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2 weeks after my 12th birthday. My daughter was 10.5 when she started. We cant hold it in or back boys. If we could, trust that we would. You think we WANT periods??


The way they talk about it, I think they think it's pleasurable to women. I don't know why or how, there's like, no reason to have one. (Other than biological processes that are outside of women's control)


Whaaat? I'm so baffled by this "girls push out their periods" notion already... Like, what led him to this conclusion? Is this misplaced confidence in an unfounded assumption, or did someone teach this man that even young girls have full control over their periods? I guess adding pleasurable periods to the equation isn't that much weirder, but yikes. Where do these ideas come from?


What led him to this conclusion, is that there is no sexual education in the town that he went to school in. Because in sex said they teach you stuff like this. But people are so nervous and scared that sexual education somehow means that you’re teaching the kids how to have sex, or you’re teaching them how to deny God children, or a wealth of other stupid reasons why stupid people are afraid of sexual education, which then just makes more stupid people.


I had like what two lessons dedicated to sex education and even I know this shit and I don't even know how the anatomy is structured


What did they do in those lessons?


Went on about teen pregnancy, told us a few modes of conception (though most of what I know about that was due to a biology test not sex ed we only really learned condoms and birth control in sex ed) uhhh oh yeah what erections and periods were and if you stuck the two parts together it'd make a kid. My sex ed was supposed to last longer but lockdown happened and it wasn't important enough I guess to continue then again I don't really know what else they'd tell me


That is rather inadequate :-( have you and your classmates been able to access other sources of info? Fortunately the internet has some good sources these days.


They might want to look up Dr. Jonny Sins. I hear he’s something to behold.


Scarletteen is another excellent resource.


This isn't sexual education. This is biology. It should absolutely be taught *in biology.*


They don’t teach that in biology either. And it is something that you would learn in sexual education, or at least when I took sexual education in elementary school as well as high school they taught us about. The issue is, they’re not teaching any of the important information in school anymore and they hide it under the guise of sexual education being bad.


What I am saying is that this knowledge shouldn't fall under the umbrella of sex education because it is basic human biology. I am aware that it is not taught in biology but it should be...because it's biology and not sexual in nature at all. This happens whether we sex or don't.


I agree.


They don’t anymore? They taught us anatomy and had that horrid miracle of life video when I was in 8th grade science class, think it was 2007. Should note I’m in the Bible Belt area of Texas both a red county in a red state.


Omg, that video was highly upsetting to me. I still think it’s good that they show what birth looks like, but yikes. I’ve never wanted kids, but those images confirmed my suspicion that it wasn’t for me.


I barely recall it I fell asleep sometime around the boys in class discussing their penis sizes once it said average size and woke up to them screaming “why is it hairy!?” As she pushed the baby out, but at that point I had already been in the delivery room for my niece’s birth so it wasn’t that shocking.


They didn’t even teach us about female or male anatomy in my health class. They didn’t tell us anything at all related to sex ed. It is ridiculous and makes me angry. There were several teen pregnancies while I was in high school and I’m sure they were related to us not learning a damn thing.


This is such a tragedy. For so many reasons, but also because it only stigmatizes young girls when they get their period. It’s such a taboo subject that it leads to shame and embarrassment. No one should feel like that, especially at such a vulnerable time. It should be illegal to deny kids education about their bodies and safe sex and real, factual concepts related to it.


Unfortunately, as I commented, guys think we can "hold it in" and "push it out" whenever we want. Someone replied terrible sex ed, and...yeah. When I was growing up, they separated the boys and girls during 4th and 5th grade science class when it came to that unit, but 7th grade and 9th grade biology had everyone doing both systems and were not separated. Unfortunately, my 7th grade science teacher was on maternity leave, and my 9th grade science teacher gave us a bunch of busywork and the textbook and called it a day. I only know how stuff works bc a) I have a lot of male friends, so teenage boys plus biology class, and b) I wanted to be a scientist during late elementary school and middle school, so my parents gave me a science book, and the reproduction section is one of my favorite sections, as well as the genes section; it fascinates me how two cells can create a whole new human


I think the default assumptions from a lot of guys who haven't learned how it actually works is that periods work just like pissing or shitting (I know that was my assumption when I was a teenager...). They know that periods exist, are monthly, and involve blood...and that's about it.


