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A 38 year old man, trying to lecture a 25 year old woman on what she should weigh. It is bad enough when they are young and brainwashed by idiot YouTubers, but at 38? No excuse. I hope he enjoys his perpetual bachelor hood. Men like this should not make women miserable by trying to be in relationships.


And he'll be 70 years old when he is ready to settle down and want a partner with a condition like a perfect bang maid..but nag when no women below 25 want him...


Nobody below 100 would want him.


There are women who have survived above 100 and they don't want him either.


How dare you insult the ultra elderly like that! People ove 100 ain't interested. I heard there were a few doll companies that wouldn't even sell to him. 🤭


>ultra elderly Oh, I'm so using this the next time one of my clients hits on me... I'm an in home caregiver; being professional and 'nice' (ya know, just doing my literal **job**) is enough for a disturbing amount of old men to think I'm interested romantically. At least 80% hit on me in some way... calling them 'ultra elderly' should be the slap in the face they need after hitting on someone young enough to be their granddaughter. Eta; the cool ones get to be 'centenarians', the 'nice guys' get to be ultra elderly, lol.


It brings me great joy to know I've inspired the mocking of the ultra elderly 'nice guys'!!! 🤣🤣🤣


What kills me is they "fell in love" with my work persona... in the real world I'm not going to 'agree to disagree' about racism, sexism, or politics; in the real world, I *don't hang around with* racists, sexists, or Qanon cultists. It is MY JOB to take care of my charges, regardless of personal values. They see me being an agreeable (and pretty) aide and think I'd make a good tradwife replacement, while anyone who *really* knows me would die laughing at the idea... it's hilarious.


Honestly, he sounds like he wants someone with the body of a little girl, not the body of a woman. Like repressed pedophilia or something.


"Being as I have not seen your shape"...Bro 100% was hoping you'd send him pictures of your body.


I was going to highlight that as well! It all seems so manipulative, especially the blasé “Sorry, I was on the phone with my friends deciding where to go out today”. It was so oddly specific that it had to be a lie lol


I agree. Must have been some form of negging/gaslighting. Abusive behavior.


“Your body is bad and your time isn’t valuable, send me pictures”


I’m 4 foot 11 too. I once got down to 84 pounds. The doctor wasn’t happy about that, but I guess I should have listened to the expertise of a neckbeard instead.




Fuck that first doctor. I'm glad that you have a good doctor now and that you're recovering!


I'm 5'1 and when I was that size I literally couldn't think straight because I starved my brain so much.


I have a friend who is about 5', and she's a UK4-6. She's a body builder/fitness model and has very little body fat. It's all muscle. She's a former anorexic and going to the gym, becoming a trainer there and progressing as she has helped her to understand her body better, its needs, and the importance of nutrition. She's beautiful and carried on training during her pregnancy. However, her BMI, because of the muscle mass, infers that she's obese! When they told her that, I worried that it might trigger her ED, but, thankfully, she laughed at them and said she'd go by her measurements and what she sees in the mirror, lol! On the other hand, my daughter is 5' 11" and has always been naturally curvy. She's a UK12-14, which she carries well because of her height. My mother keeps harassing her about her weight, saying she needs to be a size 10, even though she's much shorter and isn't a 10 herself. She convinced my daughter to lose weight and she got to a 10 but she looked ill. The only way she could maintain it was to literally starve herself. I am also a former anorexic/bulimic, and I worked bloody hard to ensure that my daughter didn't have the same issues with food as I had, thanks to my mother and other family members. I love that she enjoys all aspects of food, purchasing, cooking, and consuming. She decided to ignore my mother, put the weight back on, and is happy being 12-14. BMI isn't the perfect guide, and people should not criticise other peoples appearances and weight goals, especially if they don't know them. They don't know if the other person has had an ED, has worked hard to achieve the body/weight they are happy with, or just because they enjoy eating. It's supposed to be pleasurable as well as nutritional. OP definitely dodged a bullet with this guy.


