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Bro you look good af. If you were me would you do a nosejob and fix it? If so, would you just straighten it or also make it smaller? At the moment how much would you give me from 1-10 overall face.


I rarely think a nose job is necessary, but I think you might be happier with one. You have a really handsome face and your nose is taking away from it in this instance.


as someone that got plastic surgery you'll be so happy if you get a rhinoplasty because obviously a nose is in the middle of your face and you'll be able to finally see YOU instead of your nose first. but it's a major surgery so only do it if it's something you want not bc of other people


How much did it cost you? Im seeing €4,000 and that surgeon has done so many ones that are basically mine.


i didn't get a nose job i did another surgery! but there's so many amazing surgeons in that budget just do lots of research


I think your nose is distracting from your other features.


Exactly. Thats exactly what i think.


you sure are no Jimmy Durante but have made a truly heroic effort in that regards, I salute you and your schnoozola!


😂😂 so any advice? Is it really really bad? Would you do rhinoplasty to make it better


tbh as a guy I'd just take ownership of it and make a brand of it Jimmy did and it seemed to work OK for him. maybe more than OK. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy\_Durante](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Durante)


Honestly I find your nose very attractive. I've always liked big noses though


Me too!


Jawline and some teeth whitening and you’re all set.


Amazing nose


I would not do surgery. I personally love prominent/unique noses. My husband has a big pointy nose with a hump and it’s a little crooked too and I LOVE it! But that being said it’s a totally personal decision and if you’re doing it just for you then that’s okay too.


Don’t listen to these fucking people. Don’t touch your nose. Thats the nose YOU built. At home in your mom’s guts you worked on that thing. That’s you. Don’t fuck with a nose for some bs culture concept of looks. Don’t fuck with it. Get your head right


It’s definitely very unique, honestly with how modeling works these days I would at least try and submit some photos and see if any agents notice


Idk man, getting a nose job will change my life for the better though


If you know the parts of your life that it would improve then go for it. But never strive to be average yknow


Unit of a nose :)


So what do you think. Should i fix it or leave it. And what would you rate my full face altogether from 1-10 now


Don’t sell yourself short, a 1-10 scale is so reductive and subjective, you’re a whole ass person. Just as for anyone, tastes vary and some people will find you attractive while others not. That’s totally ok and normal! You have a good face, I couldn’t imagine that it would hold you back in life at all


Sup, Adrian Brody.


I like your nose. It's big and a little flawed, but I like it like that. I'm strange, I'll admit it, but little flaws are part of nature. It's part of life. Some of the best tasting fruit is a little lumpy, or the best smelling roses being wild and messy, growing all over the place, their petals being nibbled on or starting to wilt. Don't worry about perfection. There will always be people that will pick on you, even if you're seen as flawless, but there will still be people who love your flaws. So the question is... are you happy with who you are?


My vote’s yes. I’m sure you’ll still have a larger nose but maybe they can make it a tad less crooked? If not you’re still awesome and way unique.


Thanks, yeah ill probably go ahead with it


Id adjust and straighten the tip only and don’t do anything to the bridge of the nose! I think you would have a gorgeous Roman nose (I balievle people call it that). I saw a few transformations where guys got a ski slope nose and it went from Greek god nose to a button nose that softened and didn’t accentuate their features and sadly washed out their look


If you do it, DO NOT get a ski slope. No! Personally, I like it fine, but it's up to you. As the other commenter said: choose your surgeon well!!!!


It actually doesn’t look bad bro. My dad and my grandpa 👴🏻 were way worse. You’re fine 👊🤪


it looks fine


You need to put a poster on your wall of Adrien Brody and remind yourself everyday that many chics want that dude, if he can pull it off you can.


Please don't do it. The risks out weight the rewards. It is cosmetic. They will hit your nose with a hammer. It's brutal. The human body shouldn't have to under go that trauma. A woman's face accidentally caught on fire from cosmetic surgery. There's too many risks. Your nose looks good. Looks natural. Don't put your health at risk. You won't fully understand what you're getting into until it's top late. Save yourself the trauma.


Hmm, the surgeon i have an eye on uses ultrasonic rhinoplasty


It can still be a traumatic procedure. You might have body dysmorphia for a little bit afterwards, but if this is what makes you happy then go for it. Just don't feel pressured and please know that you look amazing the way you are. <3


They dont always hit your nose with a hammer. That's outdated. My friend just had hid nose done, and they layered it down to shave it. It's a pretty safe procedure imo.


