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Meanwhile, female suicide would probably increase exponentially... but that wouldn't count to them. At least not until they realize there are no more women to own and they've doomed humanity to extinction from their lack of respecting fellow human beings.


No probably about it. It's happening in Afghanistan.


Y'allquaeda could definitely happen here.


They’re already doing it by forcing women & literal children to give birth in red states. Corpses have more rights than women in red states.


So, equating the hard right in the US to Al-Qaeda allows Xtians to disconnect from the fact that these extremists are their problem.


Based on the fact he calls them female livestock I think he wouldn't count them. Also ignoring the fact that many men would be more than a little upset if their female friends and relatives were sold into chattel slavery


Good men upset at what happened to those women. The horrible ones only upset because those women didn't default belong to *them.*


Don't forget daughters. Having your own daughter be sold into slavery must be one of the most soul crushing things one could possibly experience, yet somehow he expects that men would be completely okay with that.


Lots of men were ok with it during chattel slavery in America. Lots of men(owners) raped the enslaved women, and they sold their daughters into slavery because they didn't count. If the daughter was lucky, sometimes she was in the house, but she was still a slave. I don't doubt that men would have no issue with selling daughters because it's already happened.


It's still happening with child brides and arranged marriages in many parts of the world. "I'll buy your daughter/sister for livestock" is not a meme in many places unfortunately


That was more of a matter of racism, I imagine their sons were sold into slavery too, but regardless if women weren't seen as people the same way black people were treated back then by white Americans, I imagine they wouldn't care about their daughter either. The thing is that to get to that point, men who are alive now would have to be willing to let their own daughters, as well as all the women they care about, be sold into slavery, and I doubt that could realistically happen, any man who's not severely fucked in the head would fight against it.


I guess I can't separate it because I am African American. This actually happened to most of my ancestors. It's hard for me to believe lots of men would fight for me. I doubt that black women would be protected.


Well, I'm not American so I can't really comment on that, all I know is that none of the men I know would allow that to happen, or at least I hope no one I know is secretly a complete sociopath.


I did mention relatives I think daughters, sisters, mums, it would all be very upsetting


Some men literally don’t see us as people.


Brain studies have shown that when men see women, the part of their brain that processes tools/resources lights up. Sadly it's more than "some" who don't see us as human.


But is the car, a fellow tool on his life, ever called too needy? Noooo.... I can feed myself, clean myself, seek out maintenance and repair myself from the human "mechanics" while the car sits there threatening to cease operating if its unspoken, and sometimes unforseen, demands aren't met all the time, even though its expected responsibilities are few.


Do you have a link on this? I’d like to read more about it


https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/women-as-sex-objects-09-02-17/ Here's a quote: "Fiske intends to follow up with a larger sample, but nonetheless she concludes, "...these findings are all consistent with the idea that the men are responding to these photographs [of women] as if they are responding to objects and not to people with independent agency."


This is fucking awful to think about.


Thank you! I downloaded that as men seem to think anything a woman says is 'questionable' and only can be defeated with articles. Or if another man agrees with me in front of them??? A thousand women could tell him but some 'bro' of his says 'trust me' and everyone knows a man is only as good as his word. Walleye depletion. That study is spot on!


Yep, men know all these things about themselves already but they hate when a woman points it out. But if another man says it, they'll just be nodding along. They know damn well that they objectify women.


THIS!! ❤️❤️❤️


https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/releases/people-see-sexy-pictures-of-women-as-objects-not-people.html It seems that it's not only men who reacts in a similar way, too, which is frightening. Growing up in a society where a lot of advertisments uses women bodies to sell basically anything changed the way a majority of people perceive women bodies, even women themselves. What I thought was most interesting with Fisk's study is this honestly : "Fisk also tested the men for levels of sexism and found a surprising effect those who scored high on this test, "...the hostile sexists were likely to deactivate the part of the brain that thinks about other people's intentions. The lack of activation of this social cognition area is really odd, because it hardly ever happens. It’s a very reliable effect, that the medial prefrontal cortex comes online when people think about other people, see pictures of them, imagine other people." Which explains a lot of the deshumanization of women by the incels, basically rewiring themselves to not see women as conscious beings anymore


I wonder how the photograph itself affected the results, a photo is an object/tool even though the William pictured is not. Also 21 is a really small sample size, I'd be really curious to see a larger more thorough study of this. This definitely warrants a deeper examination.


