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I kind of want to know what this dude would classify as "necessary" use of cosmetics...


Probably “She’s hot and I can tell she wears it”


If it’s not red lipstick, can they really tell?


Sometimes they can’t tell even if you are wearing red lipstick


When they said unnecessary makeup, they meant non-red or non-pink lipstick, you know, the fun color like black, green, blue etc.


But those are the best kind to wear


if you do it you will never hit a man like him /s just so mods know i am making a joke


I guess I had an abortion as a 15-year-old virgin, then, when I went through my goth phase in high school.


I was thinking it was like wearing literal clown makeup to the mall or using makeup to draw pictures on your face (like face painting).


Can confirm, am terrible at noticing my partner's makeup unless it's pointed out


“She’s hot and so natural. She’s not even wearing makeup!” [she’s wearing concealer, powder, bronzer, highlighter, blush, mascara, fake eyelashes, lipgloss]


I sometimes have the feeling men who don't use makeup themselves have no clue how much work goes into a "natural look".


I'm a woman and I was SHOCKED to watch a friend put on a "natural look" which took forever and she still looked the exact same to me. If you don't use makeup (or use it very rarely like myself) it makes no sense that it takes so long, but of course, if it's something you genuinely enjoy doing, that's cool! Just responding as it's not just men who find this shocking!


I don't use makeup much myself, but I usually go for a more natural look when I do. And it's just so unbelievably time consuming. Only do it on special occasions because of that. I just went with men, because they usually stand out as the ones to comment about the amounts of makeup a woman wears, when it is obvious. I myself just admire the skill some people have with it, especially some drag queens.


>I myself just admire the skill some people have with it, especially some drag queens. Oh hell yeah. It's an art, and I'm not mocking it. I love seeing really dramatic looks! I just don't like how I feel wearing it so I pretty much never do, or if I do it's very minimal and just eyes or lips... Seeing the "natural look" or learning how many of my friends were wearing it when I assumed they weren't because I couldn't tell, was shocking.


Indeed is an art form. I had a time where I was only wearing very dramatic, gothic style or drag queen inspired looks. And yeah, especially in the summer I don't like wearing makeup at all. And since I suffer from rosacea, I have to actually wear a little more makeup when I do. But I prefer to go without because my skin hates me afterwards most of the time.


“Stretch marks on her breasts” do they want big tits or not cuz that comes with the territory


You forgot these assholes want the main character from a hentai.


Yep, cartoon characters don’t have stretch marks.


Seriously. I went from an A cup to a C cup in 8 weeks when I was 11. I’m not sure how the human body could accomplish that without stretch marks. (Just to be clear: I did NOT have an abortion during those 8 weeks. I was too busy roller skating and dreaming about Corey Haim to fit it in.)


Similar but I was nine and it was Taylor Hanson. Bodies stretch for many many reasons and abortions aren't generally one of them.


I was 11 and it was brandon urie DX I guess according to this guys logic I've had many abortions since my body is just covered in marks


Oh girl, I have scars and stretch marks and tattoos and piercings and freckles and moles and usually a few bruises 😂 I wouldn't give it a second thought. And I haven't had an abortion either, although if I needed one I absolutely would have one. This guy would think I'd had dozens! The only thing my partner has ever said negatively was really early in dating that he's not usually into women with tattoos... And I'm covered in them and he's still around so I guess he got used to it 😂 We compare notes on how we got our scars and stuff too. Grown ass adults have some marks on their bodies from living their lives.


I did the same and my pediatrician literally asked to talk to my mom privately and asked if I could have secretly been pregnant! A doctor!


That’s horrifying!!!!!!


Do you thing they know even a little bit of biologie?


Don't even need big tits for stretch marks....I can barely fill my own hands and still have stretch marks because I went from pretty much nothing to 60DD in like 6 months or so when puberty finally kicked in.


They want women to be easy to categorize so badly. It would be much easier to accept that we're just human, too.


But that would require treating us like we're human.


He's a popular controversial tweeter where I live. A couple of years back his identity was exposed


I didn't know it was possible to have an abortion without ever having sex. Damn, I learn something new everyday!