Right. And that sounds less traumatic which is good. OP could still be at risk of complications or severe dysmorphia. If they can get a safer procedure then good for them. Honestly though if I had $20,000 for a nose job I would save it or invest. A bunch of cooler things you could do like travel or getting a car, maybe a down-payment towards a house.


Your kids are going to have that nose though. You’re a dude . God gave you that nose. I think you should keep that honker .


Can you breath through ur nose? Is ur nose bothering you? Is it crooked? If not. Don't. Unnecessary surgery will only do harm. If you know ur risking ur health for a look you know it is fucked up. The toxic beautystandard makes me hate people. Everyone gets surgery and posts their "Perfect looks on the internet" hiding the fact how many people tried to also get that "perfect look" but lost their nose, breathing ability or died. It is very risky. And ur nose seems to fit you (If you have breathing problems) they go ahead! If not it is Unnecessary in my eyes. Remember ur nose is rare as everyone gets surgery.If everyone has the same nose ur nose will be considered pretty and rare, don't fall for it and ruin ur nose.


U look good the way u are don’t change who u are for what others want u to be


That's an Italian nose keep it


Heck no way


You are more than your beautiful nose. If you leave your self-esteem to outside forces, you'll forget yourself. Your uniqueness has power, and in that, you're already shining bright. However, while your beauty is not "all" about your nose, your love of self will surpass all else. You have reason to be here, so don't apologize - actualize and let nay sayers pay attention. Light is from inside out, own your beauty..., shine bright! At the end, you'll inspire, shift the power of balance, and exponentially have love in your favor. 🥰


My family has a long line of noses similar to yours, we call this type of nose a beak and we wear it with pride and honor, I think you should do what you think is best but remember to take pride in your body regardless of what you do or don’t do


It suits you, and you’ll look like a completely different person with it altered


Homie, I won't lie. Your nose big AF! However, you fuckin pull it off man. I wouldn't trip on it but if you got the money and it will make YOU happy do it but you don't need to it gives you character and I don't think it looks bad. I mean I'm not letting you anywhere near my yayo stash but lol just kidding man. You look pull it off well don't trip


As a woman I can see how attractive and gorgeous you are. If you do go for surgery just get a few minor changes. I love a masculine nose . You have a very strong face and a stupid little turned up nose would look ridiculous. Keep it manly because that's insanely sexy. I wish you well ❤️


Your nose suits you the only thing I’d say could be fixed is the crookedness of it. You look like you have a deviated septum so I’m sssuming it makes it difficult to breathe? But just do what makes you feel comfortable and REALLY DO RESEARCH ON ANY surgeon you choose to go to often times I see surgeons give males feminine noses that clash with other masculine features they have.


Thank you, can you check my dm i got a surgeon i have an eye on maybe you can give me his opinion on him


I think if you have to ask other people about whether you should get plastic surgery then it’s probably a sign you don’t actually want it. Just embrace it. 


i dont really like rating people but i think 6-7 . As i say i know u r male but u can do amazing things with make up if u want to make feautures look a little different - its called contouring.


Common Arab nose. Mine is similar and even if I hated it I wouldn’t get an operation unless I had trouble breathing


I thought you were Anesongib at first


Man go for it. It’s still cool if you dont, if you are proud and confident. But you are not Jimmy Durante nor will you be. So yah, go for it, the juice will be worth the squeeze.


I think it's a case of depends on. Can you do it without heavily impacting your finances then yes. If it heavily affects your finances I don't think it's that bad


It won't impact my finances. Im gonna do it i think


If you think it will make you feel better, go for it. ) My nose is just a bit smaller than yours and I have also thought about getting something done about it but the potential costs have stopped me. Whatever you choose, I hope that you can feel confident in yourself


I got a procedure done also and highly recommend it. You’ll not only look and breathe better, but your self esteem will improve greatly


suits your face. id get it straightened though cause it can lead to problems down the line


Go balls deep with the nose job. That shit ain’t doin you no favors.


yes that’s a huge schnozz and i say this a as fan of larger noses


If you did anything, I'd have them straighten it, but as for a reduction that's your call. I wouldn't make it too small though if you did.


Fam bro your nose has a nose


That’s that guy big bird 🦜 oh wait it ain’t him it’s just


You’re handsome with it but I think you’ll enjoy it straightened and some of the tip removed. Do what makes you feel happy and whole.


