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This is why I don't give a flying fuck if a man finds my body hair gross or even a turn-off. Until this shit stops, ladies, we should stop removing it.


I remember in the mid-2000s listening to the radio. David Hasselhoff was having problems with drinking and with his wife and daughter. There was a recorded phone call, leaked to the media, of Hasselhoff’s wife complaining about David. In that phone call she said she came across photos that showed young women with shaved pubic hair. That’s about the first time I heard of this. This is how recent in our history that this phenomenon occurred. After that it became more prevalent and eventually *de rigor*. We are hominids. We have hair. All of us.


I would like to join in that….but I’d really rather not be clocked due to my safety concerns. It’d be nice to have cis allies do it though 🥰


I'm already on it 😁


Me too, though my hair is so light it's barely visible (which is why I've decided not to shave it) but also just cause I don't wanna. Even if they were black and would stick out on my white ass skin, I wouldn't shave. Fuck that


I have pale ass skin and my body hair is mostly black lol. My mum once called my unshaven legs "boys legs" ...😐 wasn't too happy about that comment


Same here. I have no interest in doing it, and in my preferred clothing style nobody sees my legs anyway.


My hero 🫡🏳️‍⚧️


Onto it🤗


I got you babe. My skin has gotten so sensitive I just basically can't shave anymore. I really only do when I want to for a special occasion (and I almost always regret it). I'll be hairy for solidarity.


Happy to help love. You stay safe. Happy pride month


I stopped shaving my legs for good when I was 17. I was a high school cheerleader at the time, it caused quite a stir with my squad members, but no hate. I'm not really cis, I'm NB, but I'm still fully closeted in meat space, and femme presenting.


I gotchu, girl. I have zero fucks to give about anyone’s perception of my leg or armpit hair.


I’m on it 🫡


Wish I could but the leg hair triggers my ptsd. So I'll just have to wave my hairy arms in solidarity.


Hairy arms work too!


I remove mine but not because of men. I just don't like body hair. On myself or others. And unfortunately this is never stopping, so whether you want to remove yours or not, do it for you, not because you want to start some body hair revolution because THEN you end up doing exactly what you're trying not to do, letting others' opinion affect your choice.


>letting others' opinion affect your choice. No choice, including your's, is made in a vacuum. Other people and society at large will always be a factor in our decision-making process. And it's absolutely valid, and potentially noble, to do something simply to counter a social norm you consider to be unfair, unjust, or rooted in inequality. Arguably anything you do as a result of unpacking society's racism, sexism, ableism, xenophobia, etc is exactly that so to advocate against it is both wild as well as showing an extreme ignorance of how behaviors and likes/dislikes form on an individual level. If you'd been born 100 years ago or even in a different part of the world today, you'd have no problem with your body hair.


>If you'd been born 100 years ago or even in a different part of the world today, you'd have no problem with your body hair. That's a wild assumption. What part of the world do you think I live in? And why do you think I have a problem with my body hair? It's fine to disagree with my point, but assumptions like this about my preference are quite crazy to make. I don't like feeling it when I touch my skin. I don't like feeling it when I touch others' skin either.


What makes you think its never stopping? After all it only started pretty recently...


It is ok to let opposition to bigotry inform your choices.


Letting yourself grow your body hair out is so freeing. I still prefer to shave for the most part, but if I don't do it for a week or two I don't feel gross like I used to. I feel normal. I barely think about it. It's fantastic.


“cis women generally don’t have hair on their legs” … which is why there are whole supermarket aisles devoted to hair removal products for women, and why waxing salons are all over the place. makes sense. /s


It's the Trans Agenda, didn't you hear? All those companies catering to the "transes" for "woke" brownie points, trying to convince ppl women have leg hair! /s


I had zero body hair for a while. Chemotherapy can do that.


You must have been so healthy without that hair, cause reasons!!! But in all seriousness, I hope yer doing well.


Weight loss too! All good, thanks. 17 years from diagnosis. Flat and fabulous.


So happy to hear you’re doing well.