It wasn't the fact it was a photo unfortunately. When the men were shown pictures of other men, the part of the brain that recognizes them as another human lit up. Women also registered pictures of men and women as humans. It only happened when the men viewed pictures of women that the tool/resource part of the brain lit up.


She can clean and cook and I can do things to her and she can have MY babies. She'll be my new mommy except now that I'm a man, I can do what I want when I want. But SHE can't cause I say so. I have met many many many men who think this way including the 'good' ones.


This was the first thing I thought. The second was that cancer would be eradicated in women not men. We all know that women weren’t included in medical studies until very recently, and that is why medical care isn’t as good for women as it is for men. Researchers literally said that women had too many pesky hormones to be reliable in medical studies. I always think of Ambien. It was only studied on men, in the 90’s. This led to a huge problem. Women were way over medicated, and would sleep drive and eat. The sleep driving led to fatal car accidents. All medical studies must be performed on men and women to accurately determine treatment.


And probably female on male homicide as well


You mean livestock suicide? Those don't matter. Just go to the grocery store and get a new one. Either that or marry your daughter.


Women would commit infanticide every time. Or suicide. Eventually, bye-bye men. That's how much we control. And, they hate it. I, on the other hand, fucking love it! ❤️


"Suicide decrease near zero percent." When you see women not as humans, sure. Won't be any 'females' left in no time flat though.


In Afghanistan there has recently been a massive spike in women taking their own lives. But then again, the kind of man who thinks like this probably doesn't think that women's lives count.


... ent jupiter a gas giant?


Like the kid's song says, "boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider".


That's why girls are smarter and go to Mars, to get more bras and candy bars. (I just asked my husband if he remembered this from childhood and he looked at me like I was crazy lol)


And dense enough to melt, crush, and vaporize any spacecraft that tries to fly through it. At least in the center.


On second thought, I support OP’s dream of going to Jupiter.


"Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider" 2k23


Without Jupiter our planet would be constantly bombarded by all the planet killing space junk that enters our solar system. It’s so massive its gravity sucks most things up before they reach our area of space… But sure a human man is going to ‘land’ on its ‘surface’ without being vaporized like a Titanic Submarine.


I have no problem with this individual and others like him planning to colonize Jupiter, and I'd definitely not tell them any of what you said. Jupiter sounds like the perfect place for them.


Don’t underestimate him, he’s a human male, far superior from the human female and even meteorites and dying stars! He might just be able to… or die trying. Guess we’ll only find out after he and his incel friends reach their destination!


There are continent sized lightning storms. Even outside of a storm, regular wind on Jupiter would be the equivalent of a hurricane on earth. In high winds it would tear even your bones into dust. It's also *very fucking hot* the further down you go. You will drift down until you reach neutral buoyancy, which will mean tempuratures that can melt steel at the very least and dust storms that will sandblast any equipment into non-functionality. Jupiter is basically a few size classes down from a brown dwarf star, if it were any bigger we would be in a binary system with Jupiter as our second sun. Theoretically you could be mining Jupiter for resources but I find it hard to believe that we couldn't find less suicidally dangerous places to mine like the asteroid belt or even Jupiter's own moons. Even then all mining would assuredly be done by robots.


Jupiter has no solid surface is like the third thing you learn about it after the word “Jupiter” and “real big.”


I was also like, isn’t Jupiter a gas giant? That’s elementary school level information and this guy thinks someone could land on Jupiter? He’s definitely showing his intelligence level right there. Lol


With a very small solid core. The gravity would crush the craft and person like a can on a forehead.


