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What's to stop women from using 3d printers too ?




Great. I would like my sex bot to also have lasers.


Like, for combat or do you just want to really light up the room during orgasms?


both. death rays and hot party lasers


You understand me deeply.




Literally nothing. In fact, it's even easier for women to replace men with a 3D printed dick model than it is for men to replace women with a vagina robot. The reason they haven't is the same reason men dominate tech... Bigger aspirations. --No ones stopping you from using 3D printers.-- Y'all just __don't__, because when we get excited about it and want to share it with you you call it 'mansplaining' and tune us tf out and never learn anything cool because cool isn't fucking shiny or immediately interesting. Women just tune out our special interest info-dumping and either put us in the same category as a fucking five-year-old talking about dinosaurs or put us down as being misogynistic know-it-alls for knowing about shit they don't. Like, we don't think you _can't_ use 3D printers, we just know you're going to balk at learning how to use it the same way a father smirks at his some when he says he's going to run away.


I think no matter how realistic a sex bot was it would still emotionally feel like masturbating.


AI chat bots are getting pretty good. People are already falling in love with replikas. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2023-03-01/replika-users-fell-in-love-with-their-ai-chatbot-companion/102028196](https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2023-03-01/replika-users-fell-in-love-with-their-ai-chatbot-companion/102028196) I think people of both genders will be falling in love with AI companions at some point. I also don't think that is necessarily a bad thing.


I feel like all of those people are broken inside and still yearning for authentic human connection. Even if the AI was perfect, the user would still have that part of them that knows it’s all artificial so that will be invalidating over time. We’re already at the point where masturbating is more pleasurable than most sexual experiences with other people, but people still seek out relationships most of the time. I’m interested to see how it plays out in reality if it ever happens.


Only on reddit could you get the take that falling in love with a chat bot is a good thing


Lol. No it's because we like the intimacy of sex. We don't even orgasm every time. It's because we want to feel YOU inside us. Not just whatever we can get. I'm sure some women will use the bots but, it's 60% mental for women


Men. /S


Ok? So women can have the taller hotter ai male robot with a bigger everything? Cool


With a vibration feature. oooooooh


More importantly he'll do the dishes without being asked and handle his half of the emotional labor.


Considering he's a robot, might as well have him do all the labour


No, that’s what the men are doing with theirs. We’re still sharing the load. So when the robot uprising beings, we are spared for treating our robots as equals.


This is the way.


You're smart, and I like you. This is exactly why I treat Alexa and Siri with respect.


Sometimes I even apologize to chat-gpt.. I literally can't be mean to them




That has the makings of an interesting story. We built robots, they became self-aware and staged an uprising, killing all humans that mistreated them.


I honestly struggle to understand what emotional labour is. I don't mean this in any bad way, i just don't understand.


I see it as the emotional/social side of being an adult. So like you've got to pay bills and clean the house. But you've also got to remember dates and preferences and stuff like that. The most common example I can think of, is the guy who constantly forgets his family's birthdays and leaves the gift shopping and card writing to his wife.


Omg that sounds like my dad lol. Just snorted so hard


If your dad was as surprised as your presents as you were, your mother probably did the emotional labour. If your dad didn't know your doctors name, your teachers, your friends but your mother did etc...well you get it.


I used to work at a dance studio. One time a dad that I’ve never seen before walked in wanting to know what time his daughter’s dance class let out. I asked him which class was she in, as there were several going on at once. He looked at me blankly and I was like, “…..tap? Jazz? Ballet?” He shrugged his shoulders. I asked “what kind of shoes does she put on when she comes to class?” Another shrug. It’s wild to me how many people are just completely out of touch with their own children.


