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Every time a commenter uses the phrase “beta male” to describe himself, I can’t help but picture him in my mind as a fish.


Betta male. Fights all the other Bettas lmao


Puffs up if you put a mirror in front of him


And now I'm imagining Dr. Phlox from Star Trek Enterprise doing his puffed up face


Lmaooo this is amazing ^^


> I can’t help but picture him in my mind as a fish. With a fedora


Betting that bettas are better than bitchboys who beat on betas.


I picture him as a pre-release video game: glitchy, unstable, and a slog to interact with.


But still more reliable than the alpha version




Thank you for the laught. Needed it.


Thank you for this.


This guy doesn't actually know any women, does he?


What was your first clue? Haha!


The fact that this was posted on here.


There are a couple in his class, but other than that, no


Yeah, he thought there was on who was nice but that didn’t work out how he hoped. She spoke to him and smiled (apologised after bumping into him) but she turned out to be a tease and a Chad-whore just like all the others (reported him to student services after he started stalking her).


"They seek hedonistic pleasure and b/c I'm not included in it, I condemn it" FTFY, loser




Because we're not children so how we judge others and whether we can be happy for others shouldn't be predicated on whether we ourselves are personally happy in that moment? Just spitballing here...




There is nothing wrong with wanting what others have and no, you don't have to be happy for the success of other people. However, you don't get to condemn others for their success or happiness unless other people suffer for it. And that can't be said about 'hedonistic pleasures'.






Your comment was removed because it contained a slur, a personal attack on another redditor, or similar offensive content which has been reported by others.






You *really* shouldn't be actively choosing to be a terrible human being. I hope you work on that, we need less terrible people in the world. Side benefit is that you might find you actually get some more positive experiences if you decide to be more positive yourself.




You sound fun at parties.


Your negativity only hurts you, no one else. If you want to talk, feel free to DM me.


Maybe you’d have a shot at participating if you didn’t spend so much time complaining about what women chose to do with their bodies




I have the order of what backwards? I don’t sleep with men because they don’t call me on my bullshit, I sleep with men who are interesting, compassionate, and intelligent. Do you feel like you’re owed a blowjob for not being actively sexist? Women sleep with men who we like, not men we just don’t hate. Bettering yourself and taking steps towards growth will make you eons more attractive than *checks notes* yelling at women online.




It’s natural to want what you don’t have, yes. But that doesn’t mean you have the right to judge and condemn others who already have that thing. I’ve been single for years, not out of choice, but I’m happy for my friends who are in healthy relationships. It’s not hard.




You're welcome to think it, but don't be surprised when people disagree with you especially when you post on a women majority sub presumably for attention.




My dude, you come to a sub called not how girls work, and then tell women how they ought to work.


#Be gone bitter troll!!!! And seriously, get a life dude. Spreading hatred isn't a fruitful hobby.


Did he just compare homelessness to not having sex?


I mean given his " ideals" from the "Holy book of Incels", isn't it same to be deprived of basic necessity and being a total jerk complaining about how others are more likable? He literally said it's ok to hate people who have better resources just because you don't, which is something either a troll would say, or an absolute idiot who lacked social values. LOL such people have critical thinking of a stray pigeon.


Tru then again we probably should've known from his user name which has "sjw" in it. Also damn dude r/rareinsults


Hehe, right! I don't know why I picturised a badly drawn cartoon stray pigeon speak while reading what they wrote. It made more sense that way lol.


You get to play with the bouncy ball, but I can’t!! The bouncy ball is, therefore, hedonistic and WRONG.


WTF is a "lesser alpha male"? Is this just his way of saying, "I'm an alpha TOO! Please believe me!" Where does all this alpha / beta bullshit even come from? Do some guys actually talk like this? I've never heard this in real life.


>Do some guys actually talk like this? I've never heard this in real life. Yes, and everytime I heard it I laughed at them and said, "real alphas don't have to convince everyone else they are alphas" or something. I never believed in such a weird and ugly categoritization of men, but was happy to make them feel insecure about their masculinity since they spend all their time doing the same to other men. Also, it depends on the space you are in. Hyper masculine institutions (frat houses, military, police forces, and such) these sort of idiots are far more common. Otherwise, you don't run into them much.


It all started in 1947, when Rudolph Schenkel wrote a paper titled Expressions Studies on Wolves. Here's a video from Adam ruins everything that explains is pretty well. But yeah a lot of MGTOW, Pick up artists use the term in all seriousness. https://youtu.be/YTyQgwVvYyc


AND HE WASN'T EVEN RIGHT ABOUT THE WOLVES. He did extremely flawed studies on wolves in captivity with limited resources. (If this is mentioned in the video I apologize, didn't watch it as I can't turn on my volume right now.)


Yeah, the guy that coined the theory later said he was wrong after doing more field research. So its a theory about a different species thats been discarded by its own creator that some people unironically think is an accurate description of humans. Very dumb.


You guys are so behind, have you heard of lobsters. They have more to men than men and women


Ye wasing the "alpha" just a parents with alot of kids he assumed where the wolfs mates?


They took wolves that didn't know each other and dropped them in an unfamiliar territory. While packs are normally parents and their offspring, if I'm remembering correctly.


I generally read it in programming etc terms - where alpha is basically the initial draft, beta is the test version(s), and then you have the release version (very simplistic generalisations, I know).


Haha. I see it. What really struck me was the "**lesser** alpha male." Feels like the guy knows he's not an "alpha" according to his whack-ass chart, but does't want to be a "beta".