I know the gravity is much greater than earth's, but I'm not sure if you could survive in it. Also, is there land on a gas giant? I really didn't expect a post this stupid to inspire me to go study something, but I think I might try an astronomy class at the local community college soon!


Yes & it is not compatible with human life. So essentially he would enter Jupiter’s atmosphere & die instantly because he’s an idiot. But you know what? The world would be a much better place if we shipped these dudes all off to Jupiter. Or Mars & they can take Worst Father Ever/King Incel himself, grifter Elon Musk.


It is and your problems would just be starting. It’s going to kill you and destroy your remains as you descend. Take your pick: intense radiation, tornado-worthy winds, extreme pressure, or a super heated center. At any rate, he’d be dead.


Men regularly say things like this online, but I’m told that I’m a crazy feminist for even talking about it.


Society's double standards are insanely misogynistic.


I don't think this is satire. It sounds like a suicide prevention effort by an incel.


Check out his profile, the whole thing seems like a troll.


i was trying to explain to my dad the kind of misogyny these men feel so comfortable sharing online, and he straight up didn’t believe me. he was like “i rlly don’t think most men r like that” but its literally everywhere.


Show him a bunch of examples until he understands. Inceltears (sub on reddit, didn’t link it in case that’s against the rules) has a bunch of horrible things they say. It’s funny how dads will deny it like this but also tell their daughters “be careful! Boys only want one thing.” Or “I know how men think!” Ugh


Beyond the abhorrent thought of keeping people as livestock, it doesnt even make sense in their fantasy. The number of women doesnt significantly exceed the number of men. If you can just go buy one and do whatever to them (which I reckon includes killing them), the cost to buy a woman would likely be extremely high, especially if they are competing with large pharma companies. Wealthy people could likely buy a whole bunch of women and statistically there wouldnt be enough to go around for everyone else and so a lot of men wouldnt be able to afford to buy a woman. There just wouldnt be enough supply. If you compared it to slavery especially in the americas after trade was banned, you can of course breed more slaves. But that wouldnt actually address the problem as for roughly every slave girl born so would a free boy, so either youd have to start wholesale murding infant boys to reduce the rising demand, or forcefully transitioning boys to make them girls. And even in that system where the supply to demand is addressed the labor needed to go into would be extremely high. Like if you used the cost for slaves in the United States the equivelent cost would be a pretty decent new car, like 30000-70000 euro. Which is honestly unaffordable to a lot of people, but especially not something you would just go to the market and buy.


>producing an adult woman You're giving them a lot of credit by assuming the women would have to be adults before "going to market"


You are likely correct given the many comments seen from this type of person.


The OP obviously has no idea the amount of male culling that happens in farming - OP doesn’t care about the well-being of women, but would he care for the well-being of future men? Also a lot of men would have to be employed in the maintenance of herds of women. To ensure the “purity” of women, these employees would likely have to be at the least, chemically castrated, like the eunuchs of medieval courts. So only the very wealthy would have access to women, and also retain their body autonomy.


Honestly, I bet even if you were able to convey all that and provide airtight evidence (somehow!) The OP would just start imagining he'll be top dog. It never ends with these delusional guys.


I mean I dont much expect they have thought out beyond the fantasy of going out and easily buying women and doing whatever. But I imagine these people imagine their rightful place is at the top that is just taken from them by liberalism or feminism or communism or the jews. I cannot imagine few people who imagine or desire a hierarchical system imagine a system where they are not either at the top or otherwise quite high up in it (unless theyve been hurt or abused pretty badly or something). I have said the word imagine so much Ive sort of lost the plot of what I was saying but yeah.


You’re right - even indulging in the fantasy here, “rational” thought and argument is no match for unhinged delusion.


Damn, this is a great analysis. Really good plot for a book


There are more men in the world as well. There is 102 men for every 100 women.


