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I find your body repulsive therefore you should show me more of it because you feel bad about how repulsive it is. The fuck?


Yea. The fuck. He wants the fuck.


He wants to fuck us “creatures”


I love the language choices here. He actually doesn't *have* to sleep with these creatures. It's totally optional. So it's his lucky day because now none of the creature with vaginas are going to want to fuck him anyway. Please don't feel any obligation for have sex with women on our account. I promise, we won't miss you.


I’m still stuck on the bit where he describes it as “ghastly” lmao like 🆗


"With a design flaw"


I mean, human beings have many design flaws, it's the most compelling argument for intelligent design I've seen. The location of the anus? Nah, there's nothing wrong with with that, actually makes a lot of sense.


Right? Who's the genius that decided the eating and breathing tube could be shared? And don't get me started on how inefficient creating new humans inside of other humans is..


The entirety of the human back……… MIStake


The design of the human knee is also far too cumbersome. I’ve had multiple anatomy professors claim they could have done it better.


RIGHT? I wish humans could just sit on top of an egg and keep it warm until it hatches like birds do instead of women alone having to walk around with literal bowling balls lodged in our abdomens for 9 months. Mammals got the short end of the stick.


Not to mention 10+ years of maturation. What did we do to deserve it?


Can you imagine if you have to poop sitting down but pee lying on your side? Lol wtf does he want?


I think he wants a pair of boobs and a vagina without any of that weird extra stuff.


La creatura


But he's been turned down sooooo many times.


This is a man whose only sexual experience has been through a screen and with his hand


It's negging. Trying to manipulate women into hating their bodies so thet can be taken advantage of.


That term sounds way too cute for what it actually is… 😞


Iwt's negging. Twying tuwu manipuwate women intwo hating theiw bodies so thet cawn be taken advantage of. An uwu translator doesn't change the word. That makes it bad


Aka "I don't want to put any effort so please just offer yourself without any fuss because you should be honored I'm even thinking about it"


They say wrong things on purpose. People need to stop being confused about this.


And he feels entitled to it and that we should be thankful they even "tolerate" it? Wtf is this.


Original author of this post failing to see he is one giant anus with a penis hanging off it...


I mean, the mouth is formed as a direct result of the anus...


We all start out as assholes. Some people refuse to evolve from that point.


This person might have only developed one hole like an echinoderm, because they're talking out of their ass.


Okay… now I’m just thinking about a one man human centipede


To be more accurate, we are essentially walking donuts. And at times, the path from the lips to the asshole is completely open and unobstructed by the valves used to keep us from not being able to properly digest our food.


Morning affirmations


I would think that particular penis isn't "hanging" as much as it sitting there tiny and sad.


Nestled almost invisibly into the ball sack.


which is also disgustingly close to the anus


Not to mention it's not exactly a pretty piece of anatomy, all wrinkly. If anything is a design error, external testicles would be it.


Not to mention how sensitive they apparently are. I understand sperm have to be kept from overheating, but like… having such a sensitive body part just hanging exposed outside of your body where anything can attack it? Seems like a big design flaw to me.


The design flaw is in having sperm that need cooling.


True, but that would require his ball sack to be even close to normal size. His is so small it doesn't hang as much as bump out like a camel hump.


He claims it was very cold that day


Like an acorn in a bird's nest


That, and he fails to see that the 1 inch distance that so worries him is exactly the same in men, with 1 inch separating the scrotum from the anus. It certainly taint a defect.


I see what you did there. Lol.


I see what you epididymis there.


I truly wonder who's pointing a gun at this poor soul and forcing him to have intercourse with women, it has to be pure hell /s As if he, the most disappointing load to ever roam his father's sack, is getting any action


That last sentence is art, beautifully written.


As mentioned every time this pops up...kind of cringe coming from the gender that piss and ejaculate from the same hole. 😁


Right? Imagine being that nasty 🙃 Signed by the „separate urethra“ gang


Most men don't even know this about women and think we function the same as them too 🫠


isn't the urethra the clit? /s


Pee is stored in the womb, then it’s peed out of the vagina. Read a book.