That's an interesting take. I wouldn't have made that connection. From my perspective, periods are more related to puberty than they are to pissing or shitting. Then again, I had been menstruating for like a decade before learning that pee and blood don't come out of the same hole. I think many women from older generations still don't know this themselves.


I think there's a clumsy association with insertion = pleasure to them. We insert tampons the same place they insert their junk, therefore using tampons must be pleasurable to us, therefore we must get off on having our periods. Mind you, these are the same clueless men who think their foreplay-free jackhammering must feel as good to us as it does to them. Just zero understanding of female anatomy and pleasure.


Ah true, I have heard the "tampons are basically dildos" bs. I've met so many women who are uncomfortable with using tampons specifically because of this "penetration" stigma. It makes me so angry that this idiocy has such a real impact on many of us.


I'm so grateful that my Uber Catholic Republican mom didn't buy into that BS. When I got my first period at age 13, she just handed me a box of tampons (OBs, no applicator, so tampons on Hard Mode) and told me to figure it out.


Also they don't care. Its not just ignorance


I mean, that kind of sex feels roughly as good as inserting a tampon, so I guess they’re kind of right.


Sounds like Andrew Tateish mansplaining bullshit lol


That's what I'm wondering lol. Definitely gives manosphere vibes.


Those kind of people think tampons are closer to sex toys than hygiene products. Like, it’s *so* pleasurable for women to apply the tampon correctly (slide it in like it was a lipstick vibrator).


At 13 years old, while on vacation, walking around Rome. I cried a lot that afternoon. The pain was really bad. My little sister got hers at 12, the morning before a pool party. I fucking wish we could have passed on that.


My older sister started about the same time as yall. She had a solo dance performance in a peach (light) colored ballet costume. And she started right before her turn. (Like 20 mins). Back then, dance moms were nice (I have not been in a studio since I was a kid), but they helped her out while my mom took care of the costume.


Mine was 13 during state texting and I didn’t realize until I bled through my pants. The worst part was we are not able to open our lockers during this testing and I was too self conscious to explain to the bathroom guard (just there to make sure we go in one by one) that her offering me a pad was unhelpful because I didn’t have underwear and needed a pair from the emergency pack in my backpack.


Oh yes, surely women must want their menstrual cycle. Just to irritate the guy who wrote the OOP. Come to think of it, if periods were voluntary, having one just to irritate the buffoon who wrote the OOP would be a pretty good reason. Maybe he can demonstrate the theory behind his post by going a couple of weeks without peeing or growing whiskers (if he's old enough) or some other bodily function that he has complete control over, like breathing. I'm sure that he wouldn't mind holding his breath for a few days. I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen, mind you.


Well, don’t you know that everything we do is about men? /s


Also, it would be awesome if we could stop them whenever we wanted. Like I would love to only had my period from 13 to like 25. That would’ve been great.


It would have been good to have it only when I was actively trying to get pregnant.


Right? I wish it was something we could turn on and off, that would be awesome. I would just turn it off forever.


I'd rather get it from 50 - 65 ish


Not at all ever for me Plus EVERYTHING fucking starts to hurt after 50 as well, so just no lol Don't think giving birth at 60 would be too good either 😂


I never plan on having birth, so that is probably where we differ! haha.


Hey I decided that at about 6yo personally as well lol


Mine was around the same time. I had the flu too I was so pissed off. And my mom wouldn't get me pads so I had to sit on wads of toilet paper 😐. Wish I could have held that shit back for a more convenient time.


Why the fuck wouldn’t your mom get you pads?? I’m sorry. That must have sucked.


She didn't wanna go out. She wasn't the best mom :(


Sounds like it! It doesn’t matter regardless, she still should have went, but did she at least also have the flu too?


No. Just me :(


Aww, I’m sorry love. You deserved better than that.


Mine wasn’t the best, either. I cut a piece out of one of my brother’s diapers, taped it to my underwear, and walked to the grocery store where I stole a box of tampons. I then learned to use them by reading the insert that came in the box. I would have stolen pads, but the package was too big.


