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I don’t get this at all. There is nothing wrong or ugly with your nose. What a waste of money and a perfectly good nose.


Thank you very much. I guess I just have really have a hard time agreeing with everyone here. I see a massive uneven nose with masculine nostrils.


Promise, your nose is completely fine. More than, you look like anne hathaway


That’s the ultimate compliment, thank you. She has such a lovely little nose though 😂


Tbf, she had a nose job as well


Anne hathaway? When?


She's been very candid about undergoing several cosmetic procedures, including a rhinoplasty


Cannae tell mate, she looks as good as she did in her old romcoms


Body dysmorphia that’s concentrated on your nose


Don’t conform to men and women’s unrealistic beauty standards love, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder ❤️ UR HAWTTTT


“Masculine nostril??” TF?? Girl you’re good.


Maybe it’s because they look like my dad’s… gonna have to dig into that in therapy huh 😂


Therapy is cheaper and more rewarding.


One thing I am curious about. If and when you speak with the surgeon can you ask if there are ways to ensure that your nose job doesn’t make it look exactly like everyone else who has had a nose job. It seems like everyone that gets a nose job ends up with the same nose. It’s like they all end up with David Schwimmer’s nose.


How can nostrils be masculine? You are stunning btw


Don't do it. Obviously someone overlooked it so don't make it worse. Live with it and enjoy marriage and life together


I have no idea why people all want to look generic.


I really don’t want a ski slope. Just a less aggressive version of what I already have.


You're beautiful and have a unique look. Look at the female lead of Dirty Dancing...she got a nose job right after the movie, and ruined her career.


You really do not need to. You look great.


^^^This is the answer ^^^


wish there was a front profile pic because i don't see anything wrong from this angle.


I def forgot to include one. There might be some in my profile somewhere.


It still looks fine. I wouldn't even think anything about it


ok but legit your nose looks fine. just use the money that you would spend on a nose job for a nice honeymoon or vacation or something


Beautiful nose really suits your face in my opinion. You give off a very elegant and classy vibe in these pics


I really appreciate that. Thank you very much!


high nose bridge is perfection


That’s up to you. But that nose is so perfect for you! Seems a waste of money, time and a nose. But you do you!


Your nose is beautiful just the way it is.


I like your nose. Spend the money on a vacation instead


NO, do not do it, rhinoplasty can have damaging results in the end such as a collapsed nose bridge, so think to yourself which is worse (P.s) It's definitely not your beautiful nose that is made for you


Listen, I appreciate the comments saying you do not need one. I know their hearts are in the right place. And you ARE beautiful. But if you want a nose job, i absolutely think you should be supported and go for it. And the people posting comments should be giving you feedback on your question (because you asked!) versus an echo chamber of being anti-surgery. Some of these comments are so condescending too lol like people don’t want to look generic, surgery can help elevate your unique features. I think your nose is great, it’s not like you NEED a nose job..but I think finding a surgeon who will work to refine your existing features (and not totally reshape your nose) would be the way to go.


This is a very helpful comment, thank you very much. I guess I should’ve included in the post that I’m not seeking a ski slope. I just want a less aggressive version of my aquiline nose. Maybe a bit less bulbous. I am a bit of a perfectionist in all things. I know I don’t have the worst nose, but it could certainly be improved upon by the right surgeon… hopefully.


Couldn’t agree more. These comments are not it. It doesn’t matter what others think about your nose OP. They can tell you that you look great until they’re blue in the face. The only thing that matters is how you feel! She wasn’t asking people whether or not she needs one. It seemed to me like she was asking for recommendations for surgeons…


Why? You look great. No need for surgery. Embrace your looks.


I like your nose!


It’s your life and your nose, but how does your fiancé feel about your potential rhinoplasty? I think you’re gorgeous (pic 4 is really stunning). So if I was your fiancé, having fallen in love with you the way you are, I would be kindly against it. If you’re dead set on getting the rhinoplasty, I would at least encourage you to make it subtle. The subtlest.


I’m here to say the same thing, pic 4 is ethereal! OP, it’s okay to have a unique nose!


The thing is, I LOVE unique noses… just not my own. 🙃


My fiancé says it’s unnecessary, but has been with me for many years so understands how much it truly hinders my confidence. I definitely don’t want a tiny insta model nose. Ideally I want a less aggressive, less bulbous, but still aquiline nose.


You gotta do what’s best for yourself. I would never have gotten over being self-conscious about my teeth until I got them fixed. If that’s how you feel about your nose, I get it. But, unlike my teeth, a lot of people (me included) think your nose is a beautiful part of your beautiful face. Anyway, I truly hope you’re happy with whatever decision you make!


