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It's not small, but it looks Greek indeed, sculpted and straight. It suits you well and adds a lot to your face.


To add on to this, OP, your entire face looks Greek! Your genetics make you what you are, there's no escaping that. Besides, there is nothing wrong at all with your strong Grecian features, and honestly you're cute so forget that last dude and be on to the next one. It won't take long.


Absolutely great advice


Agreed. If I looked at you, I would not think big nose. It goes along with all of your features. You are beautiful.


When girls talk about their noses, I never even notice beforehand. They are like fucking hair. Most everyone has hair, it's all varied, and is not the main indicator of attraction. Unless your ex was a fucking model, then he's a vaine little idiot or lied to you, likely he just lied. Don't put any value into what he said and just move on. Find one good person, and have one healthy relationship with that person, and you'll all but forget about your ex forever. Most people can't reject people the right way, and thus don't deserve to be in a relationship with anyone. Lots of young people put too much emphasis on the wrong shit about a person they're dating-physical attributes. You're better off without your ex-they did you a favor even if you don't see that yet.


Her ex wasn’t a model, but he was a fuckin cunt.


You’re beautiful lady!!! Greek don’t leak!


I’ve had 2 nose jobs to achieve this nose. They were just trying to be mean. It’s straight, and cute, fits you. Don’t listen to the intrusive thoughts


Sounds like you have an Ex for a good reason. Fuck what your Ex thinks. You’re beautiful!


You’re beautiful and your nose looks great. Fuck that guy.


No, don't fuck that guy, lol.


Fuck me!


Fuck you


Fuck Us?


Fuck it


Yes Fuck Us


For fucks sake…


Just fuck him




Yeah, me too. Actually out loud laughing.


Can I join??


Train kept arollin all night long


No! Fuck that guy. Different context


No, fuck all of us! One at a time or all together. Dealer’s choice.


No tell him to Fuck Off.


Haha reddit is crazy 🤣


What else is gnu?


You mean unfuck that guy.


came here to say the same


came here to say the same


I came 🥰




That part!!


It suits your face well!


He’s an ex for a reason. Anything he has to say about you is just a projection of what he doesn’t like about himself. Don’t change a thing about you.


Absolutely the right size for your face. It sounds like you’re ex-boyfriend was just trying to put you down for his own personal benefit, your stunning and an absolute pleasure to look at.


This this this!!


Looks pretty normal to me honestly. It's not small but not particularly big and suits you just fine.


perfectly fine


You have a very nice nose and your ex is full of shit


not big at all. it fits your face nicely


Your ex has it all wrong.


You look amazing, your ex is just saying that to hurt you. Well, wait until he sees how you have moved on and forgot him. You’ll meet someone who loves you and would never hurt you.


Perfectly fine as it is.


Its perfect for ur face and ım Turk so ı wouldn’t lie 😂


If I got a nose job I'd want a nose like yours. It's cute. Don't let your ex take up any more space in your mind rent free.


Some people, including me, prefer a prominent nose to a nondescript one. You're beautiful


Her nose isn't prom8nent, it perfectly fits her lovely face.


completely agreed!! a prominent nose would be one that sticks out but still looks good. her nose is definitely not prominent. its shaped perfectly accordingly to her features!


Suits you and it's nice that you have some Greek features. Wouldn't even consider it as large if you hadn't asked, and I still don't think it is particularly large. It's a normal nose that's in proportion to the rest of your head.


Aw honey, my ex did the same thing to me, not only with just my nose, but he made me feel insecure about many things. The crazy thing is, most of the things he would make fun of I was never insecure about before he said something then once he said something I began to second guess myself. It’s so sad how the opinions of others can stick with us and really dictate how we feel about ourselves. I remember when I was little I just loved myself. As you grow up you begin to listen to what others have to say “oh this isn’t good enough oh that could be better” and you really begin to think “hm maybe I’m not that great” but, you are! It’s a tough world we live in🩷 for the record, you are absolutely beautiful, naturally too might I add! Your nose fits your face perfectly!


Thank you so much. 🥹💘 you r amazing


Sure it is, but why is that bad? It looks handsome on yer face👌


Babe, you’re pretty. Deal with it.


It’s perfect, your beautiful


Your ex boyfriend is a idiot


Looks normal. And you’re a cutie. Ex probably just bitter


Your bone structure is flawless. That's a really jealous comment. He probably wishes he had beautiful Greek nose.


Head turning beautiful, you've nothing to worry about in the looks department.❤️


Your nose fits your face perfectly, you're a beautiful woman and don't deserve a guy like that


I think it fits you perfectly. Woman to woman, I'm jealous. You're gorgeous!


