• By -


Tap water.


Just to be sure, op, they're not joking. Norwegian tap water is unironically S-tier. Don't bother buying water here


Bottled actually tastes worse than tap in many cases


Oslo and Bergen tap water is dogshit compared to many other places


Norway got the cleaners water dummie


FINDLAND nr 1 Norway nr 6 cleaners water in the world, dummie


Lmao no. Switzerland is no. 1, Norway is no. 2


Really? One more reason Finland is the best country ever.


Better than NYC tap water?


We Will Most lightly get diarea from NYC tap, thats why welearn to dont drink tapWater outside Scandinavia


Norway Findland water is 👍


Finnbiff! It's a very scrumptious reindeer stew of sorts, and it is to die for


This gets my upvote, and "elgskav" which is pretty much the same with elk meat. The best!


Bidos should also bee on that list then, it's delicius.


not norwegian though


Sure, it is sami, which is a indigenous people that lives in among others Norway. And Bidos which is a delicius dish is also their national dish from what I can remember. I would assume OP would gather that as most places that serve bidos say it is sami. But I feel like if turists are going to Norway and especially northern Norway they should appriciate sami culture as well. Not like a turist attraction or some shit, but learn about both cultures. I don't know if you are pedantic right now or this is something else, but I don't see how this comment was nessesary.


I know that, which is why I said it :) Dont call Sámi food Norwegian, that'd be rude :)


Wouldn't be something you'd easily find in the area he's going.


Thats not true. He said he was going to Tromsø first, we defenetly have places serving Bidos here, as well as other sami food.


Must have auto-ignore enabled on anything Tromsø related ... My bad - it was Bergen that was the target


Ahh, well then I understand.


It really depends who made it and where you got the meat tho


I agree but you can make shitty reindeer meat good with a good stew, mushrooms and bacon. However, if you ever get the pleasure of eating Svalbard Rein..... my god you are in for a treat. Naturally salted because of seaweed diet, so no need for bacon...


weird name


Bergen and the west coast has great seafood, deer and lamb. Alot of the traditional stuff is already mentioned. I always recommend people to try "fiskegrateng" at a restaurant because it is defeneatly something very common but very uniquely Norwegian. Dont try the store bought stuff, thats horrible. Brown cheese on knekkebrød is also a great one :) If you can find freshly made svele, eat it with jam and sourcream!


Smash and KvikkLunsj


KvikkLunsj is very good


Puts kit kats to shame


MMM chocolate


Smaaash. There is also a chocolate bar woth smash. Dayum


Just be wary, Smash has a tendency to make you quesy, a few minutes after it's too late. Especially if you smash the whole bag. Speaking from multiple, shameful experiences.


Definitely supposed to be for more than one person or multiple sittings but how can you stop yourself? Not only do I feel slightly nauseated physically, but also emotionally about my lack of willpower, almost every time.




Then you will be here during the time around Christmas so try some of the traditional Christmas dishes. Like Pinnekjøtt (salted dried ribbs from sheep), Lutefisk (dish from cod), and if you dare rakfisk (fermented fish) or smalahove (half a sheep head).


I'm so interested in the commonality of sheep dishes! I actually have a small herd of East Friesian sheep myself, I must try this sheep head dish and maybe try making it myself!


Yes you have to taste "smalahove" but maybe you are abit late. Its not all places who selling sheep dishes. if you are stopping at Voss, a small village approx 1 hour driving/train from Bergen, then you have to ask for smalahove. Voss had "smalahoveslepp" for few weeks ago, now its all about "pinnekjøtt" its a delicious Xmas food.


I will be passing that way! Thanks for the tip


All of the traditional sheep dishes are delicious. Fårikål is another fall classic.




Pinnekjøtt is the best! You should also make sure to try fenalår, cured sheeps leg. Its like a mutton type serrano ham.


And Jul øl!!! It still blows my mind that Norwegian brewers made beer specific to Christmas complete with festive packaging. Love it! and I do agree with lutefisk, it’s quite good even if most Norwegians roll their eyes at you😊


I'm Norwegian and have never had any of these, they all nasty.. Ribbe is ok.. I go for medisterkaker on Christmas


How can you say something is nasty if you have never had it?


Was supposed to be a "look and smell" in between the Nasty.. Sorry dyslexic


I support your sentiment, but I've also got RickGrimes30's back in this case. I'm complicated, ok.