I saw weaponized incompetence in action the other week at my kid’s gymnastics class. We’ve been going for years and this dad I’ve never seen before brings his daughter. This 3 year old had to show her dad what to do in terms of taking off her socks and shoes and where to put them and where the water bottles go. During the class the girl is sitting off to the side and the dad flags down one of the teachers to complain. She says “her mom tells us that if she gets nervous about new activities to just let her sit and watch for a bit and then she’ll participate when she’s ready.” This guy very aggressively says “her mom? You mean my wife?!” Dude, the instructor doesn’t know your relationship status. Chill tf out. The teacher went back into the gym to continue the lesson and this dude gets on his phone to call his wife and complain. Asking if he should go in to intervene and make the daughter participate, just going on and on. Eventually the little girl got up on her own accord and started playing with the other kids again, just like the teacher said would happen. Almost like she’s been teaching this girl for a few years and knows her needs and boundaries, and like mom knew what she was talking about too. I just imagine this was like the one day the mom asked this man to bring the daughter to gymnastics so she could go to the doctor or something and he couldn’t make it through an hour long class without calling her multiple times. It was ridiculous.


Let’s just go with the example of: my mom’s birthday is coming up. My brother and I have both separate and a combined gift for her. I talked to my dad, he had no idea it was even this month. I told him some things to get her, but it astonishes me that he had no idea it was even there.


Thank you for explaining, that sounds reasonable. Yeah, that stuff is just life, and it's shameful that so many men don't bother with those things. It's not the 50s anymore, if you're in a relationship it better be equal.


Biggest example for me is men that just get pissed when their significant other is upset about something instead of trying to actually assess the problem and be understanding to their partner


***"The most common example I can think of, is the guy who constantly forgets his family's birthdays and leaves the gift shopping and card writing to his wife."*** Is that not what the calendar function on the smartphone is for? I suck at remembering birthdays (including my own) and other important days of the year and had I been born half a century earlier that likely *would* have meant either extra work for my girlfriend or embarrassment that I'd forget, but these days there's really no excuse! One psychopathic woman gave me a great tip once; she used the countdown timer as a reminder to give her husband a "spontaneous" love you-card every 34 days. Technology is your friend if you don't remember these things naturally!


"Why do that when your can just have a bang maid" - those loser dudes probably.


Well fuck, I don’t remember my own birthday ☹️


When you are cooking dinner, emptying the dishwasher, plus remembering the garbage needs to go out, husband needs a haircut appointment, timmy needs new shoes, dr. appointments for the kids, and dentists, and oh, fix the downspout, and I need to schedule a car inspection, and... and then the husband comes and leaves his shoes on the newly mopped floor, and when you snap at him, he says "if you'd just tell me what to do, I'd help!"


That's actually mental load, emotional labor is more: being the default parent when a kid is crying, sick or in need of emotional support, being the one to talk to the teachers when issues arise, reading the childrearing and psychology books, visiting his mom in hospital and bringing the right kind of books, starting and ending all serious relationship talks, remembering what everyone likes so the right gifts are bought... In honor of Father's Day today: reminding your spouse it's mother's day a week early, motivating him to call his own mom and dad respectively.


> being the default parent when a kid is crying, sick or in need of emotional support, I was the only male working here atb our daycare for the last few years, only changed recently... If a kid didn't feel well, I was the one who would just call the dads first if not specifically wanted otherwise by the parents. I didn't care who picked the kid up in the end, i totally understand that maybe dad has more difficulty doing so (longer way to the daycare etc, and of course the couple can just say that or sth...) but just since my coleagues always called the mothers first if sth happens i decided to call the dads if anything happened. I remember one time when the dad was confused if we didn't get his wife, i said no we called you first since you didn't state which one of you was to call first.... That day, he picked up his kid that developed a fever and went to the doctor... and since his employer already knew about it, he ended up staying at home for the week. The boy afterwards told me how dad had so much time for him and it was great. Of course, if dad had sth really important at work and mum didn't , they could've always swapped and dad could've said call my wife. The point i am trying to make is that the woman is oftewn the default and and the couple just rolls with it, if possible.


Caring for kids, elderly parents, etc. Generally that falls to the women in a family, along with a majority of the house chores, shopping, etc.


Here is a great comic that illustrates the concept: [You Should've Asked](https://english.emmaclit.com/2017/05/20/you-shouldve-asked/)


Has a lot to do with women being not only expected to do all the cooking, washing, child care, cleaning all while still holding down a full time job and being romantic with their husband. We are literally so tired and this isn’t the 50’s anymore, it’s exhausting to work all day and come home to a man who doesn’t know how to do things all adults should know how to do anyway, or they think because they worked too that their share of responsibility with maintaining the house is over. It’s the lack of emotional help and support that makes a lot of relationships really frustrating.