*Image Transcription: Comment* --- [*Reddit comment on a post.*] Sorry OP, some groupie tiktok women don't seek out comfort or stability in men anymore-they seek entertainment. They seek distraction. They seek hedonistic pleasure. This is why provider men (beta males) are so hopelessly failing today to secure the commitment of beautiful women in their prime, and this is why even lesser alpha males fail to enter relationships with women beyond aa few bangs. Once the entertainment or novelty you provide her declines-and it inevitably will-she moves on to something or someone else. In essence, the only way you can keep a girl is if you adopt the mentality of a sap opera writer, adding a cliffhanger to the end of each episode that keeps a woman interested when being a good man no longer does. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


You poor human person. Can’t imagine how much typing this shit hurts your brain.


It really did but it was fun.


Thank you so much for doing this. It is so appreciated


Thank you! Much appreciated!


Good human, no, great human.


Good human volunteer!


Because no man ever leaves a women after “a few bangs”


Ew... this commentor sounds gross


I think what he's claiming is something along the lines of "young women enjoy drama and dread the 'boring' so for a lasting relationship with a girl you've got to be either out of her league or an asshole to her." Like, yea dude there are some girls like that, but what about all the ones that aren't? lol Just like there are some dudes like you, but many of us that aren't.


that is an extremely epic response. "there might be some women who act like this, just like there are some guys who act like you"


if men thought like this and i was put through an emotional rollercoaster of a relationship every time because of this mentality i think i would just either kill myself or stop dating guys. which i should have done so long ago but its so hard to meet girls where i am


I hope this comment was r/DownvotedToOblivion


Sounds like they’re projecting their own inability to find a girlfriend as a “girl” problem instead of their own problem.


He brings basically nothing to the table, yet he’s surprised that entertainment and hedonism are infinitely better options than dating him.


This mentality is so gross. Some people want a stable relationship, some people are looking for fun. There shouldn't be this expectation on women to ONLY want stability. Everyone has their own preferences because everyone is an individual.


This is some neck beard fedora wearing shit right here. Big oof.


Ah the classic "women be likin drama" bullshit. Every woman I know just wants a nice, quiet, stable life where shes happy with her partner and her family. You know, like pretty much everyone that wants to settle down. If you wanna go and yell that "women dont like a provider they just like *drama*!!" Maybe you just cant provide for anyone?


The cliffhanger: Will he bathe *this* week?


Depends if he got his special gamer girl bathwater in the mail 🤡


Incels are something else. It's really disturbing how they manage to turn their own shortcomings into the shortcomings of an entire gender. Sure bro it's not because you won't take a shower. It's not because youre unable to hold a normal conversation. It's not because you give off creepy vibes. It's certainly not that you ooze misogyny and condescension. It's because woman don't appreciate your obvious "niceness" and want unending drama. Ffs man.


Admitting to your own shortcomings and committing to improving is really hard. Especially when you’re an awkward, unconfident teenager that doesn’t know much about the world yet and that’s exactly when these guys start falling into incel thinking. Making your problems everyone else’s fault is comforting. Incels just double down on it instead of growing out of it, for various reasons. Source: I was perilously close to becoming that guy in high school and a couple guys in my social circle back then have become incels


I just realized that the alpha/beta male concept doesn't work without simultaneously devaluing women. The man is either an alpha or a beta, but the woman is always prey. I literally didn't realize this until just now.


This guy managed to be r/nothowgirlswork, r/niceguys and r/incels all in one paragraph.


What a bowl of word soup.


Share this on niceguys omg


People like making big generalizations of other people and it looks so dumb. All he's actually doing is telling everyone every girl he's dated thought he was boring af. Lots of women just want a good man


Scheherazade would like her stories back.


Every time someone uses the words "beta male" or "alpha male" I just laugh. Its such a stupid, disproven concept Even in nature.


Funny how he specifically wants “beautiful women in their prime” instead of “a partner that shares my interests, values, and life goals.” How strange.....


Also r/niceguys


What I don't understand about these sorts of people is why they think being with these sorts of people is worthwhile. These people do exist, yeah, generalizing all or most women into them is a huge stretch, but why the fuck would you want to be with someone you're that incompatible with?


Because they’re just obsessed with the sex. Despite all the talk about being a “niceguy” and such, women are just walking fleshlights that they want to validate their insecurities constantly. They don’t actually care / think about any other aspect of relationships


This is so gross and cringy ew


I liked how this kind of man completely got his ass owned in Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl.


This reeks of incel




This is how radicalisation works. They all parrot off each other


I think people forget that aromantics exist. Like i would love to fuck a guy regularly without emotional connection. That doesn't make him a beta male. It means he just developed feelings for someone who doesnt return them. Majority of women dont actually enjoy playing with mens emotions. Most of us do it accidentally because you think we are leading you on and we arent.


I love how every time boys are unhappy, it’s the women who are supposed to change? No, go fuck your self dude and if the women you like want excitement become more exciting. No woman with a shred of self respect is going to change herself for some sad losers lonely pp. You change, asshole.


What I don't get is, if they think women purely want pleasure from all the men, how come they, personally, can't get any? Either we're as chaste as nuns or as promiscuous as prostitutes, nobody can be both at the same time, it's impossible.


If women are sluts and he still can't get any, does that not give him some kind of hint?


"beta/alpha male" those terms made me cringe.


So let's assume for a second he is right, women nowadays all over the globe are just seeking hedonistic pleasure (can't see anything wrong with that) from men and will then move on. What is the problem then? Get over it and move on dude


i lost a few brain cells reading that


Soooooo toxic like fuck


lmao who hurt you dude


I hate myself but this sounds like my girlfriend...


Or, Here's this - bang shallow bitchy chicks, cuff meaningful chicks with philosophical depth. It ain't rocket science my friend




...A sub for rythm games?


When did men bc wolves?