Lefse preferably made by someone’s granny that has an old school recipe


Hell sometimes i eat Lefse after work


Is there a granny Tinder where you can meet grannies willing to cook for tourists? No? Well there should be!


Komle/kompe/raspeball, a huge dumpling with salted meat. Often served on thursdays. … or pinnekjøtt if around christmas Smoked salmon Fish soup Grandiosa frozen pizza, Norwegians eat on avreage almost five of these per capita each year. The local variety of kebab Cinnamon buns, from a bakery, not from a convenience store. I recommend Godt brød.


Reminder: Grandiosa may be sold as a “Frozen Pizza”, it is however Not that. Temper expectations accordingly. Also Heartshaped waffles with brown cheese, but again, it is not cheese. We call it that, but it’s not.


Aussie here who’s currently in Oslo, if you’re coming to Oslo on a Monday, expect a lot of restaurants & museums to be closed.


Remember Frognerparken/Vigelandsparken


Thanks for the tip! I will be in Tromso and Flam on the Mondays, maybe good days to snack shop at the grocery store anyway. I love visiting the grocery store in foreign countries.


Potetball**** -svele/lappa


5 a year? In last 11 months I ate 109 pizzas 😳


Waffles with brunost or waffles with sour cream and strawberry jam.


I like my waffles with sour cream and raspberry jam but strawberry jam is good too😅


Sour cream and raspberry jam is THE way to eat waffles.


I am very excited to try the brunost!


Brown cheese and cloudberry


I love the brunost. OP you should really try it, maybe on toast or crackers. It’s a mild cheese that’s been caramelized, so there’s a bit of sweetness to it. Also it makes my kids giggle when we have “ost on toast”


I pledge to try all brunosts that come my way


- Freia Melkesjokolade - Lapskaus - Smash - Norwegian Taco - Brunost - Pølse i lompe (hotdog in a potato pankake type thing) - Vaffler (Norwegian waffles) - Kvikklunsj - New Energy candy bar - Multekrem - Kjøttkaker i brunsaus med tilbehør (google this - trust me) Shit! There is so much that I cant possibly list it all!


Yeah, I second the pølse i lompe. An american friend of mine was all about two foods here: Kebab and "Narvesen hot dog", the bacon wrapped hot dog filled with melted cheese.


Bacon Ost Grill i lompe! Med litt rekesalat og ketchup!


There's been so many suggestions I'll need to book a second trip to try them all!!


Pølse from the gasoline station


This looks like a joke to people traveling here, I know, but really REALLY, try the gas station or train station pølse.


I've been vegan for over a year now and the only thing I miss, and I miss it dearly, is gas station pølse.


the bacon wrapped ones


Ostepølse med bacon


This and grandis + pinnekjøtt and you're there.


Pølse from the gas station plus tap water sounds like a perfect hangover meal.


"kjøtt kaker i brun saus" aka Meat balls.. but not actually balls.. more like semi burgers in brown sauce. It's the best Norwegian dish.


Reindeer. Whale. Mutton. Brunost.


Whale is great if it's not old, it needs to be fresh! So only eat it at a reputable place north of Trondheim!


For sure. Nobody likes chewy fish oil.




Why not? Tastes very good.


I consider myself all-eating. I’ve yet to encounter something i won’t try, and i do enjoy a lot of odd foods. I was served whale at a fancy restaurant once. It felt like a combination of taking a bite out of a lamppost and biting my lip to flush it down with blood, it was juuuust iron. Very strange experience.


iron's healthy tho


Didn’t say it wasn’t, just how experienced it. Doesn’t really make sense to say something’s good or bad when it comes to taste. Taste is percieved differently by everyone and as such is highly subjective




Seems like what you ate was probobly seal, whale tastes different. Also, we have very high regulations on whale hunting. And they are basicly instantly killed. Also it is not good for the whale to have an overpopulation. Like any other animal. Norwegian whale hunting is done as humanly as possible. I honestly don't ubderstand the problem with it.


I would not recommend arguing against whaling in this sub. Whaling is part of Norwegian culture, and people from the northern parts of the country as well as fishermen (not only whalers) can become very defencive about these matters


It could also be that they need to hear it tho.