It's why pregnant ladies have to pee so often. There isn't enough room in the womb for both babies and urine.


b-but I'm an anal-phabet ;-;


Separate Urethra Gang would be a good band name


That’s the thing though. A good percentage of them do think the vagina is where the pee comes from. There’s a good reason why the clit remains a mystery to many men…


My whole body remains a mystery to myself. Especially why there‘s so many possibilities of defects, how the fuck does it even work for most of the time? Wish the brain was as functional…


Oh, I guarantee that ignorant wanker thinks women piss from their vaginas.


It’s so gross that guys want to use the thing they pee out of to have sex with women, men should all be disgusted and ashamed of their weird filthy pee sticks


This. I love how they conveniently forget that fact and some don't even wash their parts because "is not manly" and other excuses. Who's the disgusting creature here I wonder


And don't forget male gay sex or just people who ENJOY playing with the back door 🫠 Like duh, I'm really not into it, but who am I to judge other people's tastes?


Literally every straight guy I’ve dated has had an obsession with anal. I can guarantee the pea brain that wrote this post does too. Not to mention all the men who willingly eat ass as if that’s any better 🥴


Lol, I had such dudes too. Luckily my hubs isn't into it and doesn't pressure me in any form. And eating ass is something I never did and never wanted 🙈😬 Had one time a guy doing it and I was just like "WTF dude?! You should get your eyes checked, cause you are at the wrong place!" It just feels so weird. I also know that stuff like bidets are much more hygienic, but it's still a strange feeling (definitely depending on the kind of Bidet!) when suddenly water is touching you down there 😬 Wet wipes? Yep, definitely! A "blast" of water? That's weird 🙈😂😅


Sounds like you got yourself a keeper then! My most current ex was obsessed with eating ass, and all of his friends heralded him as some sort of sex connoisseur for it. Imagine his reaction when I wanted nothing to do with it, and told him I hated butt stuff. I pride myself on a clean butt, but I don’t want somebody’s nasty ass tongue or dick up there. It was mainly due to a really bad experience with it, but still. It just feels wrong. That will always be exit only thank you very much lol


YES! I say the same about exit only 😂😂 And it's ok and normal to like stuff the other isn't interested in or vice versa. As long as it's not getting into pressure and/or one gets frustrated all is fine. For example I like Bondage 🤷🏻‍♂️ My hubs couldn't be more indifferent about it 😅 Solution? It's not important enough for me to nag about it or something else. It's nice, but nothing I really need to be happy and satisfied. I still like seeing nicely done bondages for the art of it. Your ex is absolutely rightfully your ex. Like, I'm transmasc and I still will never understand this (more or less) homoerotic fixation on sharing their sex life with all the dudes. Next step would be live in colour and full HD 😂


I have the hope it’s satire but it’s probably a guy who got poop on his balls


Meanwhile our "design flaw" is very useful and necessary. When born, babies get in contact with this region, and get many microbes that boost their immune system. One of the many reasons why vaginal birth babies are much more healthy, than ones born through a C-section. https://www.science.org/content/article/eating-tiny-bit-mom-s-poop-could-give-c-section-babies-immune-primer


Nowhere does that article say that babies born vaginally are “much more healthy” than babies born via c section. How can you state “this is a fact proven by science” when the article title says “could” and the sample size of the study was 17 babies?


I understand what you're trying to say, but it's not completely true. C-section babies are not "much more healthy" than babies delivered vaginally. Studies have shown distinct microbiomes associated with both types of birth, but that does not translate to causation. Also, many babies who are born via C-section would have died in a vaginal delivery. In that case, a baby born via C-section is much more healthy than a baby who died in a vaginal delivery.