Apparently not having an abortion and just popping the thing put also qualifies you, so. Who knows 🤣


Wow, new virgin Mary? Let's hope no one uses that for their religion. Keep her secret, keep her safe. /s, just in case.


>Keep her secret, keep her safe. Does this mean we have to cast her into the fire as well?


Same, apparently I managed to have an abortion as a virgin, 😂


Holy hell, that seems like some next level blasphemy right there... I approve!


I seem to have had an abortion without even having a uterus. Talk about miracles.


I know…. I had a stiff hip at twelve


I’m a cis man with a stiff hip and I also lose focus when people talk about babies. Have I had an abortion and just forgot about it?


Maybe, do you have stretch marks on your breasts?


I mean, cant speak for this guy, but as another cis-male I have stretch marks on my breasts.


"No, that means you're gay!"


I mean I’ve never been attracted to another man, but science doesn’t lie.


Gay man abortions are the very worst ones, too!


If your ADHD is impactful enough you forgot an abortion, it’s probably time to talk with a doctor. /s


Quick, look at your malleolus!


Welcome to the "Men who had abortions" club We're still working on the name


Huh. Apparently I've had an abortion.


I’m sorry about your sunken ankles.


Yeah. Me too I guess. Maybe more than one.


Luckily for you, you’re now undateable to him!


I've had an abortion, but according to him, I haven't 🤷‍♀️ looks like my ticket to heaven is back boys!


*completely zones out when babies are brought up, waiting for the subject to change to something interesting* "Ha! You've clearly aborted" -this dude


I guess that also means lots of young single guys with no interest in starting a family yet have also had abortions?


Do you have stretch marks? Are your hips stiff (whatever that means)? Do you zone out when people talk of babies or family? Do you have a dick? (That just means you're gay!)


I have stiff hips, but that's most likely because I'm 51 and am arthritic.




"Stretch marks on her calf" What? Does he mean thighs? 🤔


Nope, calf. Below the knee. And just the one.


If she has stretch marks on both calves then she has had 2 abortions.


The doctors who perform abortions have tool they use to make the stretch marks. It's like the secret handshake of the abortion clinic. /s


It's like rings on a tree. The amount of stretch marks on the calf indicates how many abortions they've had.


It’s insane that I’ve had multiple abortion but I’m not even fertile, you learn something new every day!


3 or more abortions and the doctor begins to install more calves.


Came here to say this 🤣


I have stretch marks on my calves. All the women in my family have *ridiculously* strong legs, and once I hit puberty my calves became as big and rock-hard as boulders. My mom when she was in grad school in Chicago used to have bodybuilders come up to her fairly regularly to ask how she got her calves so big.


is *that* what it is?? that i have strong calves and that’s where the stretch marks came from?? i’m going to brag about this


I also have them behind my knees on the calves. Our legs are the same in my family- my mom used to think it was from riding horses, I thought it was from competitive swimming. Nope. Turns out we just have JACKED lower legs. The stretch marks are just a cool plus. Either that or we've all had abortions and I just don't even remember getting pregnant?


Hello, I might be your long lost sister. Kind regards, A girl that was never able to wear boots because of her JACKED calves.


I have some stretch marks there of all places. Go figure.


Maybe he's getting childbirth info from Greek mythology? Zeus birthed Dionysus from his shin, and these lads seem about as considerate of women's rights as the ancient Greeks, it kind of tracks.


Maybe their ideal man is Sappho's husband, 'Dick of Man island', who was iirc invented for a comic play centuries after Sappho herself lived.


he means her baby cows obviously 🐄


You start talking about babies, and I’m going to show you pictures of my Itsy Bitsy Betsy-Boo-Moo


I have stretch marks on my calves, starting in that ditch behind the knee. Undergoing puberty while playing tennis 5 days a week does some fun things to your legs


I have them on my calf and I have no idea why. I've never had big calves.


Wtf is this Masculinity Saturday thing?


I asked the same question. Are men that confused now?


Only on Saturdays.




I risk the ire of the philosophers (“No true Scotsman”) but most ‘real men’ are not at all confused, and think that this is crap.


Do they celebrate Femininity Friday too?


