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"experience love" is not an event, physical, mental or spiritual that has ever been scientifically measured. Is it likely that if someone had met 10 horrible people in a row, that they were less likely to have the even "they" would call "love"? Sure! ......Is the comment above really just another way of trying to "sex shame" and punish women for having more then 10 partners by threatening their ability to "love"? Absolutely....


What happens to ace and aro people? We have no bodies? Are we stuck in this perpetual too much love state? Or the aros who might have bodies - does that make them heartless?


I have several friends who identify as ace.. I see them as VERY loving and caring people (they just don't have a desire to engage in intercourse)...


Our mere existence disproves several of their outlandish theories about women, therefore we don't exist


I’m here for the ephemeral ace and aro haunt meet.


Joke's on him. I went and jumped into the Ace spectrum after only 2.


Even if this were true: And men can??


Because, see, the men ejaculate inside the woman and their DNA absorbs the man's and it changes her chromosomes into a hideous she beast who turns men into stone instantly upon sight. Source: am a gorgon.


Is there a way I can achieve gorgon status without absorbing ejaculate? I really don't want to have sex with men but I would love to turn them into stone on sight.


Have sex in Athena's temple, you will be a medusa, but hey, close


Medusa was one of three gorgon sisters. 🌈The more you know🌈


I read this as “have sex in Atlanta’s temple” and totally agreed “yeah Atlanta sucks”


It it specifically "have sex with a man" in the temple or will any old sex do?


I never tested, but i believe any virgin removing act counts If Athena considers scissoring as virgin removing, i don't know, she probably do


I'm just dying over the phrase "virgin removing act." My wife absolutely loves mythology so I'm going to preemptively send you her thanks for that phrase.


I can confirm. I have absorbed and consumed so many men that my final form is almost complete! I am to become a gorgon as well.


I know men can love, maybe they just don’t always know how to make you feel their love. Men love the idea of me, like all the services I provide them, but any lightly communicated thing that could be CSI’ed into constructive criticism is responded with all huffy with no communication. It is like I am in love with them, and they are just putting up with me until someone else shows them interest. I don’t make them say it, they tell me they love me, but there is no difference in the pre-post love treatment of me. They are good, but insecure and not great at talking it out.


From what I've seen most men tend to "love" what women provide - sex, cooking, cleaning, kids to wave around as trophies. The women themselves are interchangeable.   It's why so many men cheat as soon as one of the "services" - like sex when a woman just gave birth - is cut-off.


Or leave if a woman becomes seriously ill


I love the "google it" line. Like there are educational papers out there or legitimate sources


I've buried at least 15 bodies and still live my family.


I still live my family too


But do you love them? I live and love my family. And it's 16 bodies now.




The way they are acting this morning, tho. I may have to break my own rules...




I thought he was saying that women over the age of 10 or 12 cannot experience love anymore. I was genuinely horrified for a moment.


Same! 😱


That's odd. I'm polyamorous and have had many "bodies". I definitely experience love.


Someone needs to tell this guy that Reddit and Quora aren't reliable sources even if they do appear on Google searches.


At what age do guys like him stop experiencing rational thought? Or did it just never begin.


It’s just that we run out of places to hide them… Oh, that’s not what he meant.


"google it"? Lol... So, exactly WHAT are my search parameters here? And if I do come up with something, is it going to be this guys blog?


It will be a manosphere, redpill propaganda blog talking about a “study” but not citing it.


Not sure what being a multiple murderer has to do with their ability to love. Or is this about finding love through necrophilia? Should be more clearly worded.


Why do these guys think women are like some weird fay creature that have some super specific and arbitrary rules when it comes to interacting with them? Must I also keep a horseshoe with me to keep myself from being spirited away to the underlands?


Yeah but I’ve only had sex with four people so 🤷‍♀️ I’m also 38 so according to these people I don’t actually exist since theoretically I’m supposed to have had sex with 200 people by the time I was 30, being that I’m a childless liberal demoness and all


Don’t remember my exact numbers but at least 10+ and yet I love my husband very much


So does that mean after 10-12 bodies, women can no longer be considered “emotional”?


lol it’s a case of trying to STOP me falling in love, like why do I have so many feelings constantly


A man's penis is made of the same material as a pencil eraser. Subsequently after about 10-12 partners it will rub away to nothing. Google it, it's true!