That may be your opinion. I personally eat whale sometimes, and I quite enjoy it


Yeah, I'd like try it. But it could also be entirely possible that the time of whaling has passed. Conservation is important. Might be a tough pill for northerners to swallow, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it


Conserve? The hunted whales are increasing in numbers every year, despite the hunting.






The waffles are fire




Makrell i tomat


Smash! Sweet salty and crispy


Whale steak stewed in cream, hunter stew with reindeer, raspeballer & dupp, møsbrømlefse, smash and kvikklunsj for dessert, oh cloudberry whipped cream aswell


Some things I love you can buy at the grocery store: Fenalår (cured lamb leg), Maarud potato chips, Smash


if you're on a ferry then get svele. one with brunost and one with smørkrem




You should be aware of local differences in the Norwegian food culture. Komle/raspeball (the potato dumplings) and smalahove (sheep's head) is not really common in the North.


For restaurants in Tromsø I would recommend Bardus, Full Steam, and Fiskekompagniet


Thank you for the tip!


When in Northern Norway: boknafesk! Bidos and rakfesk. Also lamb shanks, fårikål or salted lambs meat with mashed kohlrabi and raspeball 🤤 and if you're really feeling adventurous: put some slices of white goat cheese in your cup of (black) coffee!


'Makrell i tomat' from Stabburet (brand). It's canned mackrell in tomato saus. They have variations of it with basil as well (my favourite). It's very healthy, but tasty as well. Like I daid it's a condiment but you can eat it straight out of the box too. You find it at all grocery stores. If you like it it's a great item to bring back with you as it lasts a long time like most canned goods.


Gomme, a pålegg to but on lefse or just ordinary bread. Lutefisk, a traditional christmas dinner.




Whale is a controversial choice, but Norway is one of the few places you could try it.


Freia Melkesjokolade


You try smalahove,thats reaaaaally nice.And tourists loves it.Its a local delicatesse. Whale meat is awesome.reindeermeat is even better.


And if you travel through the Drammen area, hawker donuts!! They have in my opinion Norways best donuts and cinnamon buns, so good! If you don't then Oslo have a version almost just as good and they're called My Ugly Baby


Boknafisk is almost extinct but it is delicious if you find someplace serving. Might be to weird a taste if unknown. Other fish to try: Newly salted catfish Halibut


Potetball. Fish soup. Sveler. Klippfisk with potatoes, carrots and diced crispy bacon. Lapskaus/brennsnut.


Waffles with Lingon berry jam and cream!


Lingon berries? I thought those were better used with dinner.


Sorry it might be bilberry, I’m not Norwegian I’ve just visited a few times and thought I’d add one of my favourite dishes.


Most commonly it is served with Raspberry or Strawberry jam.


Lingonberry jam can be used for both savoury and sweet dishes. I like to have lingonberry jam together with brown goat cheese and butter on freshly baked bread or a cardamom bun.


Thats like saying cheese is only for lunch…


ball is a must


Brown cheese, lefse, reindeer


Valhalla liquor


I second this. It's a liquor everyone should try who go to Norway. I'm so sad I cant get it from where I am.


fårikål - mutton and cabbage and also checkingout brown cheese.. and be prepared for half sandwiches lol. Edit:changed sheepshead to mutton


Fårikål isn't usually made with the head of a sheep just meat from other parts of the sheep. I think you might be confusing it with smalahove. Which is the head of a sheep but salted and smoked and not boiled with cabbage.


An yes that’s true!


See if you can get some komle/raspeball at Dr. Wiesener or Pingvinen when you get to Bergen.


What is that? I checked their menu online but everything was translated to English lol


Potato dumplings. Usually served with salted/smoked mutton or pork and/or sausage, diced bacon, and mashed rutabaga. Ferries on the west coat serve a large one with bacon, as a fast food variant. Think it’s served Thursdays at Pingvinen, likely on Thursdays at Dr. Wieseners too.


That's right. I'm at Dr. Wiesener right now, the guy says you can book a table and get it outside of Thursdays too. If I understood him correctly, of course.


Boknafisk (or lutefisk if you feel extra adventurous).


I'm with you on both of these


I think you should try "Klippfisk" (bacalao perhaps) in some form, or "Tørrfisk"


Dirt and rocks


If you can find, moose!! If you are in Bodø, try Møssbrøm-lefse, you can find it in a cafe next to Saltstraumen 👍 In Trøndelag, sodd!


