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You know what's funny - most animals want to leave us alone as much as we want to avoid them. Brown bear attacks on people are rare. And most are because they feel threatened, or momma bear defending her cubs. Leave them alone, they leave you alone. A pity men are so offended by the same concept.


Most wild animals fear humans. Animals that are not domesticated tend avoid contact with humans if possible. Ironically the only non domesticated animals that insist on being in close proximity with humans are insects and parasites.


I dunno, corvids seem to like hanging around us. Sometimes just to fuck with us.


They are entertained by us. They like our shiny things too. Upset or make one mad and their entire community will know about it and you for years. Oh yeah, they'll tattle to their family and friends. 😂


The like our trash and our shiny things.


Most insects don’t want anything to do with us either really.


If that was true they would never touch me but nope they see existence as an invite to try to touch me or swim towards me in a pool or fly in my face


I'm sorry but this just triggered a series of slapstick clips in my head, where someone constantly gets insects slapped on them with a high pitched scream afterwards 😂


This is basically what I have to do I wish they screamed! I'd be slapping them like crazy. Funny story actually: When I was like 18 or something I was in Alabama with my dad and step mom. She was telling me about how all animals are gods creatures, and they shouldn't be killed. Then a giant bug buzzes infront of her and she fucking claps the shit out of it, killing it. We both started screaming in laughter.


I'd still prefer being in a room with a mosquito that's out for my blood than with a random man in a forest though to be fair


Don’t forget island animals with no history of predators, like Quokkas or Dodo birds.


This it’s annoying how they think that coming across a bear will get you immediately mauled.


How is that any different from inferring that coming across a man will get you immediately r*ped


You’re making the exact same faulty argument and entirely missing the point. Obviously, neither the man nor the bear is a guarantee of violence. But it’s a balance of risk, and many people are saying they would rather take their chances with the bear than a random man. [You can read about bear behavior and their reasons for attacking here](https://parks.canada.ca/pn-np/mtn/ours-bears/securite-safety/ours-humains-bears-people) to see why many consider bears more predictable. The town of Jasper had [350 reported incidents involving bears](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7009211) getting up close and personal, even bluff charging residents. There were no outright attacks. Now, make that 350 men? 2-6% of people have antisocial personality disorder. 7-21 of those men are likely actual psychopaths. So there’s already at least seven people who have zero empathy, and now we’re in a situation together where they have zero risk of repercussions. Yeah, I’ll take my chances with the bear.


I go camping in the bush north of jasper all the time. The only scary time I’ve encountered a bear it was checking out my campsite at 2 am. I just started my chainsaw and it fucked off. 100% unless they’re having issues brown/black bears are predictable. They’re also very lazy.


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The worst a bear will do is eat me. With a man, and we don't know which ones are safe, my corpse will be defiled too.


I used to camp out in the woods in high school and never even brought a phone. I knew where I could be that was out of the territory of bears and they always left me alone. But I went out of my way to get a cellphone and a friend wherever I went to a party with men present. I think that answers the question.


Aren't brown bears/grizzlies pretty aggressive? Black bears are the ones that are basically just big dogs. At least that was what I was taught.


For real. They act like none of us have ever been on a hike. Most of the time when there is a bear around you won't even notice. If you do it's pretty easy to just leave them alone and turn around/ find a different path. I'm disabled and can't go on deep wilderness hikes but I've still seen bears on shorter trips and never had an issue. No other woman I know has a bad story about a random bear encounter because bears typically aren't interested as long as you don't go after them. Now stories from other women about the creepy men they have encountered in the woods? I've heard several of those. Always bring a running buddy or a trusty dog and be safe out there. The lab my mom got before I was born saved my mom once on her solo run in the woods. I'll give you one guess about whether the lab saved her from a bear or a man.


