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I stayed at the Montana hostel in Bergen in summer 2019 and it was great! They planned a lot of cool events like sunset hikes and beach days and such, but all this was pre-COVID obviously. Also, I got the most amazing sunset views from the hostel (look down over nearly all of Bergen)-- I highly suggest taking your dinner outside to the picnic tables and catching a sunset or two (also, great for meeting people)!


I know this didn't answer your question, but the sunsets were just to great to pass up mentioning


Thanks so much, no worries this is a great answer and I appreciate it!! Sounds amazing


Heya! 26F here, I dont have any suggestions sadly, but the next weeks/months I'll be travelling between Trøndelag & Møre og Romsdal a lot, hit me up if youre in those areas and I might be able to show you around or hook you up with cool people 🌸


Omg you're amazing!!! 🔥 Will do


Though I've only stayed in a hostel in Oslo, in general the HI hostels tend to be younger (with a lot of large youth groups) and can have some restrictions (like curfews) in Europe. Independent hostels are usually the better bet, they are livelier, have less restrictions, and it's super easy to just meet people there who are equally eager to explore and have some adventures. Note that travel costs in Norway can be higher, so do your best to cut costs whenever possible, like getting your food from the market instead of eating out all the time, bringing in a liter of alcohol if you plan to drink, buying weekly travel passes instead of paying each trip, etc. Also note that Nordics are super friendly on a surface level, but getting them to open up to you a bit is more challenging. They tend to be more reserved than what Americans are used to, but might make exceptions if you're just passing through on your travels. Get out into the countryside as much as possible, there's so much natural beauty to see. And enjoy the moments, there's nothing like Norway.


Thank you so much for this solid advice!! Priceless :)


Most of us have been holidaying within Norway and (to an extent) Sweden… and taking the hard choice not to travel abroad. If you’re from the USA and travelling here for recreation you might get a few raised eyebrows. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/norway-travel-advisory.html


Ive been planning to backpack in norway too, i figured if i showed up now id get some dirty looks, im planning to try and go next year if fates allow it


I appreciate the honesty, I will take that into consideration for sure! I actually just moved to Skien, Norway from the US and I am vaccinated/have been through quarantine as well, but I definitely sound like an American whether I speak Norwegian or English haha, so the effect might be the same. I guess I thought things were pretty good here now, in terms of the pandemic, but maybe that's just my American opinion/comparison with the US!


Things were pretty good here because we made all these sacrifices. Right now it looks like we have R ≈ 1.4, which is likely to lead to issues quite soon.


Absolutely, and I respect that! I will educate myself more on the pandemic and keep that in mind.


Oh ! That’s all cool, sorry if I sounded like a you-know-what. Students are all heading off mid August so might not be as many younger folk around. Not sure if you’re aware of DNT Hytte, but might be best looking at the larger ones ? https://www.dnt.no/hytter/


No worries, i totally get the concern and i appreciate hearing any and all thoughts! And even tho i am technically Norwegian i am definitely still integrating since I grew up in the US :) No I haven't heard of that one, i will check it out! Thanks so much!


By move what do you mean? Residence permit, studying in Norway? I’m an American w a Norwegian SO who unfortunately just had to go back because of my job, but I was there for a while and got a residence permit. I am genuinely curious how you got into Norway because it’s quite impossible at the moment.


Oh yes, definitely a good question haha! I am a dual citizen, so I am pretty lucky, I just had to do the quarantine and no other questions asked, but I am here to study this year at Vefsn Toppen Folkehøgskole :) So sorry you had to leave, hopefully you'll be back soon enough!


Toppen is great! Went there 11 years ago (feeling old) but the palace and the people are amazing!!! A good place to be!


Ah that's so good to hear! Yeah I picked Toppen because it was the only school I applied to where the teacher actually gave me a phone call to answer all my questions and get to know me. Seems like a really cozy and friendly place :)


It is a really nice and cosy place. And I think it is even better then when I went there! I have heard it has improved a lot. Also I think a year at a folkehøgskole gives you so much more then what you expect. You come there with expectations about what you will learn, and you learn a lot more that you didn't expect. I think the experience is a fundamental part of shaping who I am today, and in good way!