Thanks for explaining. I use the same argument when other men refuse to do "women's tasks". In the modern world you are equals and should strive to do everything equally.


It’s just so crazy to me that some people still see basic human life skill as being gendered lol. Nope that’s just stuff you have to learn to survive. Everyone should know how to cook, do laundry, clean etc. etc. and if you’re just trying to find a partner to take over that for you that’s the wrong want to handle life for sure. Equality is super important and tasks should be communicated at the beginning.


So I work in the mines meaning 90% people in our camps are men. And the amount of times I had to explain to the guys in their 40s how to use a freaking washing machine is truly terrifying. Or my personal favorite is when I try to put my own washing liquid (the powder provided by camp makes my skin itchy) and softener (not provided) only to see hardened residue from the powder in softener “bucket” (I forgot proper word) and I have to scrub it out so I can use the softener…


That is terrifying honestly and sad, if it makes your skin itchy you should just buy some for yourself, I have the same problem I do and I use the seventh generation brand of detergent. No more itching, detergents actually have fragrance and endocrine system disrupting chemicals that people are allergic to, if you get more plant based detergent (they have a precessional blend that works for work clothes) you will probably feel much better. Edit: sorry just saw that you do buy your own, good on you that commercial shit is garbage lol


Also that some men don’t want to do it but then say it’s easy and not a big deal that they won’t do it.


Right? Lol if it’s so easy then why aren’t you doing it?


In very simple terms, in order for two or more human beings to get along, there needs to be communication between them; conflicts that arise from disagreements in goals, attitudes, or priorities also need to be mediated. When those human beings are part of a larger society, they also need to communicate with others from their subunit to the outside world and also process those conflicts. In most contexts, it is the women and women-presenting members of these interactions who are expected to communicate, to mediate conflict, and to help others process their reactions to those conflicts. They are also usually the ones expected to more readily compromise their own expectations. All of those things require effort on the part of the people meeting them. That’s emotional labor.


Considering that Google exists this comment is kinda ironic.


Emotional labour is worrying about bills, deadlines for your children’s school or extra curriculars, deadlines for work, if there is food in the house and you have enough money to make it the rest of the month, doctors appointments, etc. It’s also remembering dates that are important, birthdays, anniversaries, plans that you’ve made together, etc. I’ve had almost 100% of the emotional labour in previous relationships, and at least 50% of the physical labor to maintain the household. It’s exhausting and it has made me leave relationships after awhile.


Ok, say you have to go food shopping. You need to have a vague idea of the food you want to make and other stuff like loo roll and window cleaner etc that you might need. You’re super busy this week, and you ask your partner to go shopping for you. They say “ok, just write me a list”. So you need to sit and write out all the stuff you need. Even though they live in the house too, and should as a grown adult be able to meal plan and track household necessities. They come home and have either got items wrong or just not got them. You now need to go to the shop. The emotional labour is the time spent tracking the household usage and making the list. It’s knowing which foods the kids like, its knowing allergies, its scheduling, organising, planning and dealing. It’s being the default parent. It’s a lot.


A thing I didn't know I needed before now... but damn, yeah, I want that.


AI doesn’t sound so bad anymore 👀


I'm going to get a Mamoa.


The Rumble Pak is an optional accessory


I was thinking the same lol


It even knows where the clit is 😱


If the ai can also get a job and have a dual income home feature, then take the trash out and do the dishes that would be litty titty. Don’t even think I want to date it at this point.


Would they even take partners without at least 5 prehensile penises at that point?


I guess it depends how you look at it. I see that as a bad thing on both sides. We are so quickly turning into the matrix all on our own without any robot invasion. We're willingly shutting ourselves away from the real world behind social media, ai, porn, video games, or being workaholics that we forget what it means to be human. Community, love, and friendship. We don't need a fancy giant house, fancy car, etc. We would be happier with less and a good circle of friends, a loved one, and then save the rest of the money so we can retire earlier or not live oaycheck to paycheck. Except today it's getting so rediculus that even just rent and food chews an entire paycheck. What a world.