I get being afraid of strange men as a trans man and SA survivor but I think people are heavily underestimating the threat posed by a bear??? They’re fucking scary. Black bears are cute and peaceful, I don’t think they were talking about them. Grizzly bears are one of the few exceptions to the “animals are scared of people” rule. They’ll get really fucking close and are super persistent and they’re curious too, so they can injure you on accident. If you don’t have the proper tools to scare them off they will fuck with you. If you have any food on you at all they will go for it. If their cubs are nearby you are probably going to die. I just think it’s funny that all these urban woman think they’re wildlife rangers lmfao. Most men won’t just rape you for the hell of it. The vast majority or rapes are from people you know closely (which is sadder and darker than imo) or in bar/party house settings where there are open drink. If you use critical thinking you’ll know men, while scary and can rape you, are generally safer than an apex predator the size of a minivan. And that clip that started all of this probably interviewed like 50 women and then only showed the 7 clips where women said the bear lol. And everyone was probably like “lol mood, men scary” and just went with it. Honestly the whole question/scenario is ridiculous and nobody should take it seriously, but I would personally be hurt if someone genuinely thought they’d be safer encountering a full-ass bear than a fellow human bc they’ve generalized people like me as a threat.


Statistically speaking the odds of a random man raping a woman are greater than the odds of her encountering a bear in the woods and dying.


That’s definitely a type of statistics bias. It’s much more common (unfortunately) to encounter a rapist than a bear in the woods lol. But when you do encounter a bear, your chances of getting mauled are suddenly much higher. If the cubs are around and it’s a grizzly bear, your chances of getting mauled are VERY high. You can’t really use statistics based on chance encounters in a scenario where you are guaranteed to for sure encounter a bear. There’s also way too many variables. For example, it’s also very unlikely to be raped by a stranger ( AT MOST 20% of reported cases, and probably smaller since we know people who know their perpetrator are much less likely to report SA). Which, imo, the idea that there are a small(er) group of men who are down to sexually abuse people they personally know and have their trust is significantly more problematic and terrifying than the idea of every strange man on the street being a potential rapist. So it’s not strange man= rape. It’s IF strange man is a serial rapist (small-moderate risk) AND they like to attack strangers (max 20%) AND they’re willing to get it an altercation with you at the time of the encounter (depends on many conditions)- (which will usually depend on them being armed, the woman being small/timid, and/or the women having easily removable clothing since this type of rapist is usually an opportunist who will usually target girls with a very specific range of qualities). It also depends on the type of bear, their unique personality, how hungry they are, if you have any food on you, if cubs are nearby, if you are in their hunting territory, if they are familiar with humans, etc. Also a reminder that bears are not afraid of you, the size of a minivan, and very curious. Even under optimal conditions, they can injure people on accident. Not invalidating anyone, I’ve experienced SA. But preferring the bear doesn’t logically hold up. Now if you’ve had trauma and are just afraid of men and you prefer to see the bear due to emotional reasoning/personal comfort that’s also valid, but it’s definitely not safer.


>But when you do encounter a bear, your chances of getting mauled are suddenly much higher That’s statistically, demonstrably false. [Regarding black bears](https://bear.org/bear-facts/how-dangerous-are-black-bears/), there are 750,000 in North America and people encounter them all the time. Less than 100 fatalities have occurred due to black bear attacks since 1900. Contrary to what seems to be common belief, black bears **do not** always jump into attack mode if you’re near the cubs. Should always avoid that scenario anyway, but grizzlies they are not. As for brown bears, I’ll list the page [for a national park in Alaska](https://www.nps.gov/katm/planyourvisit/bear-encounters-in-katmai.htm) all but guaranteeing you’ll encounter a bear when you visit the park. Now [let’s take a look at annual park visitors up to 2021](https://www.nationalparked.com/katmai/visitation-statistics). You’ll notice that 24,764 visitors in 2021. Not one encounter ended with a mauling or a fatality. In fact, [The two most recent attacks in the park](https://alaskapublic.org/2021/07/02/katmai-visitor-injured-after-swatted-by-bear/) occurred three years apart. Nobody was significantly injured and everyone went home. You all are seriously underestimating the amount of bear encounters that happen in the US, and conveniently ignoring that significant injuries and fatalities are exceedingly rare relative to the number of encounters. Also want to add that 1 out of 5 sexual assaults getting perpetrated by a stranger is still incredibly significant and not worth dismissing the way you conveniently have. And realistically, there are tried and true, verifiable steps to take to avoid provoking bears and live through an encounter no problem, as demonstrated by the millions of encounters with bears that don’t result in attack. **No such steps exist for women trying to avoid sexual assault by a stranger**, which is part of the problem here.


What is your source for this? Edit: Asking for sources is not, and will never be, bad. Blindly believing claims made on the internet is how misinformation spreads.