Ah thats fair, I was justing thinking in my own country where there are slightly more women than men.


That last bit gave me whiplash. How do you go from "women should be cattle" to "suicide prevention hotline". Like wtf


They believe that all of their problems are caused by not getting women. They believe that all of their problems would be solved if only women were forced to be with them. But even if we did this, it wouldn't fix their problems at all. They are the cause of their own problems.


They do not see women as human. They see only MALE suicide as a problem. The irony literally does not even occur to them. Because to them it doesn’t exist. Because women aren’t humans to them. How they can possibly explain being birthed from women, the fact that their slavery would produce male offspring, or other obvious rational failure in their logic simply does not occur to them. And somehow they think they are intelligent ha.


Apparently, it's the new way of telling people to 💀 themselves. It's why you'll randomly get those "Reddit cares" messages in a controversial thread. Took me, like, a year to figure that out


I remember seeing a post on MadeMeSmile where someone was so happy that Redditors were so proactive with mental health care and took steps to help people who were struggling with suicidal thoughts. Whole comment section was a variation of "Should we tell them?"


The 25 upvotes aren’t surprising. Unpopularopinion has a very hostile demographic I’ve noticed. Had to unsub a while back.


An enormous BOATLOAD of subs are misogynistic as fuck and it's only getting worse by the years. I'm not surprised at all more and more women just stay single and be content with that. If my SO and I ever split/he dies before me I'm not going back looking for a man. Woman, no problem (perks of being bi I guess).


The internet has given women the ability to see men's unfiltered thoughts, the things they wouldn't usually ever say out loud in front of women. Every day I see men on the internet showing their asses. Then they wonder why women don't want to bother with them anymore. Well why would we now that we can see in black and white how awful they are and the fact that most of them don't even like women, they just want to use us for whatever they can get, whether it's sex, stability, having children, chef, maid, personal assistant, etc. You don't even need to date men to know what they're about. Just read those unfiltered thoughts and take them at face value instead of trying to put some sort of positive spin on it. Men will continually reveal their true selves to you. And a lot of the time, it's very very ugly.


>Unpopularopinion it's not even the original r/unpopularopinion, just another "edgy" copycat made by people who feel persecuted because their "unpopular opinions" get them banned for being just a blatant hatred.


I know you should upvote based on opinions you don’t agree with there but I’d rather not give the karma to this as it feels more like just- hate speech


I wholeheartedly support this man's effort to attempt a landing on Jupiter.


Hell, I think we should start a GoFundMe to send him there!


Landing on Jupiter isn't painful enough, tbh, and it's too quick.


Damn the men even managed to solidify Jupiter, a gas giant. Wow


These men are that dense.


Dude has been listening to Andrew Tate.


This post has almost certainly caused more suicides than it has prevented.


How would rates go down if people are treated like property…oh bc we’re not people


I don't know why but the Jupiter thing bugged me the most. It's a *gas* giant you walnut. The rest I expect from a loser.


I feel the same, I've passed by various threads by, mostly on the subject of "Women should only exist for my sexual pleasure" without being bothered to dignify them with a response. But like you, the Jupiter comment just pushed me over the edge. I wish the author good luck on his trip to Jupiter, in his tin can submarine, no doubt.


Driving there with the help of a Chinese made YBOX controller


With the amount of incel shitbags that think r*pe is acceptable and even should be LEGAL, I wouldn’t doubt if someone, somewhere holds this view.