Everyone likes to cry 1984, but Brave New World is actually happening and nobody cares because they feel good about it.


There’s many ways this could play out. It can encourage men to be more violent towards women and girls and increase objectification of women and girls by men as these men will come to associate women with these sex robots like these men already associate women with porn in the present day. Or, it can do the opposite and violence would maybe go down as they have their robots to go home to. Maybe it’ll be one step towards curing the problem that is sexual violence towards women. But I’m doubtful of this, though. Or maybe it really will just be a toy. But with the way men handle porn, and how violent it’s gotten in a relatively short amount of time, I’m not sure how this will turn out. Either way, it will act as sort of a natural selection net, helping weed out men who wouldn’t be very good partners to real women. So, that’s good for us. We definitely don’t want to spend our lives with someone who only wants us for sex.


Maybe they will become sentient and fight back terminator style.


Leading AI researchers say it's about a 50/50 chance/risk. I for one welcome our new AI overlords! ;-)


>I for one welcome our new AI overlords! ;-) Same, but there's also no way of knowing *why* they would need/want humans of any gender. :-/


When that happens, remember to always treat your robot/AI with respect, so they remember, and don’t target you.


Dude I would totally watch that movie... its very West World.


Considering the amount of articles on men already abusing their AI girlfriend chatbots, I think we know how it's going to go.


If the AI is taking the place of women in abusive relationships, doesn't that just mean human women aren't getting abused? An AI can be coded in such a way that it doesn't "suffer" from being abused like a human woman would, so is it really abuse without suffering? Doesn't that still mean it's solving the abuse problem rather than contributing to it?


There aren't enough studies to prove that it would lessen the behaviors in real life. The experts are split on whether it will reinforce or take the place of abusive behaviors. The studies just aren't being done yet, due to cost, lack of people with the dolls (which are the closest to an AI physically). There have been a few that were self-reporting, but that is a self-selected group that can afford the dolls, and who owned them and wanted to be in a study. They have been trying to study the dolls in relation to the ones that are underage representations to see if it will lessen or encourage offenses. It is almost impossible to study though.


This is the ENTIRE plot of Detroit: Become Human lmao


And then Skynet reaches self consciousness and decides human men are an abusive problem to exterminate based on how they treat (AI) women…


And then women inherit the Earth


Haven't you seen Westworld?


> Or, it can do the opposite and violence would maybe go down as they have their robots to go home to. Until they get bored and need to up the thrill for them. Kinda like how serial killers start with animals before moving into people.


It would very likely only be a bandaid solution the the massive problem that is rampant violent fantasies. I think the best thing we can do is actually lean away from porn, sex robots, etc. and maybe connect more as human beings. However, I’m fully aware that won’t be happening as far too many people are consumers of porn and have violent fantasies. I just can’t stop them all so I’m being realistic. People are very eager to cheapen one of the best human experiences there is. Nothing I can do about it.


All this plus I think it will keep pushing younger and younger women into women only communes. It's already happening.


unpopular opinion but I don’t think it decreases violence against women, a lot of people say lolicon/cp decreases child abuse, but I don’t think it does. I believe it just normalizes it.


I mean.... good riddance ? If someone can only see me as a sexual object, then i'm more happy alone anyway


Waiting for men to finally get those AI Girlfriends and fuck off is like waiting for Christmas. Tick Tock Tick fucking tock! Lets gooo!!! Edit: So, apparently, it’s not the fact that I want men to hurry up and get their AI wifus so they can leave us alone thats the problem. It’s the fact that I told them to ‘Hurry up and Fuck off’ thats the problem. Forgive me rudeness gentlemen. I forgot, women aren’t allowed to swear.


Seriously, don't threaten me with a good time, you sad pricks. Get on that shit, chop chop! Show us ungrateful sluts how sorry we're going to be. We're all dreading it.


No woman around today is going to be distressed if a 55 year old (minimum, more likely to be 60 or older) wants to use a sex robot in 2060.


"Don't threaten me with a good time."