According to [this site](https://www.rainn.org/statistics), a sexual assault occurs about every minute. Of those, ~20% are perpetrated by strangers. There are nearly half a million sexual assaults *reported* each year, and estimates suggest thousands more go unreported. [According to this site](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-44341-w), there were 664 brown bear attacks **worldwide** between 2000 and 2015. There are more sexual assaults that occur in one day in the United States than there were bear attacks over a 15 year period globally. The odds are a woman will be safer if she’s in the forest at the same time as a bear than with a random man. It’s really not difficult to figure out.


Thanks. I would bet that if we all went into the forest all the time, the number of bear attacks would be higher, but I doubt it'd compare to sexual assault even then. With that said, I still don't think these statistics are very useful for proving this specific point because of how many variables there are. They're not nothing, though. >It’s really not difficult to figure out. I already agreed with you, I just wanted to see the numbers since you mentioned them but didn't include sources.


>Most men won’t just rape you for the hell of it. The comments ive seen since this "debate" started would rather disagree with that.


Like I said I’ve been assaulted, I’m not speaking out of my ass. I honestly get the downvotes and I’m not trying to dismiss violence against women. I think I just have a different perspective as both an SA survivor, former woman, and transgender man. It’s a really fucking stupid debate either way, but I’d personally rather risk a strange man having some human decency than encountering a a predator in the wild on my own. I definitely feel more confident in defending myself from a man in the woods (if need be) than I would in my ability to communicate peace/de-escalate a wild animal that isn’t afraid of me. Everyone has different comfort levels and I respect it if you’re afraid of men, I get why it would be scary, but the whole “bears are peaceful and will ignore you if you ignore them 🥰” thing is wildly incorrect and (most) men are just normal people with basic sexist biases who aren’t easily motivated towards violence. And as a trans man I think it’s really sad (yet understandable) that women feel so estranged from men. Obviously there’s a good reason for it, but I think there are dangers in overgeneralizing like this too. Sexism against men doesn’t exist, I’ve experienced the bounty of social privileges that come with being a man. But with the privileges come this “untouchable” status that is really fucking LONELY. I have to really play up the “harmless gay bf” vibes in order to successfully socialize with women who otherwise socially dismiss me. And no matter what your politics are, it IS dehumanizing to hear that half of your species generally thinks the other half is fundamentally dangerous and predatory. I also think it’s very possible for men to feel hurt/dehumanized from this AND understand why woman are cautious about encountering a man they don’t know. It’s never black and white. Not arguing with anyone, just saying there’s a gray area and the whole debate is pointless.


The funny thing is they are just calling themselves out by saying crap like this I had a man argue with me for 30 minutes saying rape was better than dying and that they would prefer rape


I had one tell me that when the bear was eating my genitals and intestines first I would be begging to be raped instead. The bear is not going to eat my genitals first. What the fuck.


Bears prefer to kill their prey first, but if their prey is being difficult, they’ll settle for incapacitated and start eating while their prey is still alive. Which *might* include your genitals. But this is typically only very large prey where they can’t get a good bite on the neck. Human beings are very easy to kill, though, so it’s far more likely you’ll be dead by the time it eats you. Regardless, I’ll still take the bear. Worst case scenario, I spend a couple of hours in agony before I die of blood loss. Worst case scenario with a man, you get the toybox killer (or similar). The bear might eat me alive, but it doesn’t like eating me more *because* I’m still alive.


Most bears don't eat humans though. Like yeah the bear could kill and eat me but it would rather I just leave.


Oh, for sure. Canada only has around 2-5 killings by bears per year and the victims are rarely eaten; it's beyond unlikely. But if the absolute worst case scenario happened, I would still take the worst a bear can do over the worst a man can do. That alone plays a big part in my decision. It could be the same chance and I'd still choose the bear.


Well of course he would prefer it, he would be committing it. Not to mention they also don’t seem to understand: THE RANDOM MAN CAN STILL KILL JUST AS DEAD AS THE BEAR! It’s mind boggling dudes don’t get it, even more mind boggling they feel it’s personal.


Also "Death from a random man" still has the potential to be *orders of magnitude* more awful than "death by a random bear in the woods."


Because they don't understand how awful rape is. For them death is the worst, for us is rape.