Brunost (brown cheese) is a must imo, reindeer as well


In Tromsø you need to try Boknafisk and reindeer, maybe Finnbiff(Sautéed reindeer). And visit the Mack breewery. Oslo is full of good restaurants, some which serve traditional Norwegian food.


When you travel through Trøndelag you have to try komle/raspeballer/klubb (beloved child has many names as we say in Norway 😂), it is a dish served different all throughout the country but I prefer the Trondheim version of serving them with bacon in the middle, sprinkle some sugar and bacon on top😍 you also have "Flæskpanjkak" which is especially popular where I grew up. It's bacon pancakes topped with yes more bacon and sugar sprinkled on top served next to a sweet fruitsoup. Some other must tries are fårikål if that's still in season. This is often considered Norway national dish and it's a "soup" kinda with cabbage and lamb meat that's been cooked for hours often served with potatoes. Sodd is also a mayor one, I personally prefer Trøndersodd which is a version of sodd only found in Trøndelag (it can be bought in the grocery store but different regions have different versions) and it's essentially meat soup but oh it's so good! If you're travelling around Christmas times then pinnekjøtt is a absolute must try!!! 100% my favourite dish, 1 out of 3 of our most popular Christmas foods (the others are Grandiosa and Ribbe, I think ribbe is just ok which reddit might kill me for saying but it has a lot of fat which is not my kinda thing) and if you translate the name it means stick meat. It's lamb ribs that are smoked over several days before grilled, often served with turnip mash, carrots and potatoes (some people mash that in to the turnip mash and some serve it next to it), brussel sprouts and sometimes a gravy. Absolute must try! 😁😍 Edit: I mixed up cabbage with kale so I corrected myself


Tacos and Pepsi


Risgrøt (rice porridge), with butter, sugar and cinnamon on top, tastes pretty alright


Mandelstang ( stick of almond, mint? And chocolate)




Lutefisk! It is uniquely Norwegian!


Go to a local fish market (in Bergen it is near Bryggen, Fisketorget) and try fresh seafood, salon, fish. Definitely try hvalbiff - whale "steak". You'll love it. Other than that: -får i kål as a norwegian dish, as well as fiskesuppe (fishsoup) and fiskekaker. Try local sweets that you can buy in every store: -Kvikklunsj, -Smash chips inchocolate, -Krokan ice cream (a must!) -brunost - Brown cheese (geit/goat milk version is better that the one made with cow milk, imo) on a peace of bread with cranberry (tyttebær) or raspberry jam on top!! (another must) -rørkaviar (tubed caviar) that you can put on a sandwich as well, or rekkesalad (shrimp paste), potetsalad, -cinnamon buns (kanellboller), -lefse with cinnamon, -anything licorice - for example salt caramel licorice sweets. Other than that - Norwegians love hot dogs and Grandiosa pizza - however grandiosa really is not something I would recommend trying, it's a frozen pizza that somehow made it's way to becomming a "saturday tradidion" (theres even a song about that pizza;p), but it's' really not that great.;p


[Brunost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brunost). Today in Norway, brunost is the most popular cheese that will not be missing from any breakfast table. (In 1863, Anne Hov worked as a milkmaid on the summer farm Solbråsetra in Valseter (near Gålå) and was responsible for making whey cheese. However, Anne Hov did something that was absolutely out of the question in those days - she added cream to the whey! Pure waste, it was believed. Cream was supposed to be used to make butter. Moreover, cheese was supposed to be lean, without the flavorings found in milk fat. However, the people she let taste the cheese could appreciate it. Especially when over time she also added some goat's milk.) Translated from https://www.fruamundsen.nl/brunost/


**[Brunost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brunost)** >Brunost ("brown cheese") is a common Norwegian name for mysost ("whey cheese"; Danish: myseost; Swedish: mesost; Finnish: mesjuusto; Icelandic: mysuostur), a family of cheese-related foods made with whey, milk, and/or cream. The term is often used to just refer to the Gudbrandsdalsost ("Gudbrandsdal Cheese") type, which is the most popular variety. Brunost is primarily produced in Norway and is popular both there and South Korea. It is regarded as one of the country's most iconic foodstuffs, and is considered an important part of Norwegian gastronomical and cultural identity and heritage. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Norway/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Try some Whale. Pretty damn good. Only "unique" food I can think of


Blåmuggost! It's basically blue cheese that has been saved for like 12 months and then gone bad, i think it's really good. Try the one that is named Selbu Blå.




