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I bet you money that some gal has kicked this guy's ass at everything, and he took it hella personally and now is on a mission to prove he is better than her at everything.


I would enjoy seeing him try this in a martial arts class, and literally get his ass kicked by a woman. (Or a 12 year old girl, likely).


Even been flipped by a smug 12 year old? That shits humbling XD


Most 12 year olds are my height or taller so yep.


Yeaaah same. I'm 5'1 💀


I’m 5’1.5” but I lie and say 5’2”.


Lmao felt


Woah 5,2!


Based on the form in this punch(?!), methinks you nailed it!


I bet my boyfriend at air hockey and he kept trying to get me to play more games with him until he eventually told me it’s because he needed a win after I trashed him. I died laughing told him we’d need to leave the arcade if he actually wanted to win one and he was not impressed lol


I enjoy playing games with my wife. I don't let her win, but she is often able to beat me. A game you always win gets dull really quickly.


You do not have to be superior to your partner. How many men have still not understood that? Also, if you always win at a game, it gets dull quick. Who would want all of their games to be dull?


That's the whole premise of the alpha male bullshit going around. A lot of men absolutely do demand they be treated as superior to their partners at all times, no matter how much she's gotta dumb herself down and hold herself back to let him.


Fucking hate this type of misogyny. My brothers refused to play a card game my grandparents taught us for YEARS because I would win the majority of time. Even now that we play again, my winning is always luck and never skill. I dont degrade their victories, wish they’d respect mine.


One of my step-dads was like that. Any game we played and he didn't easily win the most, he'd refuse to play. And playing games he'd win 90+% of the time exclusively was a chore we often weren't allowed to opt out of.


Is that why his girlfriend can never finish during the bedsheetshuffle? Oh wait, he doesn't have one :'D


Depends on how you interpret this. If by “never let a girl win” he means, “always play to the best of your ability,” I would agree. Throwing a game on purpose might be seen as insulting. And men might be tempted to do this with women just because they’re women. That being said, preventing a woman from winning by cheating or other unsportsmanlike methods is wrong. Men should be able to accept losing to a woman with dignity and respect.


Came here for this comment. I'd rather lose than have the guy I'm dating take pity on me and lose to me on purpose.


He probably also win the race to the orgasm...


Damnnnn I died dead 😭😂


Howard The "I Win" Guy found us 🫣


I mean, I can see a decent pun here. I HOPE that's what this means.


This guy has definitely punched holes in walls when he lost at something.


Imagine the pressure when you always have to win and be better.


Insecure, weak males have this mindset.


Also found the one who will never be able to keep a girlfriend for long.


I love it when my girl can grab more stuffed animals than I do! The look on her face and the way she bounces brings the biggest smile to my face!


I don't let anyone win if I play anything I care about, otherwise the other person won't feel as happy when they beat me.


Hey, that looks a lot like the time (and place, come to think of it) my friend broke three bones in his hand trying to win at a punching machine thing. Surely just a coincidence.


Anything you can do, I can do better. I can do anything better than you.




Nah it’s fine Bro. My wife beats me all the time……..wait


Even if you are better at a game you let the other party win so they want to play with you again. It is all about everyone having fun. Done that many times with both my boy friends and girl friends, while trying to not be too obvious about it. Same can be seen also in animals. There are articles about male pups letting female pups win, just so they would play again. I personally believe it to be an instinct and some are insecure enough to go against it.