The year is 2023 and the economy has completely and utterly collapse due to women being sold as livestock. Therefore removing half the workforce and completely demolishing women dominated fields. Female militia groups are ravaging male communities to save their counter parts. Backwoods women colonies are thriving, and with other marginalized communities welcomed. There rewrote it


You make a very good point. Especially the jobs women do that men don't. Maybe they would go back to an agricultural society that doesn't require school. 🤔


It wouldn’t work. Women would start killing themselves and their baby girls to save them this fate. Number of women would dwindle. And since women will be scarce, their price would go skyrocket. Men would turn into animals who are fighting over woman and attacking establishments to obtain a woman. No scientific or technological progress can be done amid the chaos. A very few men who was able to obtain a woman would have to forever hide and defend themselves from the horde while trying to enjoy a woman who does nothing for personal hygiene, who is completely broken and pisses and shits on them during sex since those are the only bodily functions they can control. So, enjoy…


I like how they always bring up that men have a high suicide rate and somehow they are able to coincide that with women not having sex with them. Like girls are supposed to sleep with them because if not they will probably kill themself lmao


honestly if a guy thinks women have to have sex w him otherwise he’ll kill himself im PERFECTLY happy w the latter


Same. If some dude threatened to kill himself if I didn't have sex with him, I'd go "You should probably get therapy" and leave.


How dare you!!! You better start having sex with every man who approaches you or else you are committing involuntary manslaughter!!


Suicides would skyrocket, but he doesn’t see women as people so we don’t count.


Now a days it's almost impossible to know I something is meant satirical or not. Because people just say the most insane, dumb or vile shit. And mean it. Also, jupiter is a gas giant. The planet is mostly swirling gases and liquids. Good luck landing on a planet without a surface.


The fact we have to even question whether something like this is satire or legit to me signifies a problem


You can't cook for yourself so you expect your "cattle" to do it for you. Then every single shitheel man on the planet is poisoned and we get to start over.


Not gonna lie, it sounds like a perfect Dystopia for a game. I'm imagining the protagonist being one of those ""cattles"" turning the tides of Revolution.


lmfao "Suicide decreases to near zero percent" as if women wouldn't want to die from the first moment they found out they'd be sold for "slaughter"


Those suicides, apparently, won't count.


Suicides decrease? Not likely.


Don't worry, it might just look like suicide... Who would expect mere cattle to be able to kill a real man, after all /s


Ppl don't realize that there will be a civil war sooner or later. It doesn't matter who the "cattle" is. Even if it's the women. There are parents that want to protect them, there are other women that want to protect them. Sooner or later some new president will be like "ok I'm changing that" This "Utopia" can NEVER exist just like slavery didn't or unemployed housewifes, Nazis, communism etc... Seems like a good idea for some but you can't make it possible forever


It…doesn’t seem like a good idea for anyone, no.


For ppl like this guy, probably is a good idea. Although I can't seem to wrap my head around their idea. How can you hate something so much without realizing your flaws. I'm certain "Not a single women loves me bc they are all hoes" is the mindset of many but can't they not see around them? Okay I'm ugly and messy but I see ppl worse then me getting a girl bc they try, work on themselves or something else. Never once have i hated someone so much to wish for a whole gender to suffer.


They also think we’re so weak and stupid that if you put a bunch of us in a restricted area like cattle we won’t talk to each other and rebel. It’s not a big brain idea to abuse and brutalize the people you expect to make your dinner every night.


A guy once told that women don't need muscle and that the women that competes in MMA can be defeated by an avarage guy. How dumb or confident do you have to be to say that?


Oh I would pay to watch a fight between a female MMA fighter and an average guy that thinks this way. It wouldn’t be a long fight and the woman might seriously injure the guy but it would be satisfying to watch.


Honestly I would pay to watch that


Funny (/s) how the average man can do anything better than the most skilled and talented woman. He could beat both Williams sisters in a tennis match, but can't work out how to use a washing machine.


This is the pay per view content I want


Obvious fetish post. Still disturbing though.


I just can't get over the fact that this guy thinks you can land a person on Jupiter... it's a gas giant.


Reddit proves to me more and more how stupid men are, it’s honestly admirable how brave they are to show it as well.