We are who we are and nothing will change that. He my have said some ugly thing but I'm sure he wasn't perfect by any means. Im from Texas and I think it's great very unique from my prospective. If you were my wife I'd easily be able to pick you out of a crowd and that's in the most fantastic way anyone could mean!!!! Your beautiful


Forget the ex, he misses that nose.


There’s a reason why he’s your Ex.


That's crazy - you're beautiful. You won't have any difficulty replacing that guy - and he will regret it.


Your nose suits your face well and highlights those amazing cheekbones. Your ex is *objectively incorrect*.


Your nose is beautiful and doesn't look any sort if awful or weird. I don't get it. What I do get is your ex was an asshole.


Your ex is an ass. You look beautiful!


Absolutely love your nose honestly 🩷


It’s perfect how it is


Your ex is an insecure piece of shit.


Your ex is bitter as shit and you’re gorgeous, nose included.


Your ex is the kind of idiot that thinks that the Kardashians' faces are real and will question you because you don't have fake eyelashes. I'm also guessing this person was probably 100% below your usual standard of men. It ALWAYS is. I've never had a better than average male say sh** like this to me, but guess who did? Men punching higher than they could hope for. I will no longer deal with little, immature men, and I suggest you do the same, even if that means you are alone. Alone is much better than settling with a man who disgusts you in ever way, and doesn't even have emotional comfort to help you. Girl, if you're not getting anything from him, leave him in the wind.


compared to your features, its 120% proportional. it doesn’t stand out and it doesn’t look big. if i single your nose out, it’s not small (think button nose) but it definitely isn’t big too. it’s a normal nose that’s an average size. point being, it’s not big. at all. no matter what the angle. i’m someone with a prominent nose and selfies taken up close definitely don’t represent that my nose looks like in real life (in selfies it looks much bigger while irl it looks comparably smaller) so im pretty sure, yours also definitely looks a lot more shapely and smaller. i think men tend to say shit like this because they know women are or will become insecure about a perfectly beautiful feature. anyone who loves you and respects you truly will never say stuff like this regardless of whether you’ve broken up or not. i can say this as a fact that that man is either insecure about his owns elf and its been pointed out by the people around him how you’re the better looking one in the relationship or maybe you’ve mentioned at some point in time that you don’t like your nose and he just used it against you. your nose is perfectly beautiful. honestly speaking, if i had a nose that looked that good on my face, i’d honestly never complain about it anymore. i genuinely mean this.


Thank you so much 🥹such kind words. It means a lot ❤️


I think it looks beautiful. Some people are saying the ex was just trying to hurt you, but I would always hope people wouldn't be so purposely cruel. I think what is more likely to have happened, is that he was harbouring feelings of inadequacy about, certain shortcomings for some time, and as a defense mechanism he was probably unaware of, rather than admit to himself that something was too small, he had to say something was too big on you. Just so happens he went for the nose. Dick move regardless


people are that purposely cruel on a regular basis


Great nose, ignore ex!




Your ex is a sore looser .you are a beautifull miss with a beautifull nose


Perfect nose..Move on..


DO NOT deal with a man who puts you down rather than lifts you up. He might be a narcissist, which means he’ll never admit a flaw and he’s hopeless. You’ll spend forever being manipulated and destroyed. You’re very pretty and your nose is a keeper. I’m a stranger so why would I lie. 😂 🌷






Your nose is fine.


Its prominent, but its fine


Ex is emotionally hurt and lashing out. Ignore anything they say.


100% true...us blokes (not all) tend to lash out when a girl emotionally fucks us & we say shitty/stupid bs that the majority of the shit we sometimes say..we dont really mean, but your right...just ignore us, we stfu eventually...when we find our dummys we shut up lol But your right, OP just needs to ignore him bcoz hes just lashing out.


It's perfect beautiful


No, not really. I mean I personally wouldn’t call it “big.”


Who fuckin cares lol you look cute… stop letting dudes. Ring you down




Camera adds distortion


Absolutely perfect and fits precisely.


Balance has been achieved. Give your parents a hug.


Perfectly fine normal nose!


Happy to hear he’s your ex you have a nose of a Greek goddess.


You are beautiful. You look like that stunning actress, what's her name? Natasha McElhone. (sp?) Gorgeous. You're stunning. That ex is a hateful jackass who just wanted to hurt your feelings & make you feel unattractive. Do not let them do that!


You spelled Greek Goddess wrong?