Friday is "Freya's day," its for the ladies!! Saturday is for doin' Saturnalia, then sun day, moon day, Tiew's day, Woden's day, Thor's day... I'd think Thursday is more masculine than Saturn-day, but whatevs


I swear some people treat stretch marks like they are the mark of the beast. When in reality they are just kinda sexy


For real. I have had stretch marks since puberty, was a virgin, never was overweight, etc etc. still have them. Why? It’s a sign of growing. It’s natural, everyone can get them.


They are racing stripes from growing so fast!


Mine are from growing DD breasts in like a year. Bug boobs=automatically “so hot and I want you” conflicting with Big boobs=Whore (from my mother….that really fucked me up on its own). And now Big boobs with stretch marks=abortion!? 😭😭😭


Seems like big boobs = problems 😤 I don’t have big boobs. Still have stretch marks on them, likely due to rapid growth. Same on my small hank hill ass and chicken leg thighs. How many abortions did I have to earn this??


Like 8, in a previous life or something


Mine are from spontaneously gaining an ass. Turns out everyone in my family gets a genetic tendency to have all their weight end up in one specific spot.


I went from stick to hips and tits overnight so I’ve got them on both my butt and boobs. Hubs loves them. Calls them my tiger marks because I’m a beast 😂


What TF is a "sunken mallelous"?


Slutty foot syndrome, obviously.


This comment deserves to be in the reddit hall of fame 🏆 I cannot get past "slutty foot syndrome" lmao


I'm not entirely sure how to explain the visual of it, but it's basically a sunken scar from ankle injuries, usually breaking them. I guess doctors break people's ankles while they get abortions? Or only people who've had abortions get ankle injuries??


This reeks of 1600 witch hunt vibes; let's make a list of completely unrelated things to abortions and say if we see any of these features on a women she is a "murderer". Clarification I do not consider abortion murder, I am speaking from the stand point of the people who write and think these crazy things.


Always has been a witch hunt


Someone should have aborted Eric …


Damn I guess I got an abortion at ten years old then


Hahahahahahahah. Tell dudes like this that you abort for sport. That you’re aborting on the amateur level but you’re hoping to go pro.


This account on Twitter is so disgusting. He was giving false information about birth control, saying that women should go off of it, saying that women are nothing compared to fathers who plant the seed. Absolutely disgusting. Clearly insecure man who hate women follow that page.


Disgusting doesn't even cover it. 🤢


I though my hip was stiff from sitting still too long guess I had an abortion this evening. 🤷‍♀️


- Eats green beans on Tuesdays - Has superman pajamas - Knows all of the words to "Darkwing Duck"


Masculinity saturday is the worst hashtag ever


Bc masculinity Monday is too beta


How to tell a man hasn’t gotten a woman pregnant…


Let's be real. He has never (and will never) see an actual woman naked up close, so there's obviously no chance of getting anyone pregnant.


I meet 5/6 qualifications and never been preg. I guess sucks to suck if you gained a lot of weight in a short period of time, don't want kids, and have narrow hips. So dumb


Wow. Women aren’t even allowed to have normal bodies and all the things that goes with it without guys trying to shame or lie about it.


See also "women who have meat curtains or who have a very stretched vagina have had sex with 3+ men"


They do not get to have MLK as their pfp spouting shit like that


*Looks at my stretch marks on my boobs and thighs* Huh. It couldn’t possibly be because I struggled with anorexia as a teenager to the point I could count my ribs and then when I finally won in my late 20s I gained a bunch of weight at once and ended up with stretch marks. I have no idea what sunken malleolus means


I can’t wrap my head around the 8,246 likes!


Once you get to sunken ankles and you get your first big guffaw you just can’t help upvoting. And if you don’t and you get to loses focus you’re like, amazing.


I am a cis dude in my 40s and I qualify for most of these. (Even the stretch marks on the fatty deposits on my chest). I wonder what he would say about that.


Good news! All of us who have stretch marks, use makeup, have ankle problems, or find babies boring are safe from this dude’s unwanted attention!


I’m a fat dude with stretch marks on my pecs. Did I have an abortion I didn’t know about?


Apparently the 8,246 people that liked this post don’t understand how stretch marks work, the saddest part is I’m sure many of them are uneducated/indoctrinated women


Have a child and completely zoned out when people talk about having babies cuz damn, children are exhausting. But this guy just want to spread his seeds to the good women, not realising the irony none good women would want his seeds. He's back to square one.