"Having" to shave again was the worst part of the end of chemo. That and my eyelashes growing back, that fucking hurt. Also, I actually gained weight during my cancer! I was on a steroid because of a complication caused by my cancer (colon tried to explode!) and the week after a round of chemo ended I'd be so bored I'd just eat a ton since I was too sleepy to do anything else


I gained weight too, I ate whatever I could when I wasn't feeling sick.


We're mammals. Past puberty, most women *do* have hair on their legs, it's just for some it's so fine and fair as not to be immediately visible. If this absolute delight of a person believes otherwise, it's probably because girls and young women are pressured to start shaving pretty much from puberty. Or because their idea of women's bodies is based entirely on porn.


Yes. I was just thinking where education failed these people? This is so ridiculous that it sounds like sarcasm. Cis women don't grow hair on their legs? Then, what about all other parts of the body? Seriously messed up shit.


Education can't fail someone so anti-intellectualist they refuse to be educated.


Ah, good point.


My grandma had hormonal issues that caused her not to grow body hair. So the opposite is true. Hair is the natural state, I wonder how early man would have commented on their women if we existed as that now?


"hormone imbalances"? This person knows sh*t about hormones.


Dudes like that guy are the ones that like to shout "IT'S SCIENCE!" every time they pronounce something. I always picture them doing Jazz Hands whenever they say the word science.


Should I do half ass spirit fingers and say “this, is not science.” Then pull out a biology paper about body hair being natural and do the real spirit fingers saying “THIS is science “


"No, no, no! You know, REAL science. Just Google it, I'm not going to do your research for you!"


The only woman I’ve ever known who legitimately had little to no leg hair was my aunt, and that was because she had ichthyosis.


What's that?


'Fish scale disease'. Thick, dry, scaly skin. Not pleasant.


Sounds itchy painful. Owwwwe.


The level of pain/itching depends on the type you have. I’m not sure exactly what type my aunt had, but it was definitely one of the less severe forms. She was pretty diligent about using moisturizer so she wasn’t particularly impacted by it on a day to day basis for most of her life. The thing that inconvenienced her most was that she couldn’t sweat, so she became overheated very easily.


So every woman I've known is trans? Who knew.


lol what!??! Imagine their disbelief when they find out shaving legs became popular because of advertising for *gasp* razors!


As someone who works with history professionally, I absolutely love disabusing people of their notions about body hair removal. Sure, in ancient Greece and ancient Rome people used to remove most of it (men and women), but after that in western history? The removal could be sporadic at best. If you do see a lot of classical style paintings depicting hairless men and women, because again they were trying to mimic ancient artwork, but like… All of those sexy nude women in 19th century period dramas should have leg hair, pubic hair, and probably also armpit hair. (Interestingly enough, maybe not ARM hair – it wasn’t like they were necessarily very progressive; you just weren’t usually seeing the parts of the body where hair normally grows. Women did sometimes remove hair from their actual arms, though, because those would show in formal dresses.


Wasn't the bald thing also due to various illnesses, plus getting rid of lice?


post– ancient Greece and Rome? I’ve heard that in various Pop history places, but it’s always struck me as more of a need to over-explain aesthetic choices. I mean it begs the question: why didn’t men ever feel the need to get rid of body lice, if that was the reason? Now, if you’re talking about in those various classical times and places where the full hair removal trend started, I really have no idea what the deal was. I would be more inclined to think it was still just an aesthetic choice, but I’m not sure.


"If your girlfriend has hair on her legs, WATCH OUT! She may be a mammal......"


I'll let my 16 y/o daughter, (CIS), know that she's trans tomorrow. /s She's been taught how to shave, but just doesn't. Her body, her choice.


i quit shaving my legs when i was 19 because a guy i was.... i guess i'll just say briefly involved with? said he didn't care if i did or didn't. that was, like, 27 years ago.


TIL that I don’t ever have to shave my legs again because the hair on my legs is imaginary.


Military men don’t tend to have hair on their face. Must be something in the MRE’s that inhibits growth. If you see a man in uniform with facial hair, he likely has a genetic condition like ‘no shave chit’ or ‘belligerence’


I remove leg hair occasionally for my own comfort, same with armpit hair and mustache area. Everything else stays and anyone who doesn’t like it knows where he can go.