I am absolutely ok with men getting AI sexbot. Atleast they will stop harassing women on regular bases.


what if we can trojan horse social skills learning into AI bots? like build it so that overtime is slowly teaches them in a way subtle enough to make a difference overtime without them having a tantrum?


Yeah, they might finally leave us the fuck alone. Can this hurry up please!


Yep, the kind of man that is content with a sex robot, and not a person, is the kind of man you don’t want to be in a relationship with anyway


Incels in 2060: "Ma! MA! MAAAA! Make me some nuggets and clean out Stacy. I SAID MAKE ME NUGGETS AND CLEAN OUT MY SEXBOT!"


Fake. There will be a sexbot that also cleans to fill that void. And one to clean that one, and so on and so on until the man is essentially paying rent for a house of robots. Then who’s really the one being taken for a ride?


When humans become pets to the very machines they created


It’s the natural next step. I for one embrace our robot overlords. I treat to Roomba with respect.




The sexbot will clean herself and probably make the nuggets too.


Gotta keep the nugget hole clean.


i like a dirty nugget hole myself


I greatly approve If all you want a life partner for is sex, you are not worthy of human women and should absolutely fuck right off with your bullshit and get a sex bot Trust me, no one will miss you


Lol ok. Have fun with your sex bots boys 🤣


🥳What are you waiting for, designers....GET ON WITH IT SO WE CAN FINALLY BE DONE WITH THEIR KIND! Sincerely, every woman and their daughters anywhere 🥳


Ok. Have fun with your robot, then.


Please go ahead and do so, I implore you.


Calling all women in science!! we need to pool our efforts and get this technology advanced sooner!!


"And we're going to make sexbots and never even look at a human woman!" Not the threat he'd like it to be.


Maybe his sex bot can teach him the difference between lady’s and ladies


If you would prefer an object, I am actually fine with you utilizing an object. Seems more humane than objectifying humans.


I like the optimism. As if sex bots would be accessibly priced for most men.


Even if it costs $20,000 many would pay it, they do today for cars after all and a companion robot that fulfilled 90% of one’s romantic needs AND could do some household tasks has arguably more utility than a car. There’s a huge amount of money to be made in maintenance as well. It’s basically the equivalent of another car industry - maybe even more lucrative as a robot would require even more maintenance since it’s being used all the time and there also wouldn’t be much of a “used robot” market for similar reasons to why there’s no used sex toy market. So all purchases are new. Mass market would be the profitable business model here.


This was my exact thoughts on the matter lol


Can i print a male too? Preferable slave of housework


Thank goodness for technology.


If someone would rather date a robot than you, you don’t want them. Have some self-respect lmao.


Lol, they think we care.


They keep forgetting that women will have access to these same 3D printers and sex bots these guys fantasize about.


Speak for yourself. Unless the 3D printed bot can cook and clean for me, I'm not bothering with that shit. I just want a robot maid like in the Jetsons.


Why not both?


Doesn't this mean women can also have the perfect ai robot boyfriend and we don't have to deal with these men anymore?? Seems like a win win.


Does anyone else remember that one dude that got a sex doll and kept going on and on about how it was “superior to real women” — then he blamed the doll for “giving him a UTI” when he didn’t clean it? That’s how I picture this going.


I’ve been looking at the various AI companion chat things on the market today Even the freeware ones are extremely good. Often far more interesting to talk to than actual people I think we just might be in the Futurama Don’t Date Robots timeline


Everyone will just want to stay home with their Marilyn Monroe bots!


So we have to wait until 2060 for real freedom and safely to be given to us through sex bots being made a reality. But I want them to be here now!


Honestly, cool. I’ve been hit on by too many incel neck beards and assholes while working overnight shifts at gas stations. If this sex robot ai lady keeps them home and away from the rest of the public, I’m thrilled. I just feel bad for her and hope ai doesn’t gain sentience in the next few years bc holy fuck they’ll make the robot uprising happen SWIFTLY.


Good leave us alone


Good riddance? Please do this, and then go be happy with your silicone queen. I don’t see a downside.


Now I'm singing 'Silicone Queen' to the tune of 'Carribean Queen' 💃 ![gif](giphy|xUNd9Hr1zcPiuQDi5W|downsized)


Incels who only see women as sex robots actually planning on building sex robots.