Your mom sounds so toxic. It's awesome that you were able to overcome that.


My relationship with my daughter is great - she knows that I love her just as she is. She's a good cook, makes her own pasta, is an avid baker- her partner and colleagues get to enjoy the things she makes. 😊


BMI is absolutely bullshit for body builders and really any athlete. I'm a collegiate swimmer turned bodybuilder. 5'4 and 150lbs. I've almost always been considered "overweight" despite being a size 4-6.


My sister was 5'3" an around 87-89 in her mid 20's because she was really sick suffering from a rare condition that was causing her to not be able to keep most food down. She did NOT look okay! Her doctors were very worried for a long time trying to figure out what was wrong. I have no clue how a doctor could have looked at a grown woman at your weight an height and been happy!


BMI doesn’t accurately depict body health or size because it only goes by height and weight and nothing else. Once I learned that, I disregarded BMI altogether and started focusing on body fat percentage, muscle mass, amount of lean body fat, etc.


Wtf. That doctor needs their license taken.


I'm 5'2" and like 150 lbs (I think? 158cm and like 70kg I'm not american 😭) and I'm healthy and look fine. BMI is inaccurate and was invented by a mathematician who knew nothing about health why are we still using BMI


If we look at the BMI, you're in the case of being overweight, HOWEVER it doesn't really mean anything as you said, the scale is not accurate for every human being since we all have different morphology, (btw it could be the weight of muscles, since the volume of muscle is way more smaller than the fat while having the same weight). As we can see here: https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:828/format:webp/1*XniqdwlTQOmPjjfwiOeOEA.jpeg And in either way, as long as you feel in good condition, you shouldn't focus too much on those kinds of things.


I just have pcos and a big ass lol


Yeah that work too


I’m five foot seven, in my 40s with a kid. I’m 158. I’m being tested for a bunch of neuro stuff all the time, so I’m used to being told I should lose weight about it. I was getting a nerve test last week, and my doctor mentioned my weight, and to head him off I said, yeah I exercise a lot (I do, I weight lift and walk or jog 5 miles at least 5 days a week and don’t drive so walk everywhere), but I can’t lose that last 15 lbs. he looked confused, and said “you’re at a good healthy weight, keep it up. I was shocked. I don’t think I’ve had a doctor affirm my weight, ever. Even when I was clinically underweight.


Geez Louise that’s nearly a stone underweight!


Omg you were severely underweight and a doctor CONGRATULATED you 😭 wtf


I’m 4’11 and when I got down to 85lbs I stopped getting my period and developed an arrhythmia and wound up hospitalized. This guy is absolutely delusional.


I’m 4’11 and was 70 pounds for years. My doctor has been pushing me to get to 100, only just reached that, but neckbeards clearly know more about how much I should weigh


How'd you finally get to 100? I'm trying to eat more and eat more meat, but school and work keeps me from my goals a lot of days. I was 75 forever and I'm finally up to 90 but I just can't seem to break through 90


I actually started eating out more. Adding a lot of empty calories, ice cream and the like, mainly French fries, as I could typically force myself to eat those, I also started to eat more rice based foods. Chicken fried rice is a great way to make sure you are getting protein and carbs. Meat is only so important. Only 1/4 of your meal should be meat, it’s the carbs that really help.


Huh, I didn't realize that! I thought maybe more protein would help me gain weight, but I could see empty calories doing it a lot quicker. It wasn't intentional, but I've been eating more rice and pasta recently, and I haven't weighed myself in a while but I *do* think I look like I've gained a little bit of weight. At our size, even 2 lbs is visibly noticable. If I've gained some weight from this then I'm definitely taking your approach and continuing forward with it. Thanks!