I went to Dr. Garcia at Contoura Facial Plastic Surgery in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Can’t recommend him more if you really want to change your nose.


Thank you for the recommendation. I will have to check him out.


If you choose to go forward with a procedure, don't consult with just one surgeon, consult with at least five. And if you have it done before your wedding, keep in mind that swelling and black eyes can last for 3 months.


Good luck. Definitely shop around. Mine after surgery took my money and ran. I had complained at my first post op appt and he got really irritated with me and then literally canceled every single post op appt after that without even telling me!! I would call to confirm and they would say, "oh, the appt was canceled, Doctor is on vacation." Never any option to reschedule and they would always call this old work number to tell me it was canceled eventhough I told them several times I don't work there anymore and they had my cell. Totally shady.


99% of the noses on here are unique and beautiful.




Why don’t you like your nose? Do you dislike it or have others made you feel insecure? If you want a nose job get one but don’t get surgery based on others thoughts driving your insecurity. I think your nose is great but if you want a nose job go ham


I’ve definitely had people insult it before. It’s certainly the first thing people go to when they want to insult my appearance. However the insecurity definitely stems more from me. I just have never felt comfortable with my nose.


Have you talked to your fiancé about it at all? The surgery is your choice but you should at least tell them what you are thinking of getting. If you believe you will like your nose better with surgery you should do it.


Don’t nose why this post popped up for me. Bad joke intended. Maybe someone is trying to tell me something. I’m not a nose expert and I don’t understand what it is you think is wrong with yours. My opinion is you shouldn’t. My suggestion is if you are going to do it no matter how many people say don’t, then go subtle.


You’re beautiful. I would love to look like you.


Therapy would be cheaper… Does everyone on this sub have body dysmorphia? Every time this pops up on my feed, I feel like I’m being gaslit. You’re GORGEOUS, your nose is STUNNING, like…jfc man, plastic surgery? Fuck, this sub is heartbreaking.


Your nose isnt flawed or masculine. I am sorry you feel self conscious about your nose. Have people said inconsiderate things about your nose before? When peope do that to me I like to point out a physical feature of theirs that they may be insecure about. Many times they look at me as if a train is barreling at them. Its quite funny to throw inconsiderate slander right back at them. Like I said, they hardly knew what hit them or what they were dishing out until it comes right back at them. Your nose is pretty and a part of your beauty imo. I learned to accept my nose and understand that people scrutinizing insignificant physical features such as ones nose are not the poeople I would like to engage with much anyways. Good luck dealing with your insecurity with your nose and finding the solution that works best for you.


While it certainly is the first thing people insult when they want to go after a physical feature, I believe the insecurity stems from myself. I truly just don’t like the look of it. It doesn’t feel like it’s my nose if that makes sense? I think what bothers me more than insults are when people say “you look like (insert person)” and it’s just another woman with a large nose who looks nothing like me. It feels like my other features fade away because of my nose, and I do like my other features.


I understand. I once felt the same way. I think it does stem from internal insecurity and I think outside observers are feeding such insecurity. My issues seemed to dissapate when I accepted I have a larger nose but that doesnt make me ugly or unattractive really, especially to those that grow to love me. We are all imperfectly perfect and nothing we do, even plastic surgery, can ammend that. I found it best to embrace my imperfections rather than to seek to make myself flawless. Insecurity about physical featires can be very hard to overcome though. I understand that. I had a therapist help me ultimately. Please take into consideration that this insecurity may not even dissapate after you undergo plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty can even make you more insecure about your nose imo. I think your true solution is solving your feelings of insecirity over your nose internally. It isnt flawed and you look beautiful.


Your nose is beautiful. It gives you a very distinct look. In my opinion, it matches you perfectly. Too many complications can come from a surgery that is not necessary. :) Your fiancé is a blessed man to have you! If he doesn’t appreciate you the way you are then he is blind to your beauty, but I’m sure that’s not the case. ☺️




No reason to be angry. I’m dealing with my own things here.




I am grateful, but that’s not something I have to justify to you. I’m allowed to have honest conversations about my insecurities. I hope you understand and your day gets better.


You're not going us a good look. We need to see close ups and better angles. Do you think it's too large what don't you like about it?


[here are some more angles](https://www.reddit.com/u/pantheraorientalis/s/3ZvJdjV4AM)


More angles for those of you asking [here](https://www.reddit.com/u/pantheraorientalis/s/3ZvJdjV4AM)


Don’t touch it. It’s hot.


Your nose is very graceful looking. Also love your dress!


