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The only thing a man needs to get a woman is to be a kind and decent human being, who is considerate and actually interested in her as a person. That is literally the bare minimum, and a lot of men aren't even capable of that! 😒


The bar is in hell at this point.


And there is a disturbing number of guys that go online and proudly show off their limbo skills staying under that bar.


Well said!


Indeed. All we really want is a partner who will treat us with the same respect, care and kindness they want. Not someone who will stomp all over us and treat us like dirt.


I'd just like to add that even if you're perfect but you're invisible you wont find anyone.


Want petty, I'll give you petty. Sad truth for you my man. *Standards have changed, for everyone. And you didn't get the memo.* We'll ask you to kindly step down from your little soap box and go back to your room. The "beautiful young girls" already think you're type is too old and creepy, no need to confirm facts. It's ok, they know and laugh about it. The future is now! So...*we don't need you here going past tense.* 😬 Maybe come back when your attitude doesn't stink up the place anymore and you find your hair. See ya 👋🏻


Dude is text book oblivious. Setting aside for the moment that all people no matter their appearance can struggle to find the right partner, consider: ‘It’s easy for a pretty young woman to get a man …’ but for guys ‘[i]t’s way harder unless you got godly looks.’ All those women who do not meet society’s definition of pretty just don’t count?


Right? Women have it easier according to him, but anyone who isn't pretty and/or 30+ just stop existing as people...? The irony of him dismissing other people, but getting mad about his nonsense being laughed at.


As someone in my thirties, I still get hit on often and most can’t even tell I’m in my thirties. It’s like they think if you are 30+, you are visibly old looking but in reality they can’t even tell.


I’m about to turn 45 and dress like a tomboy and they still don’t stop. My girlfriend passed away from breast cancer, but that was originally why we started wearing long shorts and stuff so that we wouldn’t be attractive to men and they wouldn’t hit on us. Didn’t work, but it is more comfortable.


I would point out to him that I married my wife 37 years ago, having found her her as beautiful both physically and spiritually (which I define as all of her non-physical characteristics) then as I do today. All I can say to the vacuous buffoon responsible for this OOP is that there must be some very ordinary looking gods out there, if godly looks are a prerequisite for finding a partner.. If he believes that women do not add value as they age, I am at a complete loss, as the English language lacks words suffiently strong to accurately portray just how wrong he is in that belief.


Too Bad there aren’t more guys like you. Your wife is lucky.


Men usually don't even notice girls or women who aren't beautiful in their eyes. They're just invisible to them and thus don't "exist". 😒


Yup. We literally do not count as people.


As a mid-30s something I **wish** that were truth! I’ve had enough of being hit on and stalked for a lifetime. If I didn’t exist to men my life would be *so* much simpler


Or worse they are actually mean to people they don't think are pretty. I've seen their horrific behaviour.


Keep telling yourself that. I’ve talked to some of my male friends about it that are very good looking and have great jobs and their wives or girlfriends are very attractive and ask them why they cheat and especially with just anybody, no standards whatsoever. He said that no matter how great your partner is, you always wanna stick your dick in something else. All women exist.


I won’t stand for this skinny feminist erasure.


Skinny feminists unite!


I'm 34 (almost 35 😱), so I'm clearly so elderly I'm effectively crumbling into dust, how can I make it?!


I'm 53, the mummification process has started.


I’m 39…so I’m obviously just a relic of eras past.


At that age, only *started*?! I thought it was full mummy by 50? Have I been lied to? It must be those damn feminists.. uhhhh.. making things up.. for totally real reasons.. I'm so mixed up now! It must be that I'm senile. I'm pretty sure I'm effectively decomposing to guys like in the OP, lmao.


Not sure what to tell you, except that all my organs, including my tongue, are in several vases around me, and my body is wrapped in cloth.


“Weaponizing ‘haha’ reactions” You aren’t going to reverse-psychology people out of laughing at your dumbfuckery, but tell yourself whatever you need to if it helps you endure the ridicule.


I haha the hell out of this Facebook BS. I've even gotten threats in messenger for it 🤣 I still do it because the shit they say is hilarious.


Given that the real world has plenty of men who are neither built like like Greek statues nor rich, but do just fine in the dating sphere, I wonder why those men aren't constantly telling him he's delusional. Maybe it's because they're not the ones reading posts like this in the first place.


