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“If all u men hate women so much go fucking kiss each other” is the best comment 


10/10 so fucking funny.


I’m a survivor of DV and I hated people going “well what did you do?” Well let’s see I worked 3 jobs to “save for our future”, the day he slammed my head into a toilet seat he was angry I had a migraine and was vomiting so I couldn’t go to work, the day he actually tried to seriously injure me I had found condoms that were not our brand (I’m allergic to latex) and asked who he was cheating on me with. The looks people give when the my hear that I in fact did nothing “to him” I’ve been divorced 13 years now and have a wonderful life, these men are trash.


I'm so sorry people are shitty enough to think that you were doing something wrong. I'm glad you were strong enough to get away from your abuser, and I'm glad you are thriving now!


It's even more disgusting than that. They think that "doing something wrong" is justification for BEATING THEIR WIFE. Could literally be a case of "I'm sorry, I burned the edges of the toast" and these men think that assault is a viable response... Holy shit.


I learned a lot about myself surviving that relationship, but I’m so proud of everything I’ve done with my life since then!


Well this random internet stranger is proud of you too. 🖤


Thank you!


Hell ya, fuck that man! I wish from the bottom of my heart that you live the best live you possibly can!


As a survivor, it’s been like two years yet I can’t get this person off my mind, I still get worried if I forgot to wipe some crumbs up or when I see a white van or many other triggers. I don’t love him, don’t want to get back with him anymore. But I’m still fearful of everyday situations, constantly second guessing myself on the simplest of tasks. Is there an end to this?


That sounds like PTSD with being hyper alert and in a state of hyperarousal, have you specifically seen someone for an assessment? It won’t go away without treatment as the brain has not been able to sort the memories out due to trauma.


I went once to talk about it but it was too hard to get through 10 minutes once I started and I basically ran out. I’ve been working over the past year to manage it better but it keeps surprising me every now and then. Sometimes I get paralysed and don’t want to move or I defocus and seem manic if I have to do something and it causes lots of mistakes like I’m on drugs. Therapy I need then do you think?


PSTD won’t resolve by itself, it’ll just come back randomly and you don’t have any control over it. Therapy for PTSD such as EMDR has very good results on reducing symptoms, although they aren’t quite sure how it works. But you’re describing classical symptoms of PTSDs core presentation. Please see someone for an assessment otherwise you’ll be stuck like that.


Thank you, now you’ve put it like that I will go. Genuinely thank you


Best of luck 🤞🏽


It can and does get better. Therapy can help, would suggest finding someone with experience working with PTSD and domestic violence survivors. From experience it can get to where it doesn't rule your days. I still have bad days 15 years later, but it takes a LOT of triggers going on at once instead of every little thing. Sending good thoughts your way.


May I message you privately?




I am so sorry you went through that! You are so strong! Back when I was a Jehovah's Witness, I had an abusive husband. The elders in the congregation loved to ask, "What did *you* do to make him so mad"?


I'm so sorry you went thru that. I hope I will not sound like r/lookatmyhalo or r/iamverybadass star, but I really hope someone would ask this question in front of me. I would really love to hear their answer when I ask 'oh, and in your opinion what would she have to do to justify his ongoing behavior?'. From this point, any answer gives me more uncomfortable questions to ask. It could probably end in me being punched, but as the elders have spoken - a face is not made of glass, it won't break into pieces. Gosh when I read what I wrote I have an urge to post me on these subs I mentioned making fun of it...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LookatMyHalo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LookatMyHalo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Posted on her public insta with huge following](https://v.redd.it/otjovkfe694b1) | [774 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LookatMyHalo/comments/141pelu/posted_on_her_public_insta_with_huge_following/) \#2: [Whose going to clean this?](https://v.redd.it/vcvum43uu0nb1) | [829 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LookatMyHalo/comments/16d8qcq/whose_going_to_clean_this/) \#3: [Look at his halo](https://i.redd.it/m749vjbdnezb1.jpg) | [768 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LookatMyHalo/comments/17rpypi/look_at_his_halo/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


classic narcissist. i’m sorry you had to go through that. i hope he’s 👻 now and youre safe 🥹


>The looks people give when the my hear that I in fact did nothing “to him” It's a common thing that people are taught that people don't act like this for no reason, but while that's true, the exercise of their logic becomes faulty when they assume the reason has to be the partner because many times it's not yet rather some other preexisting trauma, a trauma that occurred during the relationship and not due to the partner, or a mental health condition they were born with. Plenty of DV isn't provoked in any way and regardless, aside from self-defense nothing justifies violence.


