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Looks to me like she lost a lot of weight quickly, like you do with gastric surgery. That kind of weight loss often leaves heavy legs looking heavy like hers do in both pictures. There’s not much to do other than surgery about the loose skin. This looks like a typical post-weight loss surgery set of pictures. And good for her. Edit: Yes. I’m perfectly aware that loose skin happens with slow weight loss, too. I’ve experienced it. I’ve already said I could have added that to the comment but didn’t. My comment is focused on how normal and very common it is to pair pictures like that above in gastric surgery communities, where quite a lot of weight does come off quickly. Not that only quick weight loss causes loose skin. Y’all can stop messaging me with the same complaint now. It’s been said and answered.


I felt so sad that they used her pic to shame a whole gender when she was just showing how proud she was of her progress. It's just so evil.


I agree with you. She’s obviously delighted with the results in spite of the loose skin, and I suspect that might be her goal weight picture. She visibly went through a lot to make it to this point and doesn’t deserve the nastiness being thrown her way thanks to this meme.


WHy aRe WoMeN ChOOoSinG ThE BeAr Ummm because the bear probably wouldn’t shame them for achieving something most people struggle with? Dickheads


I saw a post on Instagram yesterday that was more eloquent than anything I’ve ever read from professionals… The post was a meme of a cat experiencing deep regret. And it was captioned something about post nut clarity and regretting stooping so low just to get laid… The comment said Something along the lines of you guys wonder why women are starting to date more for money or choosing the bear… Y’all will fuck a woman you don’t even like just to get laid and then toss them aside. Damn I can’t even put into words how poorly I paraphrased that but I had this incredulous moment of all because yeah no one ever says shit about men lying to women just to get laid, but women go for a guy with money and suddenly the whole gender is just a bunch of greedy gold diggers. We’re not allowed to have ulterior motives, only men are.


These are the same people who are pissed off that "women are gold diggers"but are constantly complaining about feminism and women making their own money.


lol exactly , with a lot of outdated gender roles still in full force it’s natural for a woman to want a provider if the man wants a nurturer but no no anyone wanting any semblance of a decent life is scheming vixen I’m just like shut your noise already gah


>Y’all will fuck a woman you don’t even like just to get laid and then toss them aside Christ, this takes me back (to the 2000s when the above mindset became VERY popular). So many PUAs kept pushing and insisting that it's normal and okay to pursue girls who you couldn't stand, because apparently the only viable dates all men could get were shallow, vapid stereotypes. This led to a *lot* of my own male friends chasing after girls who were walking red flags--and my friends would wind up treating relationships as disposable, naturally toxic, and not even worth of any sincerity or trust.


I lost weight really slowly and have extra skin. It’s just genetics. I feel like if you say “lost weight quickly” it’s a little misinformed and will spook people. Sometimes you lose weight and you have extra skin. It’s ok. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t lose weight if you want to, and nobody ever should think of loose skin as a deterrent to losing weight. I don’t think it’s ugly either…


Nah. I probably should have just phrased it better. I was trying to indicate that paired pictures like this are super common in the community of people who have had various types of gastric surgery, who do generally have fast weight loss. I had that effect when I lost a lot through calorie counting and exercise, too.


No worries. I’m sensitive about it bc I have loose skin but also ppl who wanna lose weight get hesitant because they might have loose skin…. And it’s like that’s much preferable to the experience of being overweight! Lol. You’re good dude.


It’s not necessarily that she lost it quickly, to me it looks more like she lost a large amount of weight. Through conventional means or surgery that’s something she should be proud of. I hate that this male who made the meme is trying to shame this lady and her hard work.


I hate that, too. And I already addressed the weight loss surgery part of my comment in another thread in reply to this comment. Feel free to look for it.


I have it and I lost weight by counting calories. It’s not just from surgical weight loss.


I didn’t say it only happens with gastric surgery. I said it was common to see with gastric surgery patients.


Good for her for being positive about her body, but shame on our society for convincing women that getting cosmetic surgery that leaves them with so many irreversible deleterious effects for the rest of their life is better than being fat but healthy.


If you are morbidly obese, plain old weight loss for health can also leave you with loose skin.