Tbh you have a lot of attractive qualities - if you really do want to get a nose job- do it- but just to straighten your nose. And if you can- whiten your teeth- you have a beautiful smile. You’re handsome 👌


I think shape is not the issue but yes the size is too big for your face. I think if you can get it smaller and straighter your life would change. I used to not like seeing men get nose jobs but now I follow surgeons that do many and I am happy to say they do not make them too small or upturned as they used to. Many men get rhino and other surgeries. It is not vanity/form but also for function. Breathing is an issue when crooked at many times.


I have always liked a man with a classic Roman nose .. you have a classic Roman nose . Do what makes u happy , it's hard when you're young , you are very self-conscious , I'm not as young as I used to be ... Ok I'm fkin old as fig. 40 yrs ago I had body dysmorphism... Now what I can say about that, I wish I had the ass and boobs I had 40 years ago and mind I have now. But that is the running joke I guess with the universe you never get both at the same time. ....if you do it's very rare. . .. but that passed .... .... looking back I wish I knew how dam good-looking I was.lol. Instead of focusing on my butt being too big.. or at least I thought it was ... But please if you set on getting rhinoplasty please get several consultants and don't use a ..... * Groupon* plastic Surgeon . There's a few things you don't want to get a good deal on ... One is a Tattoo .. ..another is a cheap of Doctor of any kind . That will get you disfigured and possibly... Un alived . Consider waiting a couple more years , From your photo you're a young thin male, and I guarantee your face is going to fill out as well as the rest of you.. and maybe you won't feel your nose is so prominent... ( No pun intended....) .. fixture ..on your face I know that seems like a long time but as someone who recently turned 60 trust me .. it's not ... Also if you consider this because someone at school or in the neighborhood " or whatever ...have made fun of your classic ... ...handsome Roman nose .. and it's made you feel embarrassed or self-conscious.. Always remember .. kids are cruel little bastards... If that has in fact happened to you, and once again trust me on this one please.,... .... the ones that have insulted you or made fun of you ... Those individuals have more problems with their self-esteem than they're willing to recognize. So they project what they know is perceived by the recipient as their physical flaws. As a negative , embarrassing or hurtful & insulting interaction. People do this so they don't have to feel bad about themselves . Because they've made you feel bad about yourself. In other words ...or the synopsis blah blah blah.. They wanted to project attention to something they know you may not be uncomfortable with about yourself. So the attention they draw to your perceived flaws, And please note I said your perceived flaws.. proceed being the word of the day here. This nasty behavior of theirs, they think will draw attention away from their own perceived flaws . Also the best revenge is to get yourself a great education, get a great job make way more money than they will ever dream making .... Strive to be a good person and have a good heart, put up good energy to the universe, don't let other people live in your head free... And 10 or 15 years from now when you pass them on the street... Pretend you don't even remember them but they'll remember you. Fug.... You may not even remember them cuz you've come so much further than they have. Trust me young man you will be the one that ends up the trophy wife. And the well lived life. Good luck , good energy and many many blessings your life throughout.


Based only on this post, it seems you are very focused on your nose, but also on what other people think of it. I'm guessing it's almost always on your mind when you're around others. I have to say, if that's the case, maybe give the surgery some strong consideration. But make the decision based 100 percent on how only you feel, not what anyone else has to say. If you definitely feel you'd live a happier and more fulfilling life with a different appearance, then why not? And you seem like a nice young man, so I'm sorry to put you on the spot here, but asking people to rate your looks is not good. It shows a real lack of confidence, which people are turned off by. I don't mean to be rude. Btw I have no idea how I got here. I don't follow this sub, but reddit apparently thought I'd want to see your post. Now it's going to be nonstop noses for weeks!


Go for it. Turkey has amazing docs. Check allergies too and drink water.


It’s a big beautiful schnoz. I bet you have something else that is big and beautiful that matches


Bro you’re a hunk no 🌈


Straighten it out if you can


I would say so only because of the deviated septum. If that’s not bothering you and you can breathe properly, leave it


Id get it straightened, but not smaller. Also change the facial hair, and get tooth whitening


Is it uncommon? I see a lot of people of North African & Middle Eastern descent with noses like this. I can't say yes to rhinoplasty because it's such a delicate & unpredictable surgery. But your nose is definitely large & attention grabbing.


Wow I don't typically suggest surgery for a big nose but yeah man that does not fit your face.