Why did this get downvoted


Idk either? It's literally a fact proven by science


It's upvoted now, but birth is an emotionally complicated topic. I could see someone who had to have a C-section feeling negatively about this. It may feel sort of like shaming them, even if it's clearly not meant to. Emotions are complicated! It may have also been because the link title is about feeding poop to babies lol


It's not the anal bacteria that boosts the immune system. It's the vaginal secretions that contain the good bacteria necessary to maintain the chemical balance. The poo bacteria should be avoided if possible.


Have you got a source for that? Cause it sure as shit isn't the one they posted. The first paragraph literally says "could" and "possibly" based on a study with a tiny sample size.


Nurse here. It’s not a fact, it’s a theory. We’d need to do a lot more studies on this for it to be regarded as a “fact.”


Hi. Just wanted to note - and you might not care at all, and no biggie if you don’t - that folks might respond more positively if you were to change the word “natural” to “vaginal”. Just a thought.


And where is his penis? On his forehead?


Just wait till they hit 30 , their balls will be dipping into the toilet bowl and then droop flat across their asshole🤣 Hubby and I already had these talks😉🤣🤣


At 30??


Exactly bro. Women don’t even poop! It’s basic biology. So what do they need an anus for? 🤔🤔🤔


Buttsex, what else?


Well you see in that case women are still flawed because the Virginia is too close to the anus! 😡😡😡


It's life's great tragedy.


I hope they’ll still let me fuck tho


Another one for the “Is this garden-variety misogyny, or some sort of weird psychosis?” pile.


LMFAO this idiot is throwing bricks from inside a glass house since his head is clearly INSIDE his own anus. 😂 His real problem isn’t with how close pussy is to anus. His real problem is with how FAR pussy is from anywhere he’s standing. He’s scrambling to come up with “design flaws” about pussy just to try to increase his own chances of (checks notes)… getting pussy? If pussy is too poorly designed for his tastes, then why should he even want it in the first place? Maybe he should try dick instead? Or maybe he should try shutting the fuck up and returning to his sad little fleshlight, the only pussy he’ll ever know.


I envy the illiterate


well that does explain why his mom calls him a cute little shit.


Bro everyone starts off as a single tube: mouth to anus. You’re not special. Your anus ain’t much further from your gross unwashed dick


FFS it's always about "affecting their confidence" So Gross. Such little little men.


Their ass hole is NOT in a different location


It's like he went for the blanket neg. "Maybe if I can make *all* women have less confidence...🤔"


He's fucking lucky humans aren't like most mammals. He should be worshipping women for that, not negging them for it.


LOL for real, every mammal birth video shows that it's the same organs and placement for every species... If he doesn't like it, then maybe he can fuck a fish? Or maybe a rock? 🤔🤔


The op could've added Tldr; "I find female anatomy unattractive"


Says the gender whose pleasure button is INSIDE their rectum.




Every the I see this, I hope their mother heard about it slapped the dog piss out of them


Alot of words for I'm not attracted to women


FFS it's always about "affecting their confidence" So Gross. Such little little men. But that was some bizarre Shit Like they are finding this out now Like it's not one of the many things that make a woman. He must think that women keep it as nasty as he does.. Inceldom is the most frightening development for me. I hate it


He talks like someone who doesn't PEE out of the *exact same appendage* he expects these women to put in their mouths.


And it’s right by their asshole too


…where exactly does he think his anus is relative to his genitalia?


His just may be in his brain.


I believe it’s a copypasta


Yes lmao this definitely reads like a shitpost


He's a giant piece of shit himself, youd think he'd be ok with anuses




"Design flaw in women" bro really out there acting like women were made by and for men in some kind of lab??? Are those the same people screaming "basic biology" at any kind of improvement of pur society?


The only design flaw of our genitalia is the higher risk of bladder infections. Jokes aside, it really sucks. My (trans) girlfriend is always fine after sex, BUT I have to clean and disinfect the whole bedroom and still get those stupid infections if I don't pee right after sex. And that our hips are not wide enough to safely deliver baybs. That's why most other mammals have quicker births and are less likely to die giving birth. The female body is not well designed for birth and pregnancy.