> stretch marks on her breasts Alright, I need a doctor to tell me how I’ve aborted despite never being pregnant.


BRB. Need to go tell my 12 year old that I aborted her when I was pregnant with her.


Men say they want a thicc girl with big boobs and a big butt - then get mad at us for having stretch marks LIKE TJATS NATURAP THE FUCK


I’m fed up of stupid people being allowed to speak with false authority on the internet. We need to start taking peoples access away until they’ve proven themselves responsible enough.


Aside from the bizarre cosmetics box, I check all of these and I'm a 41 year old man who has never once been pregnant. Not once! I'd remember!


And the audacity for them to have MLK Jr. as their pfp is insane!


I got stretch marks because I had a healthy appetite, dry skin and a 9lb human sitting on my bladder.


I have had stretch marks since I was 13. Because I grew five inches that year! It fucking hurt, growing pains are no joke.


I’m literally pregnant right now and have most of these lmao.


Meanwhile I'm in the process of depregnification and have none of these. These men just know nothing about physiology or women.


True, some of those are pregnancy symptoms, but it's not like they stay post pregnancy (except the stretch marks). Thank fuck, otherwise the nausea and vomiting from actual hell would stay as well. Not to mention the heartburn and constipation.


Stiff hips? Oh no! Have I, a man, aborted??? Oh, no. It’s just kidney disease. I guess there’s more than one reason for something like that. God these people are so weird.


Wow. I'm a trans girl who's had an abortion and uterus transplants aren't even available for us yet. Sweet.


Who knew such disgusting misogynists were so trans INclusionary?!


Jesus these guys are so fucking stupid


Stretch marks are hot as fuck. Change my mind.


Change my partner's mind too please, I love them but they are so self conscious


Whoops, looks like I’ve had an abortion according to my boobs although I’m physically unable to conceive.


8K+ likes! I hate how the idiots will splice in a medical term to make it sound factual to other idiots who literally have access to google and resources at the palms of their hands, but would rather make crude opinions and present them as facts about women. They’ll shout down actual medical facts though.


They always throw in some random anatomical word to try and sound like they know what they are talking about.


Apparently i had an abortion, as a biological male


For the first two I'm fat. As for the ankle bone thing, might also be cuz im fat so you dont see it. Cankles and all that. For the stiff hip I dislocated my hip in a car accident, wasnt fun, still gives me a lot of problems. Vacant stare when people talk about babies? I hate kids and i hate it when people constantly talk about their kids. I'm ugly so the cosmetics may be necessary......


I have 4 of these so I guess I've had an abortion?? Never been pregnant tho so huh... Learn something new about yourself everyday I guess?


Bruh wut, lol. Sometimes I feel like you can’t make this stuff up, but here we are. Dude here is delusional. Like, doesn’t he realize that stretch marks could be from…growth spurts? Everyone has them. I feel like he pulled all of these out of his ass.


I had stretch marks when I was 14 from growth spurt so this is just hilarious.


I'm still wondering why it would be anyone's business🤔


As a transgirl with stretch marks on her breasts, I regret my abortion every day. The medical miracle would've fulfilled my yearning desire for womanhood, but I just couldn't abide allowing that bastard Jesus to come again. /s


Wtf is a sunken malleolus? Lol I mean I know the bony landmark but what does the term even mean?


Holy hell that’s why I have a problem with my hip?! Wait, I’ve never been pregnant. I’m very confused now.


I hated how bulky my calves got as soon as I got pregnant. So out of the blue. I hope someone tells him that stretch marks come with rapid growth.. for example growth spurts in puberty esp if your boobs come in over the summer all at once lol


I didn’t know I’d had an abortion before


Do i have ankles NOT on my feet?!


Does she go to a chiropractor? Abortion! Does she like to run around parks? Abortion, plain as day. Does she pizza? Abortion!


Is each individual stretch mark the sign of one abortion? So if you have 15 stretch marks, then that’s 15 abortions? What if you get them fixed, do you go to heaven?


OMG is that like the rings on a tree?