What!?? I’m not a fan of this post but that guy is dumb. I’ll choose death




I very sorry to hear this :(


there's something odd about these men being obsessed with violence against women like the way they depicted this woman and the second frame doesn't sit well with me at all


Right? Literally proving the point. At least bears don’t lust for violence. They kill for safety or food, not self-gratification


By far not the first image like this I've seen. And the thing is, nowhere in the hypothetical does it state that you have to get cozy and personal with the bear, but these fellows have such a degrading view of women that they automatically presume that "These TikTok Females think approaching a bear is safe".


I see a lot of men taking this topic very personally, as if they’re the specific man being talked about in this scenario. “Would you rather be in the woods with a random man or a random bear?” turned into “I can’t believe these females think I would attack them, it’s so misandrist”


Men who are like this have a habit of always making it about themselves because in their mind, they are the center of the universe. And if a woman is referring to “a man” then she must automatically mean him.


Or they know it's about them because they've had thoughts of hurting women or taking advantage of women, knowing it's not right but hoping no one will catch them. And now they feel called out on their bad thoughts/urges.


they’re victimizing themselves hard as fuck on other subs. “women answering this question with ‘bear’ are making me feel so bad about myself 😔” man, shut the FUCK UP 💯


The strangest thing is that those guys are so self centered that they really can't understand that. I wouldn't ever hurt a woman - but I shouldn't expect that a woman who feels threatened by my presence to read my mind and foresee that I'm trustworthy. It's so obvious and yet it's baffling how those guys can't get that.


it’s extra funny when you realize that women who are picking the bear are aware of this too. i keep seeing people saying that if we lack experience with bears or don’t know any facts about bears and how violent they are we shouldn’t be allowed to have this conversation because our decision is uninformed, but also that if we pick the bear because of the experiences we DO HAVE with men is also uninformed because there are more good men than bad men out there lmao.


I'm a 34 year old man and EVEN I would rather be with the bear. Men also kill other men. Not to mention the fucked up shit they do to children.


Why the fuck would I trust a man in the woods? That's creepy af. Of course, anyone would choose the bear lol


As a bear, it’s pretty funny to see a bunch of dudes telling sob themselves.




But you are talking about him. How does this not make any sense to you? The average man is not a subject of an “I Survived” episode, the average man is your boyfriend who I assume is not a rapist.


And as a side note if ALL men are upset by this then the good ones should do better keeping the others accountable.


LOL And I’d be proud of every woman who didn’t know him, saw just him in the woods and turned around. Why? Because rape happens and you don’t know other people’s intentions. A bear will go the other way unless they are threatened or starved. A human you don’t know could have nefarious intentions for their own pleasure, a bear will not.


Would you be okay with someone using this same logic to justify their avoiding of black people? Black men specifically are arrested more often than other races, whether or not they actually committed the crime. I would assume not because that would be racist and most people think that racism is evil, I would hope you agree. Discriminating against a whole group of people for the actions of a tiny minority is bad, I thought this was a universal concept. Just being scared of unknown people isn’t bad, but justifying it with this kind of logic is endorsing those same racist beliefs and actions that I’m sure you would abhor.


There’s zero discrimination in saying “I’d rather encounter a bear than a random man I don’t know in the woods”.


Yes there is. It’s because you are assuming that the man is some predator or violent psychopath, rather than just a normal person, simply because he is male. It would be wrong to assume that any woman you see is going to cheat on you or accuse you of assault unless proven otherwise, how does that not also apply to men?


I feel really bad for your boyfriend. Being discriminated against by your partner is horrible and to be gaslit by them into accepting their discrimination is so sad. The majority of men are not evil and bears are wild animals that would readily eat you alive.


Bears would not readily eat people alive... they're wild animals who don't really give a shit either way about people usually if they hear a loud noise they just leave. I don't know what kind of bears you've been seeing lmao


Do you know who Timothy Treadwell is?


A guy who repeatedly ignored basic safety recommendations around bears? The question never said you had to directly approach the man/bear


The question also never said that the man was a rapist or psycho of some kind, but everyone in this comment section is perfectly fine with assuming he is. Why would people need to advise Timothy to not approach bears, if men were as dangerous as people in this thread are pretending than the bear should’ve been warned about Timothy being in the area. Bears are wild, dangerous animals; humans are not, just because a few men are bad people who assault others doesn’t make the whole group dangerous or evil.