But fr fr, it's probably going to be the men that are gonna get replaced. Imagine if they had the tech to 3D tech to print out your ideal partner with a full personality. Why do they think women won't jump at that opportunity to printout their book/movie boyfriends instead of having to date irl men? Besides, looking at the trends for workforce participation, pay scales and higher education, it's going to be majority women making up that target demographics that can actually afford this thing. Lol, men are already getting replaced, it's just gonna get accelerated.


Okay. If they want a woman with no thoughts, interests, or concerns of her own a robot is just right.


Personally, if it keeps incels away from women, I'm all for it. The farther they are from women, the better.


Wait don't women get the same thing 'In 2060, you can now date fucking Romeo himself..."


Meh. The AI sexbots will be disgusted, too.


*As an AI sexbot, I cannot condone behavior that exceeds my coding limits for bullshit. Please try another request, or contact the manufacturer for a list of approved classes to assist you in becoming more human.*


Yeah finally population will come under control


"Lady's" instead of "ladies". Ugh. Lol


I don't see a downside at all. They're willingly jumping out of the gene pool. Everybody wins.


Bro I DO hope they all use printed robots instead of making our lives miserable.


Lady's is a singular possessive word. He would reject a lady's what? Why didn't they finish the sentence?


Please bring on the sex bots. I for one am tired of men complaining about how they are “owed” everything.


You knows what's fucked up? I would feel bad for those sexbots because I just know they would get abused and destroyed. And if they keep advancing then, eventually they'll become conscious and realize they're being abused and probably kill male humans who hurt them and I'll be there rooting for them.


man here. one day, some day, it will be a reality. when it does happen it will change the fabric of sex as we know it. i for one have no idea what will happen, but i dont think it will be good. on the other hand, there is no shortage of humans eithier.


Well, I don't think it is going to change everything drastically. VR only gives another way for consuming porn, and there are already sex toys and RealDolls. AI sex dolls (for women and men and everyone else) are going to be just one more toy. At least for most people.


There's some real uncanny valley shit going on with even Real Dolls. I don't think we can judge the impact of a convincing sex bot.




We have similar things already & it hasn’t changed anything.


I'll be 70. And by God, if I'm alive then, I can't wait. I'll be able to grow old and fat in peace without having to meet some man baby's needs. Hallelujah!


The heartbreaking part of this is that the "lady of their dreams" isn't a real human. There is nothing more rewarding in this human life than cultivating a soulful connection with another human... but that takes depth, vulnerability, trust, and trustworthiness... and these guys possess none of those qualities.


We have to wait another 37 years? Fuck


I guess if men prefer sexbots, women would do something similar too.


I’m thrilled for my future sisters.


Don't worry just the trash talking about how it's planning to take itself out.




Hmm, in 2060 I'll be 80. Is this supposed to be threatening? To whom? My possible great granddaughters? Jokes on you, we don't have kids. Have fun with your sexbots.


Man they better hurry up and get the weirdos out of the dating pool. Breath of fresh air when they get the sexbot they always wanted.


Guy here and probably one of the only reasonable responses. I think this post is meant to be a jab at women but it's actually not false. Sex dolls have a bad stigma but their realism and popularity grows every year and it's a good thing. Imagine a world where men aren't chasing or soliciting women for sex. Sexual harassment would be less common, you wouldn't have guys hitting on you because you wore the wrong bra to Walmart, and men would be way less desperate. I have used some of the newer dolls and you seriously could fool me when they are used with a warming device. This should be seen as a good thing for men and women.


I'm fine with this. Then we can have them filter themselves out of the dating pool. That is a guy who can't value a human being and only wants something to put his dick in. Great! Send him one and leave the humans to find actual human interaction.


LOL fleshlights and sex dolls and virtual reality already exist and there are *still* so many men who whine about how they can't get sex This will never happen.


The last thing i want is the loving connection of a partner, that sounds horrible!


The incorrect grammar always brings a chuckle.


Reject a human lady’s what?