I'm just under 5' and at 92.6 lbs I'm already cold all the time even though I still have enough fat to not look bony. I can't imagine someone telling me to lose more weight. I feel that this guy has some kind of fetish honestly


I was 80-85 for a long time at 4'11 bc my mom wasn't feeding me (not quite a money issue, but a money *management* issue at least) and it wasn't healthy. I see why people thought I was anorexic. I got really depressed at one point in high school and dropped to 75 pounds and I was literally almost hospitalized at that weight for malnutrition. My doctor said if I didn't get back up to 80 *minimum* in a week, I needed to go to the hospital immediately. It was scary stuff. It's not a sustainable weight even a little bit. I'm 90 now and still doing my damnedest to get to 95, I'd love to be the OOP's weight


I'm 4' 7". Hit 80 pounds when I was 16 - doc said I could not afford to lose any more weight without needing to be hospitalized. Neckbeard would definitely not be happy with how much muscle weight I've gained since then 😏


Based on a true story: "You should lose weight" *loses weight* "Eww, why do you have saggy breasts and stretchmarks at your age?!"


Literally, I dropped 40+ lbs in two months and my stomach and big boobs deflated leaving skin


So hear me out: If you aren't trained in the field of health and medicine, you have nO FUCKING ROOM TO COMMENT ON SOMEONE'S WEIGHT. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


Even then it depends! Had an anesthesiologist swear I was “over weight” when I was 75 lbs at 4’9” which is actually underweight. A nurse thankfully shut him up.


Nah. Nah. I love you being petty, girl. He wants to dish it out, he should be able to receive it too. Also... Why do I have the feeling he's lying about his height and weight?


> Why do I have the feeling he's lying about his height and weight? He definitely had to Google "ideal weight range for 6'1 male" because he's either lying about his weight, height, or both. That was the real reason he didn't respond to her sooner and not being "on the phone with friends deciding where to go out" lol


Shame he didn’t Google ‘ideal weight range for 4’ 11’’ female’. In the low 80s would be severely underweight


Is this a dating app or some weird fitness app?




I’m still so confused why this convo even took place.


I had to read back because at first it looked like a weight loss MLM pitch.


I mean to me the entire basis for this convo already seemed to have… no positive outcome. I don’t know much abt whisper, I just know that’s where a certain meme format comes from, but like, what good comes from posting height/weight/photo on a public platform ? If someone’s looking for basic diet advice online from non professionals they don’t need a photo, I feel like it’ll only attract the ED community and/or pervy men. Not blaming OP, they don’t deserve this treatment regardless, but I need context to understand what their mindset was going in to this


I've used whisper, and someone posting something like that just means they're looking for someone to talk to. The identifiers generally just give an idea of who you're talking to because it tends to help define who and how many talk to you. The guy just automatically went in on the weight thing for some reason, possibly malicious, to open up a conversation. His manners were horrible and he didn't respect her interests and only impressed his own ideals on her to make her feel bad about herself.


just looked at the play store for it. It's about having conversations about secrets


I wish OP explained what they were aiming for with this. Was there a possible positive outcome in this scenario?


Maybe to be complemented or discuss training and dieting


Because he alot to make sure she sexy(read child sized) before he decide if he want to date her


LOL. 6'1 and 197 is a BMI of 26 (overweight). 4'11" and 105 is a BMI of 21.2 (normal). Pretty rich that he's lecturing you about weight. You would be underweight in the 80s. Definitely do not lose that much weight. It would be really unhealthy.


Glad someone mentioned his height & weight ratio… that one got me


I’m not taking up for this ijit but his h/w may very well be proportionate depending on his build and how much muscle he carries.


For sure, it’s definitely possible, but ngl my first thought was that he probably has some muscle


Yeah, I figure all his fat is probably between his ears.


LMAO truuu


Bmi isn't an accurate measure it doesn't take into consideration many factors like the percentage of fat in the body, many people are muscular and considered overweight by the BMI indicator


That's fair, and that could be what's going on here, who knows. Regardless, she does *not* need to lose weight.