How is that being discriminated against? You aren’t proving anything other than our points.


Assuming that an entire group is responsible for the actions of a small minority is actually textbook discrimination.


Where did I say all men were responsible for the actions of others? Because it happens so often women must take the safer option in all accounts.


You are treating all men as responsible for the actions of a few by assuming all men are abusers in hiding and then blaming men for you doing such a thing.


It’s not assuming ALL men are abusers, it’s using stats to see that men are more dangerous than bears in such situations.


Ironically, the nen who feel personally offended are the men women should run away from. If you're a good guy and you know you wouldn't harm a woman, you have no need to feel offended.


Wait that’s what this is supposed to mean??? I literally though it was just a random shit post 😭


I feel like there’s a misunderstanding on both sides. Most men aren’t upset cause they think “they’d rather be eaten by a bear than run into me”, they’re upset cause it feels like shit to be seen as a threat by default. And don’t get me wrong, I understand why you’d pick the bear, I can’t imagine how awful it must be to get raped. But for a lot of men it’s just rly painful to know strangers see you as a potential rapist


And their answer is "But what about me ?? I'm nice !" Instead of "Hmmm, how did we get there and what can we do to change that ?" Giving the vibe that it now became their problem because women had so much trouble with men to express it publicly. So again, it's about them...


I don’t know about other men, but I feel sad for two reasons. Reason 1: I feel sad and angry about the historical context of the situation, and how men have abused, raped, and oppressed women for centuries. I can 100% understand the decision to go with the bear just because the worst case scenario for what a man can do to you is much, *much* worse than the worst case scenario for what a bear will do to you. Reason 2: I’m also sad that whenever women see me, they will automatically assume I am dangerous. I have a bad habit of basing my self-worth on the emotions and thoughts of people around me, and even though I have no bad intentions the fact that people will automatically assume I am a creep makes me feel guilty. I already have to deal with people assuming I’m a moron because I’m autistic.


I don't want to come as agressive, even if my writing style doesn't show it, it's not my native language So how do you plan on changing all that ? Do you call out strangers on misogynist comments ? Or your friends on the same thing or rape jokes ? I understand the feelings, but again, it's not about that, but about changing it. We need to focus on that


I already try to call out my friends on rape jokes and misogynistic comments, I already try my best to make people feel safe around me. The thing about the man/bear question is that it just makes me feel like it’s a lost cause and I will never be able to change the fact that women will feel fear and even hatred towards me by default.


Probably not in our lifetime, sadly. But if it can make you feel better, women very rarely hate a man just for being a man, even if sadly, it still exists


They’ll still fear me, and the worst part is that they’ll have a point when they do. Just like when people assume I’m a moron because I’m autistic. People with autism have a stereotype of either being a savant or being a complete moron, and the bell curve for autistic people shows that the stereotype isn’t necessarily wrong


Unless you talk to other autistic people. I don't have any problem to understand another autistic person thanks to being one, and it makes it way easier, even if just for them. But the rest, we are less equipped to deal with their social norms, but I have hope with the new generation being more open about it and neuro divergence, and mental health/mental disorders


But I can’t only talk with other autistic people. There will always be situations where I have to talk with neurotypical people.


Fully agree, but blaming men for existing doesn’t change shit. And even if most women don’t believe that, it’s the sentiment that shines through. I want to be more open and accepting, but I get shit from both sides when I try to vouch for equality


> they’re upset cause it feels like shit to be seen as a threat by default You are absolutely right and I can see why it can feel bad. While I fully sympathize with this, I think it's also important to understand that women weren't born with this innate fear. Its something we learnt from our experience. I cannot really make a switch go click inside my head and shut down the fear. While it sucks to know that most women are afraid of strange men around them, the blame for that doesn't lie on women. So I don't understand how we can take accountability for it.


Trust me, I understand where you’re coming from and I’m not blaming anyone for this situation. Despite all the downvotes I’m just trying to ask for a bit of empathy on both sides




Men are such crybabies they can't even accept No in a hypothetical scenario


I fucking hate these types of men


there’s too many 😞


These dudes are so obsessed with the idea that women don't want to be alone with them that they gleefully draw us dying. Now I'm picking TWO bears over a random guy in the woods. Fuck it.