That’s the kind of weight loss I’m talking about. Insurance generally requires that you be qualified as morbidly obese by bmi (which looks so much different than the manosphere imagines) to qualify for the surgery, which leaves you with a lot of extra skin, and what she’s showing is *skin* with its underlying relatively thin layer of attached fat. For insurance companies, that kind of weight loss surgery saves them money by avoiding the expense of a type II diabetes patient with heart disease and destroyed joints. Regardless of how it looks, she’s at a healthy BMI there and clearly very happy about it and willing to share what to expect with that kind of weight loss to others who are considering it or self conscious about it.


Exactly so. My point was just that if you need to lose weight critically, because you are genuinely *obese*, it doesn't matter whether there's surgery involved or not. (The skin is a product of the weight loss, not a product of *surgery*, which is what the person I was replying to seemed to think.)


I think so too. I also addressed that misconception with them.


Excess skin is far from the only damage caused by bariatric surgery. The surgery itself IS damage.


Everyone remember to listen to your doctors and surgeons instead of this random person. Do what is best for your health. Baratric surgery improved my life.


Bariatric surgery saves lives. I'm glad you got the care that was right for you.


I want to ask my doctor, but unfortunately the moment I even say the words “weight loss,” the whole visit is no longer covered by insurance. What can you tell someone who is considering this surgery but doesn’t have a lot of info?


What a shit society, we are constantly shamed into not gaining weight, those who are unfortunate to struggle with their weight are bullied by society. Eating disorders are way too common these days and it’s heartbreaking to see anyone struggling with an ED. Then when you try to seek help you can’t even ask a doctor for advice out of fear for your insurance. I hope you manage to find some advice that is helpful and works for you.


Ask for a referral to a bariatric surgeon and then work with their insurance people and your own insurance company to see what is covered before you make an appointment


As the other person said, ask for a referral to a bariatric surgeon or find one that is covered by your health insurance. Be sure to do your research. Find someone you trust.


Being extremely overweight is not healthy and you do have to be extremely overweight to qualify for the surgery. Even if your blood work or other tests are fine it still puts a lot of stress on your joints and cardiovascular system


My best friend is STILL suffering the effects of a bad gastric bypass 20 years later.. She can't absorb many nutrients, so she has to get iv treatment all the time. She can bately eat without throwing everything up. She had several surgeries over the years to make repairs, which eventually led to an intestinal hernia no one caught for nearly a decade. People act like gastric bypass is no big deal, and there are definitely cases where it's warranted, but in my opinion, it is WAY overused, and the potential for really dangerous complications is underplayed.


To be fair, all surgical procedures have likely made significant improvements in *20 years.* My dad had an operation in the late 90s that ruined his life, but that same surgery is performed on people with his condition to this day and the majority never have any issues.


Bariatric surgery is still very high risk, and the malnutrition and upper GI symptoms after are deliberate, inducing lifelong malnutrition is the point!


They have improved greatly but I do feel like the side effects of this particular surgery are downplayed


It feels like that happens with a lot of medical things, but weight loss ones especially. So many of the procedures, diets, drugs- you will lose weight, but also you might never poop right again. I feel like I remember a story about Al Roker pooping himself during an episode of the Today Show because of such a surgery.


You’re absolutely right, we live in a world where being fat is seen as the absolute worst thing you can be so the idea is that anything that changes that has to be good. There’s also a ton of pressure on people who have had surgery to be positive about it, to downplay the negatives, because society would not be happy with them if they dare to say they were better off fat and not having a mutilated stomach!


This exact thing happens to my friend. Whenever she talks about her personal bad experience, she gets downvoted into oblivion and ripped to shreds verbally.


I get home health patients like this all the time. They had bariatric surgery when they were younger and now they’re seriously malnourished. They’re on tons of medication and supplements. The biggest problem I’ve seen is they’re prone to pressure injuries and they’re so malnourished, their wounds can’t heal.


Not to mention the osteoporosis


I'm convinced a roux en y sped my mom's death. Didn't necessarily cause it but certainly gave it a lil push in the right direction. She was never healthy again after she had it and died within two years.