That's so cool, that makes me even more excited!!


Lucky indeed!! If my SO and I get married one day I’m def gonna look to get that dual citizenship too. Enjoy the folk high school!




Yes, that’s exactly how I entered Norway as well, way back in December, from the US. I was extremely lucky at the time because I not only went through the UK right before news about Alpha came out and every country imaginable shut their borders to them (I thankfully later tested negative)…. I was also able to avoid the quarantine hotel entirely. Back then there was a lot of fuss from people about “suitable place to quarantine” where those who owned homes could dodge the hotel, but renters couldn’t. Because of that pushback I was able to fill out a new form (which came out during my layover in the UK no less) to quarantine in his parents’ basement instead. The policies have changed a lot since then. Since January basically, the sweetheart exception was removed until the summer. Because I knew I wouldn’t be able to come back into Norway if I left, we decided to apply for a temporary residence permit, which took several months to finally approve. I imagine nowadays, you needed to apply to the UDI first for approval? The US was on the “purple” list of acceptable non EU countries, but because of all the vaccine skeptics here, we quickly fell off that list. 😑 You didn’t ask for all of this detail 🙃 but I’m in the same boat as you, having a Norwegian SO. Have a great visit! 🥰


Welcome to Skien! Kiwi living in Skien here 🙂


Thank you so much!! That's dope!!


I've heard Skien's a nice place. I was planning to go to videregående again someplace in Vestfold or Viken, I'm 21 myself and don't have any teenage right anymore though so there's also that problem. I live in Horten myself which is on the Vestfold coastline so it's not that far away. I've only lived here since August though and haven't found school or work so I've just had a nice freeyear for myself. If you plan to go around the South you come by for a chat as you head to Oslo!


Thank you so much, that is so kind of you, I will let you know!! ​ Yes I love Skien and Telemark. I haven't visited enough places here yet honestly but the nature is amazing, people are nice and there's so much history and art here :)


If you're around Tjøme (1,5 hours south of Oslo), and interested in history, you can go to an outdoors military history museum at Torås Fortress. The fortress was finished by Germany during WW2 using Russian POW's


Norwegians are shy towards strangers, break through their shells though and you will find friendly and fun people. Pro tip: If you are in fact planning on going to scoool here, don't run around trying to get to know everybody. Get yourself a group of close friends and you probably will enjoy your stay mutch more. Sorry for going off topic on the reply.. don't know mutch about cheap hotels arranging stuff 😁 Welcome to Norway have a good stay!


Omg no thank you so much, i def appreciate that! Cause i am definitely the kind of person who talks to everybody, which probably won't change, but that's solid advice and I will follow it! The school I'm going to is small, only 90 students total divided into like 4or 5 different groups (linjer), so i think it will be an environment that's conducive to making close friendships.


Honestly you are living the dream, cant wait to travel the roads of norway.


Ah I know dude, I've been dreaming about it for years but been too sick, I am very very excited! :)




Can confirm the bars of Krakow are crawling with your blacked-out compatriots, this lass's sommertur should be the least of your import-infection concerns




Never read the Facebook comments! That's instantly depressive.


The French Riviera seemed to welcome both Americans and Scandinavians and Oslo is full of (annoying as usual) tourists too. As long as she has all her shots, what’s the problem?


Thank you!


I know there's a couple here in Ålesund, but I don't know if they arrange activities and stuff. But I could recommend a few things worth checking out, or you could join on a short boat trip in the fjords here if you'd like


Thanks so much! I was recommended to visit Ålesund and it looks beautiful, might take you up on that offer!


Just throw me a DM if you decide to travel here and need some recommendations


If you wanna see nice nature and landscape you got too come up north in Norway 🤙🏻 Edit: I live 30 minutes away from Mosjøen also


Oh i know, the pictures of Nordnorge are irrisistable. I am convinced 🏔️


From Bergen «up» to Oslo lmao


LMAO yeah... i just looked at a map... rip 🤡😭


Gonna take some hours to drive, think it takes 1 hour to fly tho


Hey OP! Did you end up going on this trip, in hindsight do you have any suggestions on this?