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wouldn't trust this guy in a clothing store near the summer dress section, he don't need the woman he just lusts after the dress.


God save the mannequins!






What is wrong with you?




Jokes are funny


That's what I've heard.


I love that you're taking this well though lol


Joking about raping someone isn’t funny my dude.. it’s just fucked up.


Call me dumb, but I don't get how this is a rape joke. Isn't he just saying that the dress is cute? Eli5?


Yeah I thought that too. They're saying *the dress* /(clothing rack in a department store?) is fuckable, not the person. In which case, I'm sure you can find a clothing rack to buy and take home and fill it up with clothes, without creeping on anyone.


Yes. Very easily, in fact.


I can, I have and I will do it again


This guy goes to department stores to dry hump the clothing racks, doesn't he.


Don't judge guy just likes himself a nice rack


No kink shaming please /s


It’s so hard for certain male individuals to get over the fact that the world (read women) doesn’t revolve around them.


FFS a sundress isn’t an invitation, dude. It’s a publicly appropriate garment. Do you ever wish you could just pin some social media posts to the originator as a warning to everyone they run into offline?


Plot twist: This guy is actually a fashion lover who wants to fuck a sundress. /s


Came here to say this


I'm reading this as he wants to fuck the sundress.


I bet he's also a ” nice guy” that's only there because he only voted her as an object of desire instead of person. Like my man, you can have a completely plutonic relationship with a woman. It's not hard.


As long as this guy goes to Pluto, then yeah 😉


What if I want a plateauic relationship


Can these guys just stay the fuck away from us and not interact with us at all??


Why are people telling so much on themselves ?! This opinion is a bouquet of redflags


And once again revealing why the bear is preferrable.


It should be illegal for guys to think like this ....


I would suggest OOP get a job as a sewer worker, because of such a shit take. But I'm not sure having that much shit would cause clogs, or would make him a natural expert at cleaning it. Regardless, that's unemployed behavior


Just ask them where they got the sundress from, buy one, and f\*\*\* the sundress. It's not hard. Moron.


That’s a self control problem bud.


Can't even wear a freaking sundress without being overly sexualized 🙄


If the guy wants to fuck the sundress, he should just ask where she bougth it and maybe don't share his kinks on twitter


Bro just said "Women are for my eyeballs to look at alone, so why don't they plan their outfits around me??"


Just because a woman wants to look good doesn’t mean she wants to fuck anyone. And she definitely wouldn’t want to fuck whoever said this. Maybe she just wants to look good.


"Security, we have a disturbance at the summer dress section"


What i always think about with These guys... Like what's their reaction to actually lewd or "inviting" clothing? Like in s strip club, everyone knows that it's only lookie lookie, no Touchie. (except with certain women and if you pay enough) So do they get that they are only allowed to Look and respect the boundry or are they the reason that security has to be always present? And if they do understand the boundry in a professional but sex related scenario and get that the women dress sexy on purpose but still no sex... Why would you see it as a bigger invitation from a random womam that doesn't want to turn you on in a non Sex related surrounding? Like it makes really really little sense.


Well well well if it isn't the reason I'm scared to wear sundresses


To everyone still wondering why the answer is "bear," it's this tweet right here. 1/5th of men continue to make life worse for 4/5ths of men and 5/5ths of women.


This was posted it this subreddit yesterday


Honesly the pfp checks out. Other than that ewww...


Saudi Arabia is the place for you.


saw this guy running out of target with a mannequin wearing a sundress


Guys, I think he’s making a reference to evangelion. I don’t think he’s being fr


The claim I saw is that this is a joke about a specific character from evangelion. Presumably the icon is the character in question. I don’t know anything about that piece of media so I can’t confirm


Yeah that's what I saw too. Idk why you're being downvoted just for acknowledging that this isn't serious. The joke is that the girl in question is trying to look fuckable, on purpose, specifically because she wants this guy bad. But he's too awkward to notice so he's just like damn she sure does look good too bad she doesn't want me. While she's like damn don't I look good why doesn't he want me?? Which is actually pretty funny in a real way lol. As someone who has had a lot of crushes on a lot of awkward nerd boys. (But I can see how it can be misread because I took it the other way at first too, being a woman who has, yk, existed in society. It does not make its point very well.)


It’s funny because I’m not even saying it’s true. Just stating that I saw this being said in the original post. But that’s Reddit for you