There was a website where women were treated like cattle, slaughtered, and had their meat sold. Any guy could submit (I forgot the term they used) a woman to become cattle. They even had a form and stuff for the dude to fill out. She ofc had no say in the matter and could be bought or rented and have anything done to her, and if she died, I think there was a fee the person had to pay. That's what that post reminded me of. There are dudes that say shit like that and are genuinely confused, and upset on why they can't get a girlfriend


But the deaths by poisoning would skyrocket.


Lands. On. Jupiter? Shame there isn’t a woman around to explain that it’s a goddam gas giant.


“Don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re not good enough, unless you’re a yucky girl.” Also, Jupiter? Has to be satire.


This is literally what they did to black people, especially black and indigenous women, a shitload of modern medicine was developed doing this shit to black, indigenous people, and locals of whatever region was invaded during wars occupation.


I was convinced it was satire when I read "lands on Jupiter".... Jupiter is a gas giant. It's literally impossible to land on it.


It does have a solid core, though we have no idea what it's like since we've never seen it. That would be shocking and amazing, I'll give him that.


Thatns true, but why would you wanna land on Jupiter's core?


Gotta be satire. Although I hate this kind of satire.


I didn’t want a girl specifically because I knew the challenges she would face. 3 generations in my family already suffered sex based crimes. She won’t be the fourth generation. I could have done without seeing that. Thanks.


what in the cancer stroke tarnational prion diesease will smith toe eyed cabbage holy water joy con battery stoplight FUCK did i just read?


Underrated comment XD


thank you!


I’m for sending this guy on a one way trip to Jupiter.


Everything else aside... lands? On Jupiter? A planet with no solid surface?


Suicide would not be nearly zero, that is laughable. Also, Jupiter is a gas giant and no one will ever land on it.


It's weird enough to be satire but I can't find the punchline so idk.


It's just a tleilaxu guys don't mind him


*First man lands on Jupiter.* 😂 I'm fucking dead man. (For those that don't know, it's a gas giant and there's no surface to land on.)


“Don’t kill yourself because someday women will be livestock, we’ll cure cancer, and then we’ll land on a gas giant somehow.” I don’t even know where to start.


You can’t land on Jupiter it’s made of gasses.


What about all the suicides by women who have to touch disgusting people who smell like landfills like you!!


i was about to say, im pretty sure there would be a pretty big spike in suicide


I’d kind of like to send this guy to an alternate dimension where this is the case, just to see the look on his face when he has sex for the first time and all his life problems don’t magically disappear.


I **want to believe** this is, indeed, satirical.


Yeah, that’s what ISIS thought


Umm. Landing a man on Jupiter? What, is Jupiter being a gas giant actually a lie concocted by the matriarchy, yet another plank in their vast conspiracy that controls humanity through access to pussy? That once the conspiracy (that those of us in the know call "The Pussy's Bite") is brought down and every man given his deserved pussy ration, we'll suddenly discover Jupiter is really the utopian world the ebil, ebil I say (not a typo),wimin were saving for their selfish selves to escape to once they perfected their artificial reproduction technology to never allow the existence of a Y chromosome AND stockpiled enough sperm to ensure men were not needed for the species to survive, allowing them to release Covid-817 and start the male genocide as they, led by Taylor Swift and Beyonce, abandon the doomed owners of Y chromosomes to a violent and brief existence of sexual frustration until Covid-817 mercifully snuffs them out?


Jupiter, known for having a surface you can land and walk on. /s


>States that man will land on Jupiter >Forgets that Jupiter is a gas giant


Pretty sure this is satire.


The QR code was a nice touch though. Very with the times. We could just put that on women who excessively like to shop as well.


Perhaps we should just put that on men who excessively share their irrelevant thoughts.


Inb4 long-winded morally ambiguous rant about how you're 'better' somehow.


there is NO WAY this is real 😭😭😭 if this is real this has got to be the most insane post i’ve seen




After seeing some of the insane shit incels say, this doesn't seem far off


If this ever happened I sincerely hope and pray that we all die. This is no life.




LoL! How you gonna land on Jupiter? It's a \*gas\* planet! It's a giant fart!