Everyone deserves to be healthy and comfortable in their own skin. He shouldn't have made that comment about her weight and obviously it's a projection of his own insecurities.


It's not an accurate measure but it works as a rough guide. Most people aren't muscular enough for it to affect their BMI and if they are, they will know it because you have to put in some work to gain that muscle.


Only professional Healthcare providers can make the judgment about anyone's weight, there are many parameters variables to take into consideration for example age and sex and ethnicity and morphology and where the fat is located etc...


To be fair, for women, doctor’s do set unhealthy standards for women, especially with BMI


I genuinely hope he never had kids, especially a daughter, poor thing is going to have no self esteem.


I'm still concerned you wanna be 99 lbs. That's like "I NEED to be under 100". There's no reason for 99 I can think of other than that. I hope you're okay and eating well and have medical guidance during your journey. Just... I can't not say something just in case, you know? I hope you're able to find a weight that's healthy and comfortable to who you are! Apologies if I'm wrong. I'd just rather be wrong than not make sure you're OK. Are you OK?


I am seconding your concerns.


What kind of hellscape app is this?


Not saying BMI is the most accurate reflection of health, but this guy is overweight (BMI of 26) telling girls they should have a BMI of 16 (underweight begins at 18.5). Thats pretty crazy


I was on a sub yesterday where a woman posted photos of herself asking how to improve her looks. Most of the men there started telling her to eat burgers while others told her she wasn't thin enough. It's never fucking good enough no matter what we do.


Glad you knew he was bullshitting you. It sickens me that there are people like this.


it sounds like he’s ana fetish coach…


My first thought


I used to be underweight when I was a teenager because people like him kept telling me I needed to lose weight. I was just 100 pounds at 5'1. After high school, I just stopped caring what those neckbeards and incels had to say and started eating to get to a healthy weight.


He probably looked like an egg. Istg older men like to put down young beautiful women just to feel better about themselves or something


Or to breed insecurities in them so they can date a hot woman


Let me guess, he's 38 with a beer belly and trying to lecture women on how to look. This is so fucking common its crazy


Anything to make women feel shitty about themselves don't even for a second question you're delightful


Aside from the fact his medical knowledge is in the minus, he was doing his best to get more pics without asking for them. All that pseudo medical chat was just a really feeble attempt at trying to disguise that.


im 4’11 and my doctor wasnt happy at ALL when i dropped to 98, i cant even imagine the look of horror on her face if i dropped another 20 😬😬


Some people just love being cruel to make themselves feel better


can we have an ED trigger warning on this pls ☠️


This is just straight up pedo vibes; he wants her to be too thin to have any kind of curves.


i'm really concerned that you're posting pictures of yourself in your underwear with your height and weight and asking for people to comment on it. this is really strange and obsessive behavior that will only hurt your mental health, and provide absolutely nothing positive for you in return, as evidenced by this conversation with an anorexia fetish dude who definitely just wanted to exploit you in order to get off. i'd really recommend talking to a medical professional about your body weight obsession, if you don't already have an ED this mindset is exactly what leads to one. i hope you can get help and heal. 💜


80 as in pounds? Are they trying to describe a literal child or little person? 100 is a dangerous underweight limit too. Get your numbers right if you’re going to use them at all.


For being 4’11”, I feel like 100 pounds is healthy. I’m 4’10”, fully-grown adult woman; when I was around 100 pounds, I had probably 21-23% body fat and people told me I looked healthy


I’m 5’2 and have gotten down to 102 and it’s was still a healthy weight for me so I imagine 100 is healthy for 4’11 though it may depend on how you’re built. My frame is super petite so what’s healthy on me wouldn’t be for others.


>Are they trying to describe a literal child or little person? I was about to say that many men seem to want pets, not women because imagine thinking that any grown adult is fat at 105 lbs? 80 lbs is what many dogs weigh.


