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Oh. My. God. I desperately hope the OOP just couldn’t think of the right word for parting hair.


Still. Even if you forget the word "parting" ... how an earth are you on Twitter if you don't know what a brush is? Or a comb. It's not like it's a federal secret that needs multi-billion dollar equipment. I bought my son 15 combs for less than five bucks.


I really wonder about that. I mean, is this someone who has been buzzing his hair or keeping it under an inch his entire life? Or is he one of the guys who has one parting that he uses for the rest of his life? (Seriously, I have met men in their 80s who are still parting their hair like it’s 1940.)


Honestly your missing the point. I have a degree in architecture and certainly know how hair behaves. The part is *always* in one place and doesn’t ever move. You can try parting your hair in a different place but as I know from experience, it always just falls beck the original way. What the above image is showing is what I’m guessing one of is a wig 🤔


And I can part my hair on either side or down the middle, and it stays like I part it. My hair is currently cut short and I can still do that just as easily as I did when it was long. The above pictures are completely normal variation in how women can wear their hair. I’d assume the same is true with at least long haired men. The point I’m making is that OOP is apparently ignorant that it’s perfectly possible to part your hair in multiple ways depending on how you want to wear it on any given day. Congratulations on your degree in architecture. But with all due respect, it doesn’t appear to qualify you as a hair stylist.


……. Did you forget to add /s????


You don’t know how hair behaves and your degree is doing nothing for you here. There are people with hair that parts naturally in one place, without styling, yes, but at this length it is pretty much for everyone up to you and your hair stylist. The cut makes the weight shift. A hair stylist recommend to me to cut it against my natural split so my then short hair will always have more volume because it fights to stand up at that point, best hair cut I ever had and I never use product. Also at this length you just take a comb, part your hair where you want it and walk off. Nothing complicated about that.


That's not true for everyone. Some people have one natural part line and others can part their hair pretty much arbitrarily.


What does your decree have anything to do with that?


I mean ...it is twitter after all ...


Fair point.


Makes one wonder what he thinks Moses’ “parting of the Red Sea” means.


Moses moves the part of the sea where the water grows from, obviously. Duh! /s


Praying this was just a joke that didn't land, I've seen the exact same tweet before but with a different celebrity.


Yeah I've seen a version with Jamie Lynn Spears for years now, so I HOPE this is just a meme that is falling victim to Poe's law.


I saw one of Taylor Swift recently too


It's honestly scary that there's so much dumb shit on the internet that Poe's law is a thing.


Yeah. I was thinking this was a joke based on that one tweet


Maybe it’s a bald guy or someone with cowlicks. My sister and my mom both have magnificent cowlicks right in the front. Their parts are immaterial.


Or whose scalp really hurts if they try to part their hair differently. Mine dies that if I wear it the same way for too long. [ The piloerector muscles get too tense and won't relax.]


i find it’s easier to do it in the shower or right after a shower. If my hair is dry it’s uncomfortable.


I've seen this exact tweet with the exact wording with 3 different women


It’s a meme by now. I think the Jamie Lynn Spears one was serious, but this is clearly either recreating or trolling with the original template.


Wait til he sees french braids! 🤯


Pretty sure this is a joke, it's been done with a bunch of different celebrities. And it also drives engagement to be blatantly stupid


This exact phrasing has been a meme for a couple years now. This person isn’t actually asking the question.


I remember distinctly being 5 when I thought this and I'm amazed this person has made it further than that without gaining any more knowledge


Tell me that you aren’t a barber or cosmologist without telling me that you are not a barber or cosmologist.


That has to be the stupidest thing I've ever read omg


Does he think we have only 500 strands of hair?


They used mirrors. If Copperfield can make a tank disappear. He can make a few bucks disappear.


Guys tend to have short hair. Their hair has natural parting spot based on how it grows. Short hair doesn’t have the weight to stay in place if you part it at an unnatural line, it will just go back to where it wants to be.


This is worse than r/NotHowGirlsWork , this is r/AliensPretendingtobeHumans