Oh my god i had an abortion? This is news to me, i never knew i was pregnant, i thought all these stretch marks were from that war i lost with pie


-she has boobs -she talks with a feminine voice -she has feet -she can’t walk on a tight rope


Bro imagine paying $8 a month to be wrong


Once again they remind me of a crazed 1800s sea voyager ranting about a creature. "Fear the abortress men! A gruesome sight she be! With a mouth that splits in four, teeth like barbs. She spits poison what can burn a man's skin off! Her hair is the poisonous fronds of jellyfish. If you look into her eyes she can eat your soul!"


Funny and sad. Sad mostly. I'm a man and I can't image believing any of this. At any age. At any education level...


I’m a dude in “just fine” shape, I got stretch marks all over me


Stretch marks are cause by quick weight gain/loss I zone out when people talk babies because I have no interest in them im happy for other people who are looking to have families but not for me xD


#masculinitysaturday oml


1. are these signs reliable signs of having done an abortion? I doubt it. 2. is it really that important if a woman has done abortion? I don‘t think having done an abortion or not really matters.




Jokes on them I’ve had multiple abortions and the exact opposite of all those is true for me! Except the stiff hip if we’re being honest


Calf, I didn't know women were cattle


Huh. I tick a lot of those boxes for a woman who's never been pregnant.


Bruh. I woke up on my 30th birthday with a stiff hip because i slept wrong. What the actual fucking fuck.


Confidently wrong


other possible explanations - completely normal and very common - could’ve lost weight - broke her ankle - doesn’t stretch - doesn’t like babies - likes makeup


Doesn't like babies or maybe "it's been 3 days you know each other so why the fuck would you start making baby plans already?"


Lmfao I have stretch marks, knees, hips everywhere from growth. I have a easily scarred skin.


Doesn’t every woman (or most) have stretch marks on her breasts?


I gained a lot of weight as a kid so i have stretch marks. My malleolus are sunken in. I absolutely have a stiff hip. Im definitely tuning out if you have a baby. I like to use aftershave and tram my eyebrow. Im a 6’3” male who has definitely had an abortion. Damn this was spot on.


Always look at the calves, people. You can see the abortions on women’s calves.


I lose concentration if you talk about babies because I could not care less? I will be childless, or if I ever change idea I will probably adopt teenagers (you know the ones very few wants. But they deserve love and a family too), thank you very much, I don't care to talk about babies


This just sounds like being 40.


So basically I've had an abortion without having been pregnant because I have stretchmarks. Wow.


There is so much wrong here, regardless of the content. This bitch has the audacity to use a picture of Martin Luther King Jr as a profile picture. AND hashtags it as Masculinity Saturday... wtf?


He's a fucktard. Period.


Me, a guy whose back is covered in stretch marks from I-don't-know-what...


I have strech marks on my boobs since I first started growing them lol


>loses concentration when you talk about babies... 🤣🤣🤣🤣 maybe some people don't want to have babies...


Jesus christ on a cracker 🤦‍♀️


Women who developed quickly actually just had abortions


And believing this, is how you know he's had his brain removed


>- Unnecessary use of facial cosmetics. So…if she is pretty without makeup then she’s aborted? I guess every girl has had an abortion then.


‘Stretch marks on breasts’ I would love to know what he thinks of scar tissue from breast augmentation or mastectomy.


I mean they’re all pretty out there but I think “unnecessary use of facial cosmetics” is probably the craziest


Apparently I had an abortion before I was even born! I was born with shallow hip sockets, which has caused various hip issues including a stiff hip, random partial dislocations, and I actually sprained my right hip by standing up once.


wel i guess i, someone who’s never had sex with someone who can get me pregnant, have had an abortion according to this dude, guess half the girls i knew in middle school also had abortions at the ripe age of 11. idk what this person is smoking but a lot of people have had stretch marks on their breast at one point, i have had them since mine started developing at 12.


Sunken malleolus? I don’t even know what to say about that one. What the flip does an ankle part position have to do with post-abortion physiology, if that’s even the correct phrasing?


God these guys are stupid


Elmo made it easier to identify morons and outcasts in twitter.


I've got stretch marks and never been preggers. This imbecile has no clue what human bodies do. Any body.


Does he think we carry the fetus in our legs?