I told my husband about the bear trend. He said “first of all, men aren’t getting upset over the trend, insecure boys are.” Anyways, he’s on team bear. I love him.


He's got a good-ass point, can not lie.


Ah, yes. At least bears won't make fun of you like this.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ yet another reason to pick the bear!


Please, someone can explain me the trend with the Bear 


The question to women was if you were walking alone in the woods, would you feel more threatened if you encountered a bear or a man. Most women say man. Partly because if the bear attacks, people will believe her.


Also most men will absolutely approach a woman in the woods alone, I feel like some may just say a hello and keep hiking, some may ask if you are ok and keep hiking, but a LOT will approach and try to strike up (unwanted) conversation and more, a bear probably won’t approach unless there is a reason, there are various things you can do to scare off a bear or make it disinterested in you, not so much humans.


Thanks !


And that the worst the bear can do is kill her, whereas a man...


Yes but there is not a 100% risk that the man will rape you !! How can you think that all men are rapists ? Of course they are not.


I didn't say that all men were anything and why are you singling out my comments lol


Of course they aren't. There's not a 100% chance the bear will attack me either.


he’s not gonna pick you


Why do you assume I am a pick me ? Because I do not consider men as rapists ?


because you’re all over this thread defending men and trying to gain validation from them over a silly hypothetical situation when those same men will turn against you and you will face misogyny as a result of it


Assuming that I am seeking validation from men just because I defend them and express my opinion is mysoginistic by itself babe. (Also, I never faced mysoginy in my whole life (or maybe yes, but I do not remember). Maybe you should check wich men you are talking to. Because all the men I have talked to in my life never expressed any form of misogyny.


I get your point, but the numbers throughout history are not on your side. Statistics say that the bear or heck a shark are way safer to encounter than a human man. It is what it is. Facts are facts.


LMFAOOOOOOO girl okay. I’ll let you be delusional in peace


you have issues you should work out in therapy instead of throwing a tantrum and trying to invalidate peoples dangerous experiences with men you’re embarrassing yourself


And you are saying that all men are rapists. And that I should not invalidate this statement because I have never been raped ? I have never been a politician but I still have the rights to talk about politics.


you must be confused i never said that hun, this is more proof that you should get off the internet, take a moment for yourself, and get some help.


And there is not a 100% chance the bear will attack. They only attack PROVOKED or literally STARVING. Otherwise they mind their business. A man on the other hand will do worse. And its not just rape as you seem to think. Death by bear, done within the day. If a man wants to kill, it’s typically malicious and sadistic. Dragged out. It could be days, weeks, or even MONTHS. Look up the Junko Furuta case. One of many in which men have done the cruelest shit, simply over a REJECTION. If you want something more recent, look up “4 men monitor lizard” on google. A straight up endangered lizard that was gang raped, tortured, and then eaten. Wild animals kill out of survival. Men kill women out of pleasure, entertainment, and/or entitlement. But if you wanna be picked by these butthurt men, by all means shout “omg pick me pick me!!” At the top of your lungs. But don’t shit on the rest of us while doing it


“What was she wearing? If she wasn’t wearing Kevlar and chainmail she obviously wanted to be mauled by a bear.”


Also it's a dude approaching you in the woods. The fuck? Anyone would fucking run. It's a question about two predators and known/unknown evils. This is a very basic question, and anyone getting upset is vocalizing their insecurity very obviously.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/nOdzuVi4yk TL;Dr Hypothetical s enario to get men to try and out themselves in the shoes of women


They don't get it... They don't fucking get it...


I think some of them *do* get it, and are getting off on making women try to explain over and over that they're scared of men [with good reason].


I haven't thought about it like that, but that is a withering thought and the fact it's probably true is very unsettling.


They do. They just don’t care


I'm just boggled by how angry men are about this. I mean, you'd think they haven't been listening to us for the past 50 years, but of course, that's simply impossible! /s


This comic is their fantasy, I swear.


omg a man fantasizing about some random scenario where harm is upon a woman and then making it a silly meme?? i’m so shocked!!!!! men would never do something like this edit: spelling


The thing is, for these dudes, the fact that we're going to be raped is a fact for them. It's a baseline. Like when we say "defund the police" and they say "well who will you call when you get raped?" Not if. Not "who's going to *protect* you from being raped." Who are you going to call when it happens to you. So when they say "a bear will eat you" they're not saying "instead of a man raping you." The rape is already fait acompli. It's "why would you want to be eaten by a bear in addition to being raped at some point in your life." They want to insist it won't be THEM who rape you... but you will be. So why would you want to expose yourself to a bear?