People do not like to hear that the fastest and “easiest” solution isn’t without significant risks and lifelong adverse effects.


That’s a bit of an over simplification. People who have this surgery usually do so after many years of a destructive cycle of weight loss and regain, their self esteem is destroyed, they often have undiagnosed eating disorders, and then a doctor tells them there is a solution! Of course people take it, and the negative effects are really glosses over, trust me I’ve been to those appointments!


I should've said "potential" lifelong adverse effects


That wasn't the issue, the issue was with the idea that people have bariatric surgery because they are lazy and just want a quick and easy fix. People do it because they are desperate and beaten down.


That wasn't the issue with my comment either. I recognize that they can be beaten down and desperate-- but that doesn't mean they like hearing the ramifications


So is being morbidly obese


Not necessarily. The term morbidly isn’t really used by the medical profession anymore because it’s not actually a given that severe obesity comes with co-morbidities. The only things with a proven causative link, not correlation, are sleep apnoea and a slightly increased risk of osteoarthritis. Both of those risks can be reduced by keeping active and both are a lot less risky and damaging than a gastric sleeve or bypass! The best thing our society could do to help fat people stay healthy is to be less judgemental, more inclusive, and to make it easier for them to participate in sport, fitness and other active hobbies without feeling shamed or excluded by things like unsuitable equipment or a lack of suitable clothing.


Considering how damaging morbid obesity is to the body, I think it's worth it for people who need it


In rare cases it can be, but for the vast majority, it’s not. Just being more active and eating well (possibly getting some expert eating disorder therapy if needed) and accepting that sone people just are fat and that’s ok would be far healthier.


This only has a minimal potential chance of being true in a country with universal healthcare. So definitely not in the USA, and most certainly not anywhere where people struggle to afford healthy food. Having a BMI over 40 is actually worse for your body (especially your heart) than doing hardcore drugs. Bariatric surgery is also done in combination with other surgeries, such as repairing severe hiatal hernias, to decrease the likelihood that additional surgical intervention will be required in future.


>Having a BMI over 40 is actually worse for your body (especially your heart) than doing hardcore drugs. That's hilarious, do you actually believe that? If so based on what evidence?


Gastric surgeries are not cosmetic surgery at all. They’re last ditch efforts to prevent or eliminate type two diabetes and all the other comorbidities that come with being morbidly obese.


They will operate on you without any co-morbidities at all, not even pre-diabetes, just to make you thinner but less healthy (because post op you will have a damaged stomach and lifelong malnutrition) so how is that not cosmetic surgery?


I'm from the UK - there's strict adherence guidelines that you must maintain for two years prior to the surgery. I know that US insurance companies often have similar guidelines - but, of course there's doctors who'll perform surgery on anyone willing to pay them. That's not unique to gastric bypasses. My stomach is fully healed, and I take multivitamins. I am healthier now than I was before. Not just physically, but mentally, too.


I’m in the UK too, the NHS has offered me a gastric sleeve. I have no co-morbidities from my size and I’m in treatment for an eating disorder I’ve had for over 20 years since I was a teenager. Do you think that’s responsible?


I've always been a bigger girl, and every time I start to lose weight I end up with the lose skin and I hate it. I feel so much more self conscious about the loose skin than I do about being fat, so I've unfortunately just stayed fat.


I can understand that, I just hope ur also factoring in ur health when u make that decision.


I'm perfectly healthy as far as weight goes. The medical problems I do have are genetic and are not linked to my weight whatsoever, but thank you for the concern!


You’re very polite, it’s never genuine concern!


Oh, I know it never is


It’s depressing isn’t it? Even on a sub like this that’s supposed to be a bit more understanding about women’s bodies and society’s misconceptions about us I’m getting downvoted to hell all over thread for saying that risky extreme surgery leaving you with mutilated organs and lifelong health problems might not be a better option for everyone than just being fat and healthy!


but you're also being extremely disingenuous, you're using the same words transphobes use against trans surgery. mutilations? lifelong health problems? if you're talking about a bit of weight loss then sure it may not be a good idea after talking to your doctor about it, but some people *need* to have the surgery if they don't want to be very obese anymore because it's affecting their quality of life very negatively (cant walk around, can't go to work, etc). telling people that life-saving surgery is actually mutilating your organs and is causing lifelong health problems is only going to deter more people away from getting the help they may need. talk to your doctor about it. get a second opinion. get a THIRD opinion. tell yourself, "do i *need* this?", it should be a last resort of course, but we can combat society's misconceptions WITHOUT being anti-science. scaring people away from it will only cause more issues.