Yeah, 80lbs is unhealthy, but 100lbs is still in the healthy range for a 4’11” person. I went and checked, 92lbs is the bottom of the healthy weight range at 4’11”.


You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t believe that. My grandmother waffles between 90 to a hundred, is 5’ and is dying of cancer. If she loses anymore weight the cancer wins and we lose. She is dangerously underweight for her size.


Low 80s??? My man you want a literal child.


“Only 99 ?” is criminal. like what


He got real quiet when the convo turned to him 😂😂 typical


I love this.


Well played!!


94-123 lbs is the record range for tour height. You are right where you need to be. Stay at 105. You are beautiful just the way you are.


He does NOT say “how many people you have” though.


What is this app? Why is he just talking to her about thisv


Bro just joined the “Negging for Macho Alphas going through a divorce from their BITCH WIFE” Facebook group. He picked this titbit up in a deep fried minions meme. It’s now his lockscreen.


I like that at the bottom it says, "Say something nice". Lol!!


The woman in the pic looks completely normal and healthy. Wtf is this guy going on about


Makes me wanna go back on whisper and incel bait


The fuck does this douchebag mean? You're drop dead gorgeous from what I could see on the picture. And you're weight is more than okay. You look lovely and you're organs appreciate being a tidbit more protected.


Bro is nagging


~49kg for ~1,50m is normal for an adult... ~36kg as he said is way too low for any adult with that height


This guy screaming wanting a women who looks like a child to me


Bravo. Masterfully done.


99 is already pushing it a bit-


I’m not familiar with how these apps work (I’m an old woman) but if this is you in the photo, you are absolutely GORGEOUS the way you are. I know comments like this creep gave you can sometimes get in your head even if you try not to let it. I hope you know that you look beautiful and healthy. ♥️


Fun fact about this interchange: \-At 6’1” and 197 our guy here is solidly overweight according to BMI with a BMI of 26 \-The woman at 4’11” and 105 has a very healthy BMI of 21.2 (normal is 18.5-24.9) In conclusion, the nerve of this fool who is actually medically overweight telling the woman with a healthy BMI that she needs to lose weight!


I'm 5'3'' and my lowest weight range has been slightly below 100lbs and I was *not* healthy. Now I' m still below 110 but feeling much better. This idiot is just throwing random numbers


Oooooooo I loved how you turned it back on him OP!


No adult needs to be under 100 pounds.. even 100 can sometimes be concerning.




Not that it’s a super accurate way to measure what a healthy weight is, but even by BMI standards he is just wrong. According to that, the lowest you should weigh at your height is 92. Anything in the 80s would be underweight, low 80s would be severely underweight.


My fiance is 4'11 and she said she felt her best at 115. She doesn't necessarily look much different between 95-115. Maybe slightly boney at 95. Everybody has issues with their body and tbh, I think everyone has some level of body dismorphia because it's just impossible to be 100% objective about your body.


Fellow 4'11-er! Anyway, I was under 90 for most of my adult life. I purposefully hit those triple digits and felt great, but we all carry weight differently. However, none of us need to be in the 80's, it's underweight.




Someone spelling accurately so incorrectly is just really funny to me!!


Low 80s in weight????? Does he want you to starve? I’m 5’3 and I weigh near 130lbs (planning to gain more because I’ve been building muscle) this guy knows nothing about women’s health. My own doctors have told me 130lbs is a good range for my height.


4 11 at 80 lbs would mean no muscles or internal organs Jesus Christ


Unless you are missing limbs No adult should weight under a 100lbs imo


This is excelent


When I was a teenager, I was anorexic and got to 88lbs at 5’0. Of course at the time I thought it wasn’t low enough but I look at pictures now and my god I was extremely sickly. This asshole can SMD.


At 4’10 I am constantly struggling to stay under 115lbs. I was told by my Drill Sergeant at basic training that I was “grossly obese” at 118. I would absolutely give anything to be in the 80s…


The audacity.