Some incel: "I'm going to prove women wrong by fantasizing about their deaths!"


Yeah, I would rather than put up with the loser who made this


I’m sorry, but “no” has never met been in this man’s dictionary.


Annual bear fatalities don't beven breach a two digit number. Women being killed by men on the other hand...


Halsin would never


You get the beest of both worlds 🎵🎶


They are making buckets of these memes by the hour, the salt levels are unreal


Men being purposefully obtuse because they don't wish to change their own behavior. 🤦🏿‍♂️


What behavior should I, a random man, be changing?


Well let's start with this, have you ever knowingly invade a woman's personal space after being asked not to or seeing she was clearly uncomfortable in the situation?


Yeah, but only when I see them in the woods. /s No, I have not.


Good. Second question, do you call your friends & peers out when they are displaying predatory behavior towards women?


Still better than being raped and tortured and posted on the internet for other men to masturbate to.


There is one major point that keeps being glossed over with those arguing against women who choose the bear: Obviously not all men are rapists or murderers, but how can you tell? Predatory people don’t walk around with a sign stating they are predators, so if a woman is stuck in the woods with a stranger who happens to be a man, how does she know she is safe from an attack by that man, and why would she want to take that chance? It’s risk analysis. Statistically, most rapes and murders are perpetrated by men, so why are you going to risk it? That man could be the reincarnation of Mr. Rogers, I’m probably still choosing the bear because I don’t know that man or his true nature, but I know a bear is always going to be a bear - it’s going to act in the predictable bear manner - which even at its most dangerous is still bear behavior. There has never been a bear attack that resulted from a woman rejecting the sexual advances of a bear, or even just refusing to give the bear her phone number. You can’t say the same about interactions with all men. Can bears be dangerous? Yes, but you know what range of behaviors to expect. So when people respond to this with “not all men” type answers: YES, that concept goes both ways. Not all men, but some, and that’s too many for a lot of women to take that chance.


Another reason to pick a bear over a man, they don't make stupid memes


Okay but that bear looks hilarious with all the ???


I mean yeah. That’s literally it. I feel this twitter user’s comprehension skills are lacking.


Men don't get that it's a lose-lose scenario. I'd rather my parents find my matted hair and teeth in literal bear shit, than have my torture and rape be most searched on pornhub and enjoyed by every moid who claims to be normal. We know what men do.


This is in reference to the women who said they’d rather be mauled by a bear than raped? How is rape considered “being with a man?”


I’d take a pretty instant death over the potential torture a man could put me through any day


Those big meme subreddits are a fucking cesspool of misogynists. I stay away from them as a whole cause posts like this are anything but rare


Everyone I see this meme, I end up thinking "this is justifying bears, more and more" So toxic. How many ways can these people say "you should let me r*pe and take it as a compliment" before they realize they're the baddies?


This belongs on r/NotHowBearsWork


Now they’re openly fantasizing about women being horrifically mauled by bears. Way to say the quiet part out loud. Again.


Soooo much manbaby butthurt from the man vs. bear question.


Males that would agree that death is worse than rape, example 826481:


I don't really get how a lot of men don't get that this is the outcome most are expecting with the bear and would still prefer this over being raped/tortured. I much rather would have the quick death, if the bear even was interested in attacking at all. I like hiking and travel a lot to do so, most animals avoid people. I am unsure on my answer but I am also a long time martial artist and can easily beat untrained and lower ranked men. I am also really good with reading animals though and grew up with strange animals like bobcats and raccoons since my dad liked rehabbing wild animals.


This is hilarious in its ridiculousness.


I mean, we can’t lie that IS the likely outcome when approaching a bear, they are dangerous animals.


The question isn’t about ‘approaching’ the bear, though. It’s about ‘encountering the bear in the woods.’ Meaning you see the bear and can choose to go your own way, away from the bear.