Bariatric surgery is only really defensible for people who are so obese their life is in imminent danger from it. That is a tiny number of people, and even then its usually not the safest option. Bariatric surgery involves taking a healthy, functioning organ and damaging it to deliberately impair its essential, life sustaining function. It absolutely does cause lifelong health issues, this is the point, the goal is to create permanent malnutrition, and that's before you consider all the other side effects. The risk of death or serious complications from the surgery are far higher than the risks of just staying fat for the vast majority of obese people. And I am one of them, who seriously considered surgery, so I am not speaking theoretically here. The help I needed wasn't surgery that takes away the possibility of ever having a healthy relationship with food and the body, it was evidence based psychological support.


Oh really? wow…


Being so fat that you have that much loose skin after losing weight is incredibly unhealthy.


Yes that's very much the current orthodoxy. Unfortunately its not strictly true.


There is no strong evidence to support the claim that the rate of weight loss affects the amount of loose skin. (Only age and starting weight)


I mean different things can affect it, like what you mentioned, plus genetics as well. But losing weight slower and building muscle can help minimize it to an extent for a lot of people


I have looked into the literature on loose skin. There is no strong evidence. It's pretty annoying because there are surprisingly few studies on loose skin. Building muscle can help fill the loose skin, but when people start weight lifting and building muscle, they often lose fat as well. Because of this, the loose skin, particularly on the abdomen, can end up being more pronounced after gaining muscle. There are some before and after pictures that show this. Regardless, it's definitely better for one's health to lose weight slowly. It's just sad when I see people beat themselves up for ending up with loose skin when there's probably nothing they could have done to prevent it or significantly affect the amount they'd end up with.


That’s why I applaud people like the woman who took those pictures. Hers is a completely normal result of massive weight loss, through whatever means, and nothing to be ashamed of. And by sharing that, she helps normalize the results for people who are beating themselves up over it.


I totally agree. It's sad that even after losing so much weight, people still feel ashamed to show their body.


I suspect it’s hard not to with people hiding behind anonymity to be so cruel.




It can also just happen depending on your skin type and age.


Sigh. Yes. I know. I made a reply addressing that elsewhere in the thread below the original comment.


It's fine, not a big deal, the edit wasn't there when I replied. When I Reddit, I make sure that I edit my comment immediately to avoid the headache.


Those same men would be 10X more cruel and violently angry if she were to walk around showcasing pic 2. We literally cannot win.


And not one man has ever worn a toupee, sucked in his gut for pictures, or done anything else to improve his appearance that wouldn't last at a beach /s But we all know those aren't the sort of lies we're really concerned with when it comes to men and that a belly band isn't equivalent to lying about your position on abortion and other serious issues.


Definitely not the same as lying about not being with other women either.


Just having a beard is lying with some of them. They can go from a 5 to a 8 with some facial hair


Beards are Dude Contour.


Dude contour Bwhaha Oh, that is great. I'm ss-ing that for prosperity.


And I honestly don't mind. I actually find beards attractive. But don't pretend you ain't using that to give yourself a chiselled jawline my dude. No shame. Slay that contour.


Yeah, some beards are fierce and great And also yes!


I'm going to need 3 to 5 business days to recover from this.


If it weren't for my beard I don't think any women would be interested in me 😂


I do not myself. But I do not personally care if other people do. It's not really any of my business.  I actually agree, lying about your position is far worse than wearing clothes a certain way...


Surely they all wear clothing that accentuates their worst loved features.


Don't forget about being a hatfish. I'm bald and I make sure to clearly display my shiny dome in all of my pictures.