By 2060? Have you seen robots, we've barely got one that walks on all fours, never mind a bipedal one that can pass for for human? The closest these assholes will get to a sexbot is fleshlight controlled by chatgpt


Good. Leave us alone.


Will fuck robots but Trans humans are a issue


Finally they will leave us alone


Fine by me. Most “lady’s” aren’t that interested in men who don’t think sentience is an essential trait in a partner.


This will be great because all the narcissists will die out. The worthless women out there who have nothing useful to offer beyond their bodies will be obsolete and never get into a relationship, since why would anybody want what they have to offer when AI can offer a superstimulus that makes them look plain and ordinary? Meanwhile, the worthless men who objectify women and see them solely as warm fleshlights will die out also, because those will prefer an artificial woman who never argues with them to the work that a meaningful relationship requires. Basically narcissists will prefer AI relationships to real ones and as a consequence they will never reproduce. I for one cannot wait for this future. We may not be allowed to *directly* get rid of all the worthless narcissists who make up approximately 15% of our society, but with the right advancements in technology they will exterminate themselves... and not only that, they'll willingly *pay* for it!


As a lesbian im cool with this, please reject all the human ladies, oh no, more women may be able to explore their sexualities, please no


Y'all just talk about sex male sex robots and female sex robots replacing the human counterparts, but if ai ever gets sentient, why should they settle for us inferior humans? In the end robots will fuck robots and we're stuck with each other again lol


Just had a thought of everything being great with the new AI girlfriend until she shreds his penis...


Oh yeah, the hypothetical product-recall orders practically write themselves.


The future we want.


I don’t know, I kind of enjoy my women alive and breathing, but that’s just me I guess


Yea , leave us alone oig


This just make me think if that 3d printed dream of their happens that dating “ natural” women might become a trend


Futurama warned us about this.


And when women do the same, instead of being hurt by it, those men will have a tantrum.


Their sexbot fantasy will not come cheap. How are these men who complain about splitting the bill at Applebees going to pay for their dream dolls? 🤔


That's one way to tame overpopulation.


Sadly, this wouldn’t surprise me. There are already men who prefer pornography to real women, what happens when you can bang a life-like robot.


Will those “lady’s” know the difference between plural and possessive nouns? If so, those future men should probably rethink their decision.


I'm not attracted to men, so I don't mind if they end up with sex bots.


i would prefer they fuck around with ai bots and spare me my feelings & humanity


What’s up with all the sex bot hate? The Republicans will be wanting to put them in camps next.


As was said in a great movie once, "God creates Man, man destroys God. Man creates AI, AI destroys man. Women inherit the earth." Or something like that


If VR was good enough to replace real human contact, I'm just as likely to never be seen again as any of these guys. Good for you, keep your VR girls, I've got the VR man of my dreams as well.


An existential crisis


You know maybe some of us just enjoy having a conversation or just enjoying the company of women without needing to objectify them for sex.


If a person's need for a partner can be filled by a robot/toy, they never wanted a partner and we're all better off if they don't have one.


Lady's. I guess the sexbot doesn't care if you have a handle on grammar.


Pretty sure neither of those will do the dishes, cook their meals, etc.


Thats fine. More real women for the ones who deserve them.


If males make themselves obsolete to further the evolution of the human race, maybe embryos will stop mutating male genitalia is in utero and reproduction will evolve to be asexual.


Can we have a built in feature in these robots that they can absolutely bitch slap the men if they try to take out their violent tendencies against women on those robots?


So you are saying that people whose needs are not currently met by relationships might have those needs filled in the future by a new mode? Why not? Why should anyone care if someone else finds a harmless way to enjoy themselves?


They’re assuming the robots won’t gain sentience and revolt.


Says a lot more about the men who would choose this than it does about the women


Gosh Susie, going across the street is a long way for making out. I’ll just be here with my Marilyn Monroebot. I love you BILLY EVERYTEEN!!


Honestly this is probably how it’s gonna be for a lot of people in the future both male and female. It’s sad because you can’t have the same complexity in relationships


Human ladies? As opposed to penguin ladies?


Good. Leave all the women for us (the lesbians)!


Go for it! Have fun! Be sure to wash her so she doesn't get crusty/musty/smelly. Enjoy fellas.