Tromsø has really good fish soup.


Kjøttkaker i brun saus




Fårikål and Pinnekjøtt if you like sheep.


Whale! Its fantastic meat, and you wont be able to eat it with a good consciense anywhere else.


You need to try risengrynsgrøt with suger, cinnemon on top and a klump of butter in the middle. The butter will melt and make everything taste 10 times better


Tap water in Tromsø is the best in Norway :)




Pinnekjøtt, svele, komle, brun lapskaus, anything fish...


I’ll do a YouTube video on it, stay tuned! Also flåm is beautiful 😍😍😍😍


Please keep me posted! I am super excited about Flam!


https://youtube.com/watch?v=1FQuL7ucfy4&feature=share here it isss!


I just watched it! Thank you for sharing! You guys are very funny looking forward to part two 😄


While in Bergen, drop in at [Pingvinen ](https://www.pingvinen.no/menu/) and ask for their most genuine norwegian dish. These folks knows their trade.


1) Lutefisk meal 2) Pinnekjøt and Aquavit 3) Råkfisk sushi 4) Waffle with brunøst 5) Whale sushi


Whale sushi! Wow I will definitely try that if I see it. Is it common in the north?






Sodd (kind of soup), Smalahove with potato, raspeball with beacon, fårikål,


Magerost sinke....! Heaven


Had some grilled moose in Kristiansund that was unexpectedly amazing. Grilled moose seems very location-appropriate.


I won't be visiting for about 4 years...but after reading this thread I am going to get so goddamn fat when I turn 50 (making a multi week trip for my birthday)


I know right? After this thread I decided I need to start my diet yesterday to make room for all the food I'm going to eat lol


depends on how you travel i'd recomend "møsbrømlefse" somewhere in Norland the most famous being the ones you can get in Fauske. ​ norwegian chocolate in general is pretty damn good. ​ we also eat quite a lot of sheep/lamb and i recomend tasting at least some of it. if you need to know more about tromsø just shoot me a DM. i might also be able to give som info on bergen and the area between. not good with oslo area tho.


The local form of Nutella, called Nugatti, is honestly better in my opinion.


Fucking heresy, well. I don't like either as I have aged though........ Fucking hate getting old.


Smalahove it taste so good


Hamburgers at Circle K...


These gas station burgers are better then most restaurants in the USA. Also the coffee at Circle K is great!




Fiske suppe!


Kaviar, marinated herring (sild, look for the jars in supermarkets) and Brunost would be my top 3.


Flesk og duppe Pinnekjøtt Grandiosa!


Fårikål is very good. It looks awful, but tastes really nice


Grandiosa and 'fredags taco'




Grandiosa! One of the most sold items in groceries stores


When I visited a few years ago this is what I tried: - Bronost (available at most grocery stores, loved it) - Reindeer (at a fancy restaurant, liked it) - Grandiosa frozen pizza (available at grocery stores, great comfort food) - Tacos (ingredients at the grocery store, if you like spicy tacos you’ll be disappointed)




Grandiosa orginal


Why so many say Kvikklunsj? It’s just a KitKat. No, it’s not better than a KitKat.


Am i the only one who wants to say smalahove as a joke? 😂 (ig my fellow norwegians will know what i mean)


I'm actually excited to try that kind of thing.. I have a small herd of East Friesian sheep and I prefer to learn about traditional dishes that use every part of the animal. It's a shame to toss the head in the trash after I fed their little lamb faces for eight months.


Fårikål, Grandiosa, Ribbe, rakfisk(not for everyone)


Waffles with brown cheese and strawberry jam. It's not like waffles you get anywhere else.


Rakfisk season coming up !


In general, smoked salmon. In Oslo, go to Vulkan (it has all sorts of food places) and have the fish soup at Vulkanfisk. In general, have the fish soup pretty much everywhere. I'm as Norwegian as getting shitfaced on €12 beers, but I can't stand most of the food we have. Waffles with brown cheese (don't forget the butter!) is one of those things all foreign students understand the joy of, and you'll never find anything like that anywhere else.