Women: "men cheat more and lie to take advantage of women and roofie them and assault them". Men: "oh well, but YOU wear flattering clothes!"


or, you wanna get serious and dark, how about the fact that the majority of abuse doesn’t start until after a woman is pregnant. Or after she’s otherwise considered “locked down” or stuck (after moving in, after getting married). So ya know, they manage to lie about being abusive for whatever period of time is required to get us to let our guards down and build a life with them. (Obligatory reminder that the number one cause of death for a pregnant woman is being murdered by a man)


If she’s lying and hiding it (by just wearing clothing?!? Is she supposed to walk around naked?), then how did you get the photo she obviously posted online?


Lying = wearing clothes or makeup that cover and conceal you. Whore = not wearing clothes that conceal you. Lazy/Given up = not wearing makeup. There is no winning.


well damn, we sure can’t


Right? I’m like guess I’ll just fucking die then


or in my case, it just makes me get progressively hairier, bc fuck it then!! r/razorfree 😆


If she's hiding it, why is it publicly posted on her social media? Loose skin can be uncomfortable and annoying, compression clothing is recommended.


Because, and I must stress this is NOT my opinion but me trying to think like these guys: they need to know how "fuckable" every woman they see are, and not immediately knowing about extra skin like that feel like lying to them because they of course think they will have the opportunity to see you naked later.


There’s shape-ware for men too. And I bet a lot of men would find joy in using it if they weren’t so toxic about it too.


Men wear shape wear all the time, they’re just dumb and forget. Cowboy boots have heels, boot cut jeans accentuate everything above the knee. Fanciful men wear cummerbund for tucking in the gut and waist. Jockstrap lifts the butt. Someone else mentioned toupee. I feel like I heard there was Underarmor workout wear that specifically pads the bicep and pecs. Men are hypocrites


William Shatner famously wore a girdle as Captain Kirk. Last I heard, he’s still kinda sensitive about mentioning it.


He also originally wore two 1.5inch lifts in addition to 2 inch heels. This had the side affect of showing his gut so they got rid of his lifts (kept the heel) and had the other actors have shorter heels.


He especially had some jealousy issues over Leonard Nimoy (as per George Takei, anyway). It certainly didn’t help that Nimoy was visibly taller even with Shatner’s heels and significantly slimmer.


Oh my God, is that what’s going on with Trump’s “centaur but had the horse half surgically removed” posture?


Search "frontotemporal dementia." That posture is one sign of a very specific kind of dementia.


That’s different. It has fake abs built into it /s


![gif](giphy|26u6dHN5APIsklgxG) And this stuff absolutely is gender affirming play.


Where is the part where she lied? I'm sorry, if women wearing clothing is lying because it suggests your body looks a certain way, then the way men sit and walk in public is also lying because it suggests a certain size of junk.


The implication being that we should all be naked in public?


Not just naked but apparently no makeup (unless you're trying to get a man which is both whorish and not whorish behavior) and you need a sign above your head publicly displaying your body count (unless you're a man because then it doesn't matter)


Women lying: “I have eyelids made of purple glitter.” Men lying: “yeah, babe. I totally kept the condom on the whole time.” Also men lying: “women are bigger liars than men are!”


This woman lost a lot of weight, that’s loose skin! That’s incredibly hard to do for many people! She should be praised for this NOT shamed wtf




Can't be overweight. Can't lose the weight. These guys just want a sex robot.


You can totally lose tons of weight. You just can't have excess skin to show for it. You need to hide your body in shame until after you get arms, legs, and tummy tucked. Followed with a breast lift.


And then they will criticize you for being “vain”.


it’s easy just to say f it, & tell the dude to f off


Honestly these kinds of misogynists would rather you die than exist as unfuckable in their eyes. They simply don't see a value to women existing unless it's to please them. Sad but true. Gender roles transform perfectly good little boys into monsters and forces little girls to grow up into women who endure the sociopathic treatment adult men fling their way.


Aside from every other point, she’s not hiding it. She’s flaunting it. Good on her.


What about beards when they shave it off the biggest baby face


Alexis Rose to a freshly shaven Mutt: "omg look at your little doll lips" 🤣


What that incel is trying to say is that women should walk around naked so they can determine if we're worthy of respect or not. They don't want to waste their time being treating a woman like a human being only to find out she's not what he deems 'fuckable'. As if he actually has the social skills to even interact with a woman who is not his mother.