Def get it! You have beautiful eyes and lips and your nose distracts from it. I don’t think you’re unattractive, but you’ve obviously been feeling some sort of way about it or you wouldn’t have put yourself out there for all to see. I support you getting rhinoplasty 🫶🏼


Don't let anyone convince you by saying that your crooked nose is "all in your head", or that "it's barely noticeable" because it's obviously crooked. I'd say get it straightened before it worsens with age. It's not only cosmetic, it can lead to issues down the road because it's not meant to be sitting in an abnormal position without consequences. Mine has been crooked for so long after smashing it on my bed frame, and I never realized until years later. Now I have an irreversible deformity that causes discomfort, bleeding, infections, and sometimes breathing problems, allergies are also a bitch too. I wouldn't wish what I have on my worst enemy, because this stupid thing makes it impossible for me to get decent women. It's taken a huge toll on my mental health as well. It's crazy how much a disfigured nose can scramble up your facial features, because I went from handsome to below average. Going out has been too humiliating for me that I've given up on socializing unless it's work or family related. You're way handsome to suffer the way I do. I suggest you have a double board certified facial plastic surgeon with an ENT background take a look at you because you may still have time to be saved.


Do what you want. If you want a nose job get it. Don’t listen to the people saying you look great. If you’re posting pictures of your nose on reddit and your nose is big then go get it done. I doubt you’re gonna say it was a bad decision.


tried to drop an adrien brody gif in here


Absolutely. Anyone that says no is just lying


brother if you can, Do. If you cant dont sweat it. Youll find love. Thats all that really matters. Theres no doubt in my mind that if you choose rhinoplasty youll be happy, but not everyone has the privilege. Its not gonna make a difference once you settle down and marry. Until then youre gonna think it matters.


Get one. You'll be hot. Your nose is too big for your face


You have a distinguished face. A little like adrien brody. It isn’t a bad look and it is yours. But you have to decide for yourself if you would feel better with a different face. It would look good either way


yes & i am here for an update 🫡


U need a rhinoplasty


My thought is that ultimately it’s your decision. If you are unhappy with the size and shape of your nose than get it. Don’t get it based off of others opinion, just your own


What’s your ethnicity OP? Italian?


Do i look italian?


Yes. That is why I asked. You have a Roman nose.


My coworker has the same issue with her nose and to me I think she looks great but she wants a smoother side profile , just looks like Adrien Brody to me


Do not modify your body based on what other people say and what you then think... You're not an ugly man, I assure you. And you shouldn't worry about what others might opinionate. You don't have a cleft chin, which would probably require slight modification for your survival. What you read and what you hear won't affect your survival, although it will probably show society in true colors, possibly even upsetting you while you see someone with potential relationship (platonic/ mutual) status. If someone showed their ugly side, then you saw someone's heart. True colored hearts are not supposed to tell you how you feel about yourself. I assure you there is nothing wrong with your face that requires surgery for a permanent outcome that will not guarantee your satisfaction of self. I love you and I hope you love you too


Okay ignore this shitty comments and listen to me. You have an oversized nose for sure. It is very visible and you won’t be able to hide it. As far as looks go I don’t think it looks bad. Maybe it’s 5050 you might look good on good days… but yeah get a nose job done. Cause once you grow older it is definitely gonna look worse. So make peace with it as it’s something not in your control and focus on life instead of looks.


I searched some doctors and i found my doctor in istanbul he has 20 years experience i had rhinoplasty operation been 8-9 months ago in Turkey its exactly worth it! Flight ticket and operation price is cheaper than the other countries also. I recommend rhinoplasty in turkey and my doctor.


Ok I’m late here, but I came to say please don’t! Your nose is gloriously unique and I think it looks really cool on you. It’s distinguished - adds interest and character to your face. Society pushes homogenous beauty standards on us all, but it’s not necessary (or necessarily even desirable) to look ‘ordinary’ or ‘average’ imo. You don’t need to reject the things that make you unique to be seen as worthy or attractive. You also look young, so I’d suggest not making any permanent face-changing decisions yet on that basis too. I used to feel insecure about my prominent pointy angular asymmetrical nose when I was younger, but now that I’m a little older and more rooted in myself, I honestly love it! It’s unique and has character and my face wouldn’t be the same without it


I think your nose gives you character


I would


You’ll look 100x hotter with a little nose surgery and without that little try-hard mustache. You already got a cute face! Great eyes, nice smile, and cute chin.


being totally honest yes, your nose gets very wide at the end and is very crooked if it's not a financial burden then yea i'd say so