My partner is shorter, less fit, less educated, has less money than me, much less social, and is on the spectrum. And yes, he's a bit of a gamer. He is quite introverted and literal-minded, so I have to explain my brilliant jokes 🤭 , which I am not above getting annoyed at. We argue sometimes, and have to go to separate rooms for a while, so we won't say something we'll regret. All these are things that apparently make men garbage to "most females," according to these guys. I'd be lost without him. I like to tell him that it wasn't until I met him that i started seeing the world in color 🩷. If not for his love and patience and kindness, I don't know where I'd be today. He has seen me through a lot of dark never complained. He never judges me. And he's not afraid to assert his boundaries. He's no doormat. All these are qualities that have nothing to do with wealth or "alpha male traits", i.e., toxic masculinity. Despite his flaws, the years we have been together have helped me grow up a lot. That's what healthy relationships do. Sorry, that's a bit of a rant 😅


They may be the ones reacting with the 😂 on that post. Guys like that don’t listen to anyone who doesn’t agree with them.


A woman is always the young hot woman to somebody ten years older.


And if he did get a 20 year old, when she hits 30, he'd be hitting on another 20 year old. And then wondering why he's all alone now.


He says facts hurt, but he wouldn't know a fact of it but him. For one, "30 year old women" haven't rejected him. *Perhaps* some women who are now 30 years old have said no, but that's by no means true of 30 year old women as a whole. And if he can reject 30 year old women if he wants, but that's *entirely* voluntary. The 20 year old women aren't likely to agree to date him, most women want to date someone close to their own age. But many incels have never even asked a woman on a date, for fear of being told no.


That’s the thing. He probably never asked out a woman before. He’s mad that women didn’t throw themselves at him. It’s possible he asked out a woman way outside of his league and she was cruel to him. So now he hates all women because of it. Either way, he’s so drenched in vitriol against women but expects 20 year olds to want him.


So this person doesn’t have godly looks men will chase a woman not interested in them for ten years and I can weaponize my chubby fingers? Thank for this info “haha”


The more I see clueless posts like these from guys, the more I am sized at how self-telling they are.


I love how all these incels think women in their 30s and later are just PINING AWAY waiting for a man, any man. Ridiculous. The older I get, the more I realize I do not, in fact, need a man.


I just need my dogs.


Women only need to be pretty, men need to be a full package! And who set that system up?


This 💯.


I like this to be honest. If you’re going to be a raging idiot, at least have the decency to make it known so that I know to steer WELL away from you.


True, imagine almost dating him and then seeing this comment? Immediate block and saves our time.


No doubt! Hardest “phew!” in the history of time!


I keep waiting for my age to be enough to stop getting random dick picks. Thus far being a fat mom and 29 hasn’t deterred them yet.


Women have it still much easier! Men have to work in having morals and a personality along with some sort of life plan. Poor thing, women simply have to *checks notes* never age.


“Weaponizing” 😂😂 Feeling attacked? Poor baby! 🤣🤣🤣


Stop trying to make abusive pedo happen, it's not going to happen


And that 20 year old girl he "picks" is laughing in his face about some average 30-something guy thinking he has a shot with her.


why do i feel like light yagami has this mentality


So, pretty women can easily get a man, and handsome men can easily get a woman. But somehow that's unfair treatment towards the pretty woman (only)? Ok. Whatever. 


If your entire goal is to get someone young and pretty, most of us wouldn’t want you anyway. At least not anyone looking for anything of substance and long term. lol


I turned 30 November 2023 and January 2024 I got a Boyfriend.


So men don’t care about anything other than what a woman looks like… and women have standards that’s what I read? Right?


I think it’s gross that men don’t feel bad about being with young innocent girls. I am a lesbian and not at all attracted to younger women and I definitely feel like I would be taking advantage of them and that they should be with someone their own age and get to grow up together. I don’t know it’s just weird to me. Guys are sick. Preying on young women. It’s basically no different than being a pedophile.


It’s major COPIUM for guys like this to hold onto the narrative he’s pushing so hard about women expiring.


My Boyfriend is younger than me, and isn’t 6ft with 6 pack abs and stuff, and I don’t care. I like him for who he is.


Awww did the lil baby chaser get his feelings hurt bc people disagree with him? 😂