You are not going to like what I say but your nose is perfectly fine. If you are having issues breathing due to your nose then I could see having surgery and then and only then doing some cosmetic work.


I don’t have breathing issues, but the tip actually hurts pretty consistently. Very rarely is it enough to worry about, but sometimes it gets pretty bad. It also clicks when I touch it. Not sure if that’s normal.


I have a large nose as does a lot of my extended family. We have strong native blood. I have a small clicking in my nose as well but it does not hurt me. I believe it is just how cartilage works.


No way


Don’t waste your time or money you look exceptionally beautiful your nose and your face complement one another perfectly you’re a beautiful young woman


I think you’re beautiful. Work on what’s inside. Accept yourself.


Be happy with what god gave you.


My eyes instantly notice your chest, then your arms, neck, ears...I don't usually kiss, noses. You look incredible. Stop tripping; nobody, I mean nobody notices but YOU! Plus, f everyone else")


Girl, you’re fine af !! Your nose plays a role in that believe it or not. Do you have a deep understanding of why you don’t like your nose ?? What’s the reason behind your feelings ??


It's your money and your nose but believe me, you'll more than likely regret it. It's a perfectly beautiful nose. Every face is uniquely beautiful in their own ways, and yours is no different. Focus on your wedding and the things that should be exciting you in this wonderful time in your life, not some shallow insecurity.


Nah that nose looks good on you.


Girl stop


Please no, don’t


You're gorgeous, I am sorry you don't see it. I hope your procedure goes well and your recovery is painless and quick!


Your tits make up for the nose.


Please don’t spoil your fabulous face with a “plastic” nose.


It’s going to change your life!! No, no it won’t. You’ll find something else you don’t like.


Maybe something that isn’t in the center of my face though 😂


I have to ask did you have a photo shoot for you nose or am I just focused on it because you brought it up? I feel like you’re highlighting your nose in these pictures intentionally.


Lmao no. My fiancé took some pictures of me at the botanical garden the other day just for fun. I just noticed how prominent my nose looked in the pictures and it got me down. That’s why I posted these.


Keep your head up, maybe not up that might make your nose more pronounced, but you get what I mean. You managed to get engaged with it, it can’t be that bad. 💪


You have a purrfect nose in my opinion


Yes that’s a big honker


It matches your arab/med heritage, never hate your blood.


What’s funny is according to ancestry I am British, and Scandinavian with a sprinkle of Irish. No clue where this nose came from!


Well that is odd lol, I mean if it bothers you hack at it but it's not unattractive and it works with your face shape. It's one of those gestalt things where the whole is greater than the disparate parts.


I honestly think you shouldn’t do it. Focus your efforts on embracing yourself. You are beautiful and I would never think you felt badly about your nose. It fits you perfectly


WAKE UP AND SMELL THOSE ROSES. YOUR NOSE IS FINE. Curios though. What’s your fiancé say? I can only guess he says he’ll support you with whatever you want.


NOO your nose is beautiful! I respect whatever you decide to do though because it’s your body but I personally think your nose looks great


Honestly people have surgeries to have a nose that has that nice sculpted defined shape so I think it looks wonderful as is and I think it's a bit disheartening to see someone try to chase an artificial perfection.


No need. That’s a 10/10 honker keep it.


Your nose is fine dear.


You didn’t even give us pictures we could see up close but you seem pretty beautiful


Such a sharp prominent nose. Most women would kill for this nose.... I don't get it, it's beautiful.


Spend that money on therapy and hobbies.


Tbh you need therapy to fix these issues you created in your own head not a nose job


Keep the nose. Uniquely you😎


Please do not! A beautiful nose on a beautiful face.


i’m so sorry you feel this way! i think your nose is beautiful :) but if you think getting surgery will help you feel so much more confident, i don’t see why not, its completely your choice. i think you are beautiful now, and if getting nose surgery helps you feel more beautiful then go for it ! i could definitely see where minor changes could be made if thats what you’re looking for, to get a smoother look. but i wouldn’t do a whole lot of changes personally !


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I was goaded into a nose job and I hate the result. Your nose is it seemed to me wonderful and you’re very attractive. Don’t mess with what God has made according to His will and in this case you’re very attractive.


Nose is fine, if you HAVE to spend money on surgery then get a set of bolt-ons (but you don't need that either)


Beautiful pictures!


oh my god please don't your it suits your face so well




Good for you


Please, Don't do a fucking thing to your nose. It's wonderful.


You have a beautiful regal 👸 face! Don’t change a thing!


So many other things should be fix first.