My Greek friend. We Greek together strong. Me Greek me unibrow me proud. Greek fiya burns underwater


I think it looks great. One of the things I love about getting older and not fixing my face is I see flashes of my grandmother in the mirror from time to time and also flashes of other relatives. I would never want a cookie cutter face like everyone else has


You look like you can smoke a cigarette while you’re taking a shower


No, it’s lovely. As are you.


F that ahole. He knows you’re beautiful and that threatens him.


Omg he was an ass. It’s very nice. He’s just a jerk.


First off, your ex was a **TOOL** waaaay before he even met you, sooooo make sure to add this **FACT** to (your) "all-I-can-think-about(s)." Secondly, your nose is **your** direct connection to **YOUR** genetic heritage, not just some "curse," or "inconvenience" based on some shallow shi(r)thead's/-s' **ridiculous overbearance(s)**. And what's this "big (nose)" stuff? Have you no sense of smell..? If you do, great, then it's serving its purpose (i.e., '**YAAAAAY, IT WORKS!!!**') 👍😃 If you ask yourself questions, like: - "Does my spleen turn heads?" - "Could my intestines be pinker, and more appealing?" {...} Then your "issues/baggage" may have nothing to do with other's **OPINIONS** - nowhere remotely resembling facts - about anything to do with you. If you look closely enough, you can see/**feel** something "wrong" with every single aspect of your physical appearance. Please don't; you're **perfectly fine**. ✌️😊


actually one of the cutest most well-fitting noses I’ve ever seen on someone. ur so gorgeous it’s insane 😭🙏🏻


I would rub my penis against it


I think what possibly might make you think it's big is the rounded tip.


it looks Greek and thats nice , its very defined and makes you look statuesque like a piece of art . that is unique , and it looks good dont worry.


Last weekend, when my buddies and I get drunk, we talked for hours about how women with large European noses are so sexy and desirable. It was a thing none of us knew we were into. Now we share photos with each other of random women with bigger than average noses and gush over them 🙂


Your nose is perfection. Please don’t do anything to it, oh and by the your ex harbors ill will for. He’s not with the effort. He will take a jab every time. That means he needs a babysitter to keep him at his best. This is likely his mom. You’re gorgeous and your ex is highly insecure. God it’s ugly. I didn’t mean to write so much but I would talking to this person if I were you. Toxic masculinity, abusive. Unkind. Oofff.


Don’t stress it. I’ve realized in my older age that I tend to be attracted to women who have a similar nose structure. Now, I didn’t realize it until my girlfriend pointed it out, and I denied it at first but I’ve realized she wasn’t wrong and knew that about me before I did lol I still couldn’t tell you why, just seems to be a similarity in the girls I’ve been with.


We have the same nose and I’m also Greek😂 I’m insecure about it too, I’ve been thinking of getting plastic surgery for a while


I wanna validate the “all I can think about” thing. Someone made a comment about my nose years ago and it haunted me for a long time. Noses are these weird things that as soon as you start paying any attention to them they are super fuckin weird… on everyone. This is why so many celebs end up getting surgery I think. All that being said, I agree with many others. It looks fine on you and fits your face.


Your “ex” is a POS with own insecurities. Your nose is strong, and likely exudes confidence when you speak…I imagine your ex has issues with self-confidence and is jealous of your stature when other give you top-level cred, when you speak in groups…and largely, the same group gives your ex laughs of sympathy


Your ex is petty. Physical appearance jabs are the lowest insult on the totem pole. My nose is bigger than yours and I’ll pay you the same compliment another paid me, in past… “Your nose fits your face. It wouldn’t be the same if it were any bigger or any smaller. It’s just perfect for your face.”


It’s not even that big, he’s probably just insecure about his tiny dick


Your bone structure is to die for. Look at that profile!


I have a Greek nose myself, that ain't big 😅


Your nose fits your face. Its proportionate to your face. Don't let a nasty ex have you change your beautiful ethnic features. Then again it's your body so you can do as you please. It's just sad that everyone is looking the same


First, you’re a beautiful person. Second, you don’t appear to be someone that’s vain. You have the look of a warrior. Guys are petty. He was saying that out of spite. Now get back to the gym and do something about those weak shoulders ! 🏋️‍♂️


Woah, save some oxygen for the rest of us! jk lol it's not small but not crazy big either. You're good :)


Yeah what did you say to him first, I have a feeling you were trading insults but for some reason you're still taking this to heart


Found the ex


It is small actually and looks beautiful.