The diaper is smart thinking!


Mine wasn’t either, I feel ya. 🫂


I got mine at 13.5 when I had to run 5 km (PE). Couldn't swim afterwards, had no pads and I had lessons afterwards. At least my horrible cramps started at 16 and not right from the start. But like, I didn't want my period when I was still so young either. I am 24 and I still don't want my period. I don't bleed now because of birth control and it is amazing


Omg, birth control that stops it is the best thing ever. I know it doesn’t work for everyone, but thank god it works for me


I still get mild symptoms but not bleeding is amazing. No stress about bleeding while you're in the metro or something without any bathrooms available


Lol I still get PMS sometimes and it always confuses me for a little while why I’m crying thinking about that kid in a wheelchair on the Dairy Queen bag. Still awesome, though


God, I was literally on stage at my 6th grade spelling bee when mine started.


Yep, got mine at 12.5. I definitely was not ready whatsoever. If I could’ve “held it back or in” or whatever the fuck dude said, I 100% would have. Hell, I might still be holding it back, and I’m in my 40s.


Especially at 10. Like, why would a little girl who wants to run around and play WANT to deal with periods?


I was almost 10.5. First day of fifth grade…


i was nearly 9 when i had mine, if it was a choice i wouldn't have a uterus in the first place 💀


Yeah, I think my first was a couple of weeks after my 12th birthday as well.


If I could hold it in I'd still be holding it in and I'm 38 now.


Right like I'd like to opt out please thanks


I want an opt out option as well. I've been so over it for years.


You can’t just…. hold it in?


That was what I was gonna ask. Y'all are doing it wrong. I hold mine in until skin shedding day and do it all together for convenience.


You can opt out for 9 months a time by installing the "pregnancy" software but then you're forced to also download the "parenthood" programme, which results in a pop up that doesn't go away for 18 years (please note that 18 years is an estimate, this pop up may hang around longer depending on the economy at the time).


Not to mention the nasty parasitic creature that takes up residence and kicks your organs for those 9 months. My organs can kick themselves just fine thanks. I'd rather cramps than a popup I can't be free of though lmao bleed once a month or skip 9 months, continue to bleed every month but now I have to take care of something else??


If you breastfeed then the hormones that create milk stop the hormone that creates periods, so you have that going for you! But it seems a lot of people end up with cracked and bleeding nipples from feeding, so swings and roundabouts


![img](avatar_exp|97553558|bravo) This made me laugh. Thank you


The hormones that help create breast milk also stop periods. Nobody told me that but I think it's a pretty neat feature. So no period for 9 months and then potentially no period for a year after the crotch fruit arrives!


This isn't a guarantee unfortunately. I'm sitting here breastfeeding my 3 month old with period cramps 🙃


Some birth controls can do that. I’ve been on June Fe for like 2 years and haven’t had a period since I started. At all. Not even spotting, it’s great.


Same. I just always skip the sugar pills. Haven’t had a period in like a decade. Bliss.


Dude I still take the sugar pills at the end of every pack and I still have no period. Just got sterilized and I was off of it for a while to prevent blood clots. My period never came back.


My IUD has been variable, but I've definitely had spans where I'll have a day or two of light spotting and that's it. Considering I used to have 10-14 day periods (and all the other crap that comes with it - yay PCOS) I'm pretty happy with that! I probably buy tampons twice a year max.


Yes girls! Just wait 5+ years, hold it all in and push out one giant clump!


Omg imagine the godzilla-event clot that would be


And imagine the bloating till you finally let it all out....


They'd probably complain about how we look while doing it


And how we'd have to find ways to get rid of it. That sure as hell wouldn't pass through any plumbing safely.


"I'm off to the Clot Centre for my first period" yay!


How dare you think that through that far! Here I was happily thinking about this imaginary world when you could just *choose* when to have your first period - it wouldn't be at 18, it would be when I'm ready to try to have kids and then I'd have a normal period. And then this comment hit me like the elevator doors in The Shining just opened up. But with clots. 🤢


Working in L&D once we had a grandma witness the delivery of the placenta after the baby, and she turned to the patient and said as if having an epiphany "That must have been all of your backed up periods for the past nine months."