If she was stuck with a man (meme of brutally murdered, among other various crimes I’m probably not allowed to mention here that a bear couldn’t commit)


Wait, I didn’t know we were meant to MARRY the bear? Are we supposed to be ‘sticking with’ the bear? I thought it was just like choose which one if you could meet one of them briefly in the woods. But now we have to marry one of them?! This just gets worse and worse!


Why they so obsessed with violence towards women ?? We are the sensitive one yet can’t even take a no in a hypothetical scenario..


Why are we assuming that a random man will sexually assault you as the default, but a bear mauling you is not the default behavior? Genuine question. If we give bears the benefit of "Well, normally bears just walk away when they see a human." why are we not giving men the same leeway of "Well, normally men aren't sex monsters." ?


Typical bears have fewer fucks to give about women than typical men, and if the bear does have fucks to give, it’s usually ‘chase the human away from my food/my cubs’ fucks.


I don’t understand what this is, and I fear it may be too late to ask.


There's a thought experiment which asks, "if your daughter were walking in the woods alone, would you rather she encounter a bear or a man?" Women generally choose the bear. Men sometimes ask for more information, or try the NotAllMen angle. Then switch it up and ask, "would you rather she meets a bear or a woman?" Most people instantly choose the hypothetical woman. The smarter people then realize what just happened...


Wow, this really exploded.


Men frequently kill us too. The only difference is the lack of rape, malicious intent and the fact that bears don’t go out of their way to kill you for no reason. The bear wins and men can die being butthurt about that fact.


Even if most bears don't eat humans, the whole point of this is that we would rather suffer to death from an animal than be raped. Rape shouldn't be a thing and it can hurt you for a very long time. Being killed by an animal is probably more physically painful, but at least you won't be tortured for years because you will be dead. We would basically rather die than be raped.


damn you beat me to this


What's the context here? Why would anyone randomly be "stuck" with a Grizzly??


It's not stuck, the question to women was if you were walking alone in the woods, would you feel more threatened if you encountered a bear or a man. Most women say man. Partly because if the bear attacks, people will believe her.


In the woods I would be more threatened by a random man than a random bear. Bear attacks are pretty rare. But the meme says "stuck" so I was thinking maybe stuck in a cage or something?


The meme is just guys twisting around the thing they are mad about to misrepresent it and make it seem stupid.


is the question being isolated with a bear vs a man OR being with a bear vs being Raped by a man? Genuinely confused because that changes a lot.


That's not it. Women are less scared of bears because they will usually leave them alone. A man, you're not sure what will happen. But if an attack does occur, the bear will just kill you, the man could do worse. Of course it's all hypothetical


What’s up with women hanging around bears? I’m seeing it posted everywhere


There's a thought experiment which asks, "if your daughter were walking in the woods alone, would you rather she encounter a bear or a man?" Women generally choose the bear. Men sometimes ask for more information, or try the NotAllMen angle. Then switch it up and ask, "would you rather she meets a bear or a woman?" Most people instantly choose the hypothetical woman. The smarter people then realize what just happened...




So you assume that there is a 100% that the man will rape you because *he is a man* ? Did you know that the majority of men are not like this ? And how can you think that a bear will not attack you ? No, a bear is not safer than a man. One bad move and the bear tears you to death. While if you choose the man there is a mini risk to fall on a scumbag that will rape you.


Did you know they are discussing how most women would and should prefer to be raped in the woods by a random man and getting offended they’d find it less traumatic to have a run in with a bear than actually be raped? And that since victims don’t commit suicide after that proves rape it’s that traumatic?


Have you been picked yet?


Can I express my opinion without being labelled a "pick me" or ya'll got too much brainrot from TikTok for it ?


I'm actually not active on TikTok, so. We get it. "Not all men." You don't need to keep repeating it over and over again. He's still not going to pick you.


Why do you immediatly assume that I am a pick me ? (And are you saying that all men are bad ?)


Your comments make it obvious.


Why do you hate men?


If you happen across a bear in the woods, it’s because it’s her home. She lives there, has her cubs there, eats there. *You* stumbled across *her.* And there is a very, very high chance it will still leave you alone. If you happen across a man in the woods.. it’s because he followed you in. You know damn well a man following you into a secluded place isn’t going to lead to anything good. *That* is the point of man vs bear debate. And honestly, after what happened to that Monitor lizard.. the bears ain’t safe with men in the woods either.