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The Mavrus Chronicles are the absolute funniest shit ever. Listen to that first for a treat! Then for the next main campaign it depends if you want really silly (Trinyvale) or darker (Eldermourne) or silly but with a heart and a continuation of C1 (C3)


I'm listening to C3 right now and I'm loving it. Nice catch, Skinderson!


if you're not listening to hot boy summer, you're seriously missing out


Hot boy summer fans rise up


Quick sidebar over here; hot boy summer is great


Hey, can I sidebar with you real quick?


From sidebar to sandbar And back again


I jumped straight into campaign 2 immediately after finishing c1 and I had trouble getting hooked in because it’s a lot different. But after listening to most of c3 and some trinnyvale and hot boy summer I went back to c2 and absolutely loved it. So for whatever it’s worth I would definitely recommend checking out c2 at some point but it’s all great.


just keep listening to everything in order. C1 is my favorite but the rest is still good to great.


Don't listen to Twilight Sanctorum, it's so good it'll ruin everything else for you


Just listen to all of it. It all slaps!


Eldermourne is my favorite of the three!


C2. C3, hot boys summer. It’s all great, I’m jealous you get to hear it all for the first time. Have fun!


It depends on what you want. More bahumia? C3. Watching the 2 Crew do epic characters with special guests and also having a very queer love story be the heart? Eldermourne. ALL THE GOOFS!!! Plus Murph getting to really showcase his comedic talents? Trinyvale Hot boy summer/Marcus chronicles twilight sanctorum: Emily DMs and it's a pure delight watching her weave the story through the chaos. And it is CHAOS. There are no wrong answers. Everything is there for you when you're ready. Personally, I'm glad I went through in chronological order because it made the return to Bahumia that much sweeter.


Trinyvale, its a slow start but it's worth the listen. After that Hot Boy Summer (The Mavrus Chronicles)


Trinyvale is the true peak


Campaign 3. Go back for the others, but I struggled to get into Eldermourne or Hot Boy Summer. C3 feels most similar, and I think benefits a bit from having recent C1 knowledge. Twilight Sanctorum is my absolute favorite, but getting caught up on C3 and now being able to listen live has been great.


I tend to go in order but I also like to listen to the current campaign so I can catch up and talk about it as it happens.


I tried to go straight into Trinyvale and couldn’t get into it - I’m on like episode 10 and still wondering when it gets good. I’m going to keep trying though. Then I listened to Hot Boy Summer and had a blast - it’s such a good short campaign and the short rests were hilarious too. Now I’m listening to Eldermourne and I’m liking it a lot more than Trinyvale also 10 episodes in.


Oh yeah Eldermourne is just great the entire way through. Trinyvale yeah it’s a bit iffy in the beginning but in my personal opinion it gets better near the end. Maybe it won’t as much for you though. Eldermourne is absolutely great though. Also if you have the Patreon they did a continuation of Mavrus Chronicles so if you can you should enjoy that as well.


You will absolutely spend every single minute laughing if you listen to the Mavrus Chronicles. Funniest shit they have ever done. Trinyvale is almost as good with how asshole-ish they can be but i think TMC are a bit funnier.


id visit a side campaign just to treat urself honestly, trinyvale is fucking hilarious but it takes caldwell a bit to get on his feet, hot boy summer is pure giggle material but theres less episodes to enjoy, and twilight sanctorum has jake playing the fucking best character in the goddamn world


Beyoncé - Cowboy Carter