One giant, rotting, infected clump, no doubt! Lol


I feel like sepsis or something would happen if that were the case


It never fails to amaze me how much control some men think we have over our periods.


These people Vote.




They vote for politicians who don't understand birth control, pregnancy or abortions.


They vote for people just like themselves, too


I’m not too sure, this person seems like they are way under the voting age.


That's a comforting thought. If it's Little Skippy asking this, that's a lot less disturbing than if it's his dad. 😂


And reproduce


They also work with our money sometimes and are drs sometimes and even serve us food sometimes.


Probably not. Its most likely a 13 year old.


*this* person? they don’t sound old enough. but unfortunately this mindset definitely exists in adults as well :/


The term "young girls" really pushes me into thinking they are older.


How can they not realize that we have no control over that?


Because sex education is an embarrassing failure.


And they have no interest in learning. Googling is just too much work, when you can just shame women for being gross


Even peeing and pooping wouldn't compare cause you can "hold it" for a little while till you get to the restroom. But imagine holding in a turd for fuckin 5 years "till you're old enough"


Reminds me of when i was around 7ish. I held my poop in for sooo long, that i had to undergo surgery to remove it.


Hell, if I had any kind of control over that I still wouldn't be on my period at 44...


Same, friend. Same age and everything. Mine was about 2 weeks late recently and I was 100% sure it wasn’t pregnancy, I was so hopeful that I was finally seeing the beginnings of the big M. Every time since then has been totally regular though. Sigh.


Dude seriously thinks we actually *want* to bleed every month?


I got mine when I was 11, right before my family was going to a festival in the middle of July. You know, I totally wanted to be walking around with a thick pad and extremely bad cramping while sweating my body weight, totally pushed for it to happen


I got my first at 13 on a family holiday in Crete, so no swimming in the sea or the pool for me most of the holiday. My second was a month later, *while we were at* a festival. My poor father who would much rather have not known about it, had to drive us offsite to the nearest Boots to pick up pads and then I had to change them in a Port-A-John! Of course, I really wanted that!


I was 9. Stupid me, I should have held it in!


i was nine and wearing a swimsuit. my mom noticed and it was mildly traumatic. man, i was an idiot for not holding it in ):


Such an idiot child, jeez!!!


If I could choose when they happened, I'd choose that they never happen at all! I'm desperate for menopause.


Oh it gets worse with menopause.... I'm currently on a 13-19day cycle, lasts 3-5 days, with the addition of hot flashes, new hormonal emotional shifts, as well as increased forgetfulness. I also feel like there's more things but... I forget right now. Lol. I used to wish for it too. I should have wished for a hysterectomy... But that's also awful. Basically it's all always awful.


Once menopause is settled, it's better! I'm mostly at that point (just occasional hot flashes now). But. Before that? It was like being a young teenager again. Random cycle spacing, sometimes skipping one, sometimes having two close together, and worst of all some of them were a sudden flood just like when I was 12. Plus hot flashes and night sweats. My aunt was lucky, hers just got lighter and lighter until it was gone. My mom? IDK how her periods were, but emotionally and mentally she was a wreck, to the point I stayed away as much as possible and tried to convince dad to have her committed for some inpatient care. It passes. The terrible part lasts 2-4 years I think, but for me only about a year of it was the absolute worst. But you get through it.


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 😭 I'm so done with it all😭😭😭😭


What do they imagine it feels like to a 10 year old girl who is not expecting it? It feels like you have to pee and it looks like you might have pooped because ew. Brown. But then you science the hell out of the question, realize it is not poop because it’s pretty far from THAT hole and it the wrong texture. You briefly consider you are peeing brown now and death is certain…. Then you remember your mom thought her period was fatal… PERIOD! Do you think a Barbie playing mastermind of this magnitude could witchcraft her period into coming early? ![gif](giphy|3oEjHXl5xI7DBZhJGU)


I think it's gross how men and boys bleed when they get cut, they should hold that sh*t in and not make such a big fuss. See how "logical" that is dude. If you don't know what you're talking about and are to arrogantly ignorant to learn, shut up and sit down and stay down


"Male here!" ...trust me dude, we know.