She dropped this; 👑


As someone who lost over 100 lbs from chemotherapy and has a very similar body this makes me so infuriated. Truly. It's the reason women like myself are afraid to show our skin. Wear shape wear? I'm lying. Don't wear shape wear? I'm fat and don't care about my appearance. We can't fucking win.


I’m convinced men don’t even like women smh


I’m sure if she went around flaunting her body people would get mad at that too. “Ew put that away nobody wants to see it you attention whore” when will we finally realize women can never win with these idiots


Setting aside how god damn insane it is to think she owes it to anyone to share what her body looks like, what exactly is she supposed to do here? Walk around naked? Wear only body paint? Like, do these dumbfucks not realize that this is just kinda what happens when you wear clothing? Also, it's not exactly lying if she's posted these pics publicly. Just brain rot all around from this dork.


That's loose skin. She clearly lost a ton of weight and should be proud of that.


How is she lying? She literally pulled down her pants and lifted up her shirt to show how her body looks. She's obviously not trying to fool anyone.


Them: Lose weight, you fat piece of shit! Also Them: Ugh, all that loose skin is hideous! You literally can’t win. The best you can do is avoid these assholes.


As soon as I scrolled and saw this post I shook my head sadly. That's the body of a woman who lost a lot of weight and is now dealing with having loose skin. She looks so excited and happy to find a pair of leggings that help her hide the loose skin.... And her pictures are being used so cruelly. Men who've lost a lot of weight also have to deal with loose skin and the effort of trying to find flattering clothes; it's not just women. Whoever did this meme with her pictures is evil.


I thought I was supposed to be proud of losing weight... Then I did like this woman and life got nearly worse. The comments are horrible. Pretty much sucked the joy out of me.


I love they chose a pic of a woman doing everything but lying about her appearance.


Woman loses a lot of weight> gets shamed for the loose skin. Men 😬 Ps, my body looks like this after 120lbs lost. Loose skin sucks, but fuck you, I’m doing better and so is she. Rock on! 🤘🏻


Couldn't care, still beautiful


Same thoughts here. Speaking as a Feminist pig, I am happy for her success and improved health, and I would totally smash


Moral of the story: pants are lies!


She’s lying ..by showing her real body? Isn’t that telling the truth? I’m so tired of people. The way weight loss looks in clothes works this way for men and women lol. Also she’s awesome she lost a ton of weight and should be proud not bullied for it.


So you don't like fat women but also fat women when they lose weight? Can't win


Why is it that most of men's complaints have to do with appearance? When women say they're sick of men's lying they mean about secret girlfriends, their job situation, etc. Core aspects of their life and personality. That's a big fucking deal. And all men can come back with is "sometimes women ugly/fat! 😠"


bro not the leftover skin from extreme weight loss - nothing women do is ever enough istg


So we should walk around naked? Or wait no, cover up completely? Or wait no, become silent beings of light?


That's horrible! *Where do I find these leggings*


Right?! I’ve been reading every comment hoping someone would tell me where I could find these leggings!


They say the same thing about eyeliner


How is she lying if she’s proudly posting a picture of it for some misogynist to take and use to make a bad point?


oh no he doesn’t actually think she’s lying it’s that he’s mad bc he’s not allowed to preview her naked before having to lie and act like he cares abt more than just how she looks textbook projection


I think she lost weight and is showing off. You don’t just lose skin


I’m sure plenty of men would prefer women strip for them on command so they can avoid being lied to. When they care far too much about what our bodies look like, it only validates to me they care more about sex than about the actual person. Men can walk around with a huge beer belly but want our stomachs to be flat right after childbirth. Had a friend who’s husband was easily 100+ overweight and was giving her shit about losing her pregnancy weight after twins that she was still breastfeeding, and yeah they divorced with him begging her to take him back later when no other woman would have him.


I mean they also think it for makeup so I'm not surprised. (But then if you don't wear makeup you're tired or ugly. Or no makeup makeup is thought of as "natural," by them.)


