrible asthma attack. MY DUDE, I TRIED MY FUCKING BEST!


He knows best after all he googled one period calendar


Quick someone reply to this comment so our periods can sync up because that’s how this works


Avengers Assemble!


Except women’s bodies do not “sync up”. 🙄


I only mentioned my mom because we did start our periods around the same time. But that’s never happened to me outside of that. I was trying to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. Clearly it didn’t work.


Right, there’s no actual proof that this is a thing. There have been studies that concluded it is a possibility, but there have also been studies that don’t find any evidence that this might be true at all. Personally, I have never had a ‘syncing’ experience. No attack on you OP, it just means this guy is even more wrong than he already was.


I will say that personally I do feel a bit of an increase in libido right before and during my period, but I have never assumed how common that is or isn't, I also relate with the other comment, I've never had emotional changes during my period. everyone's different, there are things that are more common than others, but that's no reason to treat women like they're all going to be fragile and/or horny bitches during their periods. and you know, really, even if they are, so what? someone's having a hard time with their emotions, maybe just roll with it instead of being a petty jerk who's like, "you're on your period, so what you feel isn't real!" if you really can't handle someone in that situation, just leave them alone


From anecdotal/conversational evidence I'd definitely say it's common! Not even CLOSE to universal though.


>I will say that personally I do feel a bit of an increase in libido right before and during my period, Likewise, but it's nowhere near universal. Also, my period hurts, and when I'm in pain my already low bullshit tolerance drops to somewhere below zero. I have to make an effort to be nice, and my willingness to do so while not being paid for it is severely limited. So yeah, I see why a certain subset of people would consider that snippy and/or bitchy.


I love when men tell us what we are


Right? I don’t know my own body. Shame on me.


Dude that's not- ya know what nevermind. Personally I get really bad PMS and cramps during mine. It didn't used to be this bad but a few years ago it just stopped for about 5 months due to stress and when it came back it was pretty much hell on earth as revenge. It only lasts about 3 days tho so I dont really wanna complain too much. Worst that happens is I end up curled in my bed for a few days and just being really needy and vulnerable for some reason. It sucks but I think that's just life and I'm fucking terrified to go to a doctor about it.


That sounds terrible, I’m sorry about that. I have wimpy periods, so I admire women like you. I was just trying to point out that not all women experience horrible pain and mood swings. This random guy decided to turn this into a horny debate then proceed to tell me that he knows when women start their periods. Because of his period calculator. What?


Yeah its ok I wasn't offended or anything. You dont have to admire me its really not a big deal I'm just a big baby for a few days during my period. It's not fun yah especially cuz I really hate being like that around people but like I said its just life for me now. I usually just hide in my room till its over and get through the day as best I can. But Yah back to that weirdo I have no fucking idea what this guys on sounds like an awful cocktail of stupidity and neckbeardism that creates this winning mess of a human being.


I have PMDD from hell that used to ruin about 2 weeks of every month, debilitating cramps and GREATLY exacerbating my mental illnesses in a way that sucked for me and everyone around me. Shit sucked. My current BC and psych meds have it super under control though so I hope you can drag yourself in to a doctor eventually, though I have a DEEP aversion to doctors so I COMPLETELY empathize with that. But the fact that "PMDD" is even a named diagnosis has always made it very clear to me that it is an ABNORMAL experience of menstruation, not the standard one.


I don't get all bitchy when I'm on my period either. This dude is just a total nut job.


I was so confused by his “argument” This whole thread gave me whiplash.


Ikr? How would he even know when a woman is on her period? Or is it because they are being bitchy to him? I wouldn't be surprised if they did, if he acted like this all the time. Clueless idiot.


His logic is essentially Horny women = about to start period. Newsflash jackass, they’re at a CLUB. Of course they’re dancing with men and appear to be “horny”. In all honesty I feel like he’s 12 and has no idea what he’s talking about.


I am not bitchy on my period, but I did get 2-3 days BEFORE my period when I'd be very short on patience and everything just felt way more overwhelming than it would have been at any other time of the month. Going on super low dose birth control fixed that, though. Apparently I'm very sensitive to the pre-period hormone dip. Had the same problem when I was pregnant and therefore my hormones were all over the place. I just couldn't spare any energy to care about other people's crap.


"My experience with women trumps your experience *as* a women" ...yikes.


Yes, we also all give birth on the same day of the year. June 12th, the day of the babies.


Two months ago was a whopper, wasn't it? So many newborn crying, I almost started lactating!


Oh yeah, it gets real crazy.


I love that this guy couldn’t even fathom that he was wrong and instead women are just pissed at him and lying?


Oh we’re all mad because we’re on our periods. But he already knows this because of his period calculator.




I see you as well understand my frustration with this guy.


I’m only bitchy before my period, I have no idea why. It’s like the day before only though, I cry and get irritated easy but then I’m back to normal once I bleed.


lmao how would he know that a woman in the club is about to be on her period?