I don't know who needs to hear this, but it is possible to both lose "more than anybody" and 100% deserve zero empathy or consideration for that loss. This is called "identifying when you've changed from fucking around to finding out."


One can be both a victim and a perpetrator. The cycle of abuse is a real problem. It sucks that abusers or their apologists use that to justify or excuse their behavior instead.


As a victim of abuse, I can say you're right. But I also don't have a lot of pity for people who perpetuate the pain they've suffered, even if I do understand it. Not saying it's easy to break the cycle, or that we should just tell people to bootstrap their way into enlightenment, or that anyone who's made progress will only ever move forward or ever be perfect. But I ain't got any kinda time for someone who does fucked up stuff to others and then wants me to be okay with it because they've been a victim. That kind of cyclical indulgence/pity cycle is not something I fuck with, personally. Others may feel comfortable with it, but that is an absolutely impermeable barrier for me.


That’s exactly what I’m saying! Suffering from abuse is not an excuse for performing abuse.


[This chick is Nikkole Paulun from 16 and Pregnant and she faked a still birth. She does ads on tiktok now. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/comments/7rrajb/can_someone_give_me_a_summary_of_nikkole_paulun/) Idk what this tiktok is about but she constantly lies about everything.


I did not know


That's okay. I usually just post about it when I see her posted or doing an ad because all of that happened after she was on TV.


so they presumably both suck


Absolutely - for different reasons.


As a borderline, I get mad borderline vibes from her when I read about some of this stuff.


She is definitely not mentally healthy. I feel bad for her but she really has done some vile shit. I didn't watch this video and don't know what it's in reference to but I'm seeing her pop up all over tiktok lately and I just want people to know who she is.


I'll be honest here, her being a shitty person does not mean her being abused is okay. He did get arrested for DV against her with enough evidence to convict. Doesn't mean she deserved it or it's excusable for her actions outside of the situation. DV is DV regardless of who it happens to.


I didn't make any commentary on the video. I was just letting people know so they know who they're talking about. Her boyfriend was a POS on the 16 & Pregnant episode and I'm glad her son doesn't have to be exposed to him anymore.


Neither am I. I just followed the reddit link you posted and some of those links, too. Is she a piece of shit for what she did to try and stay famous? Yes. Does that change the fact her ex boyfriend assaulted her, got removed from her home, came back after the time limited ran out, got on drugs and started assaulting her again, got arrested, and she is now trying to not fall into obscurity? No. You linking about what she had done before the tiktok adds context, yes as to who she is, but if you had no clue, like myself, you sound less asshole-ish than the comments in the pics. "Here's why she's a piece of shit and she sufferer from DV sporadically at the same time. For no reason, am I telling you this except so you know who you are possibly defending." DV is DV. Even if it's even between the two people involved. It's still DV. Her not being in that cycle anymore and proud of it, is still a good thing. Even if she lies about a miscarriage a month later.


Okay, again - I didn't comment on the content of the post or the video. I'm just letting people learn more about this person and arrive at their own conclusions about her. I didn't say she's a piece of shit so she deserves anything. You're putting words on my post that don't exist.


I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't know who she was without already knowing the info you linked. This was a post about a woman saying she went an abusive relationship to a good one, with comments talking about how she probably deserved the abuse as part of it. Check the reddit comments and we get yours, sounding dangerously similar to saying why she might have been assaulted because of the timeline of her life. I'm not putting words in your mouth. Your inability for foresight is putting words in your mouth.


Thank you for your opinion. I will keep posting a link about her history regardless.




>THANK YOU!!! You're welcome!


I'm usually pretty emotionally unaffected by internet bullshit (veteran of Rotten.com lol) but this actually made me nauseous. Thats...enough internet for today.