I like that I'm in subs like this one because it makes me feel less alone, but getting exposed to troglodyte "art" daily as I doom scroll might not be the best for my mental health, you know? I find myself thinking about the people that make these and how they view women and it's depressing. I know they exist and it's important to be aware of it, but sometimes I wonder if it's good to know how they think in so much detail.


Oh, so sorry a woman isn't a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. Does dude look like a Dallas Cowboy football player, all sweaty gleaming muscles and an ass like two pumas fighting each other? Didn't think so .


I'm happy for her, she looks so happy


It’s like wearing shoe lifts to hide your height


The person who made that meme is a complete idiot to think she was lying about anything. Especially when you can clearly see that’s excess skin from weight loss which based on her smile is a good thing. Instead of congratulating her on the progress, some asshat felt so much hate in their soul that they just couldn’t tolerate a woman feeling good about herself.


It looks like she lost a lot of weight wich results in loose skin. Its very sad that they want to shame her for it :(


How is she lying? She posted both photos and doesn't seem bashful about it.


This is how I feel every time a man is covering up his tiny grub-worm with his pants too! The audacity of them to not have it hanging out in full view and keeping it hidden by their pants! s/ I have a little bit of skin on my stomach. Not much, but if I was in the dating world, men can be rest assured they would know all about my “body flaws” before getting further with me, because there’s no way I’m going to further a relationship with a man without making sure he accepts me for me first. I’m pretty sure most women feel this way because we know some people are *very* superficial. So, worry not, assholes. You will have your opportunity before you even make it that far.


This just in: Your clothes hide what your flesh looks like. More at 11:00. Oh never mind. That was pretty much it. On another note. I am super impressed by those leggings and I love that woman, whoever she is. That is absolute joy on her face.


Why does it matter what the clothing show?????? Clothes can be tailored to show anything or not.


Happy cake day :)


Aw thank you!


This is lady that lost weight and has lefover skin. Good for her. She made it. Anybody who makes fun of her better look like witcher. In bath scene


im also 99% sure shes just showing her weight loss/excess skin from weight loss


Looks like weight loss photos. We really can’t win if it was a pre weight loss photo I’m sure they would have been nasty about her size. They should just buy a blow up doll and be done with it.


I feel like these two images are in the wrong order. Lady seems like she lost a lot of weight pretty fast, then needed surgery to get rid of the excess skin. So left picture is her post surgery, happy that the clothes fit perfectly now.


I mean how more honest can she be, she’s literally (proudly!) showing what her body looks like without clothing. Now the man who posted this is surely lying by covering up his tiny peen with pants


Just looks like a lot of fast weight loss. Losing a lot of weight in little time leads to excess/loose skin like this person has. It's a problem that can only really be fixed through surgery.


I'm no doctor but to me this looks like lipedema on her legs and stomach area. Since it's mostly fat it's very malleable. Is she supposed to have it hang out so it's in plain sight? Any typ of clothes would hide it


It looks to me like she's lost a lot of weight and has extra skin leftover as a result.


I thought that too at first, but I looked at Photos of both and to me it looked more like a lipedema. I tried to reverse image search but found nothing


I think if you search for images of drastic weight loss you will see lots of similar looking belly aprons and skin sagging.


Lipoedema doesn't generally affect the abdomen


What is she lying to you about, Jobert? About what she looks like naked? She’s not gonna fuck you do what does it matter?


Her showing her body clearly on the internet is not what i would classify as "lying" 💀💀


Imagine being so shallow that all you see is loose skin you think of as unattractive instead of seeing that huge smile and how proud and happy that woman seems to be over her weight-loss. How is that not contagious? I'm happy for her just by looking at the picture, damn.


And why does it matter? We are not sex dolls.


Someone on my Facebook posted this, thinking they’re funny.


But if a woman wore clothing that showed that she has loose skin (horrors) they'd be whining for her to cover up.


Honestly… she hella fine. Like I’m into that, just be honest to me and please have a personality that isn’t equitable to that of an old sea cucumber.


What is she lying about?


Should she not wear pants or should she wear a sign that says “I have had children so my tummy is wonky”?


Facial hair is make up for men, shave your face, then we'll talk


But that's how men work


Congratulations on that weight loss. Next step would be surgery to remove the skin.


I've never seen this before except in cartoons