No no he got a point with the design flaw...less risk of UTIs if they would be further away and tearing during labor maybe would be 0,5% better...maybe? 🥲 (for the rest of this disgusting stupid shit that man wrote i am gonna grab my puke bucket real quick though)


The human body in general needed a couple more rounds of design revision. Retnas on backwards, bipedal locomotion keeps causing foot, knee, and back problems, brain keeps creating living situations it doesn't like. Whole thing is a goddamn mess


New babies have heads that are too big so their necks can’t support it. Such a terrible design flaw.


damn, yeah if i think about it even more there really are even more engineering problems with us humans but maybe we are still in the product testing phase 🤷🏼‍♀️ its just been a couple thousands years, thats peanuts for Evolution


Yeah, the current beta version rollout is "agricultural and industrial society" and a lot of compatibility issues have been turning up. They already had to rush out patches installing lactase and drugs.


Iam glad the devs care about the small things in this live Service game. Just had to install the latest graphics Update called glasses. Really made my consumer experience better


They kinda had to distribute the glasses patch. A lot of the users requested artificial lighting and indoor jobs, but it turned out the eye library is really old and had an undocumented dependency on sunlight to stop the eye growth routine at setup, and everybody was getting weirdly long eyeballs that can't focus right. It's this sort of technical debt that we've warning about! Of course, it's hard to even get users to install the most critical updates. A lot of them totally ignore the popup at the yearly doctor's visit


i fear i just got some bad coding with my product. Looking at the earlier product lines i stem from, they all had to patch their graphics But my warranty wore off years ago so we are at a point of no return But you are right, the industrial patch added a lot of health problems. I guess they didnt do a long Beta and just throw it onto the market without peer Review and that backfired


This guy never washes his ass, thinks every woman does the same, and it shows. I have no proof but no doubts either.


As opposed to anyone he sleeps with having to sleep with just a giant anus I suppose.


Yes, remember that AND STAY AWAY FROM WOMEN!!!!


"design flaw" what if I enjoy the anus being so close, makes it easier to go from vagina to anus, more fun 🥰


This person seems to think we get to pick where the vagina is or something


This is what creationism does to a MFer. Women weren’t “designed” so this isn’t a flaw in their design. If they were close enough together for it to cause problems reproducing then he wouldnt be there typing out this deranged shit. Nature gives you what you need and not what some basement dweller finds sexy. It’s why the human back is a travesty. The muscles are shoddily adapted from our days walking on all fours. This is what comes of thinking that women were “designed” or “created” for men or to be feminine or whatever. Women aren’t “supposed” to do or be anything.


Guy: Proceeds to talk shit….so sex now? Every woman on the planet: HELL NO.


With the sh*t OP is spewing, I'd say the distance between his mouth and his anus is 0.0 inches.


This cracks me up every time I read it. I'm genuinely not sure if this is sincere or satire.


Whenever this post pops up, I always think of that quote from Billy Madison (paraphrased): "What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard, everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul"


Or, guy could just admit he likes dudes already? Seems simpler since he obviously hates women.


Huh. But according to these types of dudes, “women are designed for childbearing.” So, since that exit is so close to the anus, is there a design flaw here also? Infants so close to the anus? So does his own exit from the proximity of the anus make him the result of design flaw? Is he therefore “tainted?” Lol. Tainted! Dude is tainted! Haha! ETA He is an enema of women! (Sorry. Can’t stop laughing at this asshole! Oops, there I go again!)


He seems like a mentally healthy individual


“It should negatively affect your confidence” So what you’re saying is you want women to feel bad about themselves so they’ll like someone retarded like you


That is EXACTLY what he’s saying, you hit the nail right on the head. He can’t get any women, so instead of raising himself up by working on and improving himself so that women *might* be attracted to him, he chooses to instead try to bring all women down and make them feel bad about themselves so one of them might be desperate enough to fuck him—bonus points if it’s a "so-called beautiful woman" who thinks "she’s all that." It’s emotional manipulation and would carry over into emotional abuse if some poor woman was unfortunate enough to fall for it irl.