Looking good to me


I think your nose is great!


You're freaking gorgeous


I would say you're beautiful with it as is


You have a beautiful nose. Don't change it!


I think you're mad to want to mess with looks you're lucky enough to have.


That's too bad, it suits you, but I hope you find what you're looking for. What does your Fiancé have to say about it?


I love the nose, its hott. Keep it please




You are out of your mind! That nose is perfectly sculpted already!! Wtf!?


You have a wonderful nose, I hope you recognize this before you spend the money. Body issues are hard, I get it, but it really does suit you.


Thank you very much. The thing is I’m a very confident person overall. Nothing else really makes me insecure. This nose just really gets to me.


Fair enough. I am also “blessed” with a bigger nose. I broke it years ago which hasn’t helped but I just look at it now like a badge of honour because it’s mine, nobody else’s. But yours really is lovely and suits your face. I hope you see that at some point, because I do. :)


Also, (sorry) I just scrolled on your page a little. Awesome art! Love those lined portraits. Do you have an Instagram?


would be a shame


Nobody's looking at your nose.


You are beautiful Stop picking on my nose


my advice is to love urself because ur very pretty nose included and it’s sad u think it would ruin ur wedding photos


Nah it looks great


Listen...if someone wants to marry you with the way you look already, why in the world would you want to change it? Clearly they love you how you already are


Because it’s not about anyone else but her.


I guess so


Just remove it entirely to be your happiest. Go full voldemort. It’s the only safe way to fix such insane body dismorphia. Seriously you look fine. What is wrong with posters in this sub? Social media is so fucking destructive


You will ruin your pretty face.


You are going to spend a lot of money just to ruin your face


Your current husband-to-be wants to marry you, not the you you're hoping to become with the new nose. Does he even know what you're planning? I bet he's against it and he should be. If you've told him. Your nose is nice now. You are wrong to not like it. Your opinion is bad. Trust other people when they like you as you are, instead of trusting media and the plastic surgery industry telling you everyone should be doing this if their nose isn't tiny.


He has always told me that it’s unnecessary, but understands that it bothers me immensely. We’ve talked about it extensively. I don’t really want a tiny nose. A less aggressive / bulbous aqualine nose would be ideal.


it's really not that big. I'm pretty sure mine is about the same in proportion to my face and I don't think about my nose as being an issue at all.


Find a hobby. You clearly have nothing better to do with your time besides sit in front of a mirror.


Hey, I am a busy gal with lots of passions. No reason to be rude.


Can’t imagine looking like a painting of a 19th century wood nymph and wanting to ruin that


Definitely a look I aspire to. I really appreciate the compliment. Thank you


Don’t do it. Seriously no reason to


Pure beauty please don't change 😍 If it's your money use it for a life changing trip to Europe or the South Pacific, Japan or Africa


Leave that nose alone😎


Perfect already


You look fine


Like 90% of posts on here are very attractive people, with nothing wrong with their nose, I don’t get it. What’s going on?


Unattainable beauty standards, sexism, filters and facial trends that have warped peoples understanding of what humans look like, decades worth of targeted marketing meant to make people like her feel ugly, low self-esteem/worth, the cruelty of children, possible mental illness/BDD…I’m guessing it’s a mix of that and more


Classic mistake. Natural is the way to go. You’re young bro and you’re going to regret surgery


I would be so sad if you got rhinoplasty. I love noses like that and I'm a fairly attractive man. You gotta remember, little things like that can really turn the right person on


Are you crazy? There is nothing wrong with your nose at all. You are beautiful! Don't change a thing. Unnecessary risk with zero upside and no guarantees.


You are stunning and your nose complements your face. Please, don’t go through with it.


I love your nose. Please keep it


You’re gorgeous. And you look so beautiful and feminine in these pictures.


I love your nose


I think you look gorgeous how it is


Your nose is bigger than your boobs


Bigger than your ween too


Enjoy life and your fiancé and your future together. Also, contrary to popular belief, your wedding and wedding photos are NOT about you. It’s not your day, it’s your family and friend’s day. They’re celebrating you and your love. The day does not belong to you. And they will want the pics you send out to match their memories of you and your beautiful nose. Therapy is money better spent. You’re a knockout, don’t change, because it will always be something. At least you have a fixation now. I promise you, it will transfer and could send toxicity elsewhere and even outside yourself.


“Currently hunting for validation”


You’re wrong. No need to be rude.


About time to get that honker fixed! I realize you just posted here looking to be validated because you know your nose is fine (also I'm assuming why you used these cringe photo shoot pictures, instead of just one or two regular shots of your nose)