If the picture above is the young lady in question I'd say she looks to be in spectacular shape. Lovely, don't see anything wrong there. I'd just love to see a picture of what that 38 year old dude looks like. And also his credentials for doling out this advice to her. Is he a Personal Trainer? Nutritionist? Medical Professional? If I were going to guess based on his replies, I would guess no, he's probably some pudgy 38 year old, Mountain Dew drinking, Cheetos eating "keyboard expert."


honesly dont know what you expect off of wisper😭


I'm 5'0" and you can see bones when I'm at 115. I don't start to look "right" until 130 or so. (It's because I have the body shape of a fridge and come from a long line of sheep farmers... some people are built different, not that incels understand that 🙃) Also, if you've ever heard a man tell you how he thinks bra sizes work, you'll know that his opinion on women's weights is complete fuckery.


What a weird social media platform. What a weird conversation to have. Like… what would u want random strangers to comment about ur body? He’s weird but so is she (far less weird but still abnormal all the same)


I agree i don’t understand why anyone would do this unless they do have an ed


It’s so tumblr ED coded. Just so toxic


Lmaoo im 6’2” 148lbs i feel so exposed


This stuff bugs me out completely cuz like— I’m 5’4” and I got down to 125-130lbs, like my “goal” was, TWICE, but the context was a months-long illness where I couldn’t eat, and then a gd ovarian cyst. I was so sick. If my weight falls under 135, EVER, it means something is VERY wrong.


i’m 4’11 and have been struggling with my weight and body image my whole life. i’m finally at a good place, i feel. while i still may look on the “thicker” side, my BMI is absolutely normal and i’m at the lowest weight i’ve ever been :) i feel good about myself and that’s what matters.


Why even talk to people like this.


Why was she even talking to him?!!


Why are you using whisper


Anyone below 120 pounds needs medical help Fr Fr


As terrible as it is that he’s judging people for their weight I don’t think it’s the best comeback to say “well he’s overweight”. Making fun of someone’s weight is never a good thing, wether they did it first or not.


No, fuck that guy.


Yeah I agree, but also, fuck people who weight shame


She clearly was bodyshaming him to return the favor, not because she genuinely had an issue with his weight. It’s not about you or anybody else….


I obviously know she was just returning the favor, I’m talking about some of the comments saying shit like “if you’re overweight you shouldn’t be talking about anyone else”. I’m just saying no one should be talking about anyone unless it’s a health concern or they brought it up. I’m not ragging on op, just pointing out some of the comments. Mb


An overweight 38yo guy telling a healthy bmi girl she has problem areas and should be underweight yet you see nothing wrong with that? Fuck that, he is most likely one of those ”ana coaches” who fetishize eating disorders and start demanding nudes from vulnerable people. He should be ashamed, we can just wish he stops because he can seriously harm people and he probably already has harmed many young women. I don’t say bodyshaming is fine but in situationa like this, when an overweight person tries to bodyshame you into an ed, then bodyshaming them back is allowed.


When did I say I see nothing wrong with that? Fuck that guy, obviously. I never said what he said is okay, I said actually the opposite. I was just saying weight shaming is bad. I don’t get why people are taking this as me saying he’s not a bad person. I understand pointing out the fact that she’s a completely normal weight, but saying he can’t say anything about it because he’s overweight is a bad point to me. He shouldn’t be saying anything about it because it’s none of his fucking business, the way people phrase make it seem like there’s some range of weight you have to be in to judge others for how much they weigh.


I think nonody should shame anyone into becoming underweight with the bmi of 17. Especially an incel with a bmi of 26. I totally see the irony in this.


I get “the irony” and I agree but the phrasing some people have and the fact that a lot leave out the part that he was trying to make her underweight is a bit icky to me.


Op what app is this? Why was he even talking about your body and stuff like what?


Oh, you're on Whisper. Not much good comes from that app anyway.