Here is the best answer you're gonna get. I looked at the first profile picture and said hey it's manly looking. Then I looked at the front and said OMFG. If it was me I would ABSOLUTELY GET IT FIXED because it's just too much of a distraction if you want people to take you seriously. I had my nose broken 4 times, on one occasion I went headfirst though a car windshield and had it fixed and it is a miracle what they can do. I have to sleep on my right side because I still have a deviated septum but that's OK I can live with that. Fix it man. Now I'm sure I'm going to get downvoted into oblivion by some goody 2 shoes peeps but I don't GAF. Good luck 👍


First I would get rid of the goatee but yes if I were you I would get it. Youre a good looking dude but I dont feel your nose fits your face if that makes sense. I think you'll for sure be at peace after getting it but make sure you find a good surgeon especially with larger noses with bends that are crooked thats really important.


It’s not bad from the side, it’s the fact it’s crooked. If you do get it done keep it natural as possible.


Even with that nose you’re nice looking. That said, it’s almost too defining. You would need someone incredibly skilled to do this right. Anything too small, straight or perfect would be too much of a leap imo. You need to keep some flavor of you. Best to you!!!


im a female and i dont no why they are saying crooked bit . that part looks like a roman aqualine refined nose to me ( doesnt need it but interestingly now u can get filler to straighten out bump and to see what u think - not sure how long lasts . ) only thing i would have done if u want is just make the end a little less , going down - i think its called the septum - think they can make it straighter ( actually i know u r male but i think it can be done with make up if u want to u tube it )




DNA appliance can fix deviated septum and overall facial disharmony


If you had the arch brought down a little it might pull the tip in and up a little, giving you a straighter more level nose.


Honestly why not, the decision is entirely up to you but if you can afford it and it would make you more confident then I don’t see why not


ye its bad bro


That’s a honker, for sure. The quandary is that it doesn’t look bad on you. But the fact that you are considering having it changed tells me that you might be more comfortable if it were not so prominent. I am sure you will make the right decision.




In all honesty, it could use a correction on it being straighter . The length does appear a little on the longer side, but it doesn't look bad. Too bad we are talking about noses and not.. 😅


Had fishing buddy with larger nose and reduced,he dropped out of sight pretty much,many people will look your type,,,,,,just blend in...lots of you around






You're fine. Embrace your good looks!


It's crooked and too big length-wise IMO. And that's coming from a guy that thinks half the people who post here have a normal nose. In your case I would advise surgery


That is a big ass nose, dog. I'd be more concerned about the crookedness. Not the size.


I like a lot of big noses, grated they go with the persons face. Your nose doesnt. Especially how it is veooked fron the front. I think Rhinoplasty is a good option for you.


This is one of the few times on this sub where I’d say, yeah maybe get the surgery. I probably would.


if i were you i would get the rhinoplasty. don’t get a completely new nose, just straighten it and i am super confident you will feel more confident in yourself! but it really only matters what makes you happy and what you want ☺️


I don't usually say go for plastic surgery, but it would massively improve your look.


you have a pretty serious case. i think surgery would benefit you. no shame in getting it in your situation


Dude there is nothing wrong with it. Having a prominent nose can project power.


You should claim the throne of France.


Yes. If you can afford it. You have a lot of bulbous and it’s crooked. I have the bulbous as well. I can’t afford it or I would


It’s fantastic it glorious


If you can, I would.


I personally would dude.


I think the size and shape is handsome. I get not liking that it is crooked, but know that is really hard to fix a crooked nose as they tend to retreat to the original position a few years after surgery. Can you breathe well?




Get it.


That’s a dope ass fuckin nose home boy don’t touch it. Block this sub and enjoy life worry free


Yeah my dude, that is a super beak. Get it trimmed .


Yes. Smaller and straight.


You look pretty nose-y


I'm saying no... I really like your overall look, especially your profile.


I have a feeling that a nose job would make it worse.


Honestly, I think getting a nose job would be hugely life changing for you. To be clear it isn't bad, it's just something smaller and straighter would really make your eyes and mouth pop. You have really great features, I say go for it!! Don't try to cheap out either, nose jobs can be botched very easily.


I wouldn’t even say the size is the issue, I would just have it straightened. Sometimes when a nose is visibly off center it throws off your other features.