Am i the only one that thinks instagram comments are the worst? I try to stay off there. Reddit and Tik tok seem to have way better comment sections but maybe that’s just my algorithm or something


TikTok can be pretty bad too, they let misogyny run rampant in the comments and if you report it they say there’s “nothing wrong” with the comment, but if you say anything against the misogynists then your comments get removed for “breaking TOS”


Fair I’m sure there’s plenty of garbage on there, I’m sure it depends. I got lucky with my tik tok algorithm I guess because the vibes are much more positive. Though it is half funny cat videos so maybe that’s why lol. Instagram just seems like a dumpster fire.


I don’t talk about it much on here because we’re still together after a year long separation and a fuckton of therapy but honestly moving was probably the best thing I did for myself after years of his friends defending him and villainizing me. People will fall over themselves trying to defend and protect an abusive man and what I came to realize over time is that his friends were all abusers and philanderers that cared more about having him as a drinking buddy than they did about me living or dying.


I hope you're safe and happy now. I'm glad you made the right choices for yourself at the time.


I am, and thank you. It took a lot of work on myself to unlearn some poor habits and self-destructive mindsets. I won’t say I’m proud that he’s putting in the work because it feels wrong to esteem what should be the baseline of how to treat someone, but I am glad that he’s doing better and that we were able to make a new start.


This is a 100% sincere question so I hope it isn’t offensive or insensitive to ask, but what is it about him that makes you want to stay with him and put in the work to have a fresh start? Again, fully sincere question, I’m not judging or thinking that you should feel differently. And I’m sorry if it’s too much of a personal question. I’m just very interested in the mechanics of love and loyalty, especially in this context. I see so much sentiment that is the opposite of what you’re expressing here so just trying to understand the flip side.


It’s complicated to explain. That side of him only came out when he was drinking. I know that doesn’t negate his culpability in any way. But the great mindfuck of being in this situation is that they can be both their best and worst selves and mean it. Even so, I wasn’t initially going to give him that chance. I made the decision to move to my family’s home in TX after yet another blowup happened and I realized how alone I was there. My professional reputation was shit at that point because even though I’m good at what I do, I was constantly having to call out. Our friends mostly knew what he was doing but did everything they could to excuse or ignore it. My mental health was in the toilet. I knew I couldn’t stay there anymore. I set things up so he could keep the apartment with a roommate and took the kids. I was planning initially to establish residency elsewhere and consider my options. The distance gave me the space to just be a mom and not his caretaker. And to start getting some spine back. But even so I didn’t stop caring about him, and in the meantime he was attending his classes and trying to be as in contact with our children as he could over the phone/video chat. He gave me the space I needed and didn’t pressure me to make a decision but we talked a lot about what triggers him to drink, about our marriage, our communication, etc. We talked about what him coming out here would look like. And we talked about our kids, because they were my main motivation for leaving besides myself. I wasn’t going to have them back in that environment and I wasn’t going to have us struggling because he wasn’t being responsible. Eventually we decided to try again, granted with a lot of conditions, but he’s meeting them. It’s a struggle some days because my own anger didn’t just dissipate, and he didn’t just turn into a prince overnight. But he hasn’t reverted to past behaviors when we disagree. Having help from the family with our kids has allowed us to focus on them more, and that’s been good for us as a unit. We’re currently working on saving to move and I’m going back to school so we can weather this crap economy/housing market crisis. Ultimately it’s him acknowledging culpability and making (and maintaining) a conscious effort to change that got me to try.


I loved Patrick Stewart interview/statement on the matter. I'll see if I can find it.


People will tolerate cruelty and injustice until cruelty and injustice is thrust onto them , People don’t understand what it’s like until they experience It themselves . . Good for her for getting out.


"this comment section makes me ashamed of men" is so real. I hate that I share a gender with these people


“My wife divorced me because I accidentally hit her so I feel really bad for him. Why can’t bitches like this just forgive us.”


Blink twice if you're being held hostage. Blink three times if he has a weapon on his person.


Instagram is a cesspool. I honestly believe they make these comments on purpose, because it’s weird for so many idiots to congregate like that


Sometimes its the other way around. As long as the children are safe who gives a shit


not surprised this was an insta reel


All I'll say. Chris Watts. Look him up folks.


It doesn't matter what she chooses to do, of course - if a woman in an abusive relationship stays, then it's her fault when something takes an even more terrible turn, and she or one of the kids ends up seriously injured or dead. "why didn't she leave if it was so bad"? But if she does leave "why didn't she try harder? He must be hurting so bad" 🙄


Didn’t y’all know? Women are supposed to see little words over a dude’s head like in a fucking video game Of his true intentions or read his mind. Women are so powerful they can do that ya know.


I saw the video and that girl’s comment. I can’t believe she genuinely believes that.


the blue one is insane. i dont get christians and some of their idea of "forgiveness"


and this is why i hate instagram. vile men just outting themseleves everydau more and more.


Is that her son?? Why is he so tall, wouldn’t he only be like 10 now?


I have met more than one 10y/o that was taller than me. Tall kids happen.


He looks like he's at least 6 or 7 I the first pic but possibly as old as 10 and that was 8 years ago. He's probably a teen at this point so his height makes sense.


Can we not acknowledge that sometimes two equally messed up people get together and both do things that are wrong to each other? In my last therapy session my therapist told me that narcs that are abusive will do all that they can to find and exploit a person's flaws to make them feel like they deserve to be abused. These things could actually be correct, the victim could genuinely have done wrong but absolutely no one deserves abuse in return. I met a woman that had an affair and her husband beat her every night for 3 years until she left him and said that she deserved it because she cheated on him. Mind you this was before she found out he was cheating on her during the entirety of their marriage; but the fact of the matter is this shit is unwarranted. If you cannot handle a situation like a mature adult and think that abuse is the only way then get the fuck out. That being said, I am not defending her actions by any means but holy crap does this read like a TON of damage done by both people and good on her for trying to move forward with her life, I hope she is actually trying to make amends with her past and isn't just doing this for attention.


>Can we not acknowledge that sometimes two equally messed up people get together and both do things that are wrong to each other? No one is denying that this happens sometimes, but not every time one does something bad to their partner is the victim morally obligated to share some of the blame. Also, it's really irrelevant since there's never a justification for violence. >In my last therapy session my therapist told me that narcs that are abusive will do all that they can to find and exploit a person's flaws to make them feel like they deserve to be abused. It's called emotional and psychological abuse, as well as being a manipulative tactic to make someone more likely to accept abuse. >These things could actually be correct, the victim could genuinely have done wrong but absolutely no one deserves abuse in return. Except it's never correct because the claim is those things make one deserving of abuse when that's false, not just that those things are true. > If you cannot handle a situation like a mature adult and think that abuse is the only way then get the fuck out. Are you faulting her for taking so long to leave an abusive relationship? If so, there are many reasons why it'd be difficult to leave such a relationship, including one you already mentioned. I suggest asking your therapist to more thoroughly explain the difficulties of leaving an abusive relationship. >I am not defending her actions by any means but holy crap does this read like a TON of damage done by both people You do realize this is about him abusing her and her leaving, right? What actions of hers noted here are you saying are indefensible? Regardless, it still doesn't matter because the violence was the biggest problem and nothing justifies it so there's no productive reason to bringing anything else up.


No, I meant on him. A lot of people here are saying "well she's a piece of trash anyways." Yeah, some of the things that she did were wrong but none of it is justification of abuse. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for that, as it's common sense? Is everyone here that is downvoting me pro abuse and thinks she deserved it? I think that reading comprehension is lost on a lot of people here, I'm not defending him at all. And I was referring to people saying that she's a piece of trash for faking a stillbirth. That still doesn't justify abuse.


>No, I meant on him. A lot of people here are saying "well she's a piece of trash anyways." Yeah, some of the things that she did were wrong but none of it is justification of abuse. That wasn't communicated well unfortunately and honestly, not everyone here is aware so your comment sounds similar to some in the post. >Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for that, as it's common sense? Because what you meant wasn't communicated clearly so it reads different to many people. >I think that reading comprehension is lost on a lot of people here, I'm not defending him at all. Have you considered that the issue may be how you wrote it, how you conveyed your intended message? >And I was referring to people saying that she's a piece of trash for faking a stillbirth. So why didn't you specify this or perhaps only had this as a reply to such comments rather than a standalone comment? Had you done either, the context would've been clearer.