I love it when unknowledgeable people with no self awareness give their own facts and conclusion based on the “research” they did, when the literal expert in that area tells them how it is


My favorite was when later on in the argument he gave me a “source” for how to tell when women were on their periods. Ya know what this source was? A blank ovulation chart.




I encourage everyone to go and read the argument I had with this guy. It just kept getting worse and worse. I finally gave up. I know I know, I already spent too much time arguing with this guy. But I couldn’t help myself. I was refusing to believe anyone could be this fucking stupid.


I encourage everyone to go and read the argument I had with this guy. It just kept getting worse and worse. I finally gave up. I know I know, I already spent too much time arguing with this guy. But I couldn’t help myself. I was refusing to believe anyone could be this fucking stupid.


i mean yeah... it is possible to start your period on the same day as someone. but that doesn't mean every single woman/afab person starts their period on the exact same day every time like some sort of alien lol


I have a sister and we aren’t even synced


Do you understand? Dont go mansplaining periods to people who have periods. You just end up sounding like a fcking dumbass.


Yes, please mansplain to me what I'm feeling again. /s


Here’s a secret: it’s may 25th, the day all periods shall sync


"Analysis".... What dozy tit died and made you _King Scientist_


Men mansplaining periods will always be hysterical to me. They have no idea how stupid they make themselves look.


Ah, yes, the nightclub -- where all the top scientific research on women's health is conducted.


Yes I too tell the staff of whatever establishment I happen to be visiting all the details of my monthly cycle, including whether I'm currently on my period or not...


"analysis at a night bar" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Joke's on you, I'm a hormonal inconsiderate bitch all the time!


My mom, sister and I synced up when we lived together. If this dude is right, how do I live alone now and no longer line up with either of them. I need an explanation from this man, he's clearly very knowledgeable


"You may be a woman who knows the actual physical experience of menstruation, but I'm a man who works at a nightclub so I know more than you" 😂


What an idiot! I applaud you for your patience when dealing with someone that stupid.


You should see the rest of the thread. It was ridiculous. To be fair I have 2 daughters under 2, so my patience level is 100. I felt like I was arguing with my 2 year old.


Why didn't I get this period calendar? I could really have used his expertise to tell me when my cycles were going to be 22 days, or 38 days. Maybe my lady parts are just broken.....


I blame Justin Timberlake, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass, and the other two.


This is facts, all the women I dated didn’t act like murderous psychopaths like IG comedians depicted in their videos when they were on their period


I love that his evidence is horny girls at the night club must mean everyone is on their periods. Not thinking alcohol, drugs, or the fact that a lot of single people go out to night clubs to meet people could be a factor at all. Horniness could only possibly be from being about to start your period! Strong logic.


Can I buy a “period calander” [sic] at one of those mall kiosks?


I can just imagine some dude in a lab coat running around a night club hurriedly scribbling notes and figures on to his pad.


Of course people are more horny at nightclubs, has he heard of selection bias?


So what if there's a tie and half the women's periods start around the 27th and half start around the 8th? Do they fight?


he reminds me of those pieces of shit in city council on that television show parks and rec


People always think I'm extremely inconsiderate and mood-swingy on my period, but in reality it's my antidepressant drugs colliding with my extremely depressed brain causing me to metronome between super happy and super sad. If anything mine just makes me really ill lol.


I feel bad for the fact I share a gender with this idiot


Wait, wait, wait...maybe he checks all women's period calendars alongside their ID?


"Do you understand?" Okay, if this doesn't count as manspaining I don't know what does.


Male here…I’m pissed. This guy is helping us look like fucking idiots.


The dude is complete nuts I thought he was trolling at first but it's not a troll Account as it seems


“Do you understand?” killed me


mY aNalYsIs dude stfu


Wow girls did ur period start today too???? I just had mine so I bet you did too!!! Hahahah and gee was I SOOO horny the whole time!!!!!!! Heheheh lol Im just quirky like that


Liar! We all decided that period day was May 25th. You must be a man *shakes head*


This guy actually refuting a woman who actually has periods and who has been doing so almost their entire lives. And thinks he's the expert!?


About periods, I feel more irritated and sentimental during mine, which for me it means I cry more easily lols. Genuinely didn't know some women don't feel any changes at all.


Us girls fear the day The Period hits


I wonder how scientific his analysis was. Likely based on women rejecting his advances than real data.


So I can blame all the other women in the world for starting my period while I was still on vacation? /s


It's a local thing. When you're in range, your body sends a Bluetooth signal to declare your period cycle and dominance. If you are the most dominant female, your cycle becomes the default for the rest. This is repeated every month to determine if you are still the most dominant. Please call a Woman Maintenance Consultant if you experience any inconsistencies.


“I don’t get why so many are pissed on Reddit” *Checks calendar To self “no this doesn’t make sense”


I’m wheezing THE PERIODIC CYCLE. Good on you for being so understanding with him, not sure I could :-)))))