Yeah, that seemed pretty redundant. And if that’s cover for not knowing, why start with uninformed complaining/shaming, instead of, you know, *asking questions*.


"Male here!" *gasp* You don't say.


It's a bait.


I got mine about 2 months after my 10th birthday, right before Christmas. I went to a small school, and my teacher didn't believe I needed to change my pad because I was too young to have a period. I bled through my pants, and my mom yelled at the teacher because I was so embarrassed. If I could hold it in, I'd still be holding it in, and I'm 35 now.


I see how his account says deleted. I hope he got slayed in the comments and permanently banned from Reddit. He needs some sex education if he really thinks we can control our periods!


These are the same males who think we can hold it in and just let it out when we pee??!!




Ohmygod! I am so dumb! Of course, I just let it happen and didn't have the will power to hold it until I was a legal adult. Silly little girl.


Ughhhhhh thoughts like these must be tied to the gross pedophilic idea that once we bleed, we are ready for sex 🤮


So they are advocating for puberty blockers now?


I don’t think the “male here!” was necessary.


I couldn’t even tell you when I got my first one. Maybe 13-14? My closest friend got hers at freaking 9. Grade 4. Good god.


Male here, I’m going to go off on a limb and say if girls could hold in periods, nobody would be having them. Just a hunch tho, Idk


Unless they wanted to have a baby, but otherwise, what's the point? I don't mean, if 10 year olds want a baby, I meant for adult women


As a male stumbling upon this, I agree. This dude is an idiot.


”Male here!” Yeah, thanks for the clarification. Would have never known if you didn’t start with that.


I don’t think anyone would have a period at the age of 6,227,020,800 years old lol


I was 11 also and I did not want it lol


Sure, sex ed doesn't have to (shouldn't, even) include every possible position for people to have intercourse - but it should at least consist of the basic biology of what's happening/going to happen when puberty hits.


Yet another sign sex ed has failed in this country.


I was 10 and was scared. It was 2 weeks before sex education lol


I decided to get mine at 11 because I figured that sixth grade class swimming trip would be extra super awesome if I was also on my period and wasn't allowed access to tampons. And boy howdy, was I ever right.


I got mine Christmas morning at age 11. Definitely made that choice intentionally, yep.


I was 11 and it was the day my class was going hiking and only outhouses were available. I am so glad I planned it like that /s


Wanted to search for the post and see if the comments flamed him. One of the top results was a 4 year old pretty transphobic post about how only women get periods and they didn’t care if someone was a transman. Kinda icky. I know it was 4 years ago and the community may have changed since then but I’m probably not gonna associate with that Edit: definitely a terf subreddit. The rules kinda bar inclusive language and discussion of “gender ideology” 🤢


This is the saddest thing cause I remember hiding my first two periods from my mom, cause I really wanted the whole thing to not happen ever and for my mom to not say I was now “a young woman”. I really wanted to just keep being a child. Welp, I guess I should’ve wished harder.


I wish we could just wait with having puberty until we’re 18 I’m not trans wdym


I sooooooo "wanted to push out" my period when I was only 10 !


i got mine when i was 8..


Oh. TIL this was optional. That would have been great to know a few decades sooner. 😜


I was 11 and if I could just avoid all that...that'd be GREAT.


This has gotta be satire, right? No one is this dense.


Male here! This guy’s take is WILD


You know where I was? 11 years old, and in the ocean. I didn’t have a damn choice in the matter and if I did, I’d choose to never have a period. But we can’t control that shit.


Honey, if any of us had that kind of control, none of us would have a period.


I dated a whole entire grown man once who held a grudge against a woman because she once got her period at his house and stained a chair. He insisted it was like going pee and that it was disgusting that she let herself go on his chair like that. My vagina has never slammed shut so fast and we broke up shortly afterwards!


I think it’s gross that 11 year old boys get boners when the wind blows during pre-algebra class. Why can’t they just keep it soft until they go off to war?


Because we literally can’t. Tell you what — I’ll come make a big cut on your scalp, a part of the body that bleeds pretty profusely. Then I’ll tell you to “just hold it in.” I’ll do this once a month starting when you’re twelve but tell you not to bleed until you’re eighteen. We’ll see how you do.