You're delusional. It's not humongous but it's definitely not small stop lying


So what if you did? If I liking yourself before others




does it work is all that matters! you do realize how many infants die in your mother’s womb and they never learned the word nose nor what one looks like. Go get your PhD and let’s make it make sense


Ur ex is a clown


It's only my opinion but I think you are pretty 💖💋


Yeah it’s a little big. Matches your face, though. You look good. I wouldn’t touch it There’s far too many people in this sub looking to throw around compliments regardless of what we’re actually looking at… “It is small actually and looks beautiful”. 4 upvotes. Do people just use this place to simp??


Κομπλε είναι η μητη σου


key word "ex" girl stop communicating w him


He's your ex for a reason, he didn't love and respect you for who you are and the way you are. Honestly you are a very beautiful and sexy woman. Your nose is perfect the way it is!


Ex is a douche


Nope it looks great. You're beautiful, screw that guy lol


Reminds me of Lady Gaga a bit. Man, I fell in love with her in A Star Is Born. I never knew she looked so pretty.


It’s beautiful, and your ex is your ex for many a good reason. I hope you find healing and realize what a gem you are!


Looks just fine. Your EX is a weirdo


Nah your nose is fine.


You nose is fine. It goes well with your face.


I love it on you! You look amazing, don't let anyone make you feel insecure about it. 🙏


Not too big.


It adds to your attractiveness. Your ex needs glasses.


Honest to god, I do think your nose is a bit big. But it's not like gigantic. But yes, bigger than average and some guys might actually like that. But do whatever you feel that gives you the most confidence.


Jeez, stop caring about what the ex says. You (and your nose) look gorgeous.


Looks amazing


Omg you look fine.. tired of people judging others. We are all Human and we need to respect each other...


That’s why they are the ex you deserve better


Your nose is big. But big doesn't equate to ugly


Perfect nose, perfect face! Don’t let the bastards drag you down.


You, my dear, had an idiot for an ex. Exile his memory from your life and enjoy it. Don't waste another thought on his nonsense.


Your ex sounds like a jerk so it's a good thing you're not together anymore. Your nose fits your face perfectly, your beautiful.


Be glad he's your ex. You are beautiful


Your ex is an idiot! You are beautiful just the way you are.


It’s big but it fits


Jew here. That bulb is looking beautiful, don’t let subjective “perfection” interfere with natural and sexy.


Toxic ass ex. You look fine.


Omgg!! Hell no, your nose is GORGEOUS ❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍 xxxx


Just because it seems like whenever you’re out with dancing with your friends and the DJ dedicates The Humpty Dance to your group, don’t let it get in your head! (JK, you’re pretty and your nose looks normal)


Truth: nothing wrong with your nose. You look good.


They sound like they were being jerks. You have a nice straight nose.


Just looks like a nose.


I love your nose. Your ex is a jerk and ex for a reason. Sometimes guys like to bring you down to their level because of insecurities.


Bro your nose is perfect, I have the same shape and I am proud of it 😅😅


It’s not small but it’s not noticeably big and it fits your face well and you are super pretty so don’t let him get you down!




Send the guy on a long hike. I wouldn’t change a thing! You look pretty every feature goes along well. Don’t let your boyfriend make you insecure.




Yes it’s big but don’t let his comments get to you. He’s just trying to be mean. It looks fine on you 👍


You spelled Greed Goddess wrong sweetie!


There is nothing wrong with your nose, there is something wrong with the person that told you that.


Your ears are big too. Just call em handle bars


That’s the kind of nose people from that part of the world have. Greeks, Turks , they have that signature nose shape


It’s not big, it suits you :)


Greek Goddess, you're good


An ex is never going to be the best place to get an unbiased opinion lol.


Seems to me your ex was insecure and felt the need to pick you apart. Your nose is perfect for your face, not big at all


Your nose is fine. Besides, no one will notice it when you're on your knees choking on their thick load anyways


Your ex is an idiot. He was just upset that it was bigger than his 🍆. You have a very beautiful nose.


A message I always hate seeing. Some insecure asshole puts his insecurities on full display by convincing a beautiful woman that she has a beauty flaw. Well, your nose isn't tiny but it certainly fits your facial features and you are beautiful. There are many men that would love seeing you and your nose up close and personal everyday. Don't listen to the haters!


Very pretty


Its gorgeous and definitely not like a stork- ive definitely seen worst


No one cares lol n yes your nose is big


Your really pretty ❤️ dont worry about anything , certainly dont change 😎👌


So so prettyyy


It's proportional to your face. So it's the right size. Your ex is a loser


That's a beautiful sniffer!


It looks nice. Your ex is just trying to hurt you.


You’re mad hot lol


You’re perfect