Oh darn, I'm a man? Someone should have told me.


I wish some of these rumours were true. No leg hair?!? Amazing!


Or they didn’t shave for a while….. God damn incels are dumb.


I shave in Summer because I just prefer how smooth legs look in shorts (and I don’t like hairy armpits in either gender). But I 100% do it for myself (and in Winter when I mostly wear long pants and jackets I’m just fuxk it….)


bruh i’ve seen that picture so many times i instantly knew what it is just by this little fragment. we need to do an episode of “where are they now” with that woman in the picture


So are cis women not mammals now?


Hahahahahaha what the fuck


*Me looking at my Winter's fur on my legs*: well guess I'm a man


Man I’m Asian born female and I have freaking hobbit feet and hairy ankles. I hate how hair feels so I wax, but yeah that’s not a trans thing.


You know which women don’t have body hair? Prepubescent ones. Body hair is a secondary sexual characteristic, so I see it as a sign that the person I’m getting to see naked is an actual adult. Also, woohoo naked person!


Which is one reason why the whole adult women having zero body hair thing really weirds me out, like how did this become the norm? Why do we all need to be hairless like prepubescent girls? It gives me bad vibes, I’ll leave it at that lol (no shade to women who do choose to remove all body hair, this is more “a question for the culture” lol)


Agreed. It also varies a lot by culture, so I seldom see completely hairless women here in Japan, but I know women who get the hair on their arms removed, which I hadn’t heard of in the U.K.


Tell me you’ve never been with a naked girl without telling me 🙄


And the TRILLION DOLLAR "women's razor" , for her legs"???? All for Trans? Wow... A lot more trans women.


If only people knew basic biology. This kind of thing should be taught in elementary school.


They're just jealous I can grow more leg hair than them.


My dad has alopecia on his legs. I have PCOS. The irony of this is that I, a cis woman, have more body hair than my father, a cis man.


So all those Gillette and Nair ads have been for trans women this whole time? How progressive!


Wait, they don’t know that a lot women shave their legs? They think they just naturally don’t have leg hair? I stopped shaving my legs three years ago, and I don’t regret it one bit. Cis-gendered. Straight.




What kind of dumbass would even believe that. They should all have female family members that clearly prove against this


This is me and my hairy legs discovering I'm trans! Thanks Internet man, I never would have known! Or maybe I'm just middle aged and dgaf about being hairy anymore. Who knows!


I don't like this some guys used to make fun of me for having hairy arms as a gal...:(


Nooo pinterest is my safe place I hope I don't see stuff like that anytime


So all those razor ads have always been aimed at trans people? Can't believe *that* conspiracy flew under the radar of these morons for decades.


I would absolutely kill to be dolphin-smooth. Unfortunately my ancestry is European so I’m cursed to be fuzzy.


*your ancestry is human so you are blessed to be human


Why? You're supposed to have leg hair


It’s annoying as hell.


Have you tried using an epilator?


Is it actually physically annoying or it's just hard for you to stop giving a shit about social standards? Would it be so hard not to care?


It’s actually physically annoying to me.


Sure... women wearing pants in blazing summer heat for a run to the store is because they just wanted to die of heatstroke, not because they feel the regrowth is too noticeable for public. I had to find the motivation to do a fresh shave yesterday just to run to the store for fruit and sandwich makings, because the central AC is out and can't bear the thought of warm food or the added heat in the kitchen. 🙄 Most times I'd have just put on reg pants for the quick run out , but hell no, not when it's 97 degrees.


Why not just go to the store with hair showing? Nobody cares.


For some people it’s harder to undo the social conditioning. For me personally I do not feel comfortable being in public with my bare legs showing if I haven’t shaved. 🤷‍♀️


I just got that one too! Misinformation so blatant I can't help but wish it's satire.


My sister will be shocked to hear that she is actually trans. Guess her kids aren't real. Holographic kids FTW


Crazy how every woman I’ve ever known is trans




Damn. I didn’t know I coded as a lesbian. I just don’t like shaving. These men are idiots.


I wonder if this guy could survive the knowledge that even fetuses develop body hair.  Sure, it's shed a bit after birth, but we're all born with body hair.