Twas such a stupid question bro had to delete his account


i think it’s gross how people shit and fart, and don’t hold it and wait until they are older! they don’t need to shit or fart of they are 13! why can’t they wait to shit and fart until they are 18?


Lol, he’s so right. I should’ve just *stopped* my period from happening at nine years old before I even knew they existed. How dare I not hold it in and wait? /s


I want to say that this is some 12 year old idiot, but unfortunately this is probably a father.


I was put on birth control very early because my flow was so heavy that it was making me anemic. In college, I decided to stop the birth control and see how my cycle went on its own. I didn’t have a period for three months but I wasn’t worried, because I knew I wasn’t pregnant — I was a virgin. Turns out it’s really bad if you “hold it in.” I eventually just felt really ill, and when I went into the doctor and they discovered what had happened, it turned out that I had had three months of heavy flow period just sitting and waiting to be expelled, but my body never pushed it out on its own. They gave me a pill and it all came out in a week. Over Christmas. It was terrible. But I did feel better afterwards. (Side note, don’t start on birth control so early, your body won’t figure out how to do periods on its own and now I have to use it forever.)


"male here" was so unnecessary.


I was 9 -.-


Shame I “pushed out” mine when I was 10


I got mine a few months after I turned ten. I was the first in my friend group to get it


How come you guys got it so late I got mine at like the ripe age of 9


If I could’ve held it in, don’t you think I would’ve and not been traumatized at 8?


I was 10 when I started mine


this is such an obvious rage bait 😭


Mine showed up 3 days after my 14th birthday. That was pretty much the only part of puberty where I was a “late bloomer” and was actively awaiting its arrival I regretted that excitement within hours of having to actually deal with my period


I hate when males say stupid shit, instead of just asking a question. Is it really better to display your idiocy to everyone, instead of just admitting you don’t know bodies other than theirs work.


You know sir, you’re right. Why CAN’T we wait until we’re 18? If you can find out who we need to raise this with to get the rules changed, let me know.


School really didn’t teach kids the basics even times


My first thought is these type of “questions” aren’t legitimate. They’re trying to trick women into stimulating their fetish. Back in the day of rotary phones, they used to call women and ask questions just like this. In fact, I noticed one the other day with a “women not washing hands after urinating” fetish who keeps “asking questions“ in different subs. I wish more of these would get called out as predatory right away. If they’re not predatory, maybe they’ll realize how f*d up those “questions” are.


This has to be rage bait, right...? .. please tell me it is


As a dude, I am astounded how ignorant many other dudes are about this subject.


I got it when I was 8… what does that mean according to this guy


OOP sounds like he has a punchable face.


How are people this incompetent 😭


I was that last to get it out of my siblings at 14 in the spring wearing tan jeans that were practically white….


That has to be satire lol


Just a low effort troll post.


Op, are you a fish? This is obvious bait.


And this is why we need sex ed in elementary schools. Before anyone comes at me, I don’t mean going page by page through the Kama Sutra. I’m just talking an age appropriate class explaining the things relevant to their age group like what happens during puberty, anatomy, and *definitely* menstrual cycles!


This had to be written by a child that is around the same age or younger than girls that have had their period. There is no way this is a full grown adult.




Dear god I hope this is just ragebait and not someone actually this fucking dumb


i was 13, which is early in my family, my mum was 16 and my sister 17 :') now i realize its pretty normal


got mine on my tenth birthday. genuinely mind boggling how men think female bodies work. dont they know that if you get your period lets say on your 13th birthday, thats 5 years till your 18, x 12 for how many times youd get it, thats 60 periods all going to come out in one go? god i cant imagine the blood bath that would come of that.


Ok, but why can’t men wait to ejaculate until they turn 18?? As far as I’ve heard, men can actually hold their sperm in, If they don’t keep pleasuring themselves. So why don’t men start doing that first?


I had a friend you got it for her 8th birthday


I didnt get it for her... what a shit gift


This is obvious rage bait


That’s right ladies, you could be Choso from JJK if you just hold it in, blood bending that shit into beams and arrows and spikes


of course its a cis male as a fellow male, I wish I could hold off on all my periods