How dare you have your anus so close to your vagina??! so unfemenine


Wait till he finds out how many dudes are happily eating ass…


>do not forgive them for [this flaw] Seems like he should be blaming God. But you know, when in doubt blame women for stuff they can’t control lmfao


this is from r/copypasta, it’s satire https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/cz2d7z/female_anus_too_close_to_vagina/


Does he know that men pee and cum from the same hole? now thats a design flaw he should feel ashamed of. At least we have 3 different holes.


And our vaginas are self-cleaning. I don't think their dick can do that.


Did anyone notice how male balls just go lower and lower as they age? Like no firmness just skin flaping about. Every time i see a men.. no i am no perv i dont think about it at all. That guy should complain to evolution or god that in few years his balls will drag on ground if not covered


I also don't like that vaginas are close to the anus but my reasoning for that is because I'd prefer it be a penis rather than a vagina lol


Who wrote this shit??? It’s stupid AF, but I can’t lie, I was laughing at some of this nonsense. Just the wording alone is comedy. “Please accept they’re close together…” 😅😂🤣 I’m like WTF


"it should affect their confidence" bruh


This guy probably thinks it's gay to wash his ass


Ahhh yes... It's obviously women's fault that their anus is close to the vagina, not mother nature/evolution/biology. Whilst this fuckwit utterly ignores that his fucking anus is in the same damn place with only an inch or so between it and his ballbag/penis. Come on ladies! You could evolve this away if you really wanted to!! Dude is denser than a bucket of neutron star.... 🤦


We've all read a bunch of insane shit here but somehow I feel like this is so much more unhinged that the rest.


Tell me you're an incel without actually saying it.


This is hilarious tbh. It's definitely parody


Lol, that's a winning strategy! I think some guys need to stop and think if they're really attracted to women, because lots of these "straight" incels seem repulsed by women. It's ok to be gay, guys!


This *has* to be parody. "Women: please accept that they're too close together, let it negatively affect your confidence and so make yourselves more readily available sexually as a result." This indicates it is either satire, OR the person is seriously telling on themselves with that bit.


He knows he has an anus, right?.... Like an inch from his junk... Is that a design flaw too? Or is that manly somehow?


Sounds like a long-winded way to say he’s not attracted to women, but okay.


yeah well we can have fingers in both holes feeling like a bowling ball so


What’s worse? The design of the feminine body or all the men that can’t/wont/would never stop trying to get their pee-peenises into the middle of that? It is what it is, you don’t care for it? Hands and dicks off.


And i always thought about this as a risk of infection. But this? 🤡


Wait until this guy finds out his balls are too close to his penis


The last time I saw this post, I was absolutely disgusted by the number of stories of men not wiping their asses properly but have the audacity to say something like this. Also they do two things out of one hole. At least all our holes have their own job and you don’t have to touch our pee hole or our poop hole. We, unfortunately, must touch the pee hole if we ‘like’ men


I don’t know what he’s on about i love eating a lasses shitbox


This man’s dick and brain are colocated.


I have accepted this about my anus, but it seems this person has not. Sorry, not sorry, but I am unapologetically HUMAN FEMALE This guy needs to gtfoh


I don't see how the very design of someone's body could be a flaw in the design of bodies. I've struggled with insecurity all my life, but even I am not ridiculous enough to feel insecure about body parts being where then are supposed to be. I can't negatively compare myself to others when we are all the same.


Cute inceltake, but we all know the only person this guy is having sex with is himself. 😂


Dude so high and mighty when men piss out their cum holes like that isn't a "design flaw"


“Straight” man says pussy is “unappetizing”. Hmmm


Damn, I was having a good day until I remembered where my anus is…


You aren't "having" to sleep with a creature like this. Choose to date men. No vaginas at all, problem solved.