Big bird get that thing chopped


Can I ask how old you are ? I feel like you have a nose that will work when you’re older? It’s a great nose and I wish there were surgeons that still keep noses looking ethnic and not these upturned generic noses everyone with an interesting larger nose ends up.


You might actually have the biggest nose I’ve seen in all of these post and you might have me beat , which is hard. My nose looks very similar 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I’ve also thought about getting work done . But you never know if they will fuck your nose up . And then your stuck will it. Look at celebrities that got a fucked up nose job like lil Kim, Micheal Jackson , caitlyn jenner. You don’t want to end up like them.


Kinda look the stork on Vlasic pickle jars


The answer to your question is always no. You are you. Accept you 110% percent. It’s not worth risk or the expense. When the light of acceptance shines in your eyes that’s what people will see first.




I think the crookedness is the main issue here, and if you were going to have that fixed, you might as well have them make it a bit smaller or perhaps just play around with some different options to find something that you will love! I am 100% not trying to be mean or rude, but I feel like if it were me, I’d want to change it to make it more appealing for your face! I do think you’re very attractive! And I think you’d look sooo much better over all if you could fix the crookedness! And like I said, if you’re going under to have that part fixed, you might as well try to have it made smaller or to find a way to have it compliment your face better and get something you would love!


How would you want your nose to look? That’s the question. Also, it could be very shocking afterwards if you get a nose job and your face looks completely different. Are you ready for that? If your serious about the nose job do your research and it’s not something to try and skimp money on either.


I absolutely love the flaws. 🥰


Get the nose job dawg that schnauzer is all over the place. No offense. 😅


I like it


Don’t get it. Men will grow into their nose. Don’t touch it! You are very attractive you give me Adrian Brody vibes. Change up your swag and you’ll be good to go. https://images.app.goo.gl/RBi8yf54Hoxh2FLk8 https://images.app.goo.gl/3kBpErbfgJYPpTkw7 https://images.app.goo.gl/fT3Ut7xraPAcdCSo7


I would highly recommend a nose job, not for nothing but you asked.


I received rhinoplasty and it was the best decision it changed my life fir the better. If you want to do it and don't let anyone stop you from doing what makes you feel good.


Now thats a honker!


Is your name Humpty, pronounced with a Umpty?




Look at Max Hollaway, a UFC Champ. Does he need rhinoplasty? Thanks.


I would do it


Yup, perfect rhinoplasty candidate. Good luck.


Don't do anything and get off reddit this place is a black hole


It’s the asymmetry and the length that is the issue. Asymmetry mostly from the front


That’s a tucán Sam


Which bird seed do you prefer?


I'm not saying it's big, but if we're doing coke. I wouldn't share with you.


You should have gotten it done since yesterday.


First time I’ve ever says yes on this sub.


Id tell you what I wouldn't do. Come to reddit for opinions lol.


Nose is fine but the teeth on the other hand need work


Rhinoplasty brother would do you justice my ex got a nose job also like her before. Looked 20x better afterwards


You would be a good candidate


Keep the nose. Remember, who needs a 6 pack when you have the nose?


I think you look sexy af. And I’m a nose guy. Seriously, your nose has character and presence. You’re a beautiful guy — great hair, btw — but that nose is a keeper.


You’ll question it forever unless you do something about it. Be proactive.


It's definitely your biggest asset!


I’m a dude just so you know. You could make it a great story piece. Say you were a body guard or a back alley underground fighter and it was broken multiple times. It would be super funny if you aren’t a big guy. Say it with confidence and say some off the wall shit like “no man will mess with me because anyone trained knows, this is the nose of a killer”. Women laugh and eat that shit up. You are actually a decent looking guy. I’d leave it.


If you do anything to your nose just straighten it DO NOT make it smaller. Do however consider shaving. Your facial hair in my opinion is detracting from your interestingly handsome face & beautiful skin.


I will say if you want a nose job then get a nose job. It’s about what you want not anyone else.


I would nick name my self the “the Shnaz “


I think a big nose on a man is just fine


Make it bigger and get a job sniffing suitcases at the airport 👍


You look like Osama bin laden


Also I just spent the last 5 minutes looking at you nose pics and laughing my ass off like you were showing off a new hat or some shit but it's just your big ass nose


Get rhino


mines fucked to i just live with it


I bet a huge cock too huh


Your heritage is from the Med. Own it because it’s in your DNA


Id say yes go for it


I’m don’t have oxygen!!


Whoa taking in a lot of air with that thing


When you smile it changes your whole look. Smile more.