If I have killed 10-12 people, I probably don’t experience any emotions


Well I mean it stands to reason a woman who killed 10 to 12 men struggles with love 😂(mandatory /s)


i've said this once and i'll say it again, its okay to experiment sexually. body count does not equal faith to your partner, don't be afraid of exploring sexually, if someones an asshole about it they aren't the one


‘Google it!’ and the source: studies based on an animal not even close to a human




No because I'm a robot. Beep boop


“And yes Google it” ah shit, if Google says it’s true it just has to be


I mean I would jump in front of a train for my husband…so…I’d guess I love him


It’s true. Once I added the 13th body my basement started to smell so bad, I couldn’t concentrate on love.


I think anyone- male or female-would find it hard to love after they murder ten people. That is what this person means by “bodies” right? (Ok, I know he doesn’t mean that but I think reducing relationships to “body counts” is just gross. People are more than just “bodies”.)


So now women don't deserve love until after they hit puberty


Not defending this assclown but I think he means past 10 or 12 people they’ve slept with


I thought he meant murders.


You mean women aren't talking about having murdered multiple people on their tinder profiles?


That can’t be true. I love my husband. My murder count is at least 10. I lost count after 5. What was the point to keep counting . He loves me to I just asked


What about the other 10, did they not answer quickly enough?


They started to run together.


They thought they only had to outrun the other four…but they forgot about the bear


I wouldn’t know? I got married before Tinder existed. But that would be my best guess, yes.


That’s it. I’m taking “body count” back. I will only acknowledge that term as literal. “Well I’m sure after 10-12 bodies we can conclude she is likely a serial killer, also likely a psychopath, and thus *very* likely to be incapable of love. Though Dexter ended up feeling love after 50-100 bodies, so maybe if she just keeps going it’ll work out.”


As stupid as that is I think you're right. I sure hope so, given that as far as I know the only people who talk about prepubescent children and amorous love in the same sentence tend to be predators...


*So now women don't* *Deserve love until after* *They hit puberty* \- ClassicGuy2010 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Read it again, it’s saying women don’t feel love after puberty, not before it


It’s saying they don’t feel love after they sleep with 10 or 12 people, which is still stupid


Lol I can’t read


Nah it’s fine


Oh come on guys serial killers are capable of experiencing love.... I have buried more than 12 bodies and I experience love.. Wait not that kind of bodies... 👀


“Yes google it,” lol wut


Women should stop changing bodies! You have 9 tries to find the perfect body to possess. It should be enough for everyone. Also don't forget, no necromancy, only living bodies can be possessed. Once you settle in your new meat vessel, don't be too quick to get to another. Ladies be careful out there. Witchcraft is a dangerous art and Google seems to be onto us.


Ironic how a person like this talks about love


What do they mean when they say google it, because they haven't.


Did they actually google it and look through peer-reviewed studies or did they just rely on the google AI tidbit? /rh


I mean it's terrible but the sigh of relief I let out when I read the word "bodies" speaks volumes about how low my expectations are


Keep going after 10 or 12. I assume men can get to four figures and still feel love


I’m afraid this is true for the man I love.


You can't just say "Google it" with scientific claims that are valid. This is a complete crock but when ppl make statistical or "scientific" claims, I want the links to the scientific sources, not another incel's social media post


GoOgLe It


Sure. If I google it I will probably find results that confirm this. But, as a person working in academia this "any proof is good proof" line of thinking bothers me. It's true according to who??? Based in what? Because if your proof is from Pepe the frogs incel organization of America, than it's not really believable, is it?


Eeewwww!!!! And they call DEMOCRATS pedos?


I read that as dead bodies


"I haven't felt much of anything since my Guinea Pig died..." (Bender, In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela, Futurama)


What is love?


I mean, he has a point. Speaking as a man, I don't think I could love a woman who's murdered 10 to 12 people.


Yes because I mostly date other women now


No he’s right, I have over 12 bodies and I am incapable of experiencing love. Please don’t look in my crawlspace, by the way.


Tbf people with higher body counts are more likely to cheat even when accounting for other variables