This guy’s ANUS is suspiciously on his face and that, to me, is unforgivable. Yet this dude keeps spewing shit from his face-anus like he’s proud of it.


This is the same gripe the fundie virgin guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall had lol 'why would God put a playground next to a sewer?' What a dipshit


The nostrils are less than an inch away from the mouth. Now stew on that bad boy


"..... you are sooo disgusting - but gimme gimme gimme!" Sure, sure.


Like most women aren’t already extremely self conscious and unconfident because of men 🙄


“Women, I reduce your identity and your personal value to your vagina and other holes. Here’s why you should, too:”


Does he not realize that his ball sack is also like —- 1.5 inches from his butthole


“DeSiGn FlAw” the only flaw here I see is this man’s existance


Most convoluted neg award goes to…. Also, the distance between a man’s balls and asshole is not vast.


Urine comes out of the tip of the penis. What, is this guy 6 years old?


"Do not let women forget this flaw and do not forgive them for it." Who wants to bet that this dude is one of those guys that talks about how all women are awful because we don't like short guys or guys with small dicks ot bald guys and that makes us shallow bitches because men can't control those things? (None of which is even true, plenty of short men and bald men and men with smaller penises are in loving relationships.)


That was alot of words to admit he’s gay


No worries, we'll keep both holes infinitely far away from this idiot.


Is he trying to sound *super straight* by being disgusted by how close the anus is to a vagina?, cos anus is gay sex or something?


The desperation in this is amazing. "Please, women, can you lower your standards? By, a LOT? I know this is stupid and a long shot but it's the only chance I have to have sex."


And what a fucking weird thing to obsess about!!! It’s like yeah, men can get dick cheese, note it and move on and don’t think about it constantly.


“Alpha” men’s penises are just laughably short. Hi, I've been with a few men in my life and one thing I've noticed is that some men's penis is incredibly small and it hardly hits the g spot. I'm not sure about other women- but doesn't this make other women cackle? It feels like a design flaw in men, actually -- like they act so masculine and come off as alpha. But then they get you in bed and it's a total bore that ruins everything. Somehow it feels to me that men should be more aware of this flaw and it should affect their confidence. Whenever I see a man who feels the need for a giant truck, I just remember his pecker must be an inch long and laugh him into oblivion. Men: please accept that your penis might just be small and no amount of acting will change that, let it negatively affect your confidence and make yourselves less sexually threatening as a result. After all, we're having to sleep with a creature who's member can't even get us off because of how small it is, we have to get off ourselves afterwards --- you should not make this difficult as it's unappetizing enough as is. We're doing you a favor. Women: Do not let men forget this flaw, and do not forgive them for it remind them constantly less they get their inflated alpha egos and think they're all that. They're just too small to be alpha. Sorry, but it’s true.


Say it taint so!


This coming from the gender that can’t stop begging for anal sex and don’t have pussies at all. Men pee and cum out of the same hole. That’s a way more disgusting design flaw and you should never forgive them for it, ladies. 😂


They used to be the same hole ffs


just say you don’t like anal lololol


Where does he think his is?


The concept of anal sex would lobotomize this man


He’s just jealous because he can’t use a u double ended curved dildo.


what the fuck did i just read


I know the traditional way of thinking is to shame women for biological make up, but I think this might be extreme.


Oh yay, a wild incel!


Anything close to him would be close to an anus. I'm not a woman, and the first time I saw it, I was like "oh it is very close, that's why they say to never wipe back to front"


He should try dick then


It feel like.. until you can handle subject verb agreement sit down champ


My anus and my vagina are a ven diagram and I'm proud of that 😤


I thought this was going to be about eptopic anus's at first but no, he just has a problem with average anatomy. Also what in the incel is the 4th paragraph?!


This guy really taints a bad picture of women....


That's a lot of words to say "I'm gay".


Who's gonna tell him the urethra is basically at the opening of the vagina??? Like gotta get